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Choosing a "race"

  • #1 Feb 10, 2023



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    I'll just ask. I can't find the answer using a search.I got stuck months ago on step one of one, just trying to build a character. There seems to be a short list of sorts of people you can choose from. All bipedal people. The word I found for a description was humanoid I think. I can't get past that point. Trying to dig deeper, I actually found a lot of other creatures from the real world and fantasy of all different sorts. There seems to be much more to the character building as well, but I noticed most of those choices are also leading directly back to being a person.

    I think I'm missing some fundamental point to the game, rules, or maybe even high fantasy itself. Are you required to play as a human specifically with a background in western culture to even access the game? If so, why is it required that you acknowledge the break in fantasy by choosing, so to speak, a race? What's the difference? But maybe there is a way past that without forcing human, or humanoid as it were, characteristics. Why not just skip the option altogether if it is required anyway?

    Can this be done? I can't have been the only person to ask if I could be something other than human, or asked why further progress cannot be made without specifically acknowledging the character must be a bipedal hairless primate.

    I hope that isn't too confusing. Like I said, I can't quite wrap my head around that part either. I'll never get clarification if I don't ask, and I'm bound to misunderstand some other part if I just fake it. What am I missing?

    As I was. Found it. It has something to do with a subscription, and I guess by coincidence something about that part of character creation being down whenever I try? I don't know. It's definitely there. You can even make a custom character. This is a technical issue that might resolve itself.

    Last edited by Pterippus: Feb 10, 2023

  • #2 Feb 11, 2023



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    • Trickster
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    There are a number of playable species in D&D that are not bipedal hairless primates. The 'humanoid' moniker is a mechanical game construct, not an in-world thing. Now admittedly, almost all current playable species are bipedal (I believe centaurs and technicallyplasmoidsare the only exceptions), and the playable species all tend to share a broadly similar overall frame. That's because the core rules of D&D were built on the assumption that a PC is a creature between roughly two and eight feet in height with two arms, two legs, a head, a chunky bit in the middle they're all attached to, and a general marked dislike of pointy metal things being shoved in any of the above. Exceptions to that general configuration tend to cause friction with the rules and usually require both a DM willing to make calls and occasionally fudge things and a player willing to meet said DM halfway and not cause issues.

    But yes. There's a number of reptillian species, a few different constructs/automatons, a selection of fey, at least a couple avian species, and Spelljammer brought telepathic four-armed bugmen and sapient super-amoebas so those are a thing too. One does not have to be a Eurocentric human in D&D. That said, all those other more fanciful things will require you to purchase the sources for them in DDB, or at least buy them piecemeal a'la cart, before you're allowed to use them in the builder.

    Why you shouldn't start ANOTHER thread about DDB not giving away free redeems on your hardcopy book purchases.
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  • #3 Feb 11, 2023



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    I appreciate that. I was starting to wonder. It looks like this has to do with the account. I must have messed something else up. When I get a chance, I'll see if I can just reset the account to move forward.

    I kept stumbling on articles on character creation today, and I remembered this site. Some were really amazingly creative. I just can't access them at the moment, and the site seems fine according to others. This is only a technical issue on my end. But that's helpful as well, seeing there has to be some cooperation with others on what characters can work. I hadn't considered that either.

    Do I need to know anything else? Thanks again for the information.

  • #6 Feb 11, 2023



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    Quote from Pterippus >>

    I appreciate that. I was starting to wonder. It looks like this has to do with the account. I must have messed something else up. When I get a chance, I'll see if I can just reset the account to move forward.

    I kept stumbling on articles on character creation today, and I remembered this site. Some were really amazingly creative. I just can't access them at the moment, and the site seems fine according to others. This is only a technical issue on my end. But that's helpful as well, seeing there has to be some cooperation with others on what characters can work. I hadn't considered that either.

    Do I need to know anything else? Thanks again for the information.

    The character creation is glitchy af at the moment.

    Only thing I can suggest is deleting your cookies and trying again.

