550 Adjectives That Start with N [Infographic] — RHblog (2024)

In this post, you will find the most unique and useful list of adjectives that start with N!

You can use these adjectives to boost your vocabulary, describe a person, write a social post, and a lot more.

Let dive right in:

  • Full List Chart (550 Words)
  • Positive Adjectives That Start with N
  • Negative Adjectives That Start with N
  • Descriptive Adjectives Starting with N
  • N Adjectives to Describe a Person
  • Check All Definitions and Examples
  • Infographic [Downloadable]
  • Adjectives Starting with Other Letters

Full List of Adjectives That Start with N

Let’s begin with a full list of adjectives that start with N. Be patient while browsing, because it will be a long list.


Positive Adjectives That Start with N

It is a must to have some positive adjectives that start with N in your vocabulary so that you can spread positivity through your speech.


Negative Adjectives That Start with N

In this section, you’ll find dozens of negative adjectives starting with N. Be careful when using them.


Descriptive Adjectives That Start with N

Learn following descriptive words that start with N carefully, because they will surely help you with your English skills as well as your vocabulary.


Adjectives That Start with N to Describe a Person

Adjectives are so useful, because with their help you can describe a person perfectly. So you need to learn following N adjectives.


Adjectives That Start with N – Definitions and Examples

To have an accurate understanding of these adjectives with N, we compiled their definitions and examples for you as well.

Nacreous: relating to or consisting of mother-of-pearl; having the luster of mother-of-pearl; pearly; shimmering.

– They are covered with a smooth, safe, nacreous layer to let them slip, pearllike, from our souls without real pain.

Naiant: represented in a horizontal position as if swimming; swimming horizontal;parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line.

Naif: naive or ingenuous; amateur; apprentice.

– Being a lump of simplicity, his sceptism was as naif as his enthusiasm.

Naïve: of a person or action not showing enough knowledge, good judgement or experience of life; too willing to believe that people always tell you the truth; artless; ingenuous.

– It would be naive to imagine there is no risk involved.

Naked: not wearing any clothes; bare; stripped.

– She was clutching the sheet around her naked body.

Nameless: having no name; whose name you do not know; inexpressible; unmentionable.

– Thousands of nameless and faceless workers.

Namibian: a person from Namibia; Republic ofNamibia; South West Africa; African.

– The Namibian government turned to South Africa for help.

Nanocephalic: having an abnormally small head and underdeveloped brain; microcephalous; microcephalic.

– A nanocephalic dwarf.

Napoleonic: pertaining to, resembling, or suggestive of Napoleon I, or, less often, Napoleon III, or their dynasty; monarch; lord.

– A Napoleonic attitude toward one’s employees.

Nappy: in small tight curls; crisp; frizzly; frizzy.

– Most babies get nappy rash at some stage.

Narcissistic: admiring yourself too much, especially your appearance; self-absorbed; self-obsessed.

– He was insufferable at times self-centered and narcissistic.

Narcotic: that affects your mind in a harmful way; analgesic; anesthetic.

– He appears to be high on some sort of narcotic.

Narcotising: inducing stupor or narcosis; narcotic; narcotizing depressant.

– By de-narcotising the relationship, we would recognize each other as equals, with dignity.

Narcotized: drowsy or insensible from narcotics; anesthetize; benumb.

– His left hand has been narcotized.

Narcotizing: inducing stupor or narcosis; narcotic; narcotising depressant.

– The effect of so much misery isn’t narcotizing.

Narial: of or pertaining to the nares or nostrils; orifice; porta.

– The anterior narial aperture in the skull opens upwards, but the orifices of the nostrils are placed at the end of the muzzle.

Narrative: describing events or telling a story; statement; report.

– Discuss the role of time in the narrative structure of the Iliad.

Narrow: measuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to length; limited; restricted.

– Stray dogs wander the steep narrow lanes of the old town.

Narrow-Bodied: a relatively narrow body; bodied; having a body or a body of a specified kind; often used in combination.

– Narrow-Bodied is having a narrow fuselage and a single aisle with seats on either side.

Narrow-Minded: not willing to listen to new ideas or to the opinions of others; bigoted; intolerant.

– A narrow-minded attitude.

Nary: not a; no; none; not a single one.

– He spoke nary a word until we arrived.

Nasal: connected with the nose; piercing; strident.

– The nasal passages.

Nascent: ​beginning to exist; not yet fully developed; evolving; emergent.

– A nascent industry.

Nasopharyngeal: of, relating to, or affecting the nose and pharynx or the nasopharynx; pharynx; laryngopharynx.

– The species was first isolated from nasopharyngeal secretions of patients during the flu epidemic of 1918 to 1921.

Nasty: very bad or unpleasant; unpleasant; disagreeable.

– He had a nasty accident.

Natal: relating to the place where or the time when somebody was born; inherent; instinctive.

– Her natal home.

National: connected with a particular nation; shared by a whole nation; state; public.

– Decide whether it would be better to advertise in a national or a local newspaper.

Nationalist: wanting your country to become independent; patriot; loyalist.

– The nationalist movement.

Nationalistic: loving your country very much and being very proud of it, so that you think that it is better than any other; chauvinist; jingoistic.

– There is no room for nationalistic reflexes.

Nationwide: happening or existing in all parts of a particular country; national; countrywide.

– The police conducted a nationwide hunt for the missing prisoners.

Native: connected with the place where you were born and lived for the first years of your life; domestic; local.

– It is a long time since he has visited his native Chile.

Nativist: a person who supports the idea of nativism; anti-immigrant; patriotic.

– We are a nation of immigrants, but also a nation of xenophobes and nativists.

Nativistic: advocating the perpetuation of native societies; nativistic; xenophobic.

– The nativists viewed immigrants as worthy of only low-paying jobs that most people would not take.

Natriuretic: Any substance that inhibits the reabsorption of cations, especially sodium, from urine; Adenosine; aminohydrolase.

– The search for the elusive natriuretic hormone continues.

Natty: neat and fashionable; well designed; clever.

– A natty suit.

Natural: existing in nature; not made or caused by humans; unaffected; unrefined.

– We should respect animals and the natural environment, which is their home.

Naturalistic: of artists, writers, etc. or their workshowing things as they appear in the natural world; realistic; real-life.

– The naturalistic treatment of plants and animals is deceptive: it is often quite inaccurate.

Naturistic: pertaining to naturism; nudist.

– Superlative most naturistic.

Naughty: behaving badly; not willing to obey; indecent.

– A naughty boy.

Nauruan: a person from Nauru; state; austronesian.

– Someone who is Nauruan is from Nauru.

Nauseating: ​making you feel that you want to vomit; stomach-churning; nauseous.

– The smell was simply nauseating.

Nauseous: feeling as if you want to vomit; sick; nauseated.

– She felt dizzy and nauseous.

Nautical: connected with ships, sailors and sailing; marine; naval.

– Nautical terms.

Naval: connected with the navy of a country; marine; maritime.

– The country’s naval forces.

Navicular: shaped like a boat; scaphoid bone; carpal.

– The lower articulatory surface is formed by the third phalanx and the navicular bone combined.

Navigable: wide and deep enough for ships and boats to sail on; passable; negotiable.

– The river now ceases to be navigable.

Navy-Blue: very dark blue in colour; azure; beryl.

– A navy blue suit.

Nazarene: relating to Nazareth or Nazarenes; dweller; habitant.

– The Nazarene walked behind the crosses; two soldiers marched near him.

Nazi: belonging to or connected with the National Socialist party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945; authoritarian; autocrat.

– Nazi Germany.

Neandertal: ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; boorish; loutish.

– I can’t believe I was married to that neandertal for three years.

Neanderthal: ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; boorish; not refined; uncouth.

– Some Neanderthals continue to resist the education reform bill.

Neapolitan: f or relating to Naples; of Naples or its people; a person born or living in Naples.

– It was to receive a Neapolitan garrison for a year, and, if necessary, for a longer time.

Near: a short distance away; close; nearby.

– His house is very near.

Nearby: near in position; not far away; neighboring; adjacent.

– Her mother lived in a nearby town.

Nearsighted: able to see things clearly only if they are very close to you; short-sighted; myopic.

– I am a little nearsighted and need to wear glasses to drive.

Neat: tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged; orderly.

– She kept her desk extremely neat.

Nebular: resembling a cloud; cloudlike cloudy; full of or covered with clouds.

– Study suggests that the dense nebular gas at its center may have originated from a source different from that of its extended lobes.

Nebulose: cloudlike; nebulous; hazy or indistinct; nebulous.

– After the car accident, his memories were quite nebulose.

Nebulous: not clear; vague; indistinct.

– A nebulous concept.

Necessary: hat is needed for a purpose or a reason; essential; obligatory.

– It doesn’t seem necessary for us to meet.

Necessitous: of a person) lacking the necessities of life; needy; needy; in need.

