Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (2024)

Do you have dreams of having little cubs running around? This page will tell you how to make that dream come true!

In order for your lioness to breed, she must be at least 2 years old and experiencing a heat. A lioness will be in heat for four days total, in which time you have the ability to breed her. You will be able to tell your lioness is in heat when she gets a flame icon next to her name; she will also have a message appear on her page informing you that she is in heat, and how many days are left.

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (1)

Once she is in heat, go to her page and scroll down until you see "Breed Lioness".

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (2)

You have the option to either "Breed", or have it attempt an "Auto-Breed" for 50 SB. Auto-Breeding is generally used for lower fertility, in which it would take multiple times to breed the lioness before she becomes pregnant. If you do choose to use Auto-Breed, please be aware that it will automatically try to breed the lioness as much as your energy will allow, so don't be surprised if you end up with little to no energy when you previously had a full bar. Some lionesses may take multiple energy bars if they happen to be VLF.

If the lioness falls below 50% hunger or 80% mood, you will have to feed her or increase her mood to continue on.

For every unsuccessful breeding attempt, you will lose -5% energy. When breeding to your own lionesses, you will only lose -5% energy upon a successful breed, rather than the -10% energy you would have lost if she belonged to an outside pride.

Note that the last day you can breed a lioness is when she is 14. If your lioness is any older than 14, she will be unable to breed, even with the use of breeding items.


You can read more into fertility and how it works on the Fertility page, but a list of fertilities are included below.

Goddess = 100% (guaranteed pregnancy on first attempt)
High = 90%-99%
Good = 80%-89%
Average = 70%-79%
Low = 51-69%
Very Low = 1%-50%
Infertile = 0% (cannot get pregnant at all without the help of a Chasteberry)

Starting at 8 years of age, a lioness's fertility will drop by 5% for every year that she ages, down to a minimum of 1% fertility.


As stated before, a lioness's heat cycle lasts for four days. When she first goes into heat, there will be a message at the top of her page that says "This lioness is in heat and will be for 3 more days". Her heat will continue onto the fourth day, in which it will state she will be in heat for "0 more days".

Heat cycles can be completely random, just like in real life. It is most common for a lioness to go into her first heat at 2 years 5 months of age, but it can happen sooner or later than that! If you use aging items on your lions (such as Aging Stones and Crystals to auto-age them from 0 days to 1 year 11 days), this can affect her heat cycle and cause her to immediately go into heat when she ages up to 2 years.

You do not have to breed on every heat cycle. If you would prefer to wait until her next heat, please note that there is an 8 day waiting period. If you would like to skip the wait, you can use a Zebra Heart to instantly put her into heat; this is available for purchase at Oasis for 2 GB. Zebra Hearts can only be used if a lioness is not on a breeding cooldown.

If you are interested in extending a lioness's heat cycle,it must be done while she is still in heat. You can do this by using a Baobab Fruit, which can be purchased during the February Flirt Shop for 28 Heart Shells. Note that Baobab Fruits cannot be used on the first day of her heat; only the second, third, or fourth day.

Breeding Items

Wanting to try for a mutie? Don't quite want that litter you just created? Perhaps you're looking to increase your possible cub count! Whichever you're looking for, there are a variety of items that you can use in a breeding. Note that this list only includes breeding items that can be used on your lioness, NOT items that can only be used on the male.

All items are only valid for one breeding at a time unless stated otherwise.

Angelic Blessing

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (3)


Use this in order to get a lioness of almost any fertility pregnant on the first breeding attempt. It cannot be used on Infertile lionesses. This effect is permanent, unless the decor is removed.

How to Get

Purchase from the Heaven Shop for 60 DS in October's event.

Black Stallion

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (4)


Use this in order to get a lioness of almost any fertility pregnant on the first breeding attempt. It cannot be used on Infertile lionesses.

How to Get

Randomly awarded for a score between 3500-4444+ in Serengeti Shuffle.
Jackpot Reward from Slots.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.


Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (5)


Boosts a lioness's fertility by 10% for every Chasteberry used. Can only be used up to four times on one lioness.

How to Get

Purchase from Fertility Snake for 100 SB.

