22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (2024)

Published On: Jan 7, 2024

22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (1)
Vamika116 Stories

There are way too manyrare flowershidden in the faraway corners of the globe. These defy the ordinary and are often tottering on the brink of extinction.

Table of Content

  • Parrots Beak
    • Blue Puya
      • Jade Vine
        • Black Bat Flower
          • Chocolate Cosmos
            • Camellia Middlemists Red
              • Red Indian Pipe
                • Corpse Flower
                  • Juliet Rose
                    • Flame Lily
                      • Kadupul Flower
                        • Rafflesia flower
                          • Catherine-Wheel Pincushion
                            • Cookes Kokio
                              • Hawaiian Hibiscus
                                • Youtan Poluo
                                  • Purple Passionflower
                                    • Franklin Tree Flower
                                      • Gibraltar Champion
                                        • Ladys Slipper Orchid
                                          • White American Waterlily
                                            • Himalayan Poppy
                                              • Final Words

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                                                The most rare flowers in the world have an innate mystery to them that makes them so alluring. From the ones that grace us for a few hours to those that bloom once every many years, there are many beautiful, unique flowers,each with their distinct attributes.

                                                While a few unknown flowersbloom in specific regions, others are confined to laboratories. The latter requires scientific prowess for cultivation. Join us on this journey as we unveil the 22rare flower photos.

                                                Parrot's Beak

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (2)

                                                It is one of the rare, most beautiful flowers in the world and is often called the pelican beak or the lotus vine flower. Native to the Canary Islands off Spain's coast, the parrot's beak is accessible for cultivation. These wild plants are rare and yield bright flowers.

                                                Blue Puya

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (3)

                                                Botanically called thePuya berteronian,the blue puya flowers are rare in their own right. They are stunning, thanks to their giant flower with a trumpet-like shape. It is a terrestrial bromeliad and has some connection to pineapples. You can find them in Chile, their native habitat.

                                                Jade Vine

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (4)

                                                The Jade Vine, botanically called the Strongylodon macrobotrys, is stunning with its exotic turquoise colour and claw-shaped petals. These flowers develop in trees and are over three feet long. Many even refer to it as an emerald creeper or jade climber. Native to the Philippines, the jade vine belongs to the bean family.

                                                Black Bat Flower

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (5)

                                                These unique flowers belong to the yam family and are native to Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Bangladesh. You can also spot them in other parts of Southeast Asia's tropical areas. They were described for the first time in 1901 by the French horticulturist édouard André. Black Bat Flowers have bat-shaped black blooms that grow to 12 inches.

                                                Chocolate Cosmos

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (6)

                                                Chocolate Cosmos does not grow in the wild anymore and is one of therare exotic flowers.They come from the Asteraceae family and are challenging to grow and cultivate. Indigenous to Mexico, only a few Chocolate Cosmos species remain in the world. The flower has red-to-dark brown petals. They also emit chocolaty fragrances on late summer nights.

                                                Camellia 'Middlemist's Red'

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (7)

                                                If you ask uswhich is the rarest flower in the world,our answer would be Camellia 'Middlemist's Red.' It has only two plant specimens remaining on the Earth. One is in New Zealand, while the other is in the UK's conservatory at Chiswick House. They yield bright pinkish-red rose-like flowers.

                                                Red Indian Pipe

                                                Scientifically called Monotropauniflora,the Red Indian Pipe is a white flower. Also called the Ghost Flower, Indian Pipe has bell-shaped blooms with translucent stems. It has nochlorophyll.So, there won't be any photosynthesis. These parasitic plants employ mycorrhizae and fungi to extract energy from the tree's roots. They are mostly white but can be red or pink. It is native to many countries in America and Asia.

                                                Corpse Flower

                                                It is a 12-foot flower native to rainforests in Indonesia. When in full bloom, the corpse flower emits an odour that smells like a rotting corpse. This distinct smell attracts pollinators.

                                                Juliet Rose

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (8)

                                                Beyond being one of the mostunique flowers in the world,it is also the rarest rose, as it took 15 years for David Austin, a rose breeder, to cultivate this flower in England.

                                                Flame Lily

                                                Native to Asia and Africa's southern and tropical regions, the Flame Lily flowers range from orange to yellow, reddish or dark pink. They grow tall, sometimes up to three metres. Flame lily is poisonous, so please do not touch it.