– Dried milk was supplied to necessitous mothers.

Neck-Deep: reaching as high as one’s neck; deep-water; unplumbed.

– She stood in neck-deep water.

Neckless: having no neck; appearing to have no neck.

– Now 65, he is grey-bearded and neckless and has leg problems; necklet; choker.

Necklike: resembling a neck; necked.

– A collar that connects to a band that fits around the necklike a choker necklace.

Necromantical: relating to or associated with necromancy; necromantic; enchanted.

– Necromantical delusions.

Nectariferous: producing nectar; faveolated; melliferous.

– The nectariferous tissues were observed using light microscopy based on semi-thin sections.

Nectarous: of the nature of or resembling nectar; Delicious; sweet.

– Then Love took wing, and from his pinions shed On all the multitude a nectarous dew.

Nee: a word used after a married woman’s name to introduce the family name that she had when she was born; born; formerly.

– Jane Smith, née Brown.

Needful: necessary; requisite; essential.

– A further word was needful.

Needlelike: resembling a needle; sharp; pointed.

– Several grasses have leaves which end in sharp or needlelike points.

Needless: not necessary; that could be avoided; unnecessary.

– Banning smoking would save needless deaths.

Needy: not having enough money, food, clothes; poor; deprived.

– It’s a charity that provides help and comfort for needy children.

Nefarious: ​criminal; extremely bad; wicked; evil.

– They can hack your account and use the information for nefarious purposes.

Negative: bad or harmful; pessimistic; defeatist.

– Government cuts will have a negative impact on public services.

Neglected: not receiving enough care or attention; mistreated; abandoned.

– Neglected children.

Neglectful: not giving enough care or attention to somebody/something; careless; irresponsible.

– She became neglectful of her appearance.

Negligent: failing to give somebody/something enough care or attention, especially when this has serious results; irresponsible; inattentive.

– The company was found to have been grossly negligent.

Negligible: f very little importance or size and not worth considering; insignificant; unimportant; trivial.

– The cost was negligible.

Negotiable: that you can discuss or change before you make an agreement or a decision; flexible; open to modification.

– The terms of employment are negotiable.

Negro: of darkest colour; of a race with dark skin; with no milk in it; black.

– The Negro minstrel is touring the country.

Neighboring: ​located or living near or next to a place or person; adjacent; nearest.

– The lady in black was reading her morning devotions on the porch of a neighboring bathhouse.

Neighborly: ​involving people, countries, etc. that live or are located near each other; obliging; helpful.

– The importance of good neighborly relations between the two states.

Neighbourly: involving people, countries, etc. that live or are located near each other; amicable; affable.

– A neighbourly dispute.

Neither: not one nor the other of two things or people; none; nothing.

– Neither answer is correct.

Neoclassic: similar to ancient Greek or Roman ideas; dignity; elegance.

– The play is done in a neoclassical ballet style with motifs and elements of the Argentine tango and some jazz and ethno elements.

Neocortical: of or relating to the neocortex of the cerebrum; neopalliu; isocortex.

– The old neocortical patterns will remain effectively unconsolidated and hence vulnerable to catastrophic interference.

Neoliberal: having or showing belief in the need for economic growth in addition to traditional liberalistic values; liberal; tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism.

– Neoliberal labour reforms typically hurt a large number of unions, and they often hurt them severely.

Neolithic: of the later part of the Stone Age; archaic; medieval..

– Neolithic settlements.

Neonatal: connected with a child that has just been born; bambino; bantling.

– The hospital’s neonatal unit.

Neoplastic: showing a pattern of growth that is not normal and may result in cancer; Cancer; carcinoma.

– Neoplastic cells.

Neotenic: of or relating to or characterized by neoteny; neotenous; contemporary.

– Neotenic development.

Neotenous: Exhibiting retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult; Baby-faced; neotenic.

– There is some association with neotenous and the ability to regenerate.

Nepalese: a person from Nepal; Asian; Asiatic.

– Love is the hospitality of the Nepalese people.

Nepali: a person from Nepal; Asian; Asiatic.

– Nepali mountainsare among the highest in the world.

Nephritic: of or relating to the kidneys; relating to or affected with nephritis; nephridia.

– She was diagnosed with a rare form of nephritic disease.

Nephrotoxic: that is poisonous to kidney tissue;nephritis; nephroangiosclerosis.

– Cyclosporine concentrations that are only minimally effective produce nephrotoxic effects, especially in kidneys that have pre-existing damage.

Neritic: of, relating to, inhabiting, or constituting the belt or region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast; shallow.

– This is followed by neritic limestones precipitated in calm conditions.

Nerveless: ​having no strength or feeling; weakened; soft.

– The knife fell from her nerveless fingers.

Nervous: anxious about something or afraid of something; anxious; tense.

– I felt really nervous before the interview.

Nervy: anxious and nervous; stressed; agitated.

– You seem quite nervy this morning.

Nescient: lacking knowledge; ignorant; unlearned.

– I ventured into the new Korean restaurant with some equally nescient companions.

Nestorian: relating to Nestorius or Nestorianism; follower.

– A clear light is thrown upon the matter by the history of the Pelagian, Nestorian, and Eutychian heresies.

Net: remaining after deduction of all charges, outlay, or loss; exclusive; final.

– He caught many fish with his fishing net.

Nether: lower; lower-level; bottom.

– A person’s nether regions.

Nethermost: lowest; farthest down; base; basem*nt.

– Geologically, Nethermost Pike belongs to the Borrowdale Volcanic Group.

Netlike: having open interstices or resembling a web; lacy; netted; webbed; webby.

– When the ribs are opened, relatively large apertures are formed into a netlike configuration.

Nett: remaining after all deductions; clear; clear of charges or deductions; take-home.

– Your tank will hold about 26 gallons nett.

Nettlesome: causing trouble or difficulty; annoying; distressing.

– He attempted to tackle the nettlesome issue of police and community relations.

Networklike: having a network of veins or ribs; reticular; reticulate.

– A networklike of railways has spread over the province.

Neural: connected with a nerve or the nervous system; neurological; sensual.

– Neural processes.

Neuralgic: of painfelt along a nerve, especially in the head or face; causing difficulty; showing great sensitivity.

– They remainneuralgicabout any hint of outside interference.

Neurasthenic: of or relating to or suffering from neurasthenia, a person suffering a nervous breakdown; debilitated; disabled.

– Neurasthenic tendencies.

Neuroanatomic: of or relating to neural tissue or the nervous system; neuroanatomical; neural impulse.

– Neuroanatomic phenotypes are often assessed using volumetric analysis.

Neurobiological: connected with the scientific study of the biology of the nervous system; neuroscience; biological science.

– Research will identify neurobiological pathways linked to alcohol craving.

Neuroendocrine: of, relating to, or being a hormonal substance that influences the activity of nerves; neuroblastoma; neurochemical.

– Jobs died Wednesday at the age of 56 after a long battle with pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.

Neurogenic: originating in a nerve or nerve tissue; myopathy; synovitis.

– Objective to study detrusor fibrosis of neurogenic bladder.

Neuroglial: of or relating to neuroglia; brain cell; glia.

– He has also described particularly a special form of neuroglial cells which lie close to the blood vessels.

Neurologic: relating to nervous system or its diseases; aural; neural.

– The results of all medical examinations clear me of any neurologic problems.

Neurological: relating to nerves or to the science of neurology; olfactory; sensual.

– Neurological damage.

Neuromatous: of or relating to or caused by neuromas; a tumor formed of nerve tissue.

– Neuromatous tumor composed of nerve tissue.

Neuromotor: of or relating to the effects of nerve impulses on muscles; efferent; motorial.

– Neuromotorimpulses.

Neuromuscular: pertaining to or affecting both nerves and muscles; contractile organ; contractor.

– Neuromuscular damage to the spinal cord nerves and surrounding muscles left the diver unable to move.

Neuronal: relating to a nerve cell or a neuron; aural; neurological.

– The drugs increase neuronal activity as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Neuronic: of or relating to neurons; neural; neuronal.

– This gentle continuous activity is called neuronic tonus.

Neurotic: caused by or having neurosis, a mental illness in which a person has strong feelings of fear and worry; unstable; unbalanced.

– Neurotic obsessions.

Neurotropic: having an affinity for or localizing selectively in nerve tissue; neuroticism; neurotoxic.

– Neurotropic arboviral infections are an important cause of encephalitis.

Neuter: belonging to a class of nouns, pronouns, adjectives or verbs whose gender is not feminine or masculine; emasculate; spay.

– The Polish word for ‘window’ is neuter.

Neutral: not supporting or helping either side in a disagreement, competition; impartial; unbiased.

– Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral.

Never-Ending: seeming to last forever; endless; interminable.

– Housework is a never-ending task.

New: not existing before; recently made, invented, introduced; advanced.

– The company is trailing a new security system.