  • #7 Feb 11, 2023



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    Humans are just one of many options. There are elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, dragonborn, tieflings, half-elves, and half-orcs in the Player's Handbook alone. There are many supplements that add additional species, such as changelings, goblins, eladrin, and tabaxi, too.

    As Yurei said, the game kind of messes up when you play as a non-humanoid creature. A friend recently asked to homebrew the Avali into 5e, a weird, kinda-humanoid-but-mostly-bird-thing species. The main reason why we couldn't figure it out was because of the species' weird frame.

    Last edited by deadPan_c: Feb 11, 2023


  • #8 Feb 11, 2023



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    The word "humanoid" has existed and been used for longer than D&D has been in existence in any form. It means, for all intents and purposes, as human-shaped, or human-like in form. Two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head. It isn't an invention of D&D. If you really want to play something not available as a playable race currently, consult with your DM, and see if they can come up with something, using an existing race as a template. For example, use the centaur as the basis for another land-based, four-legged creature that would be playable. Just don't get upset if they say no, as they set the parameters for the campaign, and are not required to shape things about your wishes. But it never hurts to ask.

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  • #9 Feb 11, 2023



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    Options that aren't "hairless" = Aarakocra, Bugbear, Centaur, Firbolg, Hadozee, Harengon, Kenku, Leonin, Minotaur, Owlin, Satyr, Shifter, and Tabaxi. Also if scales/carapace count as "hair" I can add Dragonborn, Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Locathah, Simic Hybrid, Thri-Kreen, Tortle, Triton, and Yuan-Ti to the list.

    Most playable races are bidpedal simply because it makes the DM's life (and the designers') easier. But if you really want that and don't want to be a Centaur, work wtih your DM - I could see them allowing a tauric Warforged (e.g. something that looks close to the Warforged Charger from 3.5) / Autognome, or a Simic Hybrid with arthropodic legs.

    And if all else fails and you want to be something truly exotic, that's what Custom Lineage is for.

  • #10 Feb 11, 2023



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    Have you purchased any of the other races? There are some available for free, and yes, they’re all the bipedal, western fantasy classic choices. There are a lot, lot more options, but you need to either buy the race specifically, or buy the book the race is in to access them on the character builder.

  • #11 Feb 11, 2023



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    I'm seeing the issue I think. I can't access the suggested options. The account profile is just messed up. It isn't the game, and I'm grateful for the clarification, both that it isn't so limited, and that there really is a limitation once I can reset this.

    It's not the game. It's some computer issue. I definitely see the race I wanted to buy, and some books.

  • #12 Feb 13, 2023



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    Found it. If it happens to anyone else, changing the operating system on the computer makes it possible to make choices, but you'll need to go back and make sure your account is verified. It wasn't verifying the account. I played it safe, and made the most generic character I could think of. Works 4.0.

    The other issue also came up, and I found it in the handbook..

    Every character belongs to a race, one of the many intelligent humanoid species in the D&D world. The most common player character races are dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. Some races also have subraces, such as mountain dwarf or wood elf. Chapter 2 provides more information about these races, as well as the less widespread races of dragonborn, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs, and tieflings.
    The race you choose contributes to your character’s identity in an important way, by establishing a general appearance and the natural talents gained from culture and ancestry."

    Yes. According to the fifth edition handbook, you absolutely must create a Eurocentric humanoid character to play. Their words, not mine. Further restrictions exist for each humanoid race. Since it was brought up, I looked it up. But it looks like there is definitely a way around it with Homebrew. I didn't dig into it that much. I've got other issues.

    There it is. Mystery solved, if anyone else finds they can reach each page, but not select.

  • #13 Feb 13, 2023



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    Quote from Pterippus >>

    Yes. According to the fifth edition handbook, you absolutely must create a Eurocentric humanoid character to play. Their words, not mine. Further restrictions exist for each humanoid race. Since it was brought up, I looked it up. But it looks like there is definitely a way around it with Homebrew. I didn't dig into it that much. I've got other issues.