                                                Kadupul Flower

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (9)

                                                Botanically calledEpiphyllum oxypetalum,Kadapul is a night-blooming rare flower. Kadapul, with one of itsuncommon flower names,is indigenous to South and Central America. It is cherished for its captivating aroma and stunning beauty.

                                                Legends even refer to it as the Queen of the Night because of its breath-taking appeal and rarity. Though many suggest that it grows in Sri Lanka, Kadupul is spotted in Latin America, China, India, and Japan.

                                                Rafflesia flower

                                                Scientists believe it is the world's largest individual flower, with a three-foot diameter. It is a beauty with its red-dotted petals. The flower smells like rotting flesh and is called the monikercorpse flower.

                                                It can be either male or female, but the pollination occurs when males and females bloom in the vicinity. Such tropical, rare flowers have no stems or leaves and are native to Indonesia's rainforests.

                                                Catherine-Wheel Pincushion

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (10)

                                                Belonging to the fireworks pincushion group, it is one of their most beautiful varieties. Native to South Africa, these are endangered, beautiful, and rare flowers.

                                                Cooke's Koki'o

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (11)

                                                These pretty rare flowers belong to the Malvaceae family. Native to Hawaii's Moloka'i island, Cooke's Koki'o is extinct in the wild. They yield orange-red flowers, and their twisted petals grow up to 10 feet.

                                                Hawaiian Hibiscus

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (12)

                                                Though hibiscus isuncommon, these unusual flowers are spotted in Oahu and Moloka'I's Hawaiian Islands. They thrive in moist mountain forest environments. Hawaiian Hibiscus yields attractive, giant flowers, which are often fragrant. Its tropical flowers can be purple, orange, yellow, or pink. Since they are challenging to locate, these hibiscus are on the endangered list with rare flower names.

                                                Youtan Poluo

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (13)

                                                Also calledNelumbo nucifera, theYoutan Poluo is a rare and unique flower from China. These have a spiritual significance and bloom once every 3000 years, making them one of themost rare flowers on earth.

                                                Youtan Poluo was found for the first time in 2010 in Lushan Mountain at a nun's residence. This rare flower is known to bring purity and good fortune. The flower has a sandalwood-like fragrance and signifies immortality in the Buddhist scriptures.

                                                Purple Passionflower

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (14)

                                                Botanically calledPassiflora incarnata, the purple passionflower is native to theSoutheastern United States. They are pretty unique flowers known for their exotic appeal. These blossom for a day, and it is a delight to spot them. When left to mature, the flowers become juice and sweet passionfruit. It is Tennessee's state flower.

                                                Franklin Tree Flower

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (15)

                                                These exquisite and rare flowers have been extinct since the early 1800s. Hence, they have made a place for themselves among themost unique flowers in the world.William Bartram and John Bartram, two renowned American botanists, discovered the Franklin Tree Flower in 1765. They collected the seeds from the last known specimens to ensure their survival.

                                                Hence, it is a symbol of botanical discovery and perseverance. The Franklin Tree flower has a cup-shaped appeal with five petals enveloping its golden yellow stamens.

                                                During the fall, its dark green leaves turn red, and the flowers emit a honeysuckle-like fragrance, adding to its appeal. These flowers are native to Georgia's Altamaha River valley.

                                                Gibraltar Champion

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (16)

                                                While they look exotic or striking, they are rare. These flowers have five pink, violet, or white split petals, and they resemble the other more prevalent members of the same genus, like Silene latifolia. This woody-based perennial plant has a tiny natural habitat. They grow to 40 cm and are critically endangered.

                                                Lady's Slipper Orchid

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (17)

                                                Orchids arebeautiful, rare flower names.However, theseare rare on this planet. One such orchid is the Lady's Slipper. While they are typically uncommon, their purple and yellow varieties are rare. These orchids were considered extinct in the 20th century, but a solitary plant was discovered in England. Overall, it is so rare that you may find only a few remaining specimens around the globe.

                                                White American Waterlily

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (18)

                                                This stunning aquatic plant is now scarce in many parts of the United States. White American Waterlilies are giant and float on a broadleaf, making them a sight to behold. Those species with pure white metals grow up to 12' in diameter. It looks like a star with its golden stamens in the centre. Its beauty and lovely aroma make it a spectacular addition to any landscape.