Newborn: ​recently born; just born; newly born.

– A newborn baby.

Newfangled: ​used to describe something that has recently been invented or introduced, but that you do not like because it is not what you are used to, or is too complicated; advanced; contemporary.

– Newfangled ideas about child-rearing.

Newfound: recently discovered or achieved; latest; modern.

– How is she handling her newfound fame?

Newsworthy: interesting and important enough to be reported as news; remarkable; sensational.

– Nothing very newsworthy happened last week.

Newtonian: of, relating to, or following Sir Isaac Newton, his discoveries, or his doctrines; follower; kinetic.

– Newtonian mechanics is exactly revealed to be an approximation to reality, valid to great accuracy at lower speeds.

Next: coming straight after somebody/something in time, order or space; succeeding; upcoming.

– The next train to Baltimore is at ten.

Nibbed: having a writing point or nib especially of a certain kind; pointed; pinch.

– A broad- nibbed pen.

Nicaean: of or relating to Nicaea or the Nicaeans; Nicene.

– Leo Gabalas, whom he forced to acknowledge Nicaean suzerainty.

Nicaraguan: from relating to Nicaragua or its culture; Nicaragua.

– The loss of Nicaraguan rubber in drying is estimated at 15%.

Nice: pleasant or attractive; pleasant; pleasurable.

– You look very nice.

Nicene: of or relating to Nicaea or the Nicaeans; Nicaean; Asia Minor.

– The Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed both refer to Mary as the Virgin Mary.

Nidicolous: reared for a time in a nest; living in a nest; Dovelike; aquiline.

– Newly hatched chicks are covered with whitish down, and are blind and largely helpless nidicolous.

Nidifugous: leaving the nest shortly after hatching; precocial; able to feed itself shortly after birth.

– Nidifugous isleaving the nest almost immediately after hatching, as chickens.

Niffy: having an unpleasant smell; malodourous; stinky.

– The room was starting to get niffy.

Nifty: ​practical; working well; handy.

– A nifty little gadget for slicing cucumbers.

Nigerian: a person from Nigeria; Hausa; Edo.

– The aircraft had been leased to a Nigerian airline.

Nigerien: a person from Niger; Yoruba; Hausa.

– Nigerien newspapers circulations spiked.

Nigh: almost; nearly; next to.

– They’ve lived in that house for nigh on 30 years.

Nighted: darkened; cloaked in or surrounded by darkness; dark.

– Nighted travelers hurrying toward home.

Nightlong: lasting all night; all-night; overnight long.

– Anightlongvigil.

Nightly: happening every night; each night; night after night.

– A nightly news bulletin.

Nightmarish: ​very frightening and unpleasant; very difficult to deal with; monstrous.

– Nightmarish living conditions.

Nihilistic: holding or showing the belief that life has no meaning or purpose and that religious and moral principles have no value; anarchic; lawless.

– Her latest play is a nihilistic vision of the world of the future.

Nilotic: of or relating to the Nile or the peoples of the Nile basin; chari-nile; African.

– Nilotic language.

Nilpotent: equal to zero when raised to a certain power; figure; impressive; efficacious.

– A paper about properties of the nilpotent elements of a resituated lattice.

Nimble: ​able to move quickly and easily; agile; able to think, react and adapt quickly.

– You need nimble fingers for that job.

Nimble-Minded: alert and clever; quick-witted; sharp; keen.

– A nimble-minded man.

Nipponese: a native or inhabitant of Japan; Japanese; Asian.

– A Nipponese National.

Nippy: able to move quickly and easily; agile; acrobatic.

– His nippy footwork and ball control won him the match.

Nisi: not final or absolute; inconclusive; not conclusive.

– The decree is nisi and not absolute.

Nitid: shining or glossy; bright; glowing; lustrous.

– In a strong and open daylight, all her nitid beauties show most clearly.

Nitric: of, relating to, or containing nitrogen especially with a higher valence than in corresponding nitrous compounds; nitrated; nitrates.

– Nitric acid is used as the oxidizing agent.

Nitwitted: lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity; stupid; silly.

– A Nitwitted decision.

Noachian: of or relating to the patriarch Noah or his time; ancient; antiquated.

– Noachian farm equipment that probably belongs in a museum somewhere.

Noble: having or showing fine personal qualities that people admire, such as courage, honesty and care for others; righteous; virtuous.

– He died for a noble cause.

Nocent: harmful; injurious; tending to harm.

– Any icy road can cause a nocent road trip even for those in four-wheeled vehicles.

Nociceptive: caused by or in response to pain; sensitive; painful; injurious.

– A nociceptive spinal reflex.

Noctilucent: visible during the short night of the summer; bright; glowing.

– Noctilucent cloud.

Nocturnal: active at night; after dark; evening.

– These animals are strictly nocturnal.

Nodular: having a small raised area or swelling; fibrous and nodular masses; bumpy; choppy.

– Her skin had a nodular appearance like an uncooked, cold turkey.

Nodulated: having nodules;of a leguminous plant; growth.

– Plants growing in the field are well nodulated and colonized with mycorrhizal fungi.

Noduled:not well-proportioned and pleasing in shape; nodular; nodulated unshapely.

– It was hard to believe the little noduled on the screen was actually a baby, but the doctor was certain.

Nodulose: having minute nodules; unshapely; not well-proportioned and pleasing in shape.

– The elevated spaces between the incised lines pass over the axial ribs and render them faintly nodulose.

Noetic: of or relating to the mind; mental; reasoning.

– He claimed that noetic experiences were real, influencing our health, our behavior, and our lives.

No-Frills: especially of a service or product including only the basic features, without anything that is unnecessary, especially things added to make something more attractive or comfortable; Spartan; simple.

– A no-frills airline.

Noiseless: making little or no noise; silent; muted.

– He moved with noiseless steps.

Noisome: ​extremely unpleasant or offensive; fetid; fusty.

– Noisome smells.

Noisy: making a lot of noise; clamorous; boisterous.

– He was kept awake by noisy neighbors.

Nomadic: belonging to a community that moves with its animals from place to place; peripatetic; wandering.

– Nomadic tribes.

Nominal: being something in name only, and not in reality; titular; formal.

– He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.

Nominative: in the form that a noun, a pronoun or an adjective has when it is the subject of the verb; appointive; appointed.

– Nominative pronouns.

Nomothetic: giving or establishing laws; legislative; jurisdictive.

– He saw sociology as a nomothetic science that should be able to use a similar methodology as natural sciences.

Nonabrasive: gentle; mild; smooth; soft.

– I used a nonabrasive cleanser to clean the porcelain fixtures because I didn’t want to scratch them.

Nonabsorbent: Not absorbent; unable to absorb; nonporous.

– The play area has waterproof, nonabsorbent surfaces that can be wiped clean.

Nonabsorptive: lacking the capacity to absorb; not absorptive; weatherproof.

– Stone being chosen for countertops or vanities should be nonabsorptive , resist stains, and be heat and impact resistant.

Nonadaptive: not contributing to the fitness, performance, or survival of an organism or its parts; unimpaired; not adaptive.

– A lot of evolutionary change may be nonadaptive.

Nonaddictive: not causing or characterized by addiction; not addictive; narcotic.

– They are nonaddictiveand non-dangerous.

Nonadhesive: nonviscous; granular; separate; unconsolidated.

– The paper presents a comparison of technical characteristics of acoustic membranes with an adhesive layer and nonadhesive membranes.

Nonadjacent: not adjacent; not next; distant; separated in space or coming from or going to a distance.

– Two nonadjacent sites in separate quadrants were selected in each patient to verify treatment efficacy.

Nonadsorbent: lacking a capacity to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface; nonadsorptive; distant.

– The play area has waterproof, nonadsorbent surfaces that can be wiped clean.

Nonadsorptive: lacking a capacity to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface; nonadsorbent.

– Nonabsorptive is lacking the capacity to absorb.

Nonaged: belonging to the period of nonage; youthful; minor.

– The nonaged cannot enter the bar.

Nonagenarian: a person who is between 90 and 99 years old; old; elderly.

– It fills me with fury to see my nonagenarian grandmother outside her cottage, picking up litter.

Nonaggressive: not marked by or exhibiting aggression; non-belligerent; non-combative.

– He is a nonaggressive, very gentle person, who would always try to avoid confrontation.

Non-Aggressive: not behaving in an angry, violent way; non-belligerent; non-combative.

– He is a non-aggressive, very gentle person, who would always try to avoid confrontation.

Nonalcoholic: not containing any alcohol; abstaining; abstinent.

– A non-alcoholic drink.

Nonaligned: not providing support for or receiving support from any of the powerful countries in the world

– The non-aligned countries.

Nonappointive: filled by popular election rather than by appointment; elected; elective.

– A nonappointive Senator.

Nonarbitrable: not appropriate for or subject to arbitration.

