14 places where you should, or shouldn't, get a tattoo to avoid fading (2024)

Permanent tattoos, as the name suggests, are meant to be permanent. But alas, all tattoos will fade as the years go by, without exception, says Lorena Lorenzo, a Toronto-based tattoo artist.

However, there are certain factors that'll make your tattoo fade faster, like sun exposure and friction, Lorenzo adds.

Therefore, if you're considering a tattoo and worried about it fading too fast, it's important to think carefully about where on your body you get it.


Why do tattoos fade?

Certain tattoos are designed to fade, but that's not what we're talking about here.

When you get a permanent tattoo, the artist is supposed to insert the ink into the inner layer of your skin, or the dermis. "If an artist doesn't insert the ink deep enough, the tattoo may fade faster," says Nashville-based tattoo artist Dave Shurman.

If a tattoo is applied correctly, a person's lifestyle can fade the design faster.

For example, spending a lot of time in the sun or wearing tight clothing that rubs regularly against the tattoo can fade it more quickly, Shurman says.

Other changes in your skin, like stretching from weight gain or pregnancy, will also fade a tattoo, says New York-based dermatologist David Kim.

And the last thing to consider is the color: "Colors closer to your skin tone will appear to fade faster because there is less contrast," Shurman says.

So, if you have light skin and you choose a peach-toned tattoo, it may not be noticeable for long and the same goes for darker skin and brownish ink.


Where a tattoo is most, and least, likely to fade

Given all the factors that can influence a tattoo's longevity, both Lorenzo and Shurman agree there are certain parts of the body where a tattoo will fade faster due to friction that you can't really prevent or avoid. Places like hands and feet are prime examples.

Areas more likely to fade

  • Fingers
  • Hands
  • Wrists
  • Palms
  • Feet
  • Creased areas, such as your elbows, neck, or armpit area
  • Any areas exposed to the sun more frequently


Areas less likely to fade

These areas, depending on your lifestyle, may not fade as fast:

  • Ribs
  • Torso
  • Upper thigh
  • Butt
  • Back
  • Back of neck or behind your ears, if you have long hair
  • Any areas exposed to sunlight less often

How to prevent a tattoo from fading

Shurman encourages people to be aware that their tattoo(s) eventually need a touch-up. That said, taking certain steps can help your design last longer.

First, choose an experienced tattoo artist who will apply your tattoo properly. Read customer reviews and review an artist's portfolio of tattoos before making an appointment.

Shurman suggests asking the artist if you can see photos of tattoos that have already healed so you can be sure they were applied well. "Tattoos can look great when someone first applies them, but I've seen them fade within a few weeks or months of application," he says.

It's also crucial to follow your tattoo artist's instructions for taking care of your skin, especially during the healing phase, which can last two or three weeks.

Even after the tattoo heals, moisturizing the tattooed area with an oil-based lotion every day can help it last longer by helping your skin retain its elasticity so the design doesn't stretch.

And for days when you're spending any time in the sun, wear sunscreen on the tattooed area — Shurman recommends at least SPF 15.


What else you should know before getting a tattoo

A bit of planning can go a long way in preventing tattoos from fading — and keeping you safe from potential medical complications.

Research suggests that tattoos can result in potential health risks, such as allergic reactions or skin infections. Kim encourages seeing a trained tattoo artist who practices in a sterile environment and educates you about how to properly care for the tattoo.

Tattoos may cause disease flare-ups in people with skin conditions such as psoriasis or vitiligo. People with eczema may notice extra irritation if they get a tattoo. "If you have these conditions, check in with your medical provider before getting a tattoo," Kim says.

Similarly, experts recommend pregnant people and those with heart disease, blood clot disorders, and suppressed immune systems should talk to a doctor before getting a tattoo due to the increased infection risks.

If you're getting a tattoo for the first time, Lorenzo recommends being aware of which areas of the body are more painful. Choosing a less painful area for your first tattoo, she says, can ease you into the process and create a more positive experience, especially if you hope to get more tattoos later.


Insider's takeaway

Several factors contribute to how quickly a tattoo fades, including the artist's technique, your skincare routine, and your lifestyle.

You may not be able to completely prevent your tattoo from fading, but taking care of it and tweaking your lifestyle can help it look great for years to come.

