Dragonoph (2024)

Dragonoph (1)
Vital statistics
TitleWorship of the Dragon
Sphere of ControlRegions
Holy TextThe Testament of Ysgramor

Dragonoph or "Dragon Worship" is a Polytheistic religion based around the belief that Dragon's are the original creators of the world, and that God is in fact the first dragon Glaurung. Dragonoph is involved in a very heavy conflict with the Sigmar Worshipers to the extent that they have been a series of bloodbaths across Europe, and their leadership constantly battle each other for supremacy in the contested region of Lorraine, and Northern Westbridge.

In Dragonoph which is the name for the religion the worshipers believe that God created nine Dragons to watch over the different parts of the human life. Each Dragon would be worshiped by people, but of all the Dragons the ninth dragon named Aerene is the most important as he is the gaurdian to the gates of Heaven. In order for a dead person to enter heaven they must battle Aerene alongside the rest of those that loved them, and if they pass this test they can enter. If they fail they must go into the firelands with the Dragon of death Harnene.

Dragon worship is the offical religion of only two kingdoms in Europe, but it has substancial followings in Central, and Eastern Europe. Inside the Kingdom of Lucerne the expansion of Dragnoph has been the main source of the religions strength for perhaps its history despite it being held longer in other areas. In the region of Westbridge, and Lorraine the Dragonoph followers are involved in a heavy conflict with the believers of Sigmar, and this has been the main cause of the halting of the growth of Dragonoph.

Dragonoph first became a religion following the supposed vision held by the prophet of the religion in the form of Ysgramor of whom was fleeing the lands of north far before the Great Migration. During his travelling southward he found himself near death, and just as he nearly died he is said to of been saved by Glaurung. Glaurung would take him to a magical land far into the sky where he would nurse Ysgramor back to health and eventually tell him the story of how the world begin. He told Ysgramor the tale of how the Dragons were the first to span the skies and it was the dragons that controlled the many elements of life and death. From this Ysgramor believed that the Dragons were the gods of the world, and that Glaurung was God himself. Returning to the Earth after being healed he would spread the religion in the lands of Westros, and then further into the Valley of Lucerne where he would build a great staircase in the mountains that led to a great temple called High Hrothgar. Following his supposed death the Dragonoph religion would spread throughout the Valley of Lucerne northward where it took root in the lands of the Kingdom of Alcase, and in several other Kingdoms of the region before it was resisted by the worshippers of Sigmar of whom following a sort of holy war became the bitter enemies of those who worshipped Dragonoph.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Early History
    • 1.2 Expansion
    • 1.3 Present Day
  • 2 Beliefs
    • 2.1 Sovngarde
      • 2.1.1 Vow of Sovngarde
      • 2.1.2 Notable Vow's of Sovngarde
      • 2.1.3 Aetherius
        • Vow of Aetherius
        • Notable Vow's of Aetherius
      • 2.1.4 Novngarde
        • Vow of Talvin
        • Notable Vow's of Talvin
  • 3 Dragonoph Customs
    • 3.1 Marriage Customs
      • 3.1.1 Wedding Customs
      • 3.1.2 Divorce
      • 3.1.3 People at Wedding
      • 3.1.4 Ceremony at Wedding
    • 3.2 Conversion
    • 3.3 Trial of Numiterix
  • 4 The Holy Nine
    • 4.1 Harnene
    • 4.2 Odahviing
      • 4.2.1 Vow of Odahviing
        • Notable Vow's of Odahviing
  • 5 The Prophet of Dragonoph
    • 5.1 The Prophet of Glaurung
    • 5.2 Six Children of Ysgramor
  • 6 Worship
    • 6.1 The Tests of Life
    • 6.2 Test of the Holy Nine
    • 6.3 Dragonspeach
    • 6.4 Symbols
    • 6.5 Prayer
  • 7 Knighthood
  • 8 Priests
    • 8.1 Maesters
    • 8.2 Dragon Priests
    • 8.3 The Dragonborn
  • 9 Hrothgar
    • 9.1 Low Hrgothgar
    • 9.2 High Hrgothgar
  • 10 Demographics
  • 11 Sects within Dragon Worship
    • 11.1 Alduin
    • 11.2 Aereneism
      • 11.2.1 Cults of Aerene
    • 11.3 Talvin
    • 11.4 Aevine
    • 11.5 Seleve
    • 11.6 Numiterix
      • 11.6.1 Cults of Numiterix
      • 11.6.2 See also