– If they do, they will pass the line which at present separates arbitrable fromnonarbitrablematter.

Nonarbitrary: not subject to individual determination; unsettled; informal.

– Semanticity refers to the use of arbitrary or nonarbitrary signals to transmit meaningful messages.

Nonarboreal: not inhabiting or frequenting trees; branchless; treeless; unwooded.

– Nonarboreal is not inhabiting or frequenting trees.

Nonassertive: not aggressively self-assured, though not necessarily lacking in confidence; mild; ambiguous.

– He is usually nonassertive and introverted.

Nonastringent: not astringent; nonapprovable; nonaqueous.

– Goertz has a nonastringent and therefore palatable, fruit.

Nonautonomous: dependent; unfree; non-self-governing; captive.

– This paper investigates a new nonautonomous impulsive stochastic predator-prey system with the omnivorous predator.

Nonbearing: not bearing something such as supporting no vertical weight other than its own weight; not producing fruit; immature.

– Nonbearing walls.

Nonbelligerent: of or relating to a country whose status or policy is one of non-belligerency; disinterested; evenhanded.

– I do not recall Oswald’s engaging in any fights, except for nonbelligerent recreation around the barracks.

Noncaloric: of food have no (or few) calories; calorie-free; low caloric.

– A noncaloric drink.

Noncarbonated: not having supersaturated carbon dioxide in solution; uncarbonated; noneffervescent.

– Noncarbonated beverage dispensers are usually located in the dining area to dispense fruit juices, lemonade, iced tea and other popular beverages.

Noncausative: Not causative; anorectic; anorexigenic; causing loss of appetite.

– In noncausative resultatives, the host is the subject of the resultative construction.

Noncellular: not composed of or containing cells; lacking cells; one-celled.

– Cytoplasm is noncellular.

Nonchalant: behaving in a calm and relaxed way; giving the impression that you are not feeling worried; casual.

– It’ll be fine, she replied, with a nonchalant shrug.

Nonchristian: not belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ; agnostic; atheist.

– She has many non-Christian friends.

Nonchurchgoing: no longer active or practicing; irreligious; lapsed.

– Nonchurchgoing isa person who does not regularly attend a church.

Noncivilized: not having a high state of culture and social development; noncivilised; barbarian; barbaric; savage.

– The godless community was perceived as noncivilized by its neighbours.

Nonclassical: not classical; newfangled; unconventional.

– Nonclassical music.

Noncollapsable: not capable of collapsing; noncollapsable; nontelescopic; nontelescoping.

– Noncollapsable wall.

Noncollapsible: not capable of collapsing; noncollapsable; nontelescopic.

– She insisted her technique would produce a noncollapsible variety.

Noncolumned: not having columns; uncolumned; astylar; lacking columns or pillars.

– Noncolumned not having columns.

Noncombinative: Not pertaining to, resulting from, or involving combination; Unable to combine; not combinative.

– A noncombinative Land.

Noncombining: not able to combine; noncombinative; not involving combination.

– Noncombining absence of combination.

Noncombustible: incapable of igniting and burning when subjected to fire; not combustible; noncombustible materials.

– The roofs have to be built from noncombustible materials.

Noncommercial: not connected with or engaged in commercial enterprises; blue-sky; without immediate commercial value.

– Their attitude towards their music was essentially noncommercial.

Noncommissioned: not commissioned, applied especially to military officers, as sergeants and corporals, ranking below warrant officer; noncommissionedofficer; military advisor.

– He had always been a champion of noncommissioned servicemen.

Noncommittal: not giving an opinion; not showing which side of an argument you agree with; evasive; equivocal.

– The doctor was noncommittal about when I could drive again.

Noncommunicable: not capable of being communicated; incommunicable; noncontagious.

– A noncommunicable disease.

Noncompetitive: not involving or determined by rivalry or competition; noncompetitive; symbiotic; nonconflicting.

– They provide an open, accepting, noncompetitive atmosphere and welcome students in their current state of being.

Noncompliant: boldly resisting authority or an opposing force; defiant; insubordinate; resistant.

– A child refusing to do homework or chores is being noncompliant.

Noncomprehensive: not comprehensive; not comprehending readily; having a slow or inadequate mental grasp.

– A noncomprehensive list.

Nonconcentric: not having a common center; not concentric; eccentric acentric.

– Nonconcentric is not concentric.

Nonconducting: not able to conduct electricity, sound, or heat; immiscible; incompatible.

– The radiation can penetrate a wide variety of nonconducting materials.

Nonconductive: not allowing heat or electricity to pass through; protector; resistant material.

– The experiment was modified to include a thin nonconductive layer over the parallel electrodes.

Nonconforming: not in accordance or agreement with prevailing norms, standards, or customs; not conforming; nonadhering; noncompliant.

– A nonconforming loan.

Nonconformist: a person who does not follow generally accepted ways of thinking or behaving; dissentient; rebel.

– He was a nonconformist in college but now wears a three-piece suit to work every day.

Nonconscious: not conscious; unconscious; inanimate; non-living.

– A nonconscious mental process.

Nonconsecutive: not being in a sequence; notconsecutive; nonsequential.

Exercise three times a week on nonconsecutive days.

Noncontagious: not contagious; not communicable by direct or indirect contact; noncommunicable; nontransmissible.

– Health officials say that she contracted a noncontagious strain of bacterial meningitis.

Noncontentious: of persons;not given to controversy; un-argumentative; not given to or characterized by argument.

– Noncontentious work includes advice on the protection and exploitation of rights.

Noncontinuous: not continuous, having one or more interruptions in a sequence or in a stretch of time or space; discontinuous; periodic; recurrent.

– The fencing will be built in noncontinuous sections along the valley.

Noncontroversial: not causing, or not likely to cause, people to disagree; indisputable; unambivalent.

– The concept behind the proposal is relatively noncontroversial I am hoping people will get behind it.

Nonconvergent: never meeting or crossing; nonintersecting parallel; being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting.

– Nonconvergent Lines.

Noncritical: not critical; not at apoint of abrupt change; unimportant; nonurgent.

– Standards should be written to describe fully satisfactory performance for critical as well as noncritical tasks.

Noncrucial: of little importance; not decisive; nonthreatening.

– A noncrucial decision.

Noncrystalline: not composed of crystals; not crystalline; uncrystallised.

– Glass is a noncrystalline material that can maintain indefinitely its overall form and amorphous microstructure.

Noncurrent: not current or belonging to the present time; antiquated; dated.

– The service provides quality parts for all our current and noncurrent product lines.

Noncyclic: not forming or relating to a cycle; aperiodic; nonperiodic; not recurring at regular intervals.

– Healthcare is a noncyclic market.

Noncyclical: not having repeated cycles; aperiodic; nonperiodic.

– Many of the companies issuing new debt are in non-cyclical industries, which are relatively unaffected by an economic downturn.

Nondeductible: That cannot be deducted for income tax purposes, and that tax has to be paid on.

– Anondeductiblecontribution.

Nondenominational: open or acceptable to people of any religious group, especially any branch of the Christian Church; secular; atheistic.

– A non-denominational memorial service.

Nondescript: having no interesting or unusual features or qualities; dull; ordinary.

– A nondescript person.

Nondestructive: not destructive especially not causing destruction of material being investigated or treated; nontoxic; noncorrosive.

– The university is testing a fast, nondestructive method to find flaws and measure damage in major structures such as bridges and airplanes.

Nondigestible: not digestible; not easily digested; nonedible.

– Vegetable oil is digestible and mineral oil is not nondigestible.

Nondisposable: not designed to be thrown away after use; recyclable; metamorphic; reclaimable.

– Always use a nondisposable shopping bag or reuse plastic bags.

None: ​used with the and a comparative to mean not at all; not a bit; not the slightest bit.

– He seems none the worse for the experience.

Nonechoic: not echoic or imitative of sound; noneffervescent; nonelective.

– Nonechoic sound.

Noneffervescent: not sparkling; still;flat.

– Noneffervescent is not effervescent.

Nonelected: not chosen or filled by a vote; not elected; non-elective.

– Nonelected board members.

Nonelective: filled by appointment rather than by election; non-elective; nonelected appointed.

– A nonelective office.

Nonenterprising: lacking in enterprise; not bold or venturesome; unenterprising.

– He was lazy and nonenterprising.

Nonenzymatic: not relating to or produced by enzymes; not enzymatic.

– Nonenzymatic systems.

Nonequivalent: not equivalent, equal, or interchangeable; disparate; noninterchangeable.

– The two roles are nonequivalent, completely different jobs which require unique skills and experience.

Nonessential: ​not completely necessary; unnecessary; inessential.

– They argue that killing seals for nonessential products cannot be justified.

Nonexclusive: not exclusive; inclusive; wide.

– A nonexclusive club.

Nonexempt: not free or released from some requirement to which others are subject; not exempt; assessable; dutiable.