    Well, if you want to play as an animal, ask your DM. The game assumes you're going to be playing as a humanoid. Note, however, that "humanoid" and "human" are two different things.

    Again, the game messes up if you play as something other than a bipedal, 4-6 limbed creature, without heavy homebrew.

    Just out of curiosity, why do you specifically want to play as a non-humanoid creature? What's wrong with playing as one of the many, many options presented already?


  • #14 Feb 13, 2023



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    Quote from deadPan_c >>

    A friend recently asked to homebrew the Avali into 5e, a weird, kinda-humanoid-but-mostly-bird-thing species. The main reason why we couldn't figure it out was because of the species' weird frame.

    Why not use the playable races ofAarakocra or Owlin as a basis to work off of?

    EDIT: Or even Kenku.

    There's three bird species that are playable right there.

    Last edited by SirTawmis: Feb 13, 2023

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  • #15 Feb 13, 2023



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    Quote from SirTawmis >>

    Quote from deadPan_c >>

    A friend recently asked to homebrew the Avali into 5e, a weird, kinda-humanoid-but-mostly-bird-thing species. The main reason why we couldn't figure it out was because of the species' weird frame.

    Why not use the playable races ofAarakocra or Owlin as a basis to work off of?

    EDIT: Or even Kenku.

    There's three bird species that are playable right there.

    Yeah, tbh I didn't think of that. The main reasons it didn't work, though, is that they have super bad eyesight (but good hearing; couldn't come up with anything that the player in question liked), and the species' weird, vaguely-humanoid shape. Think a velociraptor mixed with a bird, but standing upright and with slightly more humanoid proportions. And with opposable thumbs.

    Last edited by deadPan_c: Feb 13, 2023


  • #16 Feb 13, 2023



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    Quote from Pterippus >>

    Yes. According to the fifth edition handbook, you absolutely must create a Eurocentric humanoid character to play. Their words, not mine. Further restrictions exist for each humanoid race. Since it was brought up, I looked it up. But it looks like there is definitely a way around it with Homebrew. I didn't dig into it that much. I've got other issues.

    No. It says those are the most common, not the only. Now, when the PHB was published, they were pretty much the only options, but that was almost 10 years ago. Since then, there's been dozens of other races printed. As people above note, there's like three different kinds of bird-people, and a host of other animal people (cat (and lion), hippo, rabbit, praying mantis, etc). There's things that are more-or-less robots. Hybrids that are created through genetic magical manipulation. Things for the vampire-curious. You can be a sentient ooze, for crying out loud. And, there's rules for how to build a custom lineage, basically create your own species. I mean, at some point to make a character, you need to have a body.

    There's been lots of books, and new races in practically all of them. What, exactly, are you looking for? Maybe people here can help you.

  • #17 Feb 13, 2023



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    • Acolyte
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    Choosing a race for your character can be a difficult decision. There are many factors to consider, such as the race's abilities, its lore, and its role in the game. It's important to think about how the race fits into the story you want to tell and how it will interact with the other characters in your party. Additionally, you should consider how the race's abilities and traits will help or hinder your character's development. Ultimately, the decision is up to you, so take your time and explore the options available.

  • #18 Feb 13, 2023



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    Regarding the “Eurocentric-ness” of the races, I do agree that even with the expanded roster it skews that way, but part of that is because they’re working to avoid being accused of cultural appropriation /stereotyping, etc. It’s something that various TTRPG producers have struggled with in the past, particularly if the folklore they’re looking to for inspiration is closely tied to an active belief system. White Wolf/World of Darkness took a big hit for that in the late 90’s/early 2000’s with their “Kindred of the East” supplement. The concept was to incorporate East Asian/Pacific Island vampire myths into their main vampire line, but the final product was a really unfortunate mishmash of various bits of folklore and religious/spiritual concepts from the regions, and it really didn’t go over well.

    Thus D&D 5e opened with some traditional and safe fantasy races that don’t have the same potential for coming off as very racist/insensitive. Which is not to say there weren’t other issues, but I’m not looking to pull us off into that can of worms here.

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