Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

of SIX ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH TUESDAY, MAY 2, College Women Hear Objectives Of Association State Vice- of Body Addresses Group at Dinner Describing the work of jean Association of University Women as 61 continuation of college in modest way, Mrs, A. W. enger of Champaign, state a president of A. A. U.

before 40 women of the hranch attending a dinner meeting of the organization last night Mineral Springs Hotel. The speakor tnid the history of the tion founded in 1882 by 16 women. which has now grown 10 A memhership of over 60,400. Mrs. Clevenger told of the stand.

ards required of A university college before it is accredited the American Association of versitics, which the same standards kept by the A. A. U. To be accredited, a school must have certain standards for its women students and faculty members. with no discrimination toward them.

and must present a liberal college education. She also told of the study gram of the association which put out. by trained research workers in the headquarters al WashIngfon. Mrs. Clevenger typified an A.

A. U. W. branch as an ganization of open-mindedness for free inquiry. The speaker was Introduced the president, Miss Jean Cousley, following a brief business meeting.

During the meeting the following women were named to committees and as department chairmen: Mrs. C. C. Ellison, hospitality committee; Rohrough, program chairman; 'Miss Sue' Olmstead, yearbook chairman; Miss Helen A. Mack, membership; Mrs.

Randall S. Hilton, international relations; Mrs. A. F. Brubaker, arts; Miss Mary Kemper, social studies; Miss Irene Degenhardt, education.

Mrs. W. M. Parrish of Champaign. former division A.

A. U. W. president, of was also a Pennsylvania guest of and the organization. Speaking briefly on education, Mrs.

Parrish said that there are two benefits of a college training. The first is the benefit the individual, and the second what it enables the individual do for his community. The second benefit, she said, may come about hy working through a planned program AS offered by A. U. During the business meeting.

Alton branch voted to pursue A policy of study in general meetings the first year AS led by the department chairmen of each study group. Mike Bosoluke Rites Thursday Morning Funeral rites for Mike Bosoluke, who died unexpectedly Monday at plant of American Smelting fining will be held Thursday at 9 a. at St. Mary's Church. Burial will be in St.

Joseph's cometery. The body will be moved from Klunk funeral home to the residence, 23 Illinois avenue, day at 3 p. m. Church Events Spring luncheon will be served Thursday, from eleven to one o'clock, at the Congregational Church, Sixth and Henry streets, by the Benevolent Society. Official board will meet at the Firat Christian Church tonight al 7:30 o'clock.

Mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday night will be followed by A session of the Bible School officers and teachers. Miss Bertha Forguson will vlew "China Through College Window" before the Woman's Mission Circle of the First Baptist Church at the home of Mrs. Harold Meyers, 1528 States treet, Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Ferguson will present the review in place of Mias Eunice C. Smith.

The May meeting of Sunshine Circle of Cherry Street Baptist Church will be held Wednesday evening al 7:30 o'clock in the enurch parlors. Hostesses for the meeting will he Mra, Ruth Sutton, Mrs. Alma Shir-. ley, Mra. Mary Unterhrmk, Mrs.

Marie Patrick and Miss Lela Hurris. Trinity Lutheran Church will hold mid-week services 7:31 o'clock Wednesday. The Rev. W. C.

Gesch will speak 011 the topic. "God's Building." Dr. Robert C. Dexter, director of the department of social relations of the American Voltarian Association, will be guest speaker ut regular morning service Sunday at the Unitarian Church. Dr.

Dex ter will talk on Czechoslovakia, where he spent last summer and to where he returned following the Munich conference. Births welghed pounds, Hartford Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crane of 116 East Third street are parents, of a daughter. The baby was born at 2:23 o'clock this morning at Alton Memorial Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cope of 751 Park Drive have given the name of Paul Franklin to a son, Dori Monday morning al 11:20 o'clock at their home. The baby welghed pounds, At A.A.U.W. Dinner at Mineral Springs First row--Mrs.

L. R. Morgan, Mrs. A. W.

Clevenger of Champaign, state vice-president of A. A. U. Miss Jean Cousley, Mrs. W.

M. Parrish, Mrs. G. I. Rohrbough.

Second row--Miss Helen A. Mack, Miss Irene Degenhardt, Miss Mary Kemper, Mrs. C. C. Ellison.

-Staff photo. Many persons interested in the Old Age Pension program were present. After the meeting adjourned Mrs. George E. Wilkinson conducted two quizzes on foreign among members of the league.