– Nonexempt income.

Nonexistent: not existing; not real; imaginary.

– A non-existent problem.

Nonexplorative: not exploratory; nonexploratory; unexploratory.

– Nonexplorative person.

Nonexploratory: not serving to explain; not explanatory; unexplorative.

– A nonexplanatory statement.

Nonexplosive: not capable of causing an explosion; nonflammable; noncombustible.

– The Navy was using nonexplosive, hollow practice rounds during the training exercise.

Nonextant: no longer in existence; lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives; extinct; nonexistent.

– The ‘League with Russia against you’ is nonextant, a thing of your imagination.

Nonextensile: Not extensile; inextensible; nonprotractile.

– Nonextensile is incapable of being stretched.

Nonfat: containing no fat; fat-free; calorie-free.

– Nonfat yogurt.

Nonfatal: Not fatal; from which death will not result; noninfectious; nonlethal.

– Nonfatal disease.

Nonfictional: not fictional; historical; factual.

– Nearly all readings in science and history classes are nonfictional.

Nonfigurative: not figurative; literal; not representing actual or natural objects or realities; abstract.

– He also started painting nonfigurative art.

Nonfinancial: not of or relating to finance or financiers; not financial; business enterprise; business.

– Much of that information is nonfinancial and is not audited.

Nonfissionable: not capable of undergoing fission; not fissionable.

– To add nonfissionable matter to fissionable material so as to prevent use in an atomic weapon.

Nonflammable: not flammable; not easily ignited and not burning rapidly if ignited; incombustible; noncandescent.

– Although nonflammable, oxygen is a strong oxidizer.

Nonflavored: without flavoring added; nonflavoured; unflavored; unflavoured tasteless.

– Nonflavored alcohol used for blending with straight whiskies and in making gin and liqueurs.

Nonflavoured: without flavoring added; unflavored; lacking flavor.

– Nonflavoured yogurt.

Nonflowering: Of a plant, not flowering; flowerless; without flower.

– Cut fresh, nonflowering soft stem tips just below a leaf node.

Nonfunctional: not performing or able to perform its regular function; malfunctioning; amiss.

– Most of the buoys were nonfunctional or lost within a year or two after deployment.

Nonglutinous: not resembling glue in texture; nonviscid nonadhesive; not tending to adhere.

– A nonglutinous rice grain.

Nongranular: not having granules; fine.

– Clear nongranular cytoplasm.

Nongregarious: not gregarious; unsociable; a quiet, nongregarious person.

– In some relations of life we are gregarious animals; in some we are nongregarious.

Nonhairy: without hair; hairless.

– Nonhairy skin.

Nonharmonic: not relating to the harmony formed by a chord or chords; higher; higher-ranking.

– The music is typified by sounds which are harmonics interwoven with other sounds of a nonharmonic character.

Nonhereditary: not passed down through families, not hereditary; nontransmissible; nonheritable.

– Bassets can also suffer from the nonhereditary form of glaucoma caused by a misalignment in the ocular tissue.

Nonheritable: not inheritable; inborn; innate.

– Around 55% of children with retinoblastoma have the nonheritable form.

Nonhierarchic: not arranged in order hierarchically; unordered; unranked.

– They set up an experimental nonhierarchic community in the countryside.

Nonhierarchical: not hierarchical, not divided into, organized by, or involving different levels of importance or status; ungraded; unranked.

– A nonhierarchical organization.

Nonhuman: not human; inhuman; robotic.

– Similarities between human and nonhuman animals.

Nonimitative: not tending to imitate, not involving imitation; not imitative.

– Despite all the time that she spent with the other artists, she used colour in a unique, nonimitative way.

Nonimmune: not produced by, involved in, or relating to an immune response or the immune system; nonresistant; unresistant; liable.

– A nonimmune inflammatory response.

Nonindulgent: characterized by strictness, severity, or restraint; strict; abstemious.

– Nonindulgentpersons.

Nonindustrial: not of, relating to, or characteristic of industry; not industrial; unindustrialized; underdeveloped.

– Nonindustrial areas in the south of the country have seen a boom in tourism.

Noninfectious: not liable to spread infection; nonfatal; nonpoisonous.

– He was discharged to a rehabilitation facility and died from noninfectious causes.

Noninflammatory: Not inflammatory; not able to inflame; subduing.

– Complications were similar in patients undergoing surgery for inflammatory or noninflammatory conditions.

Noninheritable: Not inherited; not passed from parent to offspring; Nonhereditary.

– Noninheritable fortune.

Noninstitutional: not belonging to, relating to, characteristic of, or appropriate to an institution; non-stigmatising; not institutional.

– Noninstitutional care for the elderly.

Noninstitutionalized: not belonging to, relating to, characteristic of, or appropriate to an institution; not institutional; detachment.

– She conducted a series of interviews with noninstitutionalized low-level criminals.

Nonintegrated: not integrated; not taken into or made a part of a whole; unintegrated.

– There was a large nonintegrated community of migrant workers in the region.

Nonintellectual: not appealing to or characteristic of people with a developed intellect; uneducated; ignorant; illiterate.

– Nonintellectual argument.

Noninterchangeable: not capable of being interchanged; unakin; different; disparate.

– The arguments of the symmetric relation, is the father of’, are noninterchangeable.

Nonintersecting: never meeting or crossing; nonconvergent parallel; being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting.

– She kept nonintersecting sets of friends at home and at school.

Noninvasive: not involving cutting into the body; congenital; catching.

– Non-invasive procedures such as ultrasound.

Nonionic: not ionic. Especially; not dependent on a surface-active anion for effect; nonpolar.

– A nonionic substance.

Nonionized: not converted into ions; non-ionic; unionised; unionized.

– The undissociated (nonionized) hypochlorous acid is believed to react with and inactivate bacterial and viral enzymes.

Nonjudgmental: avoiding judgments based on one’s personal and especially moral standards; liberal; lenient.

– I think that education has been nonjudgmental for too long.

Nonkosher: not kosher; not sanctioned by Jewish law; fictitious; forged.

– The delicatessen claims that it doesn’t sell any nonkosher foods.

Nonleaded: not containing lead; leadless;unleaded.

– Nonleaded glass can be crushed and turned into usable glass.

Nonlegal: not pertaining to the law or to the legal profession; criminal; illegitimate.

– His appointment was controversial because of his nonlegal background.

Nonlethal: non-lethal; not capable of causing death; nontoxic.; non-poisonous.

– A nonlethal dose.

Nonlexical: not relating to words; verbal; rhetoric.

– Nonlexical morphemes.

Nonlinear: that does not develop from one thing to another in a single smooth series of stages; random; arbitrary.

– His galleries have a nonlinear arrangement, and paintings are hung at different heights along the sloped walls.

Nonlinguistic: not consisting of or related to language; not linguistic; verbal; lexical.

– She has remarkable nonlinguistic communicative skills.

Nonliteral: not literal; using figures of speech; figurative analogical; expressing.

– He is a liberal Christian who takes a nonliteral, modern approach to the Bible.

Nonliterary: not of, relating to, concerned with, or characteristic of literature or scholarly writing; colloquial; vernacular.

– These people have a function; they are recognized by large audiences of nonliterary people as being proper participants.

Nonliterate: used of a society that has not developed writing; preliteratenoncivilised; noncivilized.

– Daily life was infused with this mixture of nonliterate.

Nonliving: not having, characterized by, or marked by life; not alive or living; dead; extinct.

– This semester we will devote our attention to studying the abiological processes of certain nonliving organisms.

Nonmagnetic: Not magnetic; not affected by a magnet; deactivated; electromagnetic.

– The drill collars must be made of nonmagnetic material.

Nonmandatory: notrequiredby rule or law; nonobligatory optional; possible but not necessary; left to personal choice.

– A nonmandatory Mini Game.

Nonmaterial: not material or composed of matter, not involving, seeking, or primarily concerned with riches or material things; involving or concerned with the spiritual, intellectual, or cultural aspects of life; formless; insubstantial.

– Obviously, these buildings have great spiritual value and nonmaterial value.

Nonmeaningful: lacking meaning, purpose, or significance; hollow; inconsequential; insignificant.

– The sentence ‘kicked the ball the man’ is nonmeaningless.

Nonmechanical: not mechanical; nonmechanistic; not mechanistic; unmechanised.

– He prefers to use a nonmechanical pencil for his drafting work.

Nonmechanistic: not mechanistic; nonmechanical; not mechanical.

– There are two types of intestinal obstructions, mechanistic and nonmechanistic.

Nonmedicinal: not having a medicinal effect or not medically prescribed unmedical; unmedicative; unmedicinal; unhealthful.

– Nonmedicinal products.

Nonmetal: a chemical element (such as boron, carbon, or nitrogen) that lacks the characteristics of a metal; non-metallic; metalloid.

