Are Nurses Allowed to Have Tattoos? A Comprehensive Guide (2024)

About 30% of individuals in the US have tattoos — and maybe you’re one of them. Even in healthcare, it’s not rare to see people proudly displaying their ink. Tattoos are like permanent life stories on our skin, capturing memories, milestones, beliefs, or personal passions that stay with us forever.

But how much ink is too much? Do nurses with tattoo sleeves have a hard time getting jobs? And if you’re an allied traveler or travel nurse with tattoos, will that get in the way of your career? This guide will dive into all these tattoo questions and the role they play in the healthcare world.

Are Nurses Allowed To Have Tattoos?

The way society views tattoos has dramatically shifted over the years. Think back 20 years when they were seen as taboo, edgy, or even rebellious. Now? They’re a regular sight. In fact, about half of Americans under 40 are flaunting some form of tattoo. And the good news? These days, a tattoo doesn’t come with the same stigmas as before.

So, how does this cultural shift play out in professions, especially in more traditional areas like healthcare? Can nurses confidently display their tattoos? And what should healthcare professionals with tattoos be aware of when aiming for career advancements?

The Pros and Cons of Tattoos in the Medical Field

Going for a tattoo, especially when you’re a nurse or in healthcare, comes with pros and cons. But here’s a bright side: tattoos aren’t the career stoppers they once were. Turns out, more than 90% of senior hiring managers feel that workplace attitudes toward tattoos have mellowed.

So, can you have tattoos as a nurse? Can medical assistants have tattoos? If you’re entering the healthcare sector with visible tattoos, you may have additional questions like these.

How healthcare places feel about tattoos comes down to their rules and sometimes, your location. Ultimately, every business has its guidelines. So, what’s okay at one place might be a no-go at another, affecting whether nurses can show off their tattoos or not. Let’s look at the pros and cons of having tattoos in the healthcare industry.

Benefits of Nurses Having Tattoos

Beyond just the personal joy of having a tattoo, there are some legitimate professional benefits. For starters, showing off a tattoo can be a terrific way to break the ice with patients. It can be that little thing that helps bridge a gap, making conversations more genuine and relaxed.

When a healthcare place is cool with tattoos, it sends a message that they’re open to all sorts of styles and backgrounds – it’s like a nod to everyone being unique. And let’s be real: tattoos can make nurses seem more down-to-earth and approachable. Patients might feel they can be more themselves around someone visibly embracing their own story. This can pave the way for a stronger bond, setting the stage for meaningful patient-nurse interactions.

Builds Relatability

The most insightful response to the question, “Are nurses allowed to have tattoos?” is best weighed in by the patients themselves. When a nurse has a tattoo that sparks a memory or feels familiar to a patient, it can open the door to some pretty amazing conversations.

Tattoos are like personal billboards of our stories and experiences. And when patients see that, it can help break the ice, especially with travel nurses who are always meeting new people. Instead of just a medical professional in front of them, patients might see someone relatable to their own journeys. This can go a long way in building trust. After all, when patients feel more connected, their healthcare experience feels more like a two-way street full of genuine human connections.

Fosters Connections with Patients

Tattoos aren’t just ink on skin—they can help break the ice and make patients feel more relaxed. Imagine a patient seeing a nurse with a unique or relatable tattoo. It might make them think, “Oh, they’ve got stories just like me!” or it might be the little nudge they need to open up more.

Letting nurses display their tattoos is a big shoutout to embracing who you are and feeling strong in your identity. It’s a mood booster when you’re comfortable and proud of who you are. And when nurses are feeling good and confident, they bring that positive energy into their work. That’s not just great for them – it can make a big difference in how they care for patients. It’s a chain reaction of good vibes!

Fights Against Tattoo Stigmas

In the past, healthcare often held traditional views. However, the increasing presence of nurses with tattoos signals a refreshing shift toward a more modern and open perspective.

When healthcare institutions allow nurses to display their tattoos, it sends a message of inclusivity and acceptance. By embracing tattoos, healthcare facilities demonstrate an appreciation for individuality and the unique stories each professional brings.