Bell Employes' Dinner Sixty young women of the traffic exchange, Bell Telephone had a dinner party at den Gate" Monday evening, were seated at tables attractively decorated in the spring motif. In addition to the young women employes dinner guests included I. W. Steans, and Mrs. Steans, C.

Y. Milford of the Alton office, and D. C. Porter, W. C.

Cloyd (G. C. Jones of the division office in Springfield. A silhouette of an operator's Dicad, with horn attached, marked each guest's place. Miss Dorothy Hellrung was toastmistress, and community singing was featured.

Following dinner an entertaining program, including two skits, presented. Mrs. Gladys Rice, Margaret Herndon and Miss anita Poore appeared in "The Brain Storm' and Miss Rosaiand Stiritz and Mrs. Luretta Stiritz Clues." Mrs. Blanche Weindel gave a reading, "Matinee Pest," and Miss Hellrung read a poem, "The Business of Mrs.

Catherine Elliott played piano selection, "When Day Done." C. Y. Milford also a pianist, played a solo. "Harbor Lights" and "Whistle While You Work" were sung by quartet composed of Mrs. Jane Hill, Miss Evelyn Kane, Miss Elvah Dale and Miss Frances Fettinger, with Mrs.

Elliott at the piano. Dinner Party In Wood River Mr. and Mrs. Albert Darr entertained with a dinner Sunday having as their guests, Mrs. Darr's ters, Mrs.

Rheba Kallakan and children of Jerseyville, Mr. Mra. Herbert Kunz of Alton; and Mrs, Roy Roberts of Jerseyville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Emmons and children and Mr.

and Mrs. B. Barks and son of Alton, M. B. S.

Luncheon Mrs. George Miller of East Broadway will. entertain the Mutual Benefit Society Thursday one o'clock. Luncheon will served. Juniors' Meeting Postponed Junior Catholic Social Club has postponed its meeting from tonight until Tuesday night, May 16.

Luncheon at Humboldt Teachers at Humboldt will be guests of honor at a lunchto he given Thursday at twelve o'clock in Humboldt Sel.on. luncheon has been arranged the Humboldt Mothers Culb. Paintings on Display Miss Marion Allen, a teacher at McKinley school, who paints in her spare time, has placed a paintIng In the exhibit sponsored by Independent artists of St. Louis al the St. Louis museum, which will be shown throughout the entire month.

Miss Allen's painting is An oll. On the Mississippi" in which she depicted a scene of the bluffs west of the water She painted the picture last fall. Miss Allen has specialized in portraying local scenes, and has displayed several other pictures of Alton life and locations. There are about 60 pictures in the exhiblt, each member having contributed one piece. Mrs.

Adelina Spaniol Funeral Thursday The body of. Mrs. Adelina Mciners Spardol, wife of Harry Spanial. lis at Bauer Hochn funeral home. Eighth Langdon streets, where friends may call this afternoon and evening and until time of the eral Thursday.

Funeral rites will he held Thursduy at 2 p. at Trinity Lutheran Church with the Rev. W. C. Gesrh, pastor, officiating.

Burial will be In Bethalto Lutheran cemetery. Commander John Dick of Alton Post of the American Legion quests members of the Post to meet this evening At 7:30 o'clock at Haskell house to go in a body to the funeral home to pay their spects to the memory of Mrs. County Chapter Of K. of C. to Meet In Alton Tonight Msgr.

Sloan to SpeakDegrees to Be Conferred Sunday When Madison County Chapter of the Knights of Columbus meets tonight as guest of Alton Council, E. crowded calendar of events will be launched for Alton members. Tonight's meeting will begin at 8 o'clock. and will be attended by representatives from Alton, TriCities, Collinsville and Edwardsville. A brief "radio" program will be given, and an address will be given by Msgr.

W. T. Sloan, rector of Old Cathedral. State Deputy Michael Howlett will attend. Next Sunday will be an Important in the history of the Alton unit of the order.

Members will receive Holy Communion In a body at 7:30 mass at St. Patrick's Church, and after mass will attend breakfast in the school basem*nt. Later in the morning, the first degree will be conferred on a class of candidates by officers of Alton Council. In the afternoon, the second and third degrees will be exemplified. The second degree will be conferred by officers of Gillespie and Alton councils, and the third degree by Dr.

J. N. Boswell, district deputy at Kewanee, and his staff. A class of more than 50 In scheduled to receive the third degree, including candidates from cities of this section. Following the degree, a banquet will be served at Hotel Stratford, with the candidates as guests.