                                                Himalayan Poppy

                                                22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (19)

                                                While you can find flowers in almost every colour, it is still rare to spot true blue blossoms. However, the Himalayan poppy is one of them. These flowers bloom for a few days, but they are a sight. You can grow them from seed, but these are tricky to grow.

                                                Final Words

                                                Metamorphose your garden into a haven of beauty and mystery with the rarest flowers. Each of these flowers presents a story of uniqueness and resilience. Explore the captivating world of these rare flowers through 22 breathtaking photos and discover the delicate balance between extinction and preservation in the realm of extraordinary flora.

                                                Want some more inspiring home decor ideas? Get in touch with our experts at Interior Company, crafting bespoke and livable designs for you and your loved ones.

                                                *Images used are for illustration purposes only. Interior Company does not hold any copyright to the images unless mentioned explicitly.

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                                                  22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions (2024)


                                                  22 Unique Flowers Around the World That Grows in Specific Regions? ›

                                                  The Jade Vine is considered one of the most unique flowers in the world because deforestation has driven it close to extinction. The Jade Vine is a claw-shaped flower and can grow up to 3 meters long. It varies in color from blue to light green and hangs facing downward.

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                                                  The Jade Vine is considered one of the most unique flowers in the world because deforestation has driven it close to extinction. The Jade Vine is a claw-shaped flower and can grow up to 3 meters long. It varies in color from blue to light green and hangs facing downward.

                                                  What is the top 1 rarest flower in the world? ›

                                                  The Middlemist Red Camellia, or Camellia japonica 'Middlemist's Red,' is an exceptionally rare flower with vibrant pinkish-red petals. With only two known living specimens in the world, both located in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, it holds the title of the rarest flowering plant on Earth.

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                                                  every continent but Antarctica. They're incredibly. diverse, easy growing, and decidedly unfussy about.

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                                                  1. Rose (Rosa) Native to Asia, North America, and Europe, the rose embodies beauty and love, and commands royalty status in the gardening world. Roses can be flowering vines or bushes, simple flowers or multi-petaled, reblooming or not, in an assortment of colors.

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                                                  Black roses are not naturally occurring in nature and exist due to human intervention: they are extremely darkly shaded. Usually, this is a white or red rose soaked in black dye. You can also find different breeds of black-petaled roses.

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                                                  Rainbow roses do not occur in nature but they haven't been painted either. rainbow roses are artificially coloured through the flower's intake of water – splitting the stem into different cups of dyed water to achieve the rainbow effect.

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                                                  Since blue roses do not exist in nature, as roses lack the specific gene that has the ability to produce a "true blue" color, blue roses are traditionally created by dyeing white roses.

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                                                  According to a new study, the flowers, named 'Eophylica priscatellata' and 'Phylica piloburmensis' have been estimated to be 99 million years old. According to the study, the two flowers initially bloomed at the feet of dinosaurs that once inhabited present-day Myanmar.

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                                                  The rare Youtan Poluo or Udumbara flower, which, according to Buddhist legend, only blooms every 3,000 years, measures just 1mm in diametre.

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                                                  Smarty Plants has found the Himalayn lily (Cardiocrinum giganteum) that flowers after seven years of growth. Here are photos of the Himalayan lily.

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                                                  Agave Americana Blooms Once Every Hundred Years

                                                  Ironically, the plant is known as a century plant, although on average the plant blooms about every 30 years.

                                                  What is the number 1 prettiest flower? ›

                                                  Rose. The rose is considered the most beautiful flower in the world, which is why it's called the “queen of the garden.” It's one of the most popular flowers worldwide, and it comes in different sizes and colors. Also, they're very common throughout the world.

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                                                  Chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums are treasured across Asia and are known for being good luck flowers. They are also a symbol of longevity in China. Gold and yellow Chrysanthemums are particularly lucky.

                                                  What is the purest flower in the world? ›

                                                  The lotus flower grows in the murkiest of swamps and yet blooms with great beauty in a number of colors, including white, pink, and blue. It has long been revered for its resilience and beauty, and is known as a symbol of purity and transcendence.

                                                  What is the prettiest flower on Earth? ›

                                                  1. Rose. The rose is considered the most beautiful flower in the world, which is why it's called the “queen of the garden.” It's one of the most popular flowers worldwide, and it comes in different sizes and colors. Also, they're very common throughout the world.

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                                                  Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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                                                  Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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                                                  Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.