Early History

Dragonoph (2)
"Out of this time also rose one of the most legendary of all Tamrielic figures, Ysgramor, from whom all Nordic kings to this day are descended."
-Unknown Writer

Dragonoph first became a religion following the supposed vision held by the prophet of the religion in the form of Ysgramor of whom was fleeing the lands of north far before the Great Migration. During his travelling southward he found himself near death, and just as he nearly died he is said to of been saved by Glaurung. Glaurung would take him to a magical land far into the sky where he would nurse Ysgramor back to health and eventually tell him the story of how the world begin. He told Ysgramor the tale of how the Dragons were the first to span the skies and it was the dragons that controlled the many elements of life and death. From this Ysgramor believed that the Dragons were the gods of the world, and that Glaurung was God himself. Returning to the Earth after being healed he would spread the religion in the lands of Westros, and then further into the Valley of Lucerne where he would build a great staircase in the mountains that led to a great temple called High Hrothgar. Ysgramor would become the center of the Dragonoph religion, and to make sure that it grew as he wanted he founded the Greybears of whom he would appoint to spread the words of Glaurung and these Greybeards would center themselves in the Lucernian Mountains in the Throat of the World Peaks. The Greybeards would silently be drawn from the followers of Ysgramor, and many of his children would also come to dominate the Greybeards of which his son Ylgar would grow to become very important in the early days. As Ysgramor grew old he travelled further up the mountain where it is said that he died at the top of the mountain and was witnessed to be taken away by a Dragon of whom the interpretation of this moment has become a distinct moment of contention for the followers of Dragonoph.


Following his supposed death the Dragonoph religion would spread throughout the Valley of Lucerne northward, and this spread would be the main property of the Greybeards. One Greybeard expedition led by Ylgar the son of Ysgramor would found the Temple of Wrathgar in the central mountains of Alcase and thus allow Dragonoph to take root in the lands of the Kingdom of Alcase, and in several other Kingdoms of the region. The expansion would continue for years before it was resisted by the worshippers of Sigmar of whom following a sort of holy war became the bitter enemies of those who worshipped Dragonoph.

Present Day


In Dragonoph which is the name for the religion the worshipers believe that God in the form of Glaurung created nine Dragons to watch over the different parts of the human life after he created the human race from the ashes of his fire. Each Dragon would be worshiped by people, but of all the Dragons the ninth dragon named Aerene is the most important as he is the guardian to the gates of Heaven. In order for a dead person to enter heaven they must battle Aerene alongside the rest of those that loved them, and if they pass this test they can enter. If they fail they must go into the fire lands with the Dragon of death Harnene.


"It is time for people to learn the truth. Eternal life can be theirs, without the need to spend an entire mortal life in vain pursuit of something completely unattainable. In the end, all valiant people can enter Sovngarde. Dismemberment, decapitation or evisceration seems a small price to pay for the chance to spend an eternity in Glaurung's wondrous hall.

Sovngarde or "Heaven" is the place that those who die want to go if they lived a noble life and wish to spend eternity with their loved ones. Once within Sovngarde those lucky people who enter live out their afterlife in perfect peace and happiness alongside their family, and may even speak to and see the Holy Nine, and Glaurung himself. As this is a vision of life created in the minds of those who enter through the gates of Sovngarde it appears differently for every group, but once you have fought together against Aerene you join together in hand and hand and enter through the gate meaning that you will all be within the same vision.

Vow of Sovngarde

The Vow of Sovngarde is a religious vow that can be undertaken by a Dragonoph follower in order to regain honor. The Vow of Sovngarde has become known as the "Vow of Vengeance" as it has become mainly used by those who have lost honor that make the vower fear that this lost honor may leave them unable to enter Sovngarde. If a person makes a vow of Sovngarde the following will happen:

  • Acceptance: If the vow is accepted then the person who accepted the vow must either complete the vow, or die attempting the vow. Any attempt by the accepter to either stop fulfilling the vow, or if they fail the vow then they are barred from the gates of Sovngarde.
  • Decline: If the vow is declined then the decliner is no longer able to enter Sovngarde. This punishment to those who are targeted by the the vow has meant that the Vow is something that is only used in the most critical of moments as those who believe in the word of Glaurung would suffer immensely if the vow is declined.
Notable Vow's of Sovngarde
Maker of VowTarget of VowOutcome
Perwyn StillwoodDontos GuntboldDontos Accepted the Vow, and after Perwyn succeeded in capturing Leven Guntbold the two dueled with Dontos dying during the duel.