For a Sunday in the near future the Knights of Columbus of Alton are planning a day of recollection, to be held at St. Patrick's Church. Personal WAS Mrs. Ottest Smith, wife of Mrs. Ju- Raymond Smith of 517 Third street, was admitted to St.

Joseph's Hospital Monday afternoon for mediin cal treatment. Miss Frances Pelan of 627 Quincy Court has entered St. Joseph's Hospital for medical treatment and observation. Mrs. Mary Peru of 1421 State street has entered St.

Joseph's Hospital for observation and possible surgery. The Rev. George M. Humphrey, a Methodist minister of Kane, was brought to Alton Memerial Hospital today for medical treatment. Anne Waterhouse of 624 East Twentieth street, is a patient at Alton Memorial Hospital an operation this morning moval of her tonsils.

Charles Stamm of 1019 street entered Alton Hospital Monday for treatment. Mrs. Sarah E. Summers Greenwood avenue was to Alton Memorial Hospital day afternoon for surgery. Mrs.

Ethel Thatcher of 335 ning avenue, Wood River, Alton Memorial Hospital and expects to undergo treatment there Wednesday. Cecil Scherer left this for Plattsburg, New York, visiting relatives and friends December 14. Mrs. Herbert Zook of Ocean spent Monday night of Mr. and Mrs.

R. hoffer, 1406 Highland avenue. Zook stopped in Alton enroute Ocean City from Detroit, she purchased a Buick. Mr. Mrs.

are former residents while in Alton Mr, Zook was nected with the Bell Company. Miss Eleanor G. Warner, ter of Rev. J. M.

Warner Mrs. Warner, will leave Alton 10 accept a secretarial with the David Cook House. Miss Warner, graduate MacMurray College, Jacksonville, recently resigned as a member Alton High School faculty complete preparations for the position in Elgin, Marriage lieenses were issued Charles, to William and Mary Rennison, and Pickett and Edna Gilbert of seyville, and to Everett Full Winifred Hall of Hartford. Orville Pierce of spent the weekend with mother, Mrs. E.

B. Pierce, at her home on College Mra. A. McDonald of 537 Seventh street, who underwent operation last Friday At Memorial Hospital, is able to visitors. Mrs.

McDonald undergone four operations a Mrs. past year. Katharine for Q. Now Spencer York morning Miss Helen Cannon is week with her aunt, Mr8. Edwards, and cousin, Mrs.

Morrow, in Beardstown, Ill. Dr. 1a. R. Morgan of 2804 street, left today for he will attend a convention Illinois Osteopaths.

Dr. be home Thursday evening. The Rev. J. Morgan Warner, pastor of the First Church, and Mrs.

Warner, by their son, Norman, morning for Woodstock, Canada, after A visit friends. They will be at 407 George street, During the war, while ALTON SYMPHONY CONCERT TUESDAY, MAY 2ND, 8:15 Y. W. C. A.

Reserved Seats 75c Gencral Admission 50c Students To Address Conference MISS F. JANE GRAVES Miss Graves to Address Session Miss F. Jane Graves, superintendent of Alton Memorial pital, will leave this evening for Chicago, to address two of the conferences of the Tri-State Assembly which convenes at Hotel Stevens Wednesday for 8 day session. Miss Graves will speak Wednesday afternoon before the conference of nurses "The Use of Subsidiary Workers," and 'Friday afton, ernoon will be on the prograin of the General Assembly, reading a paper on "The Increased Cost of Supplies and Commodities." Executive Director Louis Degenhardt of Group Hospital of Illinois, accompanied by Ray S. McCarthy, director of Group Hospital Service of St.

Louis, and Walter McBee, an associate director, left this mornling for Chicago to attend conferences of the convention pertaining to group hospital work. Sister Margaret, superior at St. Joseph's Hospital, will attend the convention of Catholic Hospital Association of the United States and Canada in June, after postgraduate work in Milwaukee, so she will not attend the Chicago convention. Old Cathedral to Be Redecorated SS. Peter Paul's (Old Cathedral) Church will be repaired and redecorated this spring, according to plans announced by the rector, Msgr.

W. T. Sloan. The work will cost approximately $6000, and will include tuck pointing the outside walls, 10 stop leaks, scaffolding, plastering, frescoing recondithe floor and knceling benches. The tuck pointing will completed this week.