Cotton Root Bark

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (6)


Use to induce a miscarriage on a lioness. She will lose her current litter, but can be bred again in three days. She will have a higher chance of producing mutated cubs, including lethals. Can stack with other mutation items.

How to Get

Purchase from the Oasis for 1 GB.

Crunchy Worm

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (7)


Give to a lioness before breeding to have a 25% chance to duplicate the mother's appearance (base, eyes, markings, etc.) onto one cub per litter. This will not copy mutations.

How to Get

Purchase from the Manticore Shop for 300 BB.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.


Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (8)


Give to a lioness before breeding to increase the chance of mutation in the litter. The chance is known to be between 50% and 100%.

How to Get

Purchase from Prophet Shop for 150 JB.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Lion Meat

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (9)


Give to a lioness before breeding in order to moderately increase her chance of producing mutated offspring in her immediate litter.

How to Get

Potential reward from completing the "Claim 50 Lionesses" quest.
Purchase from the Carrion Shop for 2000 SB.
Purchase from The Boneyard for 100 LB.
Rare drop from winning a battle against a January event NPC.
Purchase from the Gorilla Enclave for 300 MT.
Purchase as a Referral Reward for 10 RP.
Jackpot Reward from Slots.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Lion Scrotum

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (10)


Give to a mutated lioness before breeding; has a 25% chance (per cub) to pass on her mutation. Cannot be used on hybrids.

How to Get

Purchase from Slap Shop for 80 HS.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Ochre Gnawrock

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (11)


Give to a lion before breeding to pass down one marking to all cubs in their immediate litter. Marking opacity/slot will be the same as the parent's opacity/slot. Can be used once on both parents.

How to Get

Purchase from the Prophet Shop for 150 JB.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.


Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (12)


Give to a non-mutated lioness before breeding in order to guarantee she will produce one Primal (Ferus) cub in her immediate litter.

How to Get

Guaranteed drop from a very rare encounter during March's event.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Ochre Saltlick

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (13)


Give to a lion before breeding to pass down their exact mane shape and base to all cubs in their immediate litter.

How to Get

Purchase from the Prophet Shop for 100 JB.

Shadow of Death

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (14)


Ages a lioness instantly by one day per shadow, along with shortening her cooldowns. Can be used even if the lioness is nursing or pregnant. Can insta-birth litters and remove all 20 days of cooldown.

How to Get

Purchase from the Hell Shop for 80 NF.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.


Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (15)


Lowers a lioness's fertility by -10% for every Tackweed used. Can be used as many times as desired on a lioness, until she reaches a temporary 1% fertility.

How to Get

Purchase from Fertility Snake for 60 SB.

Yohimbe Bark

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (16)


Shortens a lioness's breeding cooldown by one day per bark; cannot be used if a lioness is nursing or pregnant. Can remove all 20 days of cooldown if cubs are aged, chased, killed, or reserved.

How to Get

Purchase from Flirt Shop for 30 HS.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Once you have successfully bred your lioness, it's time to nest her! When you go to her page, you'll see a message regarding her pregnancy, which states that you have the ability to nest her.

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (17)

Once you click on the "Build Nest" link, you'll be taken to the Nesting page, where you'll see all your pregnant lionesses that are either in need of nests, or already have one built.

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (18)

In order to build a nest, you need to have 6 uses of a nesting material in your Hoard. Items that count for nesting material are things like herbs, feathers, large leaves, soft toys, underbrush, and more. Once you've selected the materials, go ahead and click "Nest". Congratulations! Your lioness is now successfully nested. If you choose not to build a nest for your lioness, please be aware that there is a 50% chance that she will lose her litter.

Regardless of whether a lioness is nested or not, her pregnancy will last for 3 days (3 rollovers); on the fourth day, her litter will be born. If you do not want to wait the full 3 days, you can instantly birth her cubs using an Instant Cub Delivery, purchased for 2 GB in Oasis. Note that IBFing a litter requires your lioness to be nested safely.