In order to enter Sovngarde the dead person must battle Aerene alongside their loved ones (Known as ''Wostellian Family''), and depending on how this goes they will enter Sovngarde or fail and have to go to Novngarde or "Hell". While in Sovngarde and awaiting their loved ones to arrive and join them they are held within the realm of "Aetherius" where they exist in a constant loop awaiting their family to arrive never realizing how long they exist as they simply replay the same day over and over again while they wait.

Vow of Aetherius

The Vow of Aetherius is a religious vow that can be requested by a family member or loved when which is seen by those within the religion as the most important of promises. If a person requests a vow of Aetherius one of two things will happen:

  • Acceptance: If the vow is accepted then the person who accepted the vow must either complete the vow, or die attempting the vow. Any attempt by the accepter to either stop fufilling the vow, or if they fail the vow then they are barred from the gates of Aetherius.
  • Decline: If the vow is declined then the two are no longer going to meet in Aetherius and the person who requested the Vow is doomed to Novnarde forever. This punishment to those who request the vow has meant that the Vow is something that is only used in the most critical of moments as those who believe in the word of Glaurung would suffer immensely if the vow is declined.
Notable Vow's of Aetherius
Maker of VowTarget of VowOutcome
Theresia ProudmooreDerek ProudmooreDerek accepted the Vow and completed.
Larissa RoemheldMadeline GollwitzerMadeline accepted the Vow and completed


Novngarde or "Hell" is the place that believers of Glaurung believe those people who fail nine times at battling Aerene or have lived lives far beyond what can be forgiven go. This is a place of perpetual darkness where no sound, or vision is present and all that exists there is constant emptiness of which haunts those who live within it.

Novngarde is meant as the last stop for most of those who have perished but in the religion it is stated that those strong enough in belief, or those who prove their love for others enough while in Novngarde do have the ability to escape if they are pure enough in belief. Once this pure belief is felt the guardian of Novngarde inthe form of Talvin will pull them from Novngarde and take them to Sovngarde and their family.

Vow of Talvin

The Vow of Talvin is a religious vow that can be undertaken by a Dragonoph follower in order to gain peace, or recover something lost. The Vow of Talvin has become known as the "Vow of Grief" as it has become mainly used by those who have lost loved ones in terrible ways that make the vower fear that the lost family may enter Novngarde. If a person makes a vow of Talvin the following will happen:

  • Acceptance: If the vow is made then the person who took the vow must either complete the vow, or die attempting the vow. Any attempt by the maker of the vow to either stop fulfilling the vow, or if they fail the vow then the people who they vowed on will remain on whatever path they were on prior to the vow (Whether that be Novngarde, or Sovngarde).
  • Completion: If the vow is fufilled then the maker of the vow must spend six months in silence at the Temple of Talvin where there prayers will be made to Talvin to hear of their journey and thus release those who the maker of the vow believes were in danger from that path.
Notable Vow's of Talvin
Maker of VowTarget of VowOutcome
Fredgar ShaabOttmar Jestife II.Killing of Ottmar

Dragonoph Customs

Marriage Customs

A Dragonoph Marriage custom has taken many of the aspects of the nearby Christian marriage customs but under the rule of the Greybears there is an added emphasis on the idea of Sovngarde.

Wedding Customs

A Dragonoph Wedding is somewhat similar to a Christian wedding but has become far different as the expansion of the Dragonoph religion has allowed it to differentiate itself in many ways.


The Promises of Restinlia as well as the Promises of Trelensia are both seen as valid reasons if broken for a divorce.

