A Journey to Love Reviews and Ratings - Chinese drama (2024)

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  • Spring in the Future7 months ago rating:9.6

    After watching a few episodes, it's decent. Especially Liu Shi Shi's action scenes and her expressions are satisfying. She and Liu Yu Ning have good chemistry, and the drama's costumes, set designs, and filters are really impressive.
    Hopefully, the screenwriter doesn't mess up the storyline in the later episodes.

  • SnowLight7 months ago rating:8.8

    I previously watched Liu Yu Ning in "Bai Chou Fei," and during the summer break, I watched "Be Your Own Light" with my family. I have to say, his acting and dialogue delivery are really impressive. I heard this drama is about to be released, and for the sake of Liu Yu Ning, I'll definitely give it a watch.
    I just hope the female lead's acting won't drag it down.


    Oh my god, I have an update! Liu Yu Ning's performance... He can handle the highs and let go of the lows. One moment, he's a formidable killer in white, making people tremble in fear; the next scene, he's pinned down on a bed, unable to move and screaming at the top of his lungs.
    The reversal of the male and female leads' images in the early episodes is so intriguing. The plot is light-hearted, and I hope it continues in the same vein.

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  • Momo7 months ago rating:9.6

    The plot setup is very interesting, and the visuals are beautifully shot. It's also a period drama, which adds to its appeal. I hope the story development remains stable throughout. Liu Yu Ning's acting is so versatile; his performances are steady and natural.
    He can deliver dirty insults with his facial expressions and convey a sense of urgency with a powerful voice from his core. It's hilarious. And with the combination of a broad-shouldered, narrow-waisted tall figure and the magnificent attack of the original dialogue, it's both sweet and exciting!
    The Liudao Hall buddies are also adorable. I always love ensemble dramas!

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  • Oak7 months ago rating:5.5

    I thought Liu Yu Ning's acting would be the worst, but he's actually okay. But what is Liu Shi Shi even doing? The dubbing, filters, and hollow blind acting...208, if you're not willing, then don't film.
    If you do, then film properly. At this age, lacking both acting skills and attitude, who is supposed to appreciate the marketing efforts on various apps? It's truly speechless... I'm giving up.

  • Cat Driver7 months ago rating:5.9

    Having reached the latest episodes, I don't plan to continue watching. Before dropping the drama, let me share my thoughts:

    1. The issue with the male lead is not only about lacking good looks, but his appearance doesn't fit the protagonist role.
    He is better suited for playing a villain. Whenever he is the main character, it always gives me this feeling of "he might switch sides in the next second." His close-up shots are not very friendly, and it requires some mental adjustment from the audience.

    2. The problem with the female lead is... after all these years, it's evident to everyone that she is the "chosen blind girl." To some extent, it can be considered a skill. Having lifeless eyes is not the problem; the issue is that she lacks focus.
    Every scene makes you wonder, "Ah... sister, what are you looking at? Are you just spacing out?" She claims to be a "chosen ancient person," but her posture feels forced, as if she is trying hard to imitate the "ancient person's posture," and it even gave me a sore neck.
    As for the fight scenes, let's not even mention it. It's not the lead actress's credit. She just needs to strike a pose, and the stunt double takes care of the rest.

    3. It's not that there are no positives, but the flaws outweigh the merits.
    It's better not to watch it.

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  • CarbLover7 months ago rating:5.2

    The overwhelming promotion only makes a mediocre drama even worse. The first shot is weird, the bright light in the wide-aperture shot doesn't resemble candlelight at all, and the framing could have been tighter to create a stronger sense of tension.

    The costumes and makeup are terrible, especially the dancer's hairstyle and headpiece, which are extremely ugly. The plot relies heavily on voice-overs and Ling Long's excessive exposition, as if afraid that the audience hasn't received basic education.
    The nitpicking is even more dumbing down, as they even seize on the intertextuality of the Mulan poem...

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  • Momo7 months ago rating:5.1

    The action scenes turned out to be all stunt doubles, and they even messed up the faces of the stunt actors. They boasted about their martial arts skills, but in the end, it was the female supporting character who excelled. They boasted about their acting skills, but after more than twenty years in the industry, they still portray a blind person with exaggerated acting.
    They boasted about their looks, but I've never seen a male lead who eats lotus roots so blatantly!

