Eating Too Much Hummus Can Be Dangerous. Here’s Why You Should Eat It Anyway (2024)

Fox News correspondent Cortney Moore caused a stir when she cautioned against consuming too much hummus, citing an Eat This Not That article that interviewed several nutritionists and dietitians. Moore claimed that overdoing it with this dip could lead to gastrointestinal issues, arguing that because hummus is made from chickpeas—a legume that takes a while to break down—eating hummus could cause gastrointestinal inflammation for some individuals. More commonly known as IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, an inflamed gastrointestinal tract can manifest as severe bloating, gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, and/or constipation.

Eating Too Much Hummus Can Be Dangerous. Here’s Why You Should Eat It Anyway (1)Hope Foods

“Beware” the chickpea

While IBS is a serious issue that an estimated 10 to 15 percent of Americans suffer from, there is no concrete reason to avoid hummus at your next get-together or when the snack cravings hit. Moore’s statement is the definition of a slippery slope logical fallacy. The same logic would dictate that chickpeas themselves are far more harmful than hummus which is diluted with lemon juice, oil, and tahini.

Fiber: the double-edged sword

Moore also notes that too much fiber can cause stomach distress. It’s a bit of a catch-22. The Institute of Medicine recommends adults consume at least 14 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories of food. For the 2,000-calorie standard, that’s 28 grams of fiber per day.

According to Harvard Health, most Americans only get 10 to 15 grams of fiber a day. This is largely due to the fact that the Standard American Diet (SAD) is rich in animal products, which contain little to no fiber. Those who do not consume enough fiber (the vast majority of Americans) often have trouble digesting it. However, gastroenterologist Dr. Angie Sadeghi states that people can work their way up to comfortably handle more fiber. The answer is not to refrain from hummus completely—just don’t eat the whole tub in one sitting and consider the fiber content of the other foods you enjoy with hummus (celery and carrot sticks are high in fiber).

Eating Too Much Hummus Can Be Dangerous. Here’s Why You Should Eat It Anyway (2)Hope Foods

Hummus nutrition

Despite the Fox News warning, one serving of hummus is well within the fiber tolerance of even the most carnivorous Americans. A standard two-tablespoon serving only contains one to two grams of fiber. While it’s a decent amount to get you toward that daily fiber goal, it won’t wreck your digestive system. It’s all about moderation. Individual food sensitivities aside, chickpeas and hummus are perfectly safe to consume as long as they don’t make up your entire meal.

The overall nutrition of hummus varies based on the brand you buy (the oil and tahini content greatly determines the caloric, fat, and protein content), but you can expect a caloric range of 50 to 70 calories, 2 grams of protein, and 4 to 5 grams of mostly unsaturated fats. It’s not a superfood, but a two-tablespoon serving or even a quarter cup won’t wreck your diet or your insides.

Hummus craze

Given the ever-growing popularity of hummus, it’s unlikely consumers will curtail their consumption. The 2020 global hummus market was valued at $812 million and is expected to reach $1 billion by the end of 2026 according to Market Watch. In the US, an estimated one-third of the population consumes the chickpea spread regularly.

Toward the later half of the 2010s, hummus has ventured beyond the crudité platter. East Coast chain the Hummus and Pita Co. created hummus-based vegan milkshakes, and dessert hummus is now firmly a thing. Whether you sip, dip, spoon, or spread your chickpeas, it’s clear hummus is here to stay.

Eating Too Much Hummus Can Be Dangerous. Here’s Why You Should Eat It Anyway (3)Roots Hummus

Eating Too Much Hummus Can Be Dangerous. Here’s Why You Should Eat It Anyway (4)

Tanya Flink is a Digital Editor at VegNews as well as a writer and runner living in Orange County, CA.

Eating Too Much Hummus Can Be Dangerous. Here’s Why You Should Eat It Anyway (2024)


Eating Too Much Hummus Can Be Dangerous. Here’s Why You Should Eat It Anyway? ›

Too much hummus can cause stomach problems, such as diarrhea and bloating, in some people. Hummus is a nutrient-dense food that, when consumed in moderation and as part of a healthy eating pattern, can help manage weight.

What happens when you eat too much hummus? ›

"Hummus is made from chickpeas," Hanks explains, "which are a legume. These can be hard to digest for many people, and induce GI inflammation." The surest signs of GI inflammation are bloating, intestinal gas, acid reflux, and abdominal pain.