Your lioness has the chance of having between 1 to 4 cubs. 1 to 2 cubs are the most common, while 3 is uncommon, and 4 is rare. Please be aware that cubs are generated upon conception/successful breedings, and are not influenced by any outside methods unless breeding items were used prior to conception. Instant birthing a litter has no effect whatsoever on cub appearances or count.


If you would rather not deal with manually nesting your lionesses, you can purchase a service called Auto-Nesting from Oasis. It costs 15 GB, and lasts for 30 rollovers before it cancels or needs to be renewed; multiple purchases, however, DO stack. Auto-nesting will automatically nest your lionesses on the rollover of their third day of pregnancy, giving you two days to allow your lionesses to hunt normally.

Please keep in mind that auto-nesting does NOT require nesting materials. It acts as if it already provides materials for you, much like how the "Play All" side of Play All, Feed All does not need toys to work.

Please also note that this tool will NOT work on lionesses that need to be nested on the day that you purchase this tool. Auto-nesting will begin after the rollover that you purchase it on, so if you have any lionesses that need to be nested that very day, you must use nesting material.


It is important to keep your lioness fed and happy for the duration of her pregnancy; otherwise, you run the (small) risk of a miscarriage. The less hungry a lioness is, the less likely she is to have stillborn cubs. Please note that having your lioness be slightly hungry during pregnancy will not result in a miscarriage--miscarrying can only occur if a lioness is severely neglected during pregnancy. Miscarriages result in the loss of a whole litter; if you only have one cub born, it is not due to the other cubs in the litter being miscarried. Miscarriages are extremely rare in Lioden, and almost never happen. If you decently maintain your lionesses, everything will be fine. You will receive a Game Notification if your lioness miscarries.

However, you can induce a miscarriage on a lioness, if you accidentally bred the wrong lioness, used the wrong stud, or want to try your odds for mutated cubs. Miscarriages can be induced with the use of Cotton Root Bark, available for purchase in Oasis for 1 GB. Cotton Root Barks (CRBs) can be used on any day of your lioness's pregnancy, and can be used regardless of whether your lioness is nested or not. It would most likely be best to use a CRB on the first day of a pregnancy, as it comes with a 3 day cooldown before she can breed again.


After giving birth, your lioness will be on a 20 day cooldown in order to care for her current cubs. She will spend the first 5 days of her cooldown nursing her cubs, and 15 more teaching them how to be independent in preparation for their adolescent stage. It will take a total of 20 days before she comes into heat again. An hourglass will appear next to a lioness's name if she is currently on a cooldown.

If you do not wish to wait for her cooldown to go down naturally, you can use Shadows of Death or Yohimbe Barks to shorten it. Shadows of Death are available for purchase during the October event in the Hell Shop for 30 Nepheline Feathers, Yohimbe Barks are available for purchase during the February event in the Flirt Shop for 30 Heart Shells.

You cannot use a Yohimbe Bark on a lioness that is currently pregnant or nursing cubs, unless you were to age, chase off, kill, or reserve the cubs within the 5 days it takes to nurse them. Once you take care of the cubs (either by aging or getting rid of them), you can indeed use 20 Yohimbe Barks to instantly put a lioness back into heat, even though she gave birth that same day. One Yohimbe Bark gets rid of one cooldown day. Shadows of Death can be used regardless of cooldown or nursing status on a lioness. One Shadow of Death will age up your lioness by one day, while removing one cooldown day.

If your lioness loses her litter due to not being nested, or miscarries (whether naturally or CRB-induced), she will only be on a 3 day cooldown, rather than the full 20 days she would have been on if she had given birth successfully.

Cotton Root Barks will slightly increase your lioness's chance of producing mutations, but will also increase the lethality of a mutation. It can be stacked with low fertility, GMO Cows, and Lion Meat, but you should always use the CRB before using a GMO Cow or Lion Meat. You cannot stack more than one CRB at a time.

If you want to find out how many cubs your lioness is having, we recommend you make your way over to the Ultrasound Bat, which is found under the Scrying Stone at the Falcon's Eye. For just 15 SB per lioness, the little bat will tell you exactly how many cubs that your lioness is having--but be warned! The amount of cubs will not show up on her page, so keep track if you've already used the ultrasound on your lioness!