Furthermore, this growing acceptance of tattooed nurses is about looking beyond appearances. It emphasizes the importance of a professional’s skills, dedication, and passion over physical attributes. It’s a testament to the evolving healthcare landscape that prioritizes competence and compassion above all else.

Drawbacks of Nurses Having Tattoos

Tattoos are a creative way for healthcare workers to express themselves. But here’s the thing: what one person loves, another might not get. Take, for instance, the question, “Can nurses have face tattoos?” Technically, sure. However, not everyone will be on board since everyone has their own idea of what is appropriate, particularly in the workplace.

Even though more people accept tattoos these days, there’s still some old-school thinking out there. This can make things a bit tricky, especially in healthcare.

Stigma Surrounding Tattoos

A study published in Psychology Today highlighted that people with tattoos can still face judgment in professional environments. Some still associate tattoos with past misdeeds or rebellious behavior, a viewpoint rooted in outdated beliefs that can present challenges. Individuals with tattoos might feel uneasy about showcasing their ink, concerned about potential misjudgments or biases. These apprehensions can lead them to hide their tattoos, feeling they might not be perceived professionally.

Additionally, organizations holding onto these outdated perceptions might overlook qualified individuals based solely on their body art.

May Affect Career Development

More and more workplaces are cool with people showing off their tattoos. Many workplaces understand that tattoos don’t say anything about how good they are at their job. But whether your tattoo affects your career can depend on a bunch of factors, like what position you’re in, how big or where your tattoo is, the rules at your workplace, and what’s generally accepted around you. For instance, when it comes to whether nurses can have neck tattoos or even tattoos in general, some healthcare places might be a bit conservative and not too keen on them.

May Cause Discomfort in Workplace

Tattoos can sometimes rub people the wrong way, especially if they touch on specific cultural or religious topics. People with tattoos might get some side-eye or negative reactions from those who find them off-putting. On the flip side, some cultures are totally fine with tattoos and body modifications. Because of these mixed feelings, there can be some tension at work, especially in healthcare, which needs to be handled with care.

When setting dress codes, including whether nurses can have tattoos, a facility needs to consider how tattoos and other forms of body modifications like piercings might affect a patient’s view of their healthcare provider.

For instance, older patients may have more traditional views on how their healthcare pros should look and may be more apprehensive of providers with visible tattoos. Many younger patients have a tattoo themselves. For example, 41% of Millennials, 32% of Gen Xers, and 23% of Gen Z individuals have tattoos, reflecting a generational shift in attitudes towards body modifications.

Variations in Tattoo Policies for Nurses

Some workplaces, especially more conservative ones, are still pretty strict about showing off tattoos. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), “Bans on—and bias against—body art largely depends on the industry.” Organizations can set dress codes, like covering up tattoos, if they think it doesn’t match the company’s mission, brand image, or core values.

Tattoo Policies in Healthcare Facilities

As we said earlier, some people think visible tattoos look unprofessional and may even be considered disruptive in some jobs. This has been an issue in healthcare for a while, but times are changing. Ultimately, whether nurses can show off their tattoos depends on where they work and what the rules of that specific organization are.

Travel Nurse Tattoo Considerations

Travel nursing continues to gain popularity among healthcare professionals seeking adventure and flexibility in their careers. Travel nurses must also consider the impacts of their tattoos while taking on new assignments. Tattoos have become increasingly common and accepted in society, but they can still be a subject of concern in professional settings, especially in healthcare environments.

One crucial consideration for travel nurses with visible tattoos is the varying policies of healthcare facilities they may work in during their assignments. Hospitals and clinics may have strict guidelines requiring employees to cover visible tattoos on duty. Travel nurses might need to adjust their wardrobe choices to reflect these policies or consider wearing bandages or specialized tattoo covers.

For travel nurses, it’s essential to be aware of the cultural and regional perspectives on tattoos at their assigned destinations. Your recruiter can offer valuable insights in this regard. In certain more traditional areas, visible tattoos might not be widely accepted or could be deemed unprofessional. Aligning with local customs and being sensitive to patients’ views is crucial for providing excellent care.