  • DestinyRespect7 months ago rating:9.7

    Liu Shi Shi has chosen a role that suits her extremely well, and her entrance as the red-dressed dancer and various close-up shots are all very beautiful. Her physicality in the action scenes in the drama is unmatched by the current crop of actresses.
    For female leads in historical idol dramas, beauty is truly paramount.

  • Cat27 months ago rating:5.5

    ...Why are you shouting so loudly on the battlefield as if you're afraid of not getting a "last-minute kill"? The emperor is captured, and you, with an empty check, dare to blackmail powerful and influential princes. Are you made of iron?
    In ancient times, the technology was more advanced than the present, and a physician could determine the gender of a child with just a few words? The female lead doesn't need any external force to soar through the air, surpassing all those superheroes next door.
    What should the mighty supervisory institution of this great nation be called? Divine justice, human justice, or the justice of animals? Are you so uncultured, Mr. Screenwriter, that you insist on embarrassing us? Does the male lead's hunched body resemble that of a martial artist?
    Haha, I genuinely laughed.

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  • A Little Knowledge7 months ago rating:5.7

    What on earth is all this groveling? This story is so childish! The male lead is constantly suffering, he should practice some qigong!

    Hey, main characters, stop the princess and use a hundred thousand taels of gold as startup capital to overthrow the Wuguo Kingdom!
    None of you are good people anyway, and you're not great at governing either!

    The soundtrack is terrible, so noisy! Anguo is no better than Wuguo, both are rotten to the core! Instead of trying to help the common people, shouldn't you just overthrow both countries and liberate humanity?
    You so-called talented individuals are just puppets in the hands of the ministers from both countries!

    That infatuated guard of the princess must be the queen's person! One moment he tells the princess that she can choose her marriage based on how much money she has, and the next moment the queen says she'll give whoever goes the same amount of money!
    You're all in cahoots, building a trap!

    The female lead is also strange. You're an assassin, why are you so obsessed with having a child? You analyze the princess, her brother, and her sister-in-law, but why don't you analyze the guard?
    And you say that once you go back, you'll be able to make your own decisions and be with your lover? It all comes down to a woman not having a home unless she finds a man, right?

    Stop being so awkward and strange. Even though Fang Yi Lun is hilarious from the moment he appears, let's put that aside for now!

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  • GuanJin7 months ago rating:5.5

    The voice of a certain protagonist was given by a voice actor, the face was retouched by a photo editor, and many action scenes were performed by a body double. They even went to the extreme of pixelating the face of the body double.
    As someone who has been in the industry for over a decade and carries the reputation of senior actors, what they presented to the audience is almost entirely fake. On the other hand, they shamelessly buy positive articles to deceive the viewers.
    It's too easy to deceive... One star for the rest of the creative team.

  • Moonlight Bae7 months ago rating:9.4

    I binge-watched eight episodes in one go, and it's just so good! The director isn't just focused on shaping the main characters; I love the ensemble cast.
    The fight scenes are well-designed. Liu Shi Shi looks so cool and is perfect for action scenes. Liu Yu Ning has great lines and delivers them well, with subtle expressions that suit Ning Yuan Zhou's character, who can switch from friendly to stern in a second (I didn't find him annoying at all, just slightly mischievous as portrayed in the drama).
    Fang Yi Lun's playboy character is also impressive, and even the previously disliked character played by Holland Bean is quite good here. I really like how the drama doesn't drag on when it comes to murder; it's one hit, and it's done.
    (The only downside is, why wear wide sleeves during fight scenes? Aren't they afraid of tripping?)

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  • SilentSea7 months ago rating:7.5

    A few OSTs are quite catchy, but from what I can see, this is primarily a drama centered around the male lead, right? The male lead's character is the strongest, and the storyline revolves around him, while the female lead provides comic relief.
    Their chemistry as a couple isn't very strong, but they have better chemistry with other male and female characters individually. Personally, I think Zhang Xiang's eccentricity suits the current aesthetic the best.

  • on the way7 months ago rating:9.5

    For those who say the eyes lack expression, they must not have watched a single episode. The visuals are stunning, the characters are unique, the storyline is compelling, the pacing is fast, and the acting is decent. I've been eagerly following it since episode six.
    The plot is engaging and enjoyable to watch. Keep it up!