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (19)

Lioness Breeding - Lioden Wiki (2024)


What age does a lioness stop breeding lioden? ›

The latest day a lioness can be bred is at 14 years and 0 months. The counter does go on but from 14 years and 1 month on, a lioness is not breedable anymore regardless of what the counter says.

How to speed up breeding cooldown lioden? ›

If you do not wish to wait for her cooldown to go down naturally, you can use Shadows of Death or Yohimbe Barks to shorten it.

How many cubs can a lioness have in a lioden? ›

Lionesses can have between 1 and 4 cubs in a litter with 1 and 2 being common, and 3 and 4 being rare :) You have liked this post! 2 players like this post!

How do you get more Lionesses in Lioden? ›

You also need at least one extra territory space to claim wild lionesses. You can always free territory space by chasing off lions. Chasing off a lioness frees 1 spot. Chasing off lioness with little cubs under 5 months of age will also make the [cubs] run away, frees 1 spot.

What age should you stop breeding? ›

Many kennel clubs require a dog to be 8 years or younger to register litters. Many vets suggest that dogs of normal health should be retired from breeding around 8 years old. The strictest standard to retire a dog from breeding is 5 years of age. Consult your vet when considering breeding a dog older than 5 years old.

How many times can a lioness get pregnant? ›

In captivity lions often breed every year, but in the wild they usually breed no more than once in two years.

Is double uterus an adult mutation in Lioden? ›

Double Uterus

It is one of three adult mutations that is compatible with all poses (nesting and applicable). Externally, there is nothing different about Double Uterus lionesses.

How long does it take for a lion cub to be fully grown in Lioden? ›

Cubs turn into adults when they turn 2 years old. 1 Rollover is 1 Month is lioden. So it will take 24 rollovers to have a newborn cub turn into an adult.

What color are Wenet's eyes? ›

BaseEbony (Gray Skin)
GeneticsBlack Dark Solid Rare
Mane TypeScarce
4 more rows

Can subordinate males breed Lioden? ›

Subordinate males can not breed but they will support your main lion in protecting the pride and one of them can take over when your main male lion is ready to retire.

Will a lioness permit cubs? ›

Yes, a lioness will permit cubs other than her own too. In lion prides, lionesses often exhibit a behavior known as alloparenting, where females will permit and care for cubs that are not their own.

How do you get the special lioness in Lioden? ›

To enter your king must be at dreamboat impression. you can enter here at crossroads! In order to get your impression high enough to hopefully impress the special lady of the week you can fight enemies in explore, claim lionesses in explore (Ncls) or you can do it quickly, but more expensively, by using dove feasts.

Why do Lionesses mate so much? ›

You would ask why do why do lions mate so many times ? The reason for this is the low fertility rate of lion breeding. Lion parents can mate up to 3000 times to have a cub. Besides that a female will not be in heat for longer than a week, which is why the male must mate with her right away.

How can I increase my lioness fertility? ›

Each Chasteberry given to a lioness will boost her fertility temporarily by 10%, and you can use up to five Chasteberries on the same lioness. Five Chasteberries on an Infertile (0%) fertility lioness will bring her up to Very Low (50%)!

How to improve lioness stats in lioden? ›

Personally I recommend focusing on only hunting with a small number of lionesses - that way you can build maximum stats for your most special lionesses, before matching them up with high stat studs or whatever you plan to do. So either just one hunting party of 5, or two parties of 5.

What is the past breeding age for Lioden? ›

14years is the very last day you can breed to a lady. This is from the wiki " Note that the last day you can breed a lioness is when she is 14.

What is the age limit for a lioness? ›

Lions in zoos may live into their late teens or early 20s. In the wild, a lioness may live up to 16 years, but males rarely live past the age of 12.

What age can a lioness mate? ›

Lions begin to breed at two years but reach their prime at five years. Mating take place at most times of the year and a male may mate with several females. A lioness has cubs about every two years and gestation is 105 - 112 days.

How long are female lions fertile? ›

Females can breed until they are c. 15-years old, but reproduction usually starts to decline at 11 years. A lioness in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park gave birth at 19 years old.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.