Another area for travel nurses to consider is the content of their tattoos. Tattoos with offensive or controversial imagery can lead to uncomfortable situations or negatively impact patient interactions. Being mindful of the content of their tattoos and choosing appropriate placement can help prevent such issues.

However, it’s not all about limitations. As previously noted, many healthcare facilities have become more accepting of visible tattoos as attitudes toward body art evolve. Some progressive institutions may have more relaxed policies that allow healthcare professionals, including travel nurses, to display their tattoos freely.

In-Home Nurse Tattoo Considerations

In-home nursing is all about caring for patients in the comfort of their homes. But, like any nursing gig, if you have tattoos, it’s important to consider how it might be seen professionally. You’re going to be right there with patients and their loved ones. Your tattoos could be a conversation starter or throw a curveball in how well you bond with the family.

Do Nurses Have To Cover Tattoos in Specific Areas?

There’s no easy answer to this question because the reality is: it depends. No universal rule applies to all nurses, and policies may differ from one institution to another.

Some healthcare facilities, especially hospitals and clinics with more conservative dress codes, may have policies requiring nurses to cover visible tattoos, especially those on the hands, neck, or face. They usually do this to maintain a professional appearance and avoid distractions and potential patient discomfort.

However, some healthcare institutions are more relaxed towards visible tattoos. In these facilities, nurses may not have to cover their tattoos, or the policies may only restrict tattoos with offensive or inappropriate content.

Different nursing jobs might have different tattoo rules. For example, nurses working directly with patients might have stricter tattoo rules than those behind the scenes in office roles. If you’re a healthcare traveler, it’s important to check with your recruiter about a specific facility’s rules and guidelines so you know what to expect on your first day.

Neck and Face Tattoos

Tattoos on the neck and face can be tricky for nurses. Because they’re so hard to miss, they might change the way a patient feels. These tattoos could become a talking point when the focus should be on the patient’s health or even become a distraction during crucial moments. Each hospital or clinic has its views regarding face tattoos. Some might give a thumbs-up, while others give them a hard pass.

For those looking into travel nursing gigs, having a sit-down with your recruiter is always a good idea. Before diving into your next job, you’ll want to get all the details on how each place feels about tattoos.

Tattoo Sleeves

Going for tattoo sleeves is a personal choice and, honestly, it’s all about what feels right for you. If you’re a nurse leaning towards getting or adding to your sleeve, it’s a smart move to dig in and do some solid research first about your organization’s nurses’ tattoo policy.

It’s always smart to chat with your current boss or a future workplace to ask them how they feel about tattoos on their team. If you’ve already got some ink, including sleeves, just be geared up for the possibility of curious looks or questions from both patients and your co-workers. At the end of the day, showing that you’re great at your job and genuinely care for your patients can quickly shift the focus from your tattoos. After all, it’s your skills and heart that matter most.


So we’ve covered tattoos, but are nurses allowed to have piercings? While regular earrings are usually a thumbs up, other piercings might raise some eyebrows depending on where you work. In the healthcare game, the top goal is always keeping patients safe and squashing any chances of infections. This means piercings that might mess with hand washing or potentially come in contact with things like bodily fluids might be flagged. This could lead to some places asking you to cover or remove them while working.

And there’s another thing to consider: the physical side of the job. Many healthcare roles involve a lot of movement, bending, and close-up patient interactions. Imagine having a piercing in a spot that can easily get snagged or accidentally yanked—that’s a quick ticket to an unexpected “ouch!” moment. This could be another reason some hospitals and clinics might be a bit iffy about certain piercings. So, when in doubt, it’s always a good idea to check with your workplace’s guidelines and maybe play it safe when starting a new gig.

Find A Travel Healthcare Job with Triage Staffing

At Triage Staffing, we go beyond just landing you a travel nurse position; we’re passionate about ensuring it’s the perfect fit for you. Clarity and honesty are at our core, ensuring you’re never left in the dark about what to expect in any assignment. And while your resume tells a story, we’re eager to learn the heartbeat behind it: your passions, aspirations, and what drives you.

