Mobs (2024)

Mobs (1)


This page is a catalog of all known enemies in Arcane Lineage.


Mobs are the monsters that spawn in Arcane Lineage, killing them and collecting their drops to complete quests is the primary way of getting Essence.


Resistances make Mobs take less damage to certain attacks or effects, while Weaknesses make Mobs take more damage to them.

All Mobs of the same species have the same Resistances and Weaknesses.

The strength of these can vary. For example, while Slimes have +10% Magic Resistance, Grass Spirits have +15% Magic Resistance

There are eight types of Resistances/Weaknesses:

  • Physical
  • Magic
  • Poison
  • Fire
  • Nature
  • Dark
  • Hex
  • Holy
  • Crossing Roads

  • Scorching Desert

  • Deeproot Canopy

  • Mount Thul

The Crossing Roads Mobs[]

The center of the world! This is where you shall start your journey.





Mob DropsMob Image
  • Smack - Base 5 damage.
  • Acid Spit - Base 4 damage, applies Poison. Blocking it also applies Poison.
+10% Magic Resistance

+20% Poison Resistance

+20% Fire Resistance

Slime ChunkThe most basic mob in the game. The first enemy for most players. It has 15 HP, and is relatively easy.

Mobs (2)

Frost Slime20
  • Frosty Smack
  • Frosty Spit - Applies Cold, Blocking it also applies Cold.
  • Present - Deal 10 damage or heal based on player max hp.
10 or 20% weak to darkUnopened PresentAn icy version of the Slime, it has more HP and is bigger overall.
  • Stab - Base 6 Damage, can apply Bleed.
  • Strike - Base 5 Damage.
  • Steal - steal a% of your max gold, can only be dodged, lost gold can be taken back by killing the thief .)
+10% Physical Resistance

-10% Fire Resistance

-10% Magic Resistance

10 GoldThe second most basic Mob in the game, and the first humanoid Mob. It has 12 HP, and is similar in difficulty to Slimes, they can have different races like players.

Mobs (3)

Grass Sprit20:1
  • Grass Bolt - Base Damage 6. Type: Nature
  • Vine Trap - No damage. Applies 3 Stun and 2 Crippled
  • Nature's Embrace - Heals self and allies for ~9 HP
+15% Hex Resistance

+15% Magic Resistance

+40% Nature Resistance

-10% Physical Resistance

-20% Dark Resistance


Ring of the Forest

First Spirit-like creature in the game. 20HP, similar difficulty to Zombie Mushrooms, however it being a healer can make them a pain.

Mobs (4)

Zombie Mushroom35
  • Shroom Punch - Base Damage 5
  • Shroom Strike - Base damage 5+5.5 Poison damage. Inflicts 1 Stun and 2 Blind
  • Poison Spew - Base damage 5 Poison. Inflicts 4 Poison to all. Hits all allies.
+10% Hex Resistance

+20% Poison Resistance

-10% Fire Resistance

-20% Holy Resistance

Mushroom CapLil' mushroom child, 35HP, small but do not underestimate. As it's strong feats, it is advised to bring friends, if you have any.

Mobs (5)

King Slime (Boss)400:2
  • Crush - Basic attack
  • Slime Creation - Spawns a Slime.
  • Scalding Spray - Hits all enemies no matter what, can Block for half damage - Inflicts 1 round of Poison and Burn
  • Poison Eruption - The basic attack but it also Poisons and damages everyone.
+30% Magic Resistance

+30% Poison Resistance

+10% Physical Resistance

-20% Fire Resistance

-20% Nature Resistance

Ring of The Gelat, Slimy BucklerFirst boss encounter you'll most likely have in Arcane Lineage, he's beefy and strong. Don't try to fight alone.

Mobs (6)

The Scorching Desert Mobs[]

This is the scorching desert, the hottest desert in the world, you do NOT want to get lost here...





Mob DropsMob Image
Desert Bandit35
  • Sand Blade: 0 energy, can be Blocked and Dodged, primary attack method of the Bandit, imbues his scimitar with sand and slashes dealing low-moderate damage. (~4 dmg blocked, ~8 dmg unblocked, more when crit).
  • Scimitar impale: 2 energy, can be Blocked and Dodged, Bandit imbues his sword with sand and thrusts towards the user dealing moderate-high damage (~6 damage blocked, ~11 unblocked, more when crit). Also applies 4 stacks of Bleed if the player is unable to Block or Dodge the attack.
  • Dust implosion: 3 energy, can be Blocked or Dodged, Bandit imbues his fist with sand and punches the user dealing low damage when hitting a player (~5 damage, more when crit). If the Bandit who casted this ability is not killed within 2 attack turns of the player, deals a high damage attack to the player (15+ damage), if in a party the attack turns into an AoE hurting those nearby the player.
+20% Fire Resistance

+5% Physical Resistance

-20% Poison Resistance

30 Gold

Tier 1 equipment Tier 2 equipment on Corrupted Sky event

A Bandit, but instead they attack you in the desert, they have several different races.

