How To Store Avocado (2024)

Curious the best way to store avocado? Whether your avocado is whole, cut in half or in pieces, or whether it’s ripe or unripe, discover my tips for how to save an avocado to keep it fresh. These tips are super handy if you’re wondering how to pack your avocado for lunch, too!

How To Store Avocado (1)

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Avocados are one of my favorite pieces of produce to have on hand at all time. An excellent source of natural fat, fiber and oodles of vitamins, avocados are easy to add a little green to almost any meal!

However, avocados are notorious from going from underripe to over ripe in the blink of an eye. And truthfully, nothing makes me sadder in the kitchen then discovering an avocado that has gone to mush before I have had a chance to enjoy it!

Also check out tips and tricks for how to store spinach (so it stays fresh all week) and how to store cabbage (whole, half or shredded).

Luckily over the years of veggie-loading, I have eaten a lot of avocados and have mastered how to store them at all stages of ripeness. This helpful how-to is perfect for all eating styles, since avocados are vegan, plant-based, Paleo, vegetarian, gluten free and everything in between….so save these tips and share them with a friend!

Table of Contents

  1. How to store an unripe and uncut avocado
  2. How to tell if an avocado is ripe
  3. How to store a ripe, uncut avocado
  4. How to store half an avocado
  5. How to pack an avocado in a lunch box
  6. How to freeze avocado
  7. Recipes that use avocado
  8. Other veggie how-tos
How To Store Avocado (2)

How to save an avocado

This all depends on a lot of things. If your avocado is ripe, then it needs to be stored in the fridge ASAP vs. if your avocado is under ripe, than to the fruit bowl it goes!. If your avocado is cut, it needs all kinds of special love vs. whole, it can just hang out. But don’t worry, I have it all covered below for you so you know exactly what to do to save that avocado for later!

How to store an unripe and uncut avocado

Many find themselves buying unripe avocados and waiting for that perfect magic moment when they are ready for slicing.

If you have a handful of unripe, firm or green avocados, the best way I have found to store them is to simply leave them on the counter.

It usually takes about four or five days of avocados hanging out at room temperature to ripen to perfection. During the hotter months when your home might be warmer than usual, an avocado might ripen in just 2 days. So keep an eye on them and give them a gentle squeeze each day so you don’t forget about them.

How to tell if an avocado is ripe

The secret is in the stem. True story. Just peel back the stem and take a peak underneath.

  • Stem is firmly in place and won’t easily lift = unripe avocado
  • Stem pulls away easily and flesh is green underneath = ripe avocado
  • Stem pretty much falls off and flesh is brown underneath = overripe avocado
How To Store Avocado (3)

How to store a ripe, uncut avocado

Perfect! You have played the patience game and now you have a perfectly ripe avocado on your hands. But, maybe you are not ready to enjoy it just yet! So how do you store this avocado?

Ripe avocados that are whole and have not been cut open can be stored in the refrigerator. This greatly prolongs their life and they usually stay perfectly ripe in the fridge for about 3 days.

How to store half an avocado

The trick to keeping a cut avocado as green as possible is slowing the oxidization of that beautiful green flesh. Which basically means that you need to protect that pretty avocado from as much air getting to it as possible.

There are a few ways to do this.

  1. Brush the exposed flesh with a little avocado or olive oil. This will create a barrier between the flesh and air, slowing down browning. I find a pastry brush is perfect for the job.
  2. Run the cut side under some water. Again, this coats the flesh and helps to create a barrier between the avocado and the air that is dying to turn it brown.
  3. Store it flesh side down in an air-tight container in the fridge. Turning the avocado flesh side down instantly limits how much air can get to it.
  4. Wrap the avocado tightly in plastic wrap. This, again, greatly reduces the amount of air that can get to the flesh of the avocado.
  5. Do a combination of the above. I find this to be the best thing and the strategy that typically use. I will coat the flesh of a cut avocado with either water or a little oil and store it flesh-side-down in an air-tight container in the fridge.

Heads up! While these methods help to keep your cut avocado green longer, the sliced fruit should be enjoyed in the next 1-2 days.

How To Store Avocado (4)

How to pack an avocado in a lunch box

I love to throw a 1/2 an avocado in my daughter’s lunch box for an easy dose of healthy fat and green that I know she will eat. However, I don’t know many kiddos excited about eating browned (though totally edible) avocados. So it does take a little specialty packing.

