How Forests Store Carbon (2024)

Increases in carbon dioxide (CO2), and other pollutants in the atmosphere known to affect global climate, has caused some people to become interested in carbon capture and sequestration technology. Fortunately, one of the best carbon capture systems already exists: trees and forests. According to the US Forest Service, America's forests sequester over 800 million tons of carbon a year, which is roughly 12% of the US annual emissions (depending on the year). Forests sequester or store carbon mainly in trees and soil. During the process of photosynthesis trees pull carbon out of the atmosphere to make sugar, but they also release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere through decomposition. Carbon and other gases within forests are captured and released on a cycle. Forest management is able to influence these cycles and enhance carbon capture.


Trees are without a doubt the best carbon capture technology in the world. When they perform photosynthesis, they pull carbon dioxide out of the air, bind it up in sugar, and release oxygen. Trees use sugar to build wood, branches, and roots. Wood is an incredible carbon sink because it is mostly made of carbon (about 50%), it lasts for years as a standing tree, and takes years to break down after the tree dies. While trees mainly store carbon, they do release some carbon, such as when their leaves decompose, or their roots burn sugar to capture nutrients and water.

Let's look at a real example. A white oak can live for 200 years; all that time it is pulling carbon out of the air and storing it. After several outbreaks of anthracnose, the tree dies, but it takes decades for the tree to rot. While it is slowly breaking down, the rotten tree is still keeping carbon out of the atmosphere. If the white oak were to be harvested and made into long-lived wood products, the carbon stored in the wood product is often preserved for a longer time than if it were left to decompose in the forest.

Forests capture and store different amounts of carbon at different speeds depending on the average age of the trees in the stand and the number of trees in the stand. Young forests have many trees and are excellent at capturing carbon. Young trees grow quickly and are able to pull in carbon rapidly. Not every small sapling becomes a large tree due to competition for light, resources, and growing space, but when they die and decompose, little carbon is released. The trees that remain continue to grow and sequester more carbon as the forest matures.

Established or mature forests are made up of "middle-aged trees," which are medium to large, healthy, and have a large root system. Middle-aged trees grow slower than young trees, but the amount of carbon sequestered and stored is relatively greater. Some large trees occasionally die, but they are quickly replaced by younger trees that take advantage of the new space. Since more trees are growing compared to those that are dying, the overall net productivity (how many trees grow versus how many die) is positive and carbon capture is enhanced.

Old-growth forests have a more fixed, or less dynamic, carbon cycle within live and dead trees and the soil. In old-growth forests, large trees dominate by shading out small saplings, so recruitment of young trees and net productivity is near zero. Still, the carbon is well contained within the big trees, slowly rotting logs, thick leaf litter, and soil. Large individual trees may take up as much carbon as an individual middle-aged tree, but since there are fewer trees in an old-growth stand, the rate of carbon sequestration is slower.


The carbon that is sequestered in forests comes in many forms. For example, forest soils contain plant roots, leaf litter, and other dissolved organic material. The amount of carbon stored in forest soils is variable, and how much carbon soil can sequester is dependent on many local factors like geology, soil type, and vegetation. In some forests, like in Canada by the tundra, the soil holds more carbon than the trees, but in other forests, like the rainforest, the soil holds relatively little carbon and the trees store more carbon. This is because some soil types, like clay soils, can bind up a large amount of carbon, whereas sandy soils are not able to bind much carbon. Soils with more organic material (bits of wood, decaying leaves, or dead creatures) can store more carbon because organic material easily binds loose carbon molecules and the organic material itself is stored as carbon. Soils that are frozen for a good part of the year or have a high-water table can also store large amounts of carbon because decomposition is slow.

Carbon Cycle and Climate Change Mitigation

Like all things natural, the carbon in forests eventually gets released into the atmosphere through the process of respiration, decomposition, and combustion. The rate at which these processes occur can vary across regions and forest types. Many people are interested in using forests to help mitigate climate change. Forests that grow quickly and store carbon for long periods of time are well suited for this goal.

The Amazon rainforest is often considered a good place for carbon sequestration and storage because it is full of big trees that grow rapidly. But research has found that the carbon moves in and out of tropical systems very quickly compared to temperate zone forests. Whole trees rapidly decompose in the hot humid climate and the soils can be low in organic matter. Also, the near-constant rain helps to break down organic material and wash away soil and nutrients. So while tropical forests are good at capturing carbon, they are also just as good at releasing the carbon in a short time frame.