  • Synthetic Rose 0017 months ago rating:8.3

    Thank you, Fang Yi Lun, for bringing me enjoyment while watching the drama. Overall, the makeup and storyline are decent, but the special effects are a bit lacking. However, I don't understand why the male characters have such heavy makeup, and the princess's romantic partner looks like her makeup is a mismatch.
    It's quite frustrating. Liu's makeup is better when it's more natural, but the loose hair doesn't work. The scene where she wears a white dress with loose hair made me feel dizzy. Tying up her hair would make her look more energetic.
    Her dialogue delivery has improved compared to her previous works. The leading actress playing the martial arts expert is impressive. Although she sometimes appears a bit rigid with her posturing, her action scenes are sharp, and her acting skills are sufficient for this genre.
    Her expressions may be weak, but she manages to pull it off by portraying a serene character. She's better than Liu Jin; this script suits her well. It's hard to say how much of a boost this drama will give her, but it's at least a decent comeback work for her.

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  • EagerWatcher7 months ago rating:9.9

    Seriously, what I want to praise about this drama is its excellent plot pacing. I've never seen a drama where a villain dies in every episode, it's beyond my expectations!
    If it were any other drama, it would probably drag on and on, but not this one. It made for a great viewing experience! And that curse, I didn't expect the male lead to kill it so quickly.
    I thought it would be a plot point that would span multiple episodes! I watched all six episodes in one go without skipping, and it was both moving and funny.

  • RiverOrange7 months ago rating:5.5

    [231203·Kiwi] The plot is passable, but the storytelling is dry. And why is everyone praising Liu Shi Shi's acting? Let's talk about it when she starts using her own voice.
    If she can't even pass the first level of "voice, stage, and expression," what is there to praise?

  • FangQiangQiang7 months ago rating:8.5

    There's political intrigue, power struggles, and the clever and sensible sister Yuxin. What's with Ren Xiaochuan, the guy who forcefully takes away the male lead, and the strong desire to have a son with him? Mei wants to have a romantic relationship with him, so don't be delusional.
    Plus, there's a group of funny characters, watching the team of protectors level up while fighting monsters along the way, which is quite entertaining. PS: I've watched up to episode 18, and I feel like the later part of the drama has a fair amount of plot inconsistencies.

  • Zhaijujun7 months ago rating:9.5

    It's right up my alley. Firstly, I came for Liu Shi Shi! Secondly, I'm a fan of ensemble dramas. Thirdly, I love road movies. The storyline, costumes, and even the OST are fantastic!
    Every character is distinct, and the acting is top-notch. I have to applaud Liu Shi Shi's performance in "Ren Ru Yi." Do you think she's just stunning? In this drama, beauty, action scenes, and acting skills are all outstanding.
    "Yi Nian Guan Shan," Liu Shi Shi, keep pushing forward!

  • Rongyi7 months ago rating:5.7

    Episodes 1-18: Such a tightly woven plot, a drama that keeps the audience engaged. I want to recommend it to the whole world! Episodes 19-20: This drama is like a chocolate-flavored mess.

    1. A defeated country's envoy and their guards can easily enter another country's military camp, cut down their flags, and casually take away prisoners of war.

    2. It keeps emphasizing how the female lead is so devoted and righteous, willing to risk her life for the short encounter with the envoy, and insisting on having a child with the male lead out of respect for the late Empress Zhao Jie's wishes, but completely disregarding the fact that Empress Zhao Jie entrusted her and personally raised her disciple.

    3. The female lead has scrutinized the male lead's chin, the princess's chin, and even the disciple's chin. Is chin-picking some kind of secret code for being a great female lead?

    4. After all the fuss about Empress Zhao Jie's death and the stepmother's death, both the male and female leads are portrayed as sacrificing personal desires and romantic love for the sake of their country and principles.
    Yet, in the end, the female lead still declares that she wants to die together with the male lead. (It could have been a four-star rating, but because the female lead's character completely collapsed, I angrily gave it two stars.
    This is nothing but deceptive promotion! Don't tell me this is some kind of ancient puppet show that doesn't require logic. YXH boasts about its meticulous logic, and Guangzi is still hanging around the entire internet.)

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  • Chaosniper377 months ago rating:6.8

    I've watched up to episode 16, but I just can't get into it. The screenwriter should focus on the career storyline instead. Whenever it comes to romantic scenes, it feels a bit awkward.
    It's not that the male lead is unattractive, but there's just no chemistry between the characters. Even the kissing scenes lack any sense of excitement. Just look at the Eighth Prince, Fourth Prince, and Fourteenth Prince from the old drama, they had great chemistry to get hooked on.