To pack an avocado in a lunch box, simply:

  1. Cut the avocado in half.
  2. Remove the pit, but leave the skin on. You can also score the flesh a few times to make it easier for your child (or you!) to scoop out later, but that is optional and something I usually skip.
  3. Sprinkle some water or use a pastry brush to coat the exposed flesh of the avocado with a little avocado or olive oil.
  4. Store avocado flesh side down in a lunch container or tightly wrap it in plastic wrap before placing it in your child’s lunch box.
  5. Pack a spoon! That way the flesh can easily scooped out and enjoyed when lunch time comes!
How To Store Avocado (5)

How to freeze avocado

Yep! You can totally freeze ripe avocados! In fact, many natural grocery stores will even sell frozen avocado in their freezer section. This is also a great solution for when you have too many ripe avocados on your hand and not enough time to eat them before they get gross.

Freezing avocado when ripe makes for a wonderful thing to throw in smoothies or other avocado-filled recipes like the ones below!

FYI: frozen and thawed avocados won’t maintain that lovely shade of green that we know and love. But they are still edible!

To freeze ripe avocados:

  1. Cut open avocado(s)
  2. Remove pit.
  3. Scoop out flesh or remove peel.
  4. Chop avocado flesh into bite-sized pieces and arrange on a parchment-lined plate or baking sheet in a single layer, ensuring that the avocado pieces aren’t touching (otherwise they will freeze together).
  5. Place flat in freezer and freeze until solid (about 6 hours).
  6. Place frozen avocado pieces in a freezer safe container and place back in freezer for up to a month.
  7. Remove avocado pieces for use in smoothies and recipes as needed.

Avocado recipes

Like I said, avocados are one of my favorite kitchen goodies. They are always on my grocery list and I totally get bummed out when I use the last avocado.

I like to throw them over eggs in the morning, tacos at night and mush them up for an easy sandwich filling at lunch time. However, if you need a little inspiration how to use your perfectly stored avocados, here are some avocado-loaded recipes that I adore!

  • Blueberry Avocado Muffins
  • Paleo Avocado Chocolate Bread
  • 5-Minute Zucchini Avocado Dip
  • Easy Avocado Spinach Pesto
  • Chocolate Avocado Mousse (vegan)
  • Veggie-Loaded Avocado Tuna Salad

Other posts you might find helpful

If this how-to was helpful in easing your kitchen stress, here are some other Natural Nurturer posts that might inspire you!

  • How To Cut a Bell Pepper…to minimize waste!
  • How To Store Spinach (so it stays fresh all week!)
  • How to cook butternut squash (6 ways!)
  • How To Store Cabbage (Whole, Cut, or Shredded)
  • How to Cut and Cook A Spaghetti Squash

How To Store Avocado (6)

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5 from 3 votes

How to Store Avocado (Ripe, Unripe & Already Cut)

Curious the best way tostore avocado? Whether your avocado is whole, cut in half or in slices, or whether it's ripe or unripe, discover my tips for how to save an avocado to keep it fresh. These tips are super handy if you’re wondering how to pack your avocado for lunch, too!

Prep Time1 minute min

Cook Time1 minute min

Keyword: avocado

Servings: 2 servings


Author: Taesha Butler


  • small air-tight container


  • 1 avocado


  • If you have an unripe, firm and/or green avocados, the best way I have found to store them is to simply leave them on the counter. They should ripen up in 1-4 days, dependings on how unripe they are and how warm their storage space is.

    How To Store Avocado (7)

  • Once your avocado is ripe, either enjoy it immediately or stash it in your fridge to slow the ripening process and keep it perfectly green for longer. This greatly prolongs their life and they usually stay perfectly ripe in the fridge for about 3 days.

    How To Store Avocado (8)

  • If you have cut into your avocado and have half of one needing to be stored, you have a few options for how to store it.

    Brush the exposed flesh with a little avocado or olive oil.This will create a barrier between the flesh and air, slowing down browning. I find apastry brushis perfect for the job.

    Run the cut side under some water.Again, this coats the flesh and helps to create a barrier between the avocado and the air that is dying to turn it brown.

    Store it flesh side down in an air-tight container in the fridge. Turning the avocado flesh side down instantly limits how much air can get to it.

    Wrap the avocado tightly in plastic wrap. This, again, greatly reduces the amount of air that can get to the flesh of the avocado.

    Do a combination of the above. I find this to be the best thing and the strategy that typically use. I will coat the flesh of a cut avocado with either water or a little oil and store it flesh-side-down in an air-tight container in the fridge.

    These methods should keep your cut avocado green for about 12-24 hours. After that, your avocado's flesh will start to oxidize (turn brown). It is still edible but less visually appealing. If you have forgotten about a cut avocado in the fridge for several days, it may be best to pitch it.

    How To Store Avocado (9)

  • Another option is to freeze avocado for futire use. Freezing avocado when ripe makes for a wonderful thing to throw in smoothies or other avocado-filled recipes like the ones below! To do this:

    Cut open avocado(s). Remove pit.

    Scoop out flesh or remove peel.