In contrast, the spruce forests of Alaska in the northern hemisphere are excellent at carbon storage and serving as carbon sinks. The spruce can grow very large, and decomposition is very slow due to the cold. Also, the carbon in the soil is often locked up in the permafrost. The rate of carbon capture in spruce forests, however, is very slow. Cold temperatures and limited growing season mean that forests grow very slowly. Changes in global climate have also led to losses in the permafrost, releasing the carbon in the soils.

Forests in temperate climates, such as North America, offer an ideal middle-of-the-road solution. The trees grow relatively quickly and many species are long-lived. Decomposition in temperate regions occurs at a slower rate compared to tropical regions, and soils in these regions represent up to 50% of the carbon within a forest. This means temperate forests have great potential to serve as an effective carbon sink and provide long-term carbon storage.

Management Strategies

Natural forests not only provide carbon capture services, but also many other benefits (e.g., wildlife habitat). This is why the most important strategy is to keep forests as forests. When forests are converted to other types of land uses, carbon is released and the land loses its potential to store carbon, as well as other ecosystem services.

Forest management can help encourage trees to sequester more carbon, by changing the age structure and tree density in the stand (i.e., number of trees per acre). The protocols used in a carbon offset project are often based on sustainable forestry and are designed to increase total carbon gains over time.In stands where the trees are many different ages, there is continuous recruitment of younger trees, but older trees also remain and help hold carbon for long periods.

To help improve growth and tree regeneration, some trees can be removed using single tree or group selection harvesting methods. However, removing individual trees can disturb the soils in the local area. These soils also hold carbon and frequent disturbance over time can turn soils from a carbon sink to a carbon source. To help prevent soil disturbance in these stands it is useful to extend the rotation period. For example, a hardwood forest that has been traditionally thinned every 10–15 years could be thinned every 20–25 years, so the soils have time to recover between entries.

The best way to enhance carbon capture without cutting the existing forest is to increase forest cover. This can be done by planting old fields with a mix of native tree species or restoring old mine sites. Clear-cutting, however, resets the forest's age and in some cases can accelerate carbon capture by introducing younger and faster-growing trees. Climate benefits also occur when timber products displace the use of other products that require the use of fossil fuels (e.g., plastics).

Controlling invasive plant species is another important strategy for enhancing carbon capture. While many non-native/invasive plant species can grow rapidly they are not a good carbon sink. Invasive species also disrupt native ecosystems, change the makeup of the local soil microbes, and prevent tree regeneration, all of which interfere with a forest's ability to sequester carbon. Native trees and plants are adapted to thrive in local conditions and tend to function better as carbon capture mechanisms. Native plants also provide other important benefits such as wildlife habitat.

There are several other best practices landowners can adopt today to enhance carbon storage in trees and soils. When harvesting, it is important to reduce damage to the soil. This can be done by putting slash on skid trails, not harvesting in the rain, harvesting in the winter, and using forwarders instead of whole-tree skidding. Harvesting trees that are slow growing can also contribute to carbon sequestration. Instead of letting mature trees die and decompose, they can be removed and cut into products like 2x4s, flooring, or cabinets which go into homes and buildings and that could be around for centuries. The Liberty Bell is a great example of how high-quality wood products can help store carbon. The wooden yoke of the Liberty Bell is made from American elm harvested in the 1770s. Instead of decomposing in a forest centuries ago, the carbon in that wood is still around today holding up the Bell.

Harvesting is considered sustainable when decisions are based on silvicultural knowledge and follow a long-term management plan. Professional foresters are important for helping owners meet multiple management objectives while maintaining the value of their stands. Forests that maintain their value are more likely to remain as forests in the future when ownership changes.

Closing Remarks

Forests are an important carbon sink, since both trees and soils are able to store large amounts of carbon for a long time. However, carbon management is not just about deciding which trees to cut, but also where harvesting and planting occurs on the landscape. It is useful to maintain a mix of tree ages and forest types with a focus on young and established forests, as these forests capture and sequester the most carbon. However, this does not mean old-growth forests should be sacrificed to create more young forests. This could release large amounts of carbon, and a new forest would take decades to sequester as much carbon as currently stored in the old-growth forest. The key is to use planning and management strategies that help capture additional carbon while minimizing losses of stored carbon. Professional foresters can help you understand the potential of your land and forests for enhancing carbon capture through forest management while maintaining the value and health of your forests.

How Forests Store Carbon (2024)


How Forests Store Carbon? ›

Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmopshere and store it in different repositories, called carbon pools, which include trees (both living and dead), root systems, undergrowth, the forest floor and soils. Live trees have the highest carbon density, followed by soils and the forest floor.