  • RespectedMasterWangDao7 months ago rating:6

    They went all out in creating character setups, piling up trendy and fashionable attributes without considering compatibility. They forcefully paved the way for the main characters, disregarding any sense of reason or plot coherence.
    So, it's a case of having good individual sentences but lacking a good overall structure. No actor can carry anyone, not even themselves.

  • AmazingXiaoXiJi7 months ago rating:8.9

    The timid little princess has been practicing swordsmanship for a long time, saying she wants to learn how to kill. She practices with a smile on her face, slashing at apples one by one, stabbing at the table and the air.
    But little did she know that months later, she finally mastered the strength to pierce flesh and bones, only to find that the first person she would slay is her beloved. How thrilling, it's so thrilling! All the plotlines and dialogues in this drama are reminiscent of the web novels of the past.
    The development of the story is also reminiscent of a road movie. The road to the mission is so long that it warms a cold heart, and a naive youth becomes weathered in the martial world. It's long enough that people gather and people disperse, and some go their separate ways, separated by life and death.
    It's so captivating, truly captivating!

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  • Rongyupianran7 months ago rating:7.7

    High expectations, but it turned out to be a disappointment. At the beginning, the promotion focused on the female lead, and the storyline was quite captivating.
    However, as the drama progressed, it became more and more absurd. Tonight, I couldn't bear it anymore and gave up. The later plot twists were too exaggerated.
    I just want to know what exactly makes this faction so stubborn? The emperor is in their hands, so shouldn't they negotiate to get him back? They are the defeated country!
    Yet they act as if they have won. The character of the female lead is inconsistent. She claims to favor her female disciple because she wasn't treated well by her previous disciple, but she ends up being biased and hypocritical.
    In less than five minutes, she insults the son of the enemy twice in front of others, and she shows no concern when the opponent gradually uncovers the buried remains for burial.
    She also exposes her disciple's "disgusting" intentions in front of outsiders, and her strength fluctuates inconsistently.

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  • Krystal7 months ago rating:6.5

    If it were any other female lead, I would give it three stars, but Liu Shi Shi only deserves two stars. Because she's not a newcomer anymore. Not being a newcomer means her acting should be more polished, effortless.
    However, in this drama, her intense eye acting feels forced, her body appears rigid, and the fight scenes are oddly choreographed. I won't even comment on the male lead; today's male stars have lowered their standards to an unimaginable level.
    At least we grew up watching Jordan Chan and Louis Koo. In the entertainment industry, if there are no male actors available, they can always use AI, and the results wouldn't be bad either.
    The director seems to have a fondness for shooting empty landscapes, pairing them with an insert song. This isn't a music video, it's a TV drama!

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  • TinyWorld7 months ago rating:5.3

    Liu Shi Shi's face has deteriorated so quickly. She's only 36, but her acting skills haven't improved over the years, instead regressing. She holds her neck stiffly and her eyes are drooping, resembling a big goose that bullies children on the outskirts of the village.
    Perhaps taking care of elderly parents has exhausted her.

  • Sweet Plum7 months ago rating:5.3

    Fan control ratings are the reason I came here, but even with such garbage, getting a 7.5 rating, I have to give it one star. What kind of brainless plot and childish fight scenes are these? The female lead's expressionless acting is as usual (don't say I'm biased, I really liked Liu Shi Shi in "Scarlet Heart").
    I'm speechless, truly speechless. The 7.5 rating really caught me off guard.

  • Woody7 months ago rating:5.3

    The action scenes in this drama on Qiyiguo video are almost non-existent. It's just flashy poses with 360-degree camera rotations. The big spectacle effects are worth nothing more than five cents.

    The so-called patriotic themes are still only conveyed through a few empty slogans.
    The plot mainly revolves around the everyday teasing and sweetness between the male and female leads.

    When the male lead first appeared, I didn't find him attractive. But as soon as the second male lead, third male lead, and endless male characters appeared, I understood why he was chosen as the main character.

    There's really nothing worth praising about this series.

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  • FloatingStar7 months ago rating:5.3

    They sacrificed everything just to highlight the male lead's face. The female lead, who initially appeared strong and intelligent, became overshadowed by the male lead's presence.
    After encountering the male lead, she almost forgot about her own mission and prioritized everything related to him. I'm really tired of this kind of doting wife drama...
    Give one point to the female lead, she deserved it. The male lead, who was supposed to have two points, is just too ugly.