    Chop avocado flesh into bite-sized pieces and arrange on a parchment-lined plate or baking sheet in a single layer, ensuring that the avocado pieces aren’t touching (otherwise they will freeze together).

    Place flat in freezer and freeze until solid (about 6 hours).

    Place frozen avocado pieces in a freezer safe container and place back in freezer for up to a month.R

    emove avocado pieces for use in smoothies and recipes as needed.

    FYI: frozen and thawed avocados won’t maintain that lovely shade of green that we know and love. But they are still edible!

How To Store Avocado (2024)


How To Store Avocado? ›

If your avocado is already ripe (or is getting there) you can place it in your refrigerator, where it will stay fresh for several days, depending on its level of ripeness. When putting your avocado in the fridge, it's best to store it in an airtight food storage container or in the produce/crisper drawer.

How do you keep avocados fresh longer? ›

If your avocado is already ripe (or is getting there) you can place it in your refrigerator, where it will stay fresh for several days, depending on its level of ripeness. When putting your avocado in the fridge, it's best to store it in an airtight food storage container or in the produce/crisper drawer.

How do you store an avocado after cutting? ›

An even easier method is to submerge your ripe avocado in water. Cut your avocado in half and fill a glass or plastic container near full with water. With the flesh-side down, place the avocado in the container, cover, and place in the fridge. This will keep the avocado from turning brown for about another two days.

Should avocado be refrigerated? ›

Until they're fully ripe, avocados should be stored at room temperature. Placing an unripe avocado in the refrigerator will slow the ripening process, but the same concept applies to ripe avocados: put them in the refrigerator to keep them at their prime ripeness for longer.

How do restaurants keep avocados from turning brown? ›

The main goal is to prevent oxygen from touching the avocado's flesh. Plastic wrap is a practical, albeit not foolproof way to slow down the natural course of fruit aging. The trick is to make sure the plastic wrap is sealed flush with the flesh.

Can avocados last 2 weeks in the fridge? ›

A perfectly ripe avocado is best eaten right away. If this is not possible, the best way to store ripe avocados is in the fridge for a maximum of 2 to 3 days. Any longer and the avocado may brown inside. Unripe avocados, on the other hand, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Is it okay to eat brown avocado? ›

You can safely eat an avocado or guacamole that has turned brown due to oxidation, just as you could eat an apple that has undergone the same chemical reaction. However, it certainly doesn't look as appetizing when presented on a plate, and the taste may be slightly altered (read: a tad bitter).

How long will an avocado last once cut? ›

To store a leftover avocado half, leave the skin and pit to help limit the surface area exposed to air. Sprinkle the exposed flesh with lemon or lime juice and tightly cover it with clear plastic wrap. The leftover avocado half can be stored in your refrigerator for up to 3 days depending on the level of ripeness.

What should you not do to avocados? ›

5 Things You Should Never Do With an Avocado
  • Avocados are versatile, healthy, and delicious, but they can also be a little bit finicky if you're not used to working with them. ...
  • Don't Refrigerate Until They're Ripe. ...
  • Don't Use a Sharp Knife to Remove the Pit. ...
  • Don't Skip the Lemon Juice. ...
  • Don't Store It Improperly.
Dec 13, 2016

What to do with half an avocado? ›

Avocados can also be grilled, making them a great side dish, especially for barbecued meats. Simply cut an avocado in half and remove the seed. Drizzle the halves with lemon juice and brush them with olive oil. Place the cut side down on the grill and cook for 2–3 minutes.

How does Chipotle keep their guacamole so green? ›

Each panned guac gets sealed airtight with Saran Wrap,” he said. “Then it gets lidded, labeled and stored for later use. This process ensures freshness and prevents browning,” he continued.

How to store avocados to last longer? ›

If your avocado is ripe, place the whole, uncut avocado in an airtight container or in the produce drawer in the refrigerator. It should be good for about two weeks, depending on how ripe it was going in.

How to keep avocado fresh once cut? ›

Fresh and ready avocado halves are a sight to behold. But they won't stay that way for long. To keep them from turning brown, seal the flesh with a sprinkle of lemon juice, lime juice, or olive oil, then tightly wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate.

Can I freeze avocado? ›

Yes, you can freeze avocado but make sure you use ones that are just-ripe (not super soft). Scoop flesh from skin in chunks and arrange on a baking paper-lined tray. Freeze avos for about 30 minutes or until firm, then transfer to a freezer bag and expel air. You can keep avocados in the freezer for up to one month.

Can you still eat avocado when it turns brown? ›

You can safely eat an avocado or guacamole that has turned brown due to oxidation, just as you could eat an apple that has undergone the same chemical reaction. However, it certainly doesn't look as appetizing when presented on a plate, and the taste may be slightly altered (read: a tad bitter).

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