People at Wedding

A Dragonoph wedding will take place within a Dragonoph Temple, and is officiated by a Priest of Aerelian (Lucernian Example - Bishop, Abbess, or Prior) who will be accompanied by a two adepts of the order (Lucernian Example - Robe Bearer, or Novice) who will lead the actual ceremony. Outside of these officials will be the Bride and six members of her chosen ''Wostellian Family'' as well as the Groom and nine members of his ''Wostellian Family''. The Bride, and Groom will choose from there ''Wostellian Family'' a person to serve as their Vow Holder and this person will also take part in the Vow of Allesemia which is a major part of the ceremony.

Ceremony at Wedding

The actual wedding itself is held in five stages.

  • First Stage:
    • The First stage is the entry of the Bridge, and Groom to the Temple and begins with the two groups entering single file beside eachother into the Temple with both groups having their eyes covered and led by the Dragonoph Adepts.
    • This first stage can be watched by those outside of the people at the wedding and thus will usually be designed to pass through large populated areas so that all may see the coming wedding.
  • Second Stage:
    • The second stage begins with the entry of the bride and groom into the Temple, but truly starts with the closing of the Temple doors by the Priest of Aerelian. The second stage is dominated by the Seven Promises of Trelensia which are seven promises made by the bridge and groom to eachother, with the bridge going first followed by the groom. The second stage ends with the final of the seven Promises of Trelensia, and the removal of the coverings of the Bridge and Groom. The Bride and Groom ''Wostellian Families" remain with their eyes covered.
    • This second stage cannot be witnessed by anyone outside of the two groups, as it is a private event that signifies the formation of a joined ''Wostellian Family'' and thus cannot be viewed by outsiders of this new ''Wostellian Family''.
  • Third Stage:
    • The Third stage begins with the Adepts removing the eye coverings from the Vow Holders who will then join the Bride and Groom in surrounding the Pool of Glaurung. The bride, and Groom alongside their Vow Holders will then take part in the Vow of Allesemia where the groom will use a ceremonial knife to cut the skin of the bride causing them to bleed into the Pool of Glaurung. Following this the Pool of Glaurung is filled with water, and the Priest will then fill a chalice from the pool which is given to the groom to drink from. The Brides Vow Holder are witness to this action as proof that the blood bond has been sealed between the two.
  • Fourth Stage:
    • The Fourth Stage begins with the removal of the eye coverings from the rest of the ''Wostellian Family''. Following this removal the Priest will lead the Bride in the Four Promises of Restinlia to the groom. These promises are decided on by the Priest, but historically one of the promises is dictated by the Groom. Following the reading and agreeance on these four promises the Priest will give a chance for either of the Vow Holders to reject the union. If no rejection is made then the Priest will validate the marriage leading to the final stage.
  • Fifth Stage:
    • The fifth and final stage of the wedding is the bedding ceremony where the adepts will lead the bride and grooms ''Wostellian Family'' out of the Temple leaving only the Priest, Groom, and Bride inside the Temple. A bed will be set up in front of the Pool of Glaurung and the two will sleep together hidden by only a sheet of cloth surrounding the bed, while the Priest stands outside the cloth behind the Pool of Glaurung acting as proof that the marriage was consummated.


The steps for joining the Dragonoph religion are different when one has already sworn themselves to another religion. The act of conversion is known as the Path of Aerene's Grace, and goes as follows.

  • Silence of Odahviing: During this period the convert enters a seven day vow of silence where they remain in a prayer room (this is always done alone). During this time they may not speak, and cannot leave the room. Use of the bathroom, eating, and drinking during this time is handled by priests thus allowing them to remain in isolation. On the third and fourth days the priests will administer the Dreamer's Root into the drink of the convert causing a two day long entry into a hallucinogenic state. This experience on the third and fourth day is kept a carefully guarded secret and due to the nature of the Dreamer's Root the priests will speak with the convert during this time gaining knowledge of the truth of the conversion from the convert who is now unable to resist.

Trial of Numiterix

The Trial of Numiterix is a ceremony that is held by Dragonoph followers with the Numiterix sect holding it the most important to their beliefs. In the Trial of Numiterix the trial forces the believer to enter a Tree of Glaurung where they are given hallucinogenic mushrooms causing them to enter a state of extreme loneliness signifying their closeness to Numiterix the God of Loneliness. The Trial of Numiterix is held yearly in December where the priests of the Tree's of Glaurung have prepared for large amounts of trial goers.