Ashley Abramson

Ashley Abramson is a Minneapolis-based writer. You can find her atashleyabramson.comor connect with her on Twitter@ashleyabrmsn.

14 places where you should, or shouldn't, get a tattoo to avoid fading (2024)


Where do tattoos not fade? ›

Areas less likely to fade
  • Ribs.
  • Torso.
  • Upper thigh.
  • Butt.
  • Back.
  • Back of neck or behind your ears, if you have long hair.
  • Any areas exposed to sunlight less often.
Jan 29, 2023

Where are tattoos most likely to fade? ›

Areas of the body tattoos fade most include the hands, feet, elbows, armpit and inside of the arms. The reason is simple: friction. For example, tattoos on your feet fade quicker as socks and shoes are constantly rubbing these areas.

Where shouldn't you get a tattoo? ›

So what are the worst places to get a tattoo on the body? Areas like the feet, hands, stomach, chest, elbow, lips, and inner ear are not good tattoo locations. It's essential to consider a few things when choosing a proper placement, such as pain intensity, practicality, and visibility.

What tattoos are less likely to fade? ›

Tattoos done in black or grey ink tend to hold up over time and are the least likely to fade when regularly protected and treated with care. Blackwork tattoos and Black & Grey tattoo styles have a high guarantee of aging gracefully.

Do stomach tattoos fade? ›

Finally, you should be prepared for the possibility that your stomach tattoo may not look quite as perfect as you'd like it to. The skin in this area is constantly shifting and stretching, which can cause the tattoo to warp or fade over time.

Where do tattoos blowout the most? ›

Spots where the skin is thinner, like the inside of the elbow or the top of the foot, are more susceptible to blowout, as it takes a gentler touch from your artist. If you're worried about the possibility of a blurry tattoo, consider placing the design somewhere with thicker skin.

Where is the least worst place to get a tattoo? ›

This makes sense considering the opposite - the least painful places to get tattooed tend to be areas where the skin is thicker, there's less nerve endings and more fat. So places like your forearm, outside of thigh and upper arms.

What tattoo colors fade the least? ›

Black ink tends to outlast any other color because it is super pigmented. Other darker colors like dark blue, dark green, gray, and dark purple will have a similar lifespan to black ink. Lighter inks like yellows, reds, oranges, whites, and any pastel tones tend to fade a bit more quickly than darker inks.

What tattoo placements don t fade? ›

Thigh: The thigh is a prime location for a long-lasting tattoo due to several factors. Firstly, like the upper back and calves, the skin on the thigh is generally thicker and less prone to fading, ensuring that your tattoo stays vibrant and precise over time.

Where do tattoos fade the most? ›

The location of the tattoo can affect fading

Areas of the body tattoos fade most include the hands, feet, elbows, armpit and inside of the arms. The reason is simple: friction. For example, tattoos on your feet fade quicker as socks and shoes are constantly rubbing these areas.

Do bra straps fade tattoos? ›

If your tattoo is located on your shoulder, please keep your bra straps AWAY from the area (ie - don't wear a bra, or opt for strapless). Any rubbing can cause the scabs to fall off prematurely, resulting in color loss.

What tattoo placement lasts the longest? ›

But beyond its visual appeal, the chest is also a suitable location for a long-lasting tattoo. Like the upper back, this body area is less exposed to the sun and other elements, which can help your tattoo retain its vibrancy over time. Additionally, the skin on the chest is also thicker than other areas.

Where do tattoos age best? ›

Therefore, if you are a more mature adult getting a tattoo, choose an area of the body that is less susceptible to aging. Popular placement choices for tattoos on older skin include the shoulders, back, and ankles. Finally, skin tone can affect how tattoos age. Bright-colored ink is less visible on darker complexions.

What areas do tattoos not sag? ›

The following four areas are the least likely to change over time.
  • Inner forearms. If you want a tattoo on your arm, the inner forearm is probably the best option. ...
  • Calves. As any weight-lifter will tell you, calves are notoriously difficult to put weight on. ...
  • Upper back. ...
  • Bony spots.
Nov 15, 2018

Where do tattoos wrinkle the least? ›

Shoulders and Calves:

These areas are great in that they avoid many of the problems with aging like stretching and wrinkles. If you get pregnant, your shoulder tattoo will be just fine. These are other locations that are generally easy to cover from the sun and others, but can also be shown off nicely.

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