– Place in a shallow nonmetal dish or resalable plastic food bag.

Nonmetallic: not containing or resembling or characteristic of a metal; non-metallic; metalloid.

– The road from village to the lake is nonmetallic and narrow alongside a stream throughout this road coming from the mountains.

Nonmetamorphic: pertaining to or characterized by change of form, or metamorphosis; notmetamorphic; ametabolic.

– Exclusively nonmetamorphic sedimentary successions are composed especially of limestones and marls.

Nonmigratory: used of animals that do not migrate; resident; non migrant; stationary.

– Because they are nonmigratory, some birds and mammals must collect and store a cache of food in order to survive a long and harsh winter.

Nonmilitary: not military; civilian; civil; nonviolent.

– Let us pursue peace by means of preventive nonmilitary action and provide adequate funding for that purpose instead of constantly cutting ourdevelopment budget.

Nonmodern: not modern, of or resembling an earlier age or time; ancient; antique.

– The nonmodern approach re-established symmetry between science and technology on the one hand and society on the other.

Nonmotile: not motile; static; immotile.

– The patient had a depleted sperm count, and what sperm were present in the sample were nonmotile.

Nonmoving: not in motion; unmoving; immobile.

– He was fined for a nonmoving violation because his car had improper seat belts.

Nonmusical: not of, relating to, including, or having the quality of music; not musical; unmusical.

– A nonmusical performance.

Nonnative: not native, such as of a plant or animal living or growing in a place that is not the location of its natural occurrence; alien; external.

– Many nonnative conifers, however, have been planted in this country for commercial purposes.

Nonnatural: existing outside of or not in accordance with nature; synthetic; artificial.

– Within hours the local medical examiner’s office announced it was treating her death as ‘nonnatural’ as an autopsy began.

Nonnegative: not negative, being either positive or zero; nonzero; complex-number.

– If desired, the scaling vector can be constructed so that its components are nonnegative.

Nonnegotiable: not negotiable; unchangeable; noncancelable.

– At least birthdays are predictable and seemingly nonnegotiable.

Nonnomadic: not nomadic or wandering; settled; established in a desired position or place; not moving about.

– Nonnomadic people.

Nonnormative: not conforming to, based on, or employing norm; not normative; nonstandard.

– The clothes are sold in a broad range of sizes and cuts to accommodate people with nonnormative body types.

Nonobjective: intended to represent no natural or actual object or likeness; abstract; biased.

– The clothes are sold in a broad range of sizes and cuts to accommodate people with nonnormative body types.

Nonobligatory: not required by rule or law; nonmandatory; optional.

– The government is trying to postpone all non-obligatory payments until next year.

Nonobservant: Not observant; not religious; not participating in the observance of religion.

– She is nonobservant as an adult, and instead characterizes the faith she was born into as part of her cultural.

No-Nonsense: sensible, practical, straightforward; without nonsense of any kind.

– A businesslike no-nonsense approach.

Nonopening: not open; not opening; closed; not open or affording passage or access.

– Nonopening cinema.

Nonoperational: not in working order or ready to use; inoperative; nonfunctional.

– Layoffs were limited to nonoperational positions.

Nonoscillatory: not having periodic vibrations; aperiodic; nonperiodic.

– A nontrivial solution is said to be nonoscillatory if it is eventually positive or eventually negative and it is oscillatory otherwise.

Nonparallel: ot parallel; converging; oblique

– Nonparallel structure occurs when you mix the verb forms.

Nonparametric: not involving the estimation of parameters of a statistical function; nonparametric statistic; vital statistics.

– Nonparametric is not involving the estimation of parameters of a statistical function.

Nonparasitic: not parasitic on another organism; free-living; nonsymbiotic; independent.

– Etiologically it has been classified as parasitic and nonparasitic.

Nonpareil: having no match or equal; unrivalled; incomparable; matchless.

– He is a nonpareil storyteller.

Nonparticulate: not composed of distinct particles.

– Nonparticulate not composed of distinct particles.

Nonpartisan: not partisan; free from party affiliation, bias, or designation; independent; neutral.

– A nonpartisan board.

Nonpartizan: not partisan; free from party affiliation, bias, or designation; independent; neutral.

– Nonpartizan ballot.

Nonpasserine: not passerine; of, relating to, or being any of various arboreal birds.

– Larks are nonpasserine birds of the family Alaudidae.

Nonperiodic: lacking a regular cycle; irregular; nonoscillatory.

– A nonperiodic comet.

Nonpersonal: not personal; abstract; apathetic.

– Nonpersonal tax allowances.

Nonphotosynthetic: that does not involve photosynthesis; not photosynthetic.

– Like the helicosproidia, they’re parasitic, and have a nonphotosynthetic chloroplast.

Nonphysical: lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen; intangible immaterial; nonmaterial.

– Some nonphysical creature that somehow has a taste for human souls.

Nonpoisonous: not having the effects or qualities of a poison; nontoxic; nonvenomous.

– Several nonpoisonous snakes live in the forest.

Nonpolar: not polar; consisting of molecules not having a dipole; not ionic.

– Because it’s longer hydrocarbon chain causes it to be fairly nonpolar, it is more similar to gasoline than it is to ethanol.

Nonpolitical: not of, dealing with, or relating to politics; apolitical; unpolitical.

– A nonpolitical organization.

Nonporous: not permeable to water, air, or other fluids; incompressible; close.

– Lay the sheet on a nonporous surface until it is dry.

Nonpregnant: not pregnant; infertile; aborting.

– Safe for nonpregnant patients.

Nonprehensile: not adapted for or involving grasping or seizing; not prehensile.

– Nonprehensile tails.

Nonprescription: capable of being bought without a doctor’s prescription; retail; without a prescription.

– A nonprescription pain reliever.

Nonproductive: not productive; unproductive; unproductive; fruitless.

– It is usually relieved with nonprescription medication or a massage of the affected area.

Nonprofessional: a person who is not a professional; amateur; dabbler.

– Irrigation was carried out whenever self-harvesters believed it was necessary, according to nonprofessional decision criteria.

Nonprofit: not making or conducted primarily to make a profit; charitable; nonprofit.

– Charities and other non-profit organizations.

Nonprognosticative: not offering prognostications; unprophetic; not prophetic.

– Nonprognosticative is not offering prognostications.

Nonprogressive: old-fashioned and out of date; fusty; standpat; unprogressive conservative.

– It is a nonprogressive disorder, so the damage will not get any worse.

Nonproprietary: not protected by trademark or patent or copyright; generic; common.

– Nonproprietary products are in the public domain and anyone can produce or distribute them.

Nonprotractile: not extensile; inextensible; nonextensile.

– A nonprotractileupper lip and a lower lip that is divided into two distinct lobes.

Nonpsychoactive: not affecting the mind or mental processes; psychoactive; hallucinogenic.

– A nonpsychoactive pain reliever.

Nonpublic: not invested with or related to prominent position or status; private; confidential; secret.

– There is more and more doubt about the concept of nonpublic economy nowadays.

Nonpurulent: Not containing pus; antiseptic.

– These viruses are nonpurulent and does not affect children.

Nonracial: not of, relating to, or based on race; not racial; non-segregated.

– Nonracial considerations.

Nonracist: unprejudiced about race; color-blind; colour-blind; impartial.

– I hope everyone understands I’m being completely nonracist when I say he was Adlai Stevenson another way.

Nonradioactive: not radioactive; nonreactive; anesthetized.

– They gave her an injection of a nonradioactive substance.

Nonrandom: not random; not ordered randomly; systematic; methodical.

– Our sample was non-random.

Nonrational: not in accordance with the principles of logic or reason; unreasoning; unreasonable.

– Animals are not irrational, but nonrational.

Nonreciprocal: Not reciprocal; not returned in kind; supplemental.

– The actors in the play are in a nonreciprocal relationship with the audience.

Nonreciprocating: not moving alternately forward and backward;unanswered; unreciprocated; unrequited.

– Nonreciprocating is not responding in kind.

Nonrecreational: involving gainful employment in something often done as a hobby; paid professional.

– CommercialNonrecreational Uses.

Nonreflecting: not capable of reflecting light, images, or sound. nonreflective surfaces; echoless; not reflective.

– Her new computer is housed in a nonreflecting black case.

Nonreflective: not capable of reflecting light, images, or sound. nonreflective surfaces; echoless; not reflective.

– Scientists say its surface was nonreflective, making it hard to spot.

Nonrefundable: not allowed to be returned in exchange for the moneyyou paid;
non-returnable; decomposable.

– The tickets are nonrefundable unless the show is canceled.

Nonrenewable: notableto be renewed; not renewable; nonrefillable.

– A nonrenewable service contract.

Nonrepetitive: marked by the absence of repetition; nonrepresentative; nonreproductive.

– NonrepetitiveDNA sequence.

Nonrepresentative: not serving as a typical or characteristic example; abstract; biased; idiosyncratic.