Collection for the's support of Old Cathedral School is usually taken up at this time of the year, and the school collection and the raising of mony for the work on the church will be merged this spring. The collection will be taken up next Sunday, May 7, and envelopes for the special fund have been mailed to parishioners. Roxana Entertainers At Roosevelt School Aid Society of the Roxana Church will present A vaudeville entertainment at Roosevelt jot High School on Sixth street Friday night. A feature of the program will be three-act play, "The Beantown Choir." Marguerite Camp, No. 500, al Neighbors of America, is co-opcrating with the Roxana group in staging the benefit.

Rev. Warner wAs In service, Mrs. Morgan and three children resided in Woodstock. The Rev. and Mrs.

Warner and Norman spent the winter in Orlando, Florida. Mrs. Edward Burnester was removed to her home, 1127 street, from St. Anthony's Union mary today. Mrs.

Burmester was a patient at the infirmary for three Mrs. "Schiel W. Ebker, who was seriously ill for ten day's at the family home, 3312 Thomas avenue, was moved to Barnes Hospital, St. Louls, for observation and treatment Monday. Mrs.

Ebker to be at Barnes for a short tIme. expects Mrs. R. A. Cousley and daughter, Carol Dale, of Sixteenth street, accompanied by Mrs.

Cousley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Simpson, of Bostwick street, will spend the week-end in Chicago visiting Mr.

and MrR. Mark Hanna. PAINFUL FEET CALLOUSES No matter what your foot trouble may be- tired, aching feet, weak arch, foot and leg pains, corns or callouses--Dr. FooT Scholl has developed a scientific relief for it. We specialize in Dr.

Scholl'a Foot Comfort Rernedies and Appliances. If your feet hurt come in for a Free Demonstration, FOOT HEALTH SHOP 210 Piasa St. Tells Women New Teaching Makes Learning Easier State Club Federation Hears U. of I. tion Professor CHICAGO, May 2 ing melhods in the past 30 years have undergone vast changes, all of which were made by educators with the aim of making school work less tedlous, Dr.

E. H. Reeder, professor of education at the University of Illinois said in an address yesterday. Dr. Reeder, addressing delegates at the annual convention of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, said that the aim of tors in modern progressive education was to teach children to think think themselves into the problem--not just to memorize and recite like puppet." The youngster starting out In school now does not have to worry about the A.B.C.'s, Dr.

Reeder said. explaining that study of eye movements in reading had that the eye comprehens phrases, not words letter by letter. "History lessons of today for a study of peoples and events, not a memory test of dates," he added. "while 1939 pupil is taught how to spell words which are most needed and used--nots given words to spell because they are difficult." Mrs. Frank E.

Richart, og Urbana, chairman of the education department, told the convention the state federation had $71,000 in scholarship funds which were aiding 170 students in colleges. I Complete medical examinations for children every three years were urged by Mrs. John White of Washington, president of the sixteenth district, who reported to the convention on "better health." Mrs. Arthur W. De Selm of Kankakee, president of the eighteenth district, who made a report 011 "better schools," urged a study of legislation affecting schools, while Mrs.

W. H. McConochie of Rock Island, fourteenth district president, reporting on "better homes." pleaded for more reading and recreation in the home. Ist Presbyterians To Picnic June 6 Cabinet Begins Plans for Annual Outing Tuesday, June 6, was set as the date for the First Presbyterlan Sunday School's annual picnic 88 members of the Sunday School cabinet met at the home of the new superintendent, H. R.

Barton of Wood River, Monday evening. The outing is to begin about 4:30 with games and other forms of recreation for the youngsters, to be followed by a basket picnic supper for all. In setting the date, the cabinet abandoned the last two years' policy of holding the picnic in the fall preliminary to Rally Day, hut at the same time sought to select a date before the summer vacation began. The cabinet approved a to establish A system of proposal pin awards for the regular attendance, authorizing superintendent to appoint a committee to map out and set up the program. Another committee wAs authordzed to work out.

plans for oh. servance, in the Sunday School, of the decennial of the Rev. E. J. Vance's acceptance of the pastorate here.

Lodge Notes Alton Post, 1:108, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and auxiliary will hold a regular o'clock meeting Wednesday evening at 8 at Turner Hall. Refreshments will be served. Members of Allon and Carlin ville, Rebekah in lodges will go to a chartered bus, Friday to attend the annual meeting of the twenty-sixth District, The bus leave the Temple Theater at 7:30 o'clock, and will building Sixth and Ridge streets at and at Main street and College avenue to take on passengers. To Be June" Bride MISS MARJORIE BARR of Wood River, who wit wed Wilfred Mossman, or. June 12, at St.