The Holy Nine

Main Article: The Holy Nine

The Holy Nine are the Dragons that believers in Dragonoph believe are the Council of the Gods, and though they are led by Glaurun or God himself they are all distinctly god like and all should be worshiped just below Glaurung himself. This pantheon of Dragons is deemed to determine your status in the afterlife with your decisions throughout your life determining which of the dragons judges you, and in the end one of the Pantheon in Aerene defends the gate against the dead and all of their loved ones.

The Holy Nine were actually living Dragons of whom were met by Ysgramor when he was taken to the mountains and lived amongst the Dragons for many years.

NameGod ofDomainActual Dovah
GlaurungLord of SovngardeSovngardeStragnarax
AereneLord of AetheriusAetheriusOrtinax
TalvinLord of NovngardeNovngarde
HarneneLord of ValorAetherius
KyneLord of HappinessSovngarde
NumiterixLord of the LonelySovngarde
AkatozhLord of the FamilyAetherius
AzureLord of the Unexplained (Magi)Sovngarde
OdahviingLord of the BetrayalNovngarde


Harnene is one of the Dragonoph Dovah principle nine, and in the beliefs of those who worship the Draagonoph religion he is the one leading the use of Magi, and the Fade making him the principle party worshipped by Dragonoph followers relating to Magi. Harnene is seen in images as being pitch blue and the propegnator of the Blue Dovah which has led to many Dragonoph Magi orders taking a blue Dovah as their personal sigils.


Vow of Odahviing

The Vow of Odahviing is a religious vow that can be given by a Dragonoph follower in order to put more weight onto a promise. The Vow of Odahviing has become known as the "Vow of Promice" as it has become mainly used by those who are attempting to make sure that a promise is kept by someone. If a person makes a vow of Odahviing the following will happen:

  • Acceptance: If the vow is accepted then the person who accepted the vow must follow through on the vow's conditions lest the consequences of not following through come to pass. Once accepted if the vow is failed through the accepted failing to follow through then this would result in a removal from the Temple of Glaurung and a removal of all Halskette.
  • Rejection: If the vow is rejected then it there is no Dragonoph effects on either partner. The effect of this rejection is based on the idea that this would mean that the person who rejected the vow plans on not following through on whatever the promcie was. Those who reject this vow become known by the nickname "Fabalist".
  • Completion:
Notable Vow's of Odahviing
Maker of VowTarget of VowOutcome
Leofrich Nune III.Alberich KlopferEscape of Nune Devils from Skirmish at Klopferia

The Prophet of Dragonoph

The Prophet of Glaurung

Main Article: Ysgramor

Six Children of Ysgramor

Main Article: Apostles of Ysgramor

NameSaint ofDeath
Willem YsgramorLucerne
Ima YsgramorCarolingia
Alyse YsgramorForks
Ostov YsgramorGilneas
Fabin YsgramorAlcase
Roslin YsgramorStor


The Tests of Life

The Tests of Life are the rituals that follows a true worshiper of the Dragonoph religion in the form of different things that they must do during their youth.

  • Test of Pain: Firstly on the ninth day of a newborn's life they are tattooed on their pinky finger on their left hand. This tattoo represents the image that is believed by the teachings of Glaurung to be one of the requirements to pass by Aerene even after he has been defeated.
  • Test of Duty: Secondly comes the ritual of the ninth year of a person's life. For boys this takes the form of a ritual where they swear themselves to one of the Holy Nine, and for the rest of their life they are meant to be a servant of that member of the Holy Nine. For girls this is similar except they have an additional step following the making of the vow when they show themselves worthy of worshiping this member of the Holy Nine by showing their ability to do something that is held as noble under the work of that God.
  • Test of Belief: Thirdly comes the ritual of the thirteenth year of a person's life. For boys and girls this remains the same, and in both cases they must travel to a sight designated as a "Beacon of Harnene" where they will undertake a cliff drive into water. These Beacon's of Harnene are chosen due to the relative safety of this jump, but deaths are possible due to the height of the jump.

Test of the Holy Nine

The test of the Holy nine is a test where in the tested must recite random passages from the Testemant of Ysgramor to prove their memorization of the text. Following the success of the Test of the Holy Nine the tested is given the honorary title of Godar for men, and Gyoda for women marking them as having passed this test. In the Kingdom of Lucerne the passing of the Test of the Holy Nine also brings about an additional Halskette which is provided for the tested by the Dragonoph Temple.