The reason so many travel nurses and allied travelers team up with us time and again? It’s simple: We truly have your best interests at heart. If you’re gearing up for your next adventure, take a peek at our allied and travel nurse jobsor reach out to us directly. We’re on this journey with you, ready to guide you every step of the way.

Are Nurses Allowed to Have Tattoos? A Comprehensive Guide (2024)


Are you allowed to have tattoos as a nurse? ›

The simple answer is yes. A tattoo is unlikely to disqualify you from working as a nurse, though there are some important considerations to keep in mind. Depending on your place of work, there may be rules about the types of tattoos and visibility restrictions, but these can vary greatly from place to place.

Is it hard to get a job as a nurse with tattoos? ›

Some employers may prefer candidates without visible body art to maintain a certain image. This is especially true for prestigious institutions or roles that require a high degree of public interaction. With visible body art, nurses might find it harder to secure certain positions or promotions.

Are tattoos acceptable in healthcare? ›

Because a medical office is a professional environment, hiring managers do have to take that into consideration. In general, any tattoo that is easily covered up by clothing is perfectly acceptable for a medical assistant. Even tattoos on arms can be covered by wearing long sleeves underneath scrubs.

Can you have tattoos as a travel nurse? ›

Some hospitals and agencies may require you to cover up tattoos and remove piercings, while others may be more lenient. However, it's important to note that tattoos and piercings must not be offensive, derogatory, or obscene.

Can you get a tattoo while nursing? ›

Systemic infections can result in tetanus, hepatitis, and HIV. You may also experience an allergic reaction to the ink. Red inks are typically the most common ink type to cause reactions. Infections can harm your unborn or nursing child, so it's important to wait to receive a tattoo.

Do nursing schools care about tattoos? ›

There is no universal policy concerning body art in the nursing profession. The same applies to nursing students. However, there are specific tattoo policies that could make your life difficult if you have a visible tattoo. It all depends on where you work and how strict the facility is.

Can nurses have acrylic nails? ›

If you are rendering patient care then no. It's an infection control issue. However, if you are a tele-health nurse, UR nurse, staffer, informatics nurse, ie nurse that does not perform patient care, I don't see why it would be an issue. Just follow your organization's policy regarding nails and you'll be okay.

What is the tattoo code for nurses? ›

Some Common Body Art Policies For Nurses:

No tattoos above the collar or below the elbow allowed. No visible tattoos when wearing scrubs. Large or offensive imagery must be concealed.

What type of tattoo is always permitted in healthcare? ›

Most medical institutions are okay with a little bit of visible body ink, as long as it's not offensive. Non-visible tattoos are almost always allowed.

Are tattoos protected by Hipaa? ›

If, for instance, a healthcare company took a photograph of a patient's wound and the patient's identity can be determined from distinguishing features – a tattoo or birthmark for instance – the photograph would be covered and protected by HIPAA privacy laws.

Can you be a RN with tattoos? ›

As mentioned above, there is no rule concerning tattoos on nurses by the American Nursing Association (ANA). What's more, these days, many medical facilities will allow small tattoos on nurses to be visible. As a general rule of thumb, tattoos in the medical field are allowed, but some exceptions exist.

Can I have a septum as a nurse? ›

Most health facilities have no issue with nurses with nose piercings, especially when they are studs. The standard policy is for the studs to be small(think pin size) and more of a shade closer to your skin color.

What airline hires people with tattoos? ›

Last year, United Airlines updated its policy to allow flight attendants to have visible tattoos, as long as they are no bigger than the employee's work badge.

Can RN have piercings? ›

The answer is yes…but within reason. Each hospital and health network will have its own policies on the matter. They may accept piercing partially with regulations such as a small stud or skin-colored ones. They may also completely rule out nose piercings for nurses.

Are nurses allowed to have nails? ›

The CDC recommends that healthcare workers keep their nails short, typically no longer than a quarter inch. This is because longer nails can harbor bacteria and germs, which can be harmful to patients.

Can nurses wear their hair down? ›

Nurses wearing hair up and out of the face may be seen as outdated, but proponents say keeping hair up is an evidence-based practice that contributes to infection prevention and optimal patient outcomes.

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