  • ZheXiLan7 months ago rating:6.1

    I don't know who keeps hyping it up online. After watching it, the quality is really average. If you just care about beautiful visuals and attractive actors, making a promotional video would be enough.
    And the barrage of comments praising that male actor, it's so awkward. Looks don't matter, but if the acting is lacking, it really needs more practice, though I suggest not taking on lead roles right away.
    The plot is childish and boring, with the acting being off throughout the whole series. The only redeeming aspect is the fight scenes, which are passable, but still inferior to "Lian Hua Lou." It's the same old saying, it may be beautiful, but it lacks soul.
    I hope in the future there will be fewer dramas like this, as they only fatten up actors without professional ethics and dumb down wave after wave of viewers. There's simply nothing worthwhile about it.

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  • DouYou1917181917 months ago rating:5.4

    The plot is getting more and more trashy. It's supposed to be an ensemble drama, but in the end, everyone else except the male lead is just insignificant. I didn't really like the male lead in the beginning because of his looks, and it became disgusting when he turned into a bully.
    Liu Shi Shi is too stiff, and it's uncomfortable to watch, but she does have good looks and acting skills. The whole drama started off strong but ended up being disappointing.

  • Salt.7 months ago rating:5.4

    Fans of both the male and female leads, please stop pulling each other apart. They are both talented actors, and no one is superior to the other. It's the industry fueled by capital, and underperforming actors should be eliminated instead of bothering the public's eyes.
    Additionally, it's hard to understand how a defeated nation can be so arrogant. The whole situation is baffling.

  • Momo7 months ago rating:5.5

    First of all, there are a lot of plot details that bug me, not suitable for someone like me who pays attention to details. The male lead isn't good-looking and has a hunchback, while the female lead has a wooden expression and stiff movements, it's really distracting.
    It's clearly a period drama, yet they insist on calling it a martial arts show... Slow-motion, freeze frames, and stunt doubles, oh my. The female lead is the only one who uses dubbing.
    The scene where the male and female leads are intercepted by General Zhou, the background music almost made me think it was from "In My Sky"; and when the Prime Minister calls the male lead to go on a diplomatic mission, the background music gives off a similar vibe to "Attack on Titan".
    The male and female leads are supposed to be secret agents from different countries, yet they often exchange information. Isn't that both of them committing treason as spies??

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  • Lena Bell7 months ago rating:5.6

    The plot is already crumbling in order to give the male lead a shining moment. A security guard from a defeated country acts all high and mighty, daring to boss around and insult a lord from the victorious country. Then why bother going through all the trouble of bringing a hundred thousand taels of gold to ransom the emperor?
    Did the actors and writers even understand what a defeated country should be like? They have no basic knowledge and only know how to show off and act cool. The problem is, the male lead can't pull it off! The female lead is beautiful and acts well, but what on earth is the male lead doing?
    He acts like a petty person who has achieved something, lacking grace, dignity, and acting skills. Their romantic scenes are nauseating to watch, and it makes me sick to see his face being all lovey-dovey with the female lead.
    It's like a single rat dropping ruining the whole pot of soup.

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  • nioo7 months ago rating:5.1

    Ningmeng Productions, can you stop giving unnecessary screen time and altering the script to favor your mediocre male lead? Forcing a romantic storyline between the male and female leads doesn't work well either.
    It's so awkward and completely ruins the flow. Do you even realize how ugly and out of place it is? Ningmeng Productions, I hope you go bankrupt soon. Liu Yu Ning, you cunning weasel, get out of here.

  • PengInHand7 months ago rating:5.3

    A colleague recommended this drama to me today. I watched one episode and I'm planning to advise her tomorrow to eat healthier instead of junk food. It's not good for her health.
    Ah, the Chinese entertainment industry. Not to be rude, but why is a 37-year-old actor not striving to play complex characters with conflicting and multidimensional personalities, but instead competing for decorative roles with a 17-year-old brat?
    Oh well, I understand. As long as it brings in money, right, Sister Shi Shi? Who the hell cares about art? Only idiots call themselves performing artists. A fat wallet is stronger than anything else.