Dragonspeach ( or Thu'um in the Dragon language) are an ancient form of magic prominently used in Europe during the late era of the Empire of Numeron and early time of the Great Migration, but has gradually become obscure. Those who are touched by the mind of Glaurung are able to use the language of the dragons to great effect due to his/her ability to absorb the souls of Dragons. A minority of non-Magi characters also have the ability to use dragonspeach if they are truly devoted to the worship of the Dragon, and their power will increase with their increasing amount of Devotion. The actual power of the Dragonspeach is controlled by a small group of monks known as the Greybeards, who reside in the fortress of High Hrothgar atop the Throat of the World.




Main Article: Dragon Knight

Dragonoph (3)

Dragon Knights are members of a select group of Dragon worshipers that have been inducted into the Knighthood by a fellow Knight.

While ostensibly a religious organization, and title the Dragon Knights of the recent years have become like minor nobles as they can gain land, and hold a higher position that has mainly been one of military action.

Dragon Knights occupy a social standing between that of lords and small folk, and it is in this position that they truly make their names. Contrary to the nobility, this rank is not hereditary, and it is possible for the base born to become knights. Dragon Knights are referred to with the title "Ser", which donates a certain amount of respect for everything that the knight is believed to have accomplished.

Above simple Dragon Knights do stand two other types of Dragon Knights in the form of the Divine Knight, and a Knight of Ysgramor with the Knight of Ysgramor becoming the second most pinnacle Dragon Knight and are knighted after going on what is known as the Dragon's Dream. Divine Knights now nearly extinct but are a sworn knight of whom first rises to the rank of Knight of Ysgramor and then rises above it by both communicating with a Dovah and then riding it successfully.



The maesters are an order of scholars, healers, postmen, and scientists who are trained at a school called Low Hrothgar. House Swift was integral in the Citadel's foundation, and continues to patronize the order, and control its growth as well as gain from this same growth. As advisers to the Lucernian nobility, the maesters have largely supplanted the Alchemists' Guild as the choice for parents and houses to have in their household for their children's learning. They are sometimes called "the knights of the mind."

The Maesters were first founded after the Alchemists Guild begin to suffer a series of scandals due to them betraying the houses that they were to serve. This would give the Greybeards the idea of creating a Dragonoph Order that could be in every house in Lucerne, the Riverlands, and one day beyond and would be completely loyal to the house they were promiced to, but also a staunch Dragonoph and thus able to preach the religion in relative safety and hopefully protection. Expanding first in Lucerne, they would spread to the Riverlands and north into Westbridge and the areas north of Westbridge as well as eventually moving eastward into the Slovenian Peninsula.

NameBirthTemples FoundedNotes
Justin WildeFairmarket
  • Temple of Dustin
  • Temple of Olleria
Led a Crusade into the region of Dustin establishing the domience of the Dragonoph religion before ultimately falling in battle against the Nordlings.

Dragon Priests

The Dragonborn

Main Article: Dragonborn

He is born again! I feel him! The Dragon takes his first breath on the slopes of Dragonmount! He is coming! He is coming! Light help us! Light help the world! He lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!
Writings from the Book of Glaurung

A Dragonborn, transliterated from Dovahkiin in the Dragon language, is a rare individual who has been born with the blood of a Dragon, but the body of a mortal, and can naturally learn and speak their ancient and powerful tongue. These Dragonborn were created through the work of Stragnarax, and William Lovie I. and were meant to create an elite and near immortal group of Lucernians that would form the leadership caste of William Lovie I's Kingdom of Lucerne. The dragonborn experiment was believed to have been ended following the First Lucernian Civil War which broke the relationship between the Dovah and the Lucernians, but following the Meeting of Celes Pinnacle the dragonborn experiment was restarted.


Low Hrgothgar

Main Article: Low Hrothgar

Dragonoph (4)

Low Hrothgar is a complex of buildings at the bottom of the peak of Hrothgar that serves as headquarters to the order of the Maesters. It is the place where they convene, study, and train new members. It is also the residence of the archmaesters. House Swift played an integral role in the foundation of Low Hrothgar and continue to be strong patrons of learning.