Why can't you eat hummus after 2 days? ›

But both varieties should last up to 7 days in the refrigerator (for prepared hummus this applies once the container is opened). Like any food, hummus is perishable and is prone to spoilage. When the product no longer smells or tastes the same as it did when originally purchased or prepared, it is time to throw it out.

Does hummus cause smelly gas? ›

To help prevent smelly flatulence in the future, consider making some changes to your diet. The following foods increase the amount of gas and smelliness of farts: Beans, lentils, and bean-based products (like hummus, tofu, and tempeh) Certain vegetables (like brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower)

Can hummus cause loose stool? ›

Legumes (dried beans, lentils, dried peas)

Avoid these foods as they are high in fibre and may worsen diarrhea, bloating or gas. Legumes include: chickpeas, hummus, kidney beans, split peas, baked beans.

Is it OK to eat an entire container of hummus? ›

Though hummus is packed with healthful ingredients, you still shouldn't eat a whole tub in a sitting.

What are the symptoms of food poisoning from hummus? ›

Check if you have food poisoning
  • feeling sick (nausea)
  • diarrhoea.
  • being sick (vomiting)
  • stomach cramps.
  • a high temperature of 38C or above.
  • feeling generally unwell – such as feeling tired or having aches and chills.

How to tell when hummus is bad? ›

“Telltale signs can include an off odor, discolorations, dark spots, or mold." Always check your hummus before eating it to make sure it's still fresh—and when in doubt, it's best to toss it out.

Should hummus be refrigerated? ›

Humus is a perishable food item, which means it is prone to spoil more quickly if not kept refrigerated at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Most freshly prepared vegetable-based spreads fall under this category; this is why they are kept in the refrigerated section of your supermarket.

Can you eat 10 day old hummus? ›

Homemade varieties will generally last anywhere from 3-4 days, whereas store-bought brands generally lasts 6-7 days after opening. These estimates assume that it maintains a refrigerated temperature; as we mentioned already, the shelf life of hummus is diminished greatly if it does not remain chilled.

Why do I feel sick after eating hummus? ›

If you experience symptoms of a food allergy after eating hummus, your first reaction may be to blame the most common ingredient: chickpeas. Before you blame chickpeas for the cause of your allergies, you may also want to consider other allergenic ingredients used in hummus, such as: garlic. beans.

How to cure bad smell fart? ›

Remedies and Treatments for Foul-Smelling Gas

Slow down when you eat. Chewing quickly and swallowing fast will cause more gas to be produced. Eating and chewing slowly reduces your air intake and can alleviate your gas. Smaller portions are also important for reducing foul-smelling gas.

Is hummus bad for inflammation? ›

Hummus contains chickpeas, extra virgin olive oil, and garlic, all known to help decrease inflammation in the body. Inflammation is your body's way of protecting and detoxifying itself. When you experience high inflammation, it means that your body is trying to heal from food or environmental toxins.

What causes rapid bowel movement after eating? ›

Needing to poop immediately after eating is typically due to an overactive gastrocolic reflex. This causes food to move through your colon more quickly. You may experience other symptoms like abdominal pain and diarrhea. Dietary changes may help reduce the effect of gastrocolic reflex.

Can too much hummus be bad? ›

Even though it is low in fat, it contains calories. According to the US Department of Agriculture, one cup of hummus (246 grams) contains approximately 408 calories. Too much hummus can cause stomach problems, such as diarrhea and bloating, in some people.

Why does my mouth hurt after eating hummus? ›

Some people can have stronger and more serious allergic reactions. Symptoms of a chickpea allergy include: Burning or tingling in your mouth. Itchy mouth.

How much hummus can you eat in a day? ›

A healthy portion size of hummus is around 2-4 tablespoons a day, but this must be considered alongside the rest of your diet. There are around 27 calories in a tablespoon of pre-prepared hummus, however, this may alter if you make your own at home.

Why does my stomach hurt so bad after eating hummus? ›

Factors That Affect How Your Body Digests Hummus

Individual tolerance: some people may be more sensitive to the fibers in chickpeas or the fats in tahini and olive oil. Diet: if you typically consume a low-fiber or low-fat diet, a sudden increase in these nutrients can cause digestive symptoms.

Is it hard to digest hummus? ›

Hummus can be easy or hard to digest depending on the person. For some people, the high fiber content of chickpeas and tahini can cause bloating, gas, or stomach discomfort. However, the high fiber content can also promote bowel regularity and prevent constipation.

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