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  • SummerEase7 months ago rating:9.8

    The pacing of the plot could be faster, avoiding any draggy moments, and the fight scenes flow smoothly! The female lead, Shi Shi, is truly an exceptional ancient beauty with great acting skills and outstanding fight scenes! The male lead is tall, handsome, and his acting is even better than some professionally trained actors.
    The icing on the cake is that he sings well too. It's one of the best three dramas I've watched in 2023, with the other two being "Lotus Tower" and "Furious Speed"!

  • Woodie7 months ago rating:5.2

    Haha, luckily I didn't rate it early. I knew that dramas by Lemon would always have ulterior motives. Every drama directed by Liu Yu Ning has the suspicion of adding or changing scenes. And as expected, the updates in the past few days have fallen apart.
    All the spotlight is on the male lead. Can he handle it? I'd rather steer clear of actors like him. This kind of drama makes me feel sorry. I've watched around ten episodes and it's heartbreaking.

  • NoDying7 months ago rating:6.3

    It's been a while since I watched a mainland Chinese drama. Took a glance at this one and it's still plagued by the tired old heterosexual storyline. The pacing is so loose that it's like trying to save a sinking ship with a sewing needle.
    It's truly baffling how mainland Chinese dramas have reached this point and still feel like low-quality amateur productions.

  • User5db50cfc7 months ago19 of 40 episodes seen

    First, she is a relatively rational person, and she became somewhat emotional towards the male lead. It can be considered that he moved her. After she returned, there wasn't any lingering resentment. They sincerely apologized later, so let's just consider it as forgiving the ignorant.

    Second, they initially thought the female lead was a spy or infiltrator, that she was pretending in order to gain their trust. They believed that her kindness towards them was all a deception. That's why they reacted that way.

    Third, it's not necessarily about who is more powerful between the male and female leads. The male lead has said that the female lead is more powerful, and the female lead has said that the male lead is more powerful.
    It could be that they are both being modest, so it's not certain. When she praised her disciple, it felt more like she was coaxing him, like saying, "You're already very powerful and can surpass me.
    You can be independent now." So her disciple may not actually be that powerful. It was also mentioned later that he is similar to Qian Zhao or Sun Lang (I forgot). And her disciple doesn't seem to be training as much as the others, it feels like he's always involved in power struggles.

    Fourth, I'm also puzzled. It was quite harsh. Previously, the female lead even had a soft spot and wanted to pat his head, but later, why did she become so ruthless?

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  • Loves Eating Meat Crab Hotpot7 months ago rating:5.1

    Why can't all the actors in period dramas be handsome and beautiful? I really miss the dramas where everyone had great looks. In the past, it was so enjoyable, but now it's really hard to watch.
    It's too off-putting.

    Moreover, the voice dubbing for the female lead is so distracting. It really doesn't match her face, and her neck is always stiff. It's uncomfortable to watch, just like YYLS (referring to another drama).
    Also, whenever there's a slightly complicated action scene, it's clearly a stunt double. And yet they still promote it as a hot topic, like "knife and horse dan" (referring to skilled performers in martial arts scenes).
    It's quite embarrassing...

    The parts involving the princess and the queen are somewhat interesting, but they are just supporting roles. How much can you watch in a single episode...? In conclusion, I won't continue watching.

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  • LinaBelle7 months ago rating:5.4

    It's a scam drama, and even Liu Shi Shi as the female lead with her still stunning looks can't save it from being so malicious, extremely malicious. I'm typing this out purely to express my frustration towards this capital-driven ugliness.
    Forcing excessive promotion only invites divine retribution. It's only meaningful when attractive people show their charm, and true highlights are those with logical coherence. There's no need to interrupt the female lead's moments of brilliance just to promote someone else.
    It not only fails to attract fans for the unattractive individuals but also discourages the audience. I'm out, I'm out, I won't watch it anymore.

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  • Trapped7 months ago rating:5.4

    A drama disguised as a story centered around a strong female lead, but it's actually all about the male lead. It might as well be renamed "Ning Yuan Zhou Show" to emphasize the male lead's spotlight. But no matter how much spotlight he gets, it's useless with his mediocre acting skills.
    I'm giving this drama one star solely for the male lead's acting skills, which are as shallow as a ditch. Seriously, please work on improving your acting skills before taking on more roles. The bar is set so low with these shallow acting skills.
    I don't want to watch the ugly child of a capitalist anymore. And by the way, he's really ugly. It's disgusting.