Low Hrothgar was initially founded by the followers of Ysgramor of whom he had told to wait at the bottom of Hrothgar while he made the long walk to the top. While waiting they would be assisted by House Swift of whom helped them found the small town of Low Hrothgar for them to stay in. This would only expand as the influence and wealth of the Dragonoph religion expanded with the conversion of much of the Valley of Lucerne, and much of this money would come back to Hrothgar where the members of House Swift would expand the town and grow the scope of the Dragonoph operation.

High Hrgothgar

Main Article: High Hrothgar

Dragonoph (5)

'High Hrothgar is a massive Temple to the Dragonoph Religion that was constructed by the prophet Ysgramor at the top of the mountain peak called the Throat of the World or Hrothgar and is on the southern end of and inside the Lucernian Mountains.

High Hrothgar was founded by Ysgramor following his return from his time with the dragons, and would be the crowning acheievement of his life alongside the Holy Text called Wings of Alduin. The Temple would be manned by the deciples of Ysgramor, and during its earliest times, it was silently the nest of a large number of White Dovah of whom silently communicated with Ysgramor of whom became more and more fanatical in his persuit of expanding Dragonoph throughout the world. This persuit would continue after the point he was said to die, and his position would be taken over by the Greybeards of whom became the devout leadership of the religious Dragonoph.


Sects within Dragon Worship


See Also: Alduin

Alduin is a very hardcore version of the overall Dragonoph religion, where in the believer is meant to prepare himself far more then usual for the rigors of his eventual combat with Glaurung, of whom in Alduin's views was a darker and more evil being. Alduin is named after the German philosopher Alduin of whom travelled the lands of Central Europe and after his travels returned carrying a book he said he found in the ruins of a great temple and this book detailed new ideas of the Dragonoph religion.

Alduin has small followings throughout the lands controlled by the Dragonoph supporters and they are most heavily directed in the area south east of Lole, and within eastern Westros around the Crate of Pontus.

One of the most known elements of the Alduin Sect is the fact that men of the sect will often attempt to become a higher level of knight known as an Alduin Knight of whom is knighted by an Alduin Priest through the extreme abuse of their body in order to show their devotion to Glaurung. Alongside the Alduin Knight there is also the well known fact that believers of Alduin often take several wives, as their doctrine preaches that only there immediate family may join them in the final battle with Aerene and thus they are heavily pushed to have larger then normal families.


See Also: Aerene

Cults of Aerene

Name of Cult
Cult of Aerene's Divine Pain


See Also: Talvin

Talvinism is a sect of the overall Dragonoph that is quite similar to the overall religion except that it has several different interupretations of what some of the end results of the dead arriving in Valhalla are including the belief that two of the Holy Nine actively attempt to make those undeserving not enter the afterlife, while one of the Holy Nine works actively to resist those noble in heart and deserving.

Talvinist Dragonoph followers are also well known as basically the only element of Dragonoph's different interpretations that believes that marriage is a tying nature in the bond of man and wife. Believers in Talvinism have a much harsher view of bastards, and are basically forbidden from sins of the flesh before they are married leaving them nearly Christian in their adortion of the marriage vows.


See Also: Aevine

Aevine is a sect of the overall Dragonoph religion where in the believers have the understanding that Aevene is the wife of Glaurung and due to this she mothered every single being thus making her the mother of all things. Aevine is the smallest of the mainstream Dragonoph branches and is mainly followed by House Kilgor, and their dependents.


The Seleve Dragonoph Sect is a Dragonoph Sect of which worships after who they believe to be the prime child of Glaurung in the form of Seleve of whom was a water Dragon who they believe still lives beneath the waters of the Great Westros Lake. The Seleve Sect is central to two areas of Europe in the form of the region of Harrenhall where it has a sizeable portion of the population, and the Sunset Islands where it is the dominent religion of the Kingdom.


The Numiterix Dragonoph Sect is a Dragonoph Sect of which formed heavily among the Swabian people of the Valley of Lucerne through the preaching of the son of the Apostles of Ysgramor member Willem Ysgramor who had been born the child of Willen having a love affair with a Swabian women. The first of this cult was then further expanded by the Elves of the Valley who begin forming themselves as the priesthood of the cult which in the case of High Swabia eventually formed an almost side worshipping of the Elves.

Cults of Numiterix

Cult of Ceowald

See also

Emperor Worship



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