Mobs (7)

Sand Elemental30
  • Sand Blast: 0 energy, the primary attack of the Sand Elemental that launches a sand ball dealing small-moderate damage (3-4 dmg when Blocked, 7-8 unblocked, can reach 10-12 when unblocked crit)
  • Sandscreen; 2 energy, an unblockable attack where the Sand Elemental throws a wave of sand dealing moderate damage, as well as causing Blindness for 2 turns (stackable)
  • Dust Bomb: 3 energy, a dust bomb that's able to be Blocked and Dodged, dealing moderate-high damage and inflicting 2 turns of Vulnerability (values are unsure but was seen doing 11-12 unblocked no crit)
+10% Physical Resistance

-10% Nature Resistance

Sand CoreA strong-like spirit, with its strong moves, it is quite powerful.

Mobs (8)

Stray Sandstorm65
  • Dust Pusle: 0 energy,a dodgeable attack, that deals aoe damage if it's not dodged
  • Sand Reform: 2 energy, applies 2 weak, 2 vunerable to itself and regenerates for 3 turns
  • Sand Meteor: 3 engery, summons a sand meteor that stays up in the air for 2 turns after it has summoned it, crashing down at the 3rd turn dealing undodgeable damage
  • Swirling Sand: 3 energy, deals a little bit of damage when attacked with meele for 3 turns
+20% Dark Resistance

+20% Hex Resistance

+20% Nature Resistance

-10% Physical Resistance

Restless FragmentsA grass spirit-like enemy, quite strong, incredibly capable of wiping players out.

Mobs (9)

Sand Golem70
  • Core Rage: Inflicts Heavy Stun on self for 1 turn to increase outgoing damage by 25%~
  • Smash: Basic attack, 10 damage
  • Barrage: 2 energy, can only be Dodged, attacks 3 times with each hit doing 7.5 dmg.
  • Sand Eruption: 2 energy, can only be Dodged. If hit, take heavy damage and get inflicted with 3 status effects
25% Physical Resistance

-10% Dark Resistance

-10% Magic Resistance

-10% Nature Resistance

Ring Of Crushing ForceHuge golem, made out of sand. Can be seen carrying carts around for fast travel. Can be encountered more often when in a party.

Mobs (10)

The Deeproot Canopy Mobs[]

The greenest of swamps! What mysteries shall be discovered here...





Mob DropsMob Image
Fog Spirit45
  • Fog spread: 0 energy, teamwide AoE, can only be Dodged, does decent dmg.
  • Airborne Toxins: 2 energy, undodgeable and unblockable teamwide AoE, does a small amount of damage.
  • Haze Reflection: 3 energy, reflects the damage to the dealer, lasts 2-3 turns.
+40% Hex Resistance

+40% Poison Resistance

+20% Physical Resistance

-20% Magic Resistance

-20% Fire Resistance

Haze ChunkAs visible as the fog that surrounds you, toughest Sprit you'll encounter in the entire game.

Mobs (11)

Venom Shroom50
  • Poison Breath: 0 energy, an attack that is can be blocked or dodged if have enough speed, inflicts 1 Stack of Poison
  • Toxic Burst: 2 energy, an undodgeable attack, that inflicts 2 Stacks of Curse, if the target has at least 1 Stack of Poison(can only be used once per Battle)
  • Poison Spikes: 2 energy, summons poisonous spikes for 3 turns, that inflict 3 poison and deal a little amount of damage when attacked with melee


+30% Hex Resistance

+10% Physical Resistance

-10% Magical Resistance

-30% Fire Resistance

-50% Poison Resistance

Mushroom CapThe Zombie Shroom's cousin, cute but dangerous, with its power, it heals from poison.

Mobs (12)

Cursed Corpse95
  • Soul Curse: Makes it immune to the last damage type that hit it
  • Blooming Hex: Debuffs you, try to use a healing move during the debuff still active will result in Heavy Stunned.
  • Passive1: Applies Hex on some hits, makes you take more damage.
  • poison claw: Deal damage and apply poison


+80% Hex Resistance

+50