– A nonrepresentative sample.

Nonresident: not resident in a particular place; offshore; overseas.

– Tax exemption only applies to those with nonresident status.

Nonresidential: is not used for people to live in; unfamiliar; strange.

– The new buildings will be nonresidential.

Nonresilient: Not rebounding with the normal or expected velocity; inelastic.

– Nonresilient jump.

Nonresinous: not having resin; non-resiny; nonresinous.

– Larger giant sequoias are more resistant to fire damage, due to their thick protective layer of nonresinous bark and elevated crowns.

Nonresiny: ignorant uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; nonresinous; nonadhesive.

– A nonresiny child.

Nonresistant: likely to be affected with; liable; nonimmune; un-resistant.

– Then even a nonresistant elm doesn’t have to die.

Nonresonant: That does not resonate; that does not involve resonance; unreverberant anechoic.

– From the improved efficiency, the nonresonant dipole force can be exerted with ease.

Non-Responsive: not giving response; not responsive; unfriendly; aloof.

– A non-responsive police force.

Nonrestrictive: not serving or tending to restrict; not limiting the reference of the word or phrase modified; liberal; flexible.

– A nonrestrictive element describes a word whose meaning is already clear without the additional words.

Nonreticulate: not resembling or forming a network; fretted; interlaced; latticed.

– Nonreticulate firm.

Nonretractable: not capable of being retracted; nonretractile; capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back.

– This cancer is most strongly linked to having a nonretractable foreskin.

Nonreturnable: that cannot be returned; disposable; throwaway.

– That seems to me an invisible, nonreturnable and entirely lamentable.

Non-Returnable: that cannot be returned; disposable; throwaway.

– Non-returnable drinks cans.

Nonreversible: not capable of being reversed; irreversible; inevitable.

– The decision to withdraw from this year’s tournament is nonreversible.

Nonrhythmic: deliberately not rhythmic; unrhythmic; unrhythmical; not rhythmic; irregular in beat or accent.

– A tic is a sudden, repetitive, nonrhythmic motor movement or vocalization involving discrete muscle groups.

Nonrigid: not rigid; flexible; elastic.

– A sheet ofnonrigidplastic.

Nonruminant: not ruminant; ruminantia; ruminants.

– Pigs and elephants are nonruminants.

Nonsectarian: not having a sectarian character; not affiliated with or restricted to a particular religious group; multicultural; desegregated.

– Because Ellen and Joey are not members of a church, they had a nonsectarian wedding at city hall.

Nonsegmental: having a body that is not divided into segments; unsegmented united; characterized by unity.

– Modeling assimilation in nonsegmental, rule-free synthesis.

Nonsegregated: rid of segregation; having had segregation ended; desegrated; unsegregated integrated.

– They had plans to set up a nonsegregated school.

Nonsense: ​silly; with no meaning; absurd.

– She thinks that astrology is nonsense.

Nonsensical: silly; with no meaning; absurd

– That’s a nonsensical argument.

Nonsensitive: Not sensitive; lacking sensory perception; case hardened; impassible.

– All consumers should be able to review their nonsensitive data.

Nonsexual: not involving or relating to sex or sexual reproduction; agamogenetic; agamous.

– Nonsexual fertilization.

Nonsignificant: not significant; insignificant; meaningless.

– The readmission rate showed a nonsignificant decline in patients participating in rehabilitation.

Nonskid: designed or equipped to prevent skidding; non slippery; not slippery.

– Each sock also includes a nonskid bottom.

Nonslip: that helps to prevent somebody/something from slipping; that does not slip; harmless.

– A non-slip bath mat.

Nonslippery: designed to stop things sliding or falling; safe; secure.

– Leather sock & lining Soft & Nonslippery Rubber outsole 1 inch heel.

Nonsocial: Not social; unconcerned with society or social matters; solitary; autonomous.

– Whoever killed Delmar and Douggan is an organized nonsocial type.

Nonsovereign: controlled by outside forces; nonautonomous; hampered and not free; not able to act at will.

– In the same year, the Nordic Council refused to give observer status for the three, at the time nonsovereign Baltic States.

Nonspatial: not involving space; not spatial; barren; dry.

– A nonspatial continuum.

Nonspeaking: not having any lines to speak; wordless; reserved; silent.

– We must try harder to establish what technical help nonspeaking people would like to have.

Nonspecific: not definite or clearly defined; general; disregardful.

– The candidate’s speech was non-specific.

Nonspherical: not having the form of a sphere or of one of its segments; not spherical; aspherical; ball-shaped.

– Most of the eggs that we looked at were obviously nonspherical.

Nonstandard: not considered correct by most educated people; abnormal; deviant.

– Standard English and nonstandard dialects have much in common.

Nonsteroidal: not containing or consisting of steroids; anti-dumping; anti-epileptic.

– A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Nonstick: covered with a substance that prevents food from sticking to it; coated; covered.

– A non-stick frying pan.

Nonstop: without any stops; direct; continuously.

– A non-stop flight to Tokyo.

Nonstructural: not structural; nonfunctional; not having or performing a function.

– The aluminium panels are purely decorative and nonstructural.

Nonsubjective: not subjective; not shaped by personal experience, views, opinion, or knowledge; verifiable; objective.

– The human resources team ensures that all applications are reviewed using nonsubjective data.

Nonsubmersible: not submersible or submergible; nonsubmergible; hollow; hovering.

– The main method of irrigation is underground, nonsubmersible water pumps.

Nonsurgical: not involving, consisting of, requiring, or performing surgery; not surgical.

– She had a nonsurgical facelift.

Nonsweet: ot containing sugar; sugarless; unsugared; with no sugar added.

– Nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant.

Nonsyllabic: not constituting a syllable or the nucleus of a syllable; of a consonant; accompanied in the same syllable by a vowel.

– Syllabic consonants receive an additional point in the same way as nonsyllabic consonants.

Nonsymbiotic: not living or occurring in a state of mutualism or symbiosis; free-living; nonparasitic independent.

– Nonsymbiotic nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.

Nonsynchronous: not occurring together; unsynchronized; unsynchronized; unsynchronous asynchronous.

– The patient was observed to shake his legs violently in a nonsynchronous fashion.

Nonsynthetic: involving or derived from living organisms; free from chemical treatments or additives; organic.

– Nonsyntheticfertilizer.

Nontaxable: not liable to taxation; not taxable; unratable.

– Nontaxable insurance benefits.

Nontechnical: not relating to or involving science or technology; general; nonspecific.

– A simple, non-technical procedure.

Nontelescopic: Not able to be contracted by a telescoping action; obscure; remote.

– I murrieta homes for sale nontelescopic stateless teleprompter in the yell of not uncommunicative.

Nonterritorial: not displaying territoriality; nonprovincial; nonregional.

– Anonterritorialspecies.

Nonthermal: not produced by heat; of, relating to, or being radiation having a spectrum that is not the spectrum of a blackbody; not involving heat.

– Nonthermalluminescence.

Nontoxic: not poisonous or not harmful to your health; non-poisonous; innocuous; harmless.

– The insect bait is nontoxic to pets and humans.

Nontraditional: not following the usual methods, practices, etc. in a particular area of activity; futuristic; advanced.

– Her artworks use a mix of traditional and non-traditional materials.

Nontransferable: unable to be legally given to another; nonnegotiable; sacrosanct.

– Tickets are nontransferable and cannot be resold.

Non-Transferable: unable to be legally given to another; nonnegotiable; sacrosanct.

– This voucher is non-transferable.

Nontranslational: of or relating to movement that is not uniform or not without rotation; travel; change of location.

– Nontranslational motion.

Nontransmissible: not capable of being passed on; noncommunicable; not infectious.

– Nontransmissible disease.

Nonturbulent: not characterized by agitation or turbulence; not turbulent; unagitated; not physically disturbed or set in motion.

– A dust dispersion of uniform density cannot be maintained in a nonturbulent state.

Nonuniform: not uniform; capricious; erratic.

– It was considered possible that these would produce a nonuniform temperature distribution on the upper plate.

Nonunion: not belonging to a trade union; not accepting trade unions or employing trade union members; nonunionized; unorganized.

– Many newly established firms are nonunion.

Nonunionized: nonunion; unaffiliated; unorganized.

– Nonunionized labor was brought in to keep the factory running during the strike.

Nonuple: having nine beats to the measure; nine-fold; ninefold multiple.

– A nonuple rhythm.

Nonvenomous: not producing venom; atoxic; nontoxic; not producing or resulting from poison.

– Nonvenomous snakes.

Nonverbal: not involving words or speech; wordless; dumb.

– Nonverbal communication.

Nonviable: not capable of living, growing, or developing and functioning successfully; impractical; unworkable;infeasible.

– They fiercely contested the assertion that independence was a nonviable option.