How does a forest store carbon? ›

Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmopshere and store it in different repositories, called carbon pools, which include trees (both living and dead), root systems, undergrowth, the forest floor and soils. Live trees have the highest carbon density, followed by soils and the forest floor.

How can we increase carbon storage in forests? ›

Some options such as “reduce deforestation” work because more carbon is stored in the trees and soil of the forest. Others, such as using more long-lived products, store carbon in the wood product itself for a longer period.

How do you store carbon? ›

The concept is to capture CO2 produced by burning coal in power stations, compress it, pipe it away from the plant and then store it deep underground. It will be trapped there beneath impermeable layers of rock that will prevent it from coming back to the ground surface or sea bed.

Why do tropical forests store so much carbon? ›

Around one quarter of all of the carbon stored on land can be found in tropical forests. Forest trees take in CO2 from the atmosphere when they carry out photosynthesis – the process where plants absorb CO2 in order to build new materials, such as shoots, roots and leaves.

Which forests store the most carbon? ›

The giant redwoods of Northern California, which store seven times as much, are regarded as the most carbon dense forests in the world. The temperate rainforest is a “carbon storage powerhouse,” says John Talberth of the Portland, Ore.

How much carbon is stored by trees? ›

In one year, a mature live tree can absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide, which is permanently stored in its fibers until the tree or wood experiences a physical event that releases it into the atmosphere, like fire or decomposition.

What is the best carbon capture plant? ›

The live oak is the most efficient carbon capturing tree, it being able to sequester some 10,994 CO2 equivalent over its lifetime. Ranking second is the East Palatka holly, with a lifelong carbon fixation of 7,321 CO2 equivalent.

Does cutting down a tree release carbon? ›

Carbon Lock-In: Harvested trees retain their stored carbon, and cutting a tree does not release carbon into the atmosphere unless the wood decays or burns.

Is more carbon stored in soil or trees? ›

Scientists say that more carbon resides in soil than in the atmosphere and all plant life combined; there are 2,500 billion tons of carbon in soil, compared with 800 billion tons in the atmosphere and 560 billion tons in plant and animal life.

What are 5 ways carbon is stored? ›

Carbon is stored on our planet in the following major sinks (1) as organic molecules in living and dead organisms found in the biosphere; (2) as the gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; (3) as organic matter in soils; (4) in the lithosphere as fossil fuels and sedimentary rock deposits such as limestone, dolomite and ...

What are 4 things that store carbon? ›

Most carbon is stored in rocks and sediments, while the rest is stored in the ocean, atmosphere, and living organisms. These are the reservoirs, or sinks, through which carbon cycles.

How long will carbon be stored in a tree? ›

Trees accumulate carbon within their woody biomass. As they grow, they 'trap' carbon dioxide to form wood, leaves and roots. Around 50% of the dry mass of a tree is carbon and this carbon usually will be stored for the lifetime of the tree - or longer, if the wood is used to build a house, for example.

How do forests hold carbon? ›

Drever: Through the magic of photosynthesis, trees take carbon dioxide out of the air, mix it with water, and make sugars and oxygen. The sugars that are created by this process get distributed throughout the plant. The carbon in those sugars is stored throughout the tree, from root to bud.

Why and how forests store carbon? ›

Trees draw carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through a process called photosynthesis. Plants use photosynthesis to produce various carbon-based sugars necessary for tree functioning and to make wood for growth. Every part of a tree stores carbon, from the trunks, branches, leaves, and roots.

How to create a carbon sink? ›

How to turn your backyard into a carbon sink
  1. Leaving grass to grow longer can help accommodate more microbial and fungal life. ...
  2. Feeding soil with compost can help trap more carbon. ...
  3. Fruit trees, such as this orange tree, can sequester large amounts of carbon. ...
  4. Beautyberries, endemic to Florida.

How does carbon get stored in wood? ›

As a tree grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, stores the carbon in its wood fibers, and releases the oxygen back to the air through the process of photosynthesis. Carbon storage is a unique attribute of wood that does not occur in other structural materials.

How does carbon storage work in trees? ›

Trees store carbon in their branches, stems, leaves, bark and roots. As trees grow, they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and convert this into carbon to make wood. When wood rots or is destroyed (such as by fire) the carbon is returned to the air.

How do redwoods store carbon? ›

And perhaps most interestingly, for the purposes of this article, every one of these trees is an incredibly efficient machine that uses sunlight and water to take carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into sugar to build immense amounts of wood at an incredibly high rate—storing that carbon safely out of the ...

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