17 Creative Baked Alaska Recipes (2024)

Here at Brit + Co, we love showing you ways to combine ice cream and other desserts into, well, more delicious desserts! But we’ve yet to cover the glory that is a baked Alaska. This old school dessert has always been a classic, but is often associated with generic hotel buffet tables and passed over by bakers for the new(er) kids on the block: cupcakes and macarons. Not anymore, because our fellow foodies have shown us just how amazing this cake-ice-cream-meringue confection can be. While this is a pretty laborious dessert, we think the results are completely worth it. Treat yo’selves to a sweet delight with these 17 wildly creative baked Alaska recipes.

1. Strawberry Shortcake Baked Alaska: Strawberry shortcake is a perfect summertime treat. Top off some pound cake with frozen strawberry sorbet for these delicious mini desserts. (via Cake Boss)

2. S’mores Baked Alaska For Two: S’mores just got a whole lot better with the addition of chocolate ice cream. Make these individual pies for your next romantic dinner at home. (via Chocolate Moosey)

4. Baked Alaska: While we love the unique flavors (and mini sizes) of some of these treats, there’s nothing wrong with sticking with the classic. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? (via Saveur)

5. Chocolate and Passion Fruit Baked Alaska: A simple version (well, as simple as baked Alaska can be) gets an exotic twist with a passion fruit coulis. How pretty does this plate look?! (via Big Spud)

6. Almond Mocha Fudge Baked Alaska: Fudge on anything gets a thumbs up for us, especially when it gets swirled into ice cream… and served on top of an almond cake… with a meringue topping. (via Bourbonnatrix Bakes)

7. Bite-Sized Twinkies Baked Alaska: Let’s be honest, we all love to indulge in this sugar-loaded cake snack of our childhood. And now you can take the humble Twinkie to new levels with this bite-sized baked Alaska. (via Just Short of Crazy)

8. Baked Alaska Grapefruit: How adorable is this grapefruit-flavored version baked in a grapefruit peel? We told you people got crazy creative with this! (via Arctic Garden Studio)

9. Bananas Foster Baked Alaska: Bananas Foster is a classic flambé dessert, so it’s only natural it was combined with this kickback classic to create one decadent, ageless treat. Plus, they’re baked in little cupcake forms which makes us love them even more. (via The Dirty Floor Diaries)

10. Brownie Baked Alaska: Swap out a traditional cake base for a rich chocolatey brownie. We promise you won’t regret it! (via Parsimonia)

11. Lemon Meringue Baked Alaska: When life gives you lemons, you make lemon meringue! Or in this case, a lemon meringue baked Alaska. (via Miraval Resorts)

12. Baked Alaska: This may look like regular old version, but we don’t just have a cake base here. The entire ice cream layer is enveloped in a layer of cake! (via America’s Test Kitchen)

13. Brown Butter Baked Alaska: Overload yourself on brown butter with this brown butter cake topped with creamy brown butter ice cream. Because you can never have too much of a good thing. (via Cherry Tea Cakes)

14. Orange Chocolate Baked Alaska: If you haven’t tried it before, orange and chocolate make for a delicious pairing. Especially when you factor in the pool of chocolate sauce at the bottom. (via Not So Humble Pie)

15. Strawberries and Champagne Baked Alaska: We love boozy desserts, especially when the combination is strawberries and champagne. Pour yourself a fruit bellini and make it a party! (via Dough Puncher)

16. Strawberry Ripple Bombe Alaska: Did you know that baked Alaskas are also called bombe Alaskas (because they’re obviously da bomb!)? The flavor combinations in this one is just nuts — vanilla, strawberry, balsamic, olive oiland pistachio. (via Hungry Girl por Vida)

17. Paleo Banoffee Baked Alaska Pancakes: Hold onto your hats. It’s a stack of banana pancakes. Filled with layers of coffee caramel. And more bananas. Topped with a maple meringue. And it’s paleo approved. It’s time for us to run into the kitchen and make this happen ASAP! (via Primal Bites)

Have you tried making a baked Alaska before? Which of these insanely delicious combinations are you dying to try out? Let us know in the comments!

Natasha Reddy

Engineer by day, blogger/baker/DIY-er by night. Lover of mimosas, books, hot sauce and traveling the world. When Natasha's not working on her blog, Frankly, my dear , she can be found making to-do lists, giving in to her unabashed love of teen TV (PLL, anyone?) and waiting for Zara to go on sale.

17 Creative Baked Alaska Recipes (2024)
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