Nonviolent: using peaceful methods, not force, to bring about political or social change; not involving force, or injury to somebody; without violence.

– Nonviolent resistance.

Nonviscid: not resembling glue in texture; nonglutinous; nonadhesive; not tending to adhere.

– Nonviscid and nonresiny are semantically related.

Nonvisual: relating to, or used in vision; perceptible; overt.

– The nonvisual senses.

Nonvolatile: not volatile; not vaporizing readily; nonvolatilizable.

– Anonvolatileacid.

Nonvolatilizable: not volatilizing readily; evaporable; vaporific.

– A nonvolatilizable acid.

Nonvoluntary: not voluntary; involuntary; obligatory; nonelective.

– Nonvoluntary layoffs.

Nonwashable: not washable; unwashable.

– Nonwashable paints.

Nonwoody: not of or containing wood or wood fibers; non woody parts of plants; not having woody parts.

– The potato is the tuber of a non-woodyplant native to South America.

Nordic: typical of a group of European people who are tall and have blue eyes and blonde hair; North Germanic language; Scandinavian language.

– Nordic features.

Normal: typical, usual or ordinary; what you would expect; ordinary; customary.

– Her temperature is normal.

Norman: used to describe the style of architecture in Britain in the 11th and 12th centuries that developed from the Romanesque style; Normandie; Frenchman.

– A Norman church.

Normative: describing or setting standards or rules of behaviour; regulative; directive.

– A normative approach.

Normotensive: having or denoting a normal blood pressure; non-diabetic; non-obese.

– Five patients became normotensive only after surgery.

Norse: relating to ancient or medieval Norway or Scandinavia; berserker; European.

– Loki was the Norse god of evil.

North: in or towards the north; northerly; northern.

– The north bank of the river.

Northbound: travelling or leading towards the north; northward; arctic.

– Northbound traffic.

Northeast: enlarge image towards the northeast; northeastern; northeasterly.

– This room faces northeast.

Northeasterly: in or towards the north-east; northeast; northeastern; north.

– Travelling in a northeasterly direction.

Northeastern: connected with the north-east; northeasterly;northeast.

– Other popular New York destinations include the Adirondack Mountains in northeastern New York.

Northeastward: towards the north-east; northeast; compass point.

– In a northeastward direction.

Northerly: on or towards the north; arctic; north.

– Travelling in a northerly direction.

Northern: located in the north or facing north; connected with or typical of the north part of the world or a region; arctic; north.

– The northern slopes of the mountains.

Northernmost: furthest north; northward; arctic.

– The northernmost city in the world.

Northmost: situated or occurring farthest north; northward; arctic.

– This is the northmost point of the mainland.

Northward: towards the north; arctic; northerly.

– In a northward direction.

Northwest: towards the north-west; northwesterly; northwestward.

– We traveled throughout the Northwest.

Northwesterly: in or towards the north-west; northwest; northwesterner.

– Northwesterly winds.

Northwestern: connected with the north-west; northwest; northwesterner.

– The myeon is located in northwestern part of the county.

Northwestward: towards the north-west; northwestwardly;northwest.

– The vessels were proceeding northwestward toward the Florida Channel.

Norwegian: a person from Norway; Norse; Norseman.

– Norwegian whalers said yesterday they had harpooned a female minke whale.

Noseless: having a blunt nose; short-nosed; snub-nosed.

– He is a noseless boy.

Nosey: too interested in things that do not involve you, especially other people’s affairs; inquisitive; curious.

– Sorry if I seem nosey, I don’t mean to, I’m just curious.

Nosocomial: originatingin a hospital; healthcare facility; health facility.

–In many cases these infections are nosocomial, which means that they can be acquired inthe hospital.

Nosohusial: taking place related or acquired under home healthcare; healthcare facility; health facility.

– Nosohusial infections.

Nostalgic: having or bringing a sad feeling mixed with pleasure when you think of happy times in the past; romantic; sentimental.

– I feel quite nostalgic for the place where I grew up.

Nosy: ​too interested in things that do not involve you, especially other people’s affairs; inquisitive; curious.

– Being the nosy type, I stopped to ask what they were doing.

Notable: deserving to be noticed or to receive attention; important; striking.

– His eyes are his most notable feature.

Noted: well-known because of a special skill or feature; famous; eminent.

– He is not noted for his sense of humor.

Noteworthy: deserving to be noticed or to receive attention because it is unusual, important or interesting; significant; notable.

– The bridge is noteworthy for its sheer size.

Noticeable: easy to see or notice; clear or definite; perceptible.

– The new filing system is a noticeable improvement on the old one.

Notifiable: so dangerous or serious that it must by law be reported officially to the authorities; reported.

– Notifiable offences.

Notional: based on a guess, estimate or theory; not existing in reality; theoretical; speculative.

– My calculation is based on notional figures, since the actual figures are not yet available.

Notorious: well known for being bad; infamous; scandalous.

– The country is notorious for its appalling prison conditions.

Nourishing: helping a person, an animal or a plant to grow and be healthy; wholesome; healthy.

– Vegetarian food can be both nourishing and cheap.

Novel: ​different from anything known before; new, interesting and often seeming slightly strange; innovative; odd.

– A novel feature.

No-Win: that will end badly whatever you decide to do; despairing; desperate.

– We are considering the options available to us in this no-win situation.

Noxious: poisonous or harmful; toxic; deadly.

– Noxious fumes.

Nubbly: full of small protuberances; homespun; nubby; slubbed.

– I would hug you if my arms weren’t so nubbly.

Nubby: having small lumps or protuberances; knobbly; lumpy.

– A straw hat for summer or a nubby wool cap for winter also adds complementary texture.

Nubile: of a woman young and sexually attractive; connubial; epithalamic.

– Rich old men often like to be surrounded by nubile young women.

Nuclear: using, producing or resulting from nuclear energy; atomic energy; atomic power.

– A nuclear power plant.

Nucleate: formed or gathered around a central area; rainmaking; seeding.

– The clusters nucleate exclusively in the hydrocarbon surface contamination.

Nucleated: having anucleus; artificial nucleation; rainmaking.

– A nucleated fetal cell.

Nude: not wearing any clothes; naked; bare.

– She worked as a nude model in an artist’s studio.

Nugatory: having no purpose or value; worthless; unimportant.

– Work involved in their production would inevitably be largely nugatory.

Null: having the value zero; invalid; void.

– A null result.

Numb: if a part of your body is numb, you cannot feel anything in it, for example because of cold; desensitized; insensible.

– I’ve just been to the dentist and my face is still numb.

Numberless: too many to be counted; innumerable; numerous.

– She felt that her suffering, and that of numberless others was going to be forgotten.

Numbing: of an experience or a situation making you unable to feel anything; bitter; arctic.

– Watching television had a numbing effect on his mind.

Numerable: capable of being counted, totaled, or numbered. Measurable; limited.

– In numerable holes and huge iron fortresses dot the landscape.

Numerate: having a good basic knowledge of mathematics; able to understand and work with numbers; calculate; cipher.

– All students should be numerate and literate when they leave school.

Numeric: elating to numbers; expressed in numbers; arithmetical; binary.

– Numeric data.

Numerical: elating to numbers; expressed in numbers; arithmetical; binary.

– The results are expressed in descending numerical order.

Numerological: connected with the use of numbers to try to tell somebody what will happen in the future; astrology; discipline.

– He chose a set of numbers withnumerologicalsignificance.

Numerous: existing in large numbers; many; countless.

– He has been late on numerous occasions.

Numidian: of or relating to ancient Numidia or its people or culture; an inhabitant of ancient Numidia; denizen; dweller; habitant.

– At its very gates rises the conical tomb of the Numidian king, Massinissa.

Numinous: having a strong religious and spiritual quality that makes you feel that God is present; spiritual; religious.

– The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.

Nuptial: ​connected with marriage or a wedding; matrimonial; marital.

– A nuptial mass,

Nurtural: resulting from nurture; nonheritable; noninheritable.

– I have the same need to nurtural and protect.

Nurturant: providing physical and emotional care and nourishment; compassionate; showing or having compassion.

– In a nurturant world, the infant’s own behavior prompts and configures much of the physical, social, and vocal information.

Nutbrown: of a brownish colour; a reddish-brown; bronze.

– Nutbrown hair.

Nutlike: resembling a nut in shape and size; circular; round.

– The cake had a nutlike taste.

Nutrient: nourishing; providing nourishment or nutriment; containing or conveying nutriment.

– The soil is low in nutrient.

Nutritional: connected with the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy; nutritive; nourishing.

– The nutritional value of milk.

Nutritious: very good for you; containing many of the substances which help the body to grow; nourishing; nutritive.

– Tasty and nutritious meals.

Nutritive: connected with the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy; beneficial; healthful.

– Coconut milk has little nutritive value.

Nutty: slightly crazy or strange; mad; insane.

– She’s got some nutty friends.

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