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  • Jennifer7 months ago rating:6.2

    Actually, the first four episodes were okay, but in the fifth episode, when the female lead seduces the male lead and insists on having a child with him, it was really uncomfortable to watch. I even suspect that the screenwriter is from the family planning office (facepalm with a wry smile).
    The female lead's appearance seems to have changed a bit, her face is too thin, and her cheekbones are a bit prominent. As for the male lead, he is heavyweight in the not-good-looking department. Seriously, not good-looking at all.
    His eyes are smaller than his eyebrows, no wonder netizens call him "???".

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  • Flora7 months ago rating:5.8

    It's alright to watch this fictional drama when there's nothing else to do. The storytelling and aesthetics are average, and it can't be considered a martial arts drama since the fight scenes aren't impressive.
    If you mention ancient puppetry, the weariness of the era is a bit excessive. The male lead has received a lot of criticism, but he's actually fine. After all, there are too few handsome men in period costumes. As for the supporting male characters, they have a somewhat charming and refined appearance.

  • WangJing7 months ago rating:6.4

    The more I watch, the more disgusted I become with the female-oriented "feel-good" drama. The more I watch, the more I find the female lead disgusting. What's there to like about someone with such double standards?

    The male lead has no personal charisma and relies entirely on others praising him and his character. Only Yuan and Li, the two little dogs, are pleasing to watch. The rest of the characters feel awkward.
    The main couple, INFJ and ISTP, are so boring and obsessed. The little dogs with their persistence are more interesting.

    But later on, they force the little dogs into becoming clowns. It's quite heartbreaking.
    The whole drama becomes more and more boring and disgusting. The so-called "big female lead" doesn't even have any thoughts of her own. She only knows how to complete missions and kill, and she's cruel to those who are good to her.

    Someone who hasn't even thought about what she wants to do in her life doesn't deserve to be called a "big female lead." Apart from being heartless and cold, what personal charisma does she have?
    And even if she's heartless, she's still double-faced. One moment she's one way, the next moment she's moved to tears by the male lead. After watching so many episodes, I still don't know what beliefs the female lead has.

    It's all just a fantasy for women. Lock the main couple together. The only one deserving of the sincere love of the little dogs is my female lead.

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  • TTT7 months ago rating:5.5

    Just watched the first episode, and the biggest issue lies with the director and screenwriter. The storytelling techniques are peculiar and strange. Whether it's the initial setup of the identities of the male and female leads or the way the subordinates in the Six Paths Hall are interrogated by their superiors, it's all filled with a sense of dissonance.
    The female lead decides to fake her death and live a free life, but then she runs back to the branch as if she's afraid that people won't know she's still alive. Currently, the show doesn't seem to be well-executed.
    I'll wait and see how it progresses before giving a final rating.

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  • FuShiQi7 months ago rating:9.8

    Originally, I was bored and just wanted to catch a glimpse of Shi Shi, but I ended up being captivated by Yu Shi San. Fang Yi Lun's acting has improved so much, his lines and demeanor are truly outstanding!
    The overall pacing of the plot is also fast and intriguing. I hope it doesn't fall apart later on.

  • HunterGourd7 months ago rating:9.5

    The female lead, who pretends to be weak but is actually strong, joins the team of the Imperial Escort to protect the princess. The story combines comedy and growth elements, showcasing the comedic teamwork of the squad and the personal growth of each character.

    Impressive is the strength of the female characters. One is Ren Ru Yi, the left envoy of the Zhu Yi Wei, who fakes her death to seek revenge for the empress and embarks on the path back to An Guo.
    The other is Yang Ying, the naive and ignorant princess of the cold palace, who gathers the courage to embark on a path for her own happiness and for the country and its people.

    The two share a mentor-student, friend-like, and sister-like relationship. The story of the lone wolf teaching the little rose, and the little rose growing up to become a queen, is even more captivating than a love story.

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  • Yunyun7 months ago rating:5.5

    Episodes 1-16, 5 stars; starting from episode 17, what happened to the plot? It's like after luring people into the pit for the first six days, it's all about love and no real substance, clearly two different dramas.
    For the first six days, I recommended it to all my friends who hadn't seen it. But starting from episode 17, I tell them not to watch it, it's a waste of time. If they haven't watched it yet, it's better that way.
    In episodes 1-16, the male lead was pleasing to the eye, but starting from episode 17, this guy is so annoying, why does he have so much screen time? I want to see the female lead continue her career storyline.

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.