Bernard's Church in Wood River. Society. PARTI DANCES CLUBS TEAB WEDDING Garden Pilgrimage Wednesday Alton's first garden pilgrimage will lake place Wednesday, between the hours of two and six o'clock, and holders of tickets will he privileged to visit many beauty spots. Persons planning to take the tour and are unfamillar with the routing may secure the necesgary information by stopping at the Young Women's Christian Association at one o'clock tomorrow. Persons desiring to tour the Alton Memorial Hospital grounds are asked to stop at the general office of the hospital for instructions as 10 the route to take to see he garden.

The pilgrimage has been ranged for the benefit of the Assuclation. Elsworth Richey Surprised Elsworth Richey was surprised al his home, 1122 Milnor avenue, Monday night. The surprise was arranged by Mrs. Richey in ohservance of Mr. Richey's birthday, end guests in attendance WeTa Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lewis. Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Mcarsch, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Narup and Norman Richey of Alton, Mr. and Mra.

Clarence Thomae of Jerseyville, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little Miss Catherine Paxton of Wood River. Bridge and pinochle were played, and Mrs. Norup was given a prize.

Mrs. Richey served refreshments at a late hour. Phi Tau House Party Phl Tau Omega Sorority will have a house party in Chautauqua May 20 and 21, and during the month will conduct a pastry sale. Plans for the house party and the pastry sale were discussed at a sorority meeting Monday evening. Guild With Mina Unsery guests.

Parley In Belleville Mins Marie Ussery entertained her home on Wy98 avenue Monday night, and had as guests members of the Mary Ellen Chapter Worki Wide Guild. A brief business session was held, with Miss Bernadine Bauer, president, presiding. Miss Ussery served refreshments, and the table in the dining room was prettily decorated. The centre piece table was a pink Maypole, and streamers were drawn! to the guests' places. The ribbons were caught by dolls, favors for the Members of the Past President Parley of Alton will he entertained in Belleville tonight.

group ix entertaining parley memhers in the Twenty-second District. and many women are expected to he in attendance. Campus Conuments Ranks First Mary Baldwin College, Staunton. Miss Frances Rue, Alton a member of the senior class at Mary Baldwin college and editor of the college's weekly newspaper, Campus Comments, received word last week that the newspaper, under her editorship, received first honor rating in the annual rating by the Associated Collegiate Press. The newspaper competed with newspapers from al over the United States.

of The senior cass and has been Miss Rue is a prominent standing in many activities since her entrance In Minry Badwin. She is the daughter of Dr. W. Ruri or Aton. Miss Marjorie Barr to Wed Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Barr of 132 Seventh street. Wood River, are announcing the approaching BINYtiago of their daughter, Miss Marjorie Barr, 10 Wilfred Mossman. The wedding will take place Monday mommy. Sune 12, in St.

nard's Church, Wood River. Mr. Mossman, graduate of the Jersey ville High School, ix an employe of Shell Petroleum Corp. Miss Barr is a graduate of Marquette High Schont. Mias Huebener Hostess to Club A wiener roast was enjoyed last night by members of a club at the hoine of Mrs.

Mamie Huebener of Brighton, with Miss Ethel Huch. ener, her daughter, as hostess. Following the picnic supper, bridge was played with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Cart Fors and Miss Vivian Willett. The club will meet again in two weeks with Miss Mary Tomlosle of Hartford Alton Symphony Concert Tonight St.

Patrick's Banquet St. Patrick's Young Men's will have its annual Mother and Son banquet on Mother's Day, May 14. at St. Patrick's Hall. In meeting Thursday evening 7:30 o'clock club members will complete plans for the banquet and for an excursion on the Capitol Thursday night, May 11.

Sorority With Miss Ireland Miss Margaret Ireland of Brown street was hostess last night to the Delta Theta Chi Sorority, During the meeting members outlined activities for the spring. Refreshments were served by Miss Ireland. Girls Guild, an organization formed in the Evangelical church last fall, with Mrs. O. W.

Heggemeier and Mrs. Edward Koehne as sponsors, entertained with a Mother and Daughter banquet night in the Evangelical Hall. Dinher WAS served by Evangelical Daughters. The spring motif predominated In the decorations, and dogwood was used with pleasing effect. Covers were arranged for fortyfour, Miss Mary Ellen Nickels WAS toastmaster, and a program following dinner closed with candle light ceremonial in which the light was passed from Mother to Daughter.

Toast to Mother was given by Miss Eva Scheffel, president of the Guild, and a toast to Daughter was presented by Mrs. Dorothea Farrow. Guests were led in prayer by Miss Jacqueline Walter, and Miss Bonnie Oden led in group singing and gave 8 reading. Miss Betty Funk entertained with a tap dance, and Miss Arleen Heggemeier, played, a sang. piano solo.

Miss Betty Mrs. Kochne gave the legend of the dogwood. During the candle light monial Mrs. O. W.

Heggemeler gave a pledge to the Daughters and Miss Norma Caswell gave a pledge to the Mothers. An entertaining number on the program was a "hat parade." 'The Rev. 0. W. Heggemeier.

pastor of the Evangelical Church, was present. Girls' Guild Banquet Luncheon for Chris Koenig Mrs. Lawrence Lucker of 2615 Benbow avenue attended A lunchcon Monday in St. Louis, arranged observance of the eightieth birthday anniversary of her father, Chris Koenig, formerly a resident of Mills avenue. Birthday cake ornamented with 80 candles was a center piece for the table.

Mr. Koenig, who regides with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koenig, in St. Louis, received many greetings and callers Monday.

One of Mr. Koenig's sons lives In La Grange, and was unable to be in St. Louis for the birthday observance. Barge Party for Little Theater Party on the Barge Zazu for members of the Little Theater and their friends has been planned for Monday evening, May 22. Plans were perfected by members of the entertainment committee, Miss Rosamund Merriman, Miss Minerva Kieselhorst and Homer Kennedy, in meeting al the home of Miss Kieselhorat last night.

To Crown Marquette Queen Miss Pauline Schleeper will be crowned as Queen Wednesday at two o'clock, at a May fete to be given by students of Marquette High School, on the Ursuline Convent grounds, 845 Danforth street. The Queen will be attended by eight maids, and hoys from the senior class will escort the Queen and her maids. Langur's Open Meeting William F. Nichaus at Collinsville, superintendent, department of public welfare, spoke on Old Age Pensions in Madison County. before an open meeting of the Alton Lengue of Women Voters Monday afternoon at Alton City Matt.

VACATION TOURS Standard Prices folders and Information Free. New YorkSan Francisco World Faire, ete. Mrs. D. Creswick- Rice 2290 Brown Strert The concert to be presented as 8:15 o'clock tonight at the Y.W C.A.

by Alton Symphony orches. tra, promises to be one of the larg. est attended of any concert to he presented, said Miss Elise Achle I director of the orchestra, today it regard to ticket sales. A crowd of St. Louis persons is expected as well as great number of Al.

tonians. The following program will he given: Symphony No. 5 in MinorBeethoven Allegro con Brio Andante con Moto, Pupiu Moto Allegro Allegro, presto Intermission Symphonic Poem No. 3, "Danse Polovetzian Dances from "Prince Assisting artisis: Irene Eldez Meyer, soprano; Esther Yoder alto; H. A.

Dacker, tenor; Rex Hogan, bass. Introduction Dance of Slave Maidens Dance of the Wild Men Dance of the Archers Perpetuum Mobile, musical humoresque--Johann Strauss There are 49 members of the or chestra this year, the largest in the history of the orchestra. The quar tet singing with the orchestra ir the Polovetzian Dances is also ar. innovation in Alton Symphony, following for re- Garden Memorial medical of 1600 admitted Mon- entered Monday surgical morning after since Side, the 'E. ElMrs.

to where and and con- Telephone daughand June position Publishing of of to accept- in CarRalph Jerand City his who is avenue. East an Alton rehas during left City. spending George Mina Brown Danville Morgan forBaptist accomleft Onwith 1o- Woorlthe BEDDING PLANTS 2-Greenhouses-2 HOME FLORAL CO. 1206 MILTON ROAD Oakwood Cemetery Entrance Phone 1118 STRATFORD BEAUTY SHOP Come in and let us restyle your hair with a new short haircut and a permanent wave! The short coiffure with the "UP" look. A permanent wave 1o give you the soft little curls that look like they grew that way.

The effect is refreshingly new and vastly becoming. Specially Trained Operators Marge Bergstrom, Mgr. Rubye Meyers-Irene Jacobs Ada Conrad PHONE 486 FOR APPOINTMENT Keddettes make news! One strap open toe Pump, Flowered print with white, red or navy, Cuban heel. Open toe mesh Oxfords, all white or brown Cuban heelOutstandingly cool, comfortable Oxfords to wear with sport clothes. 1 .95 AND $2:45 On Piasa Sessel's At Third 75th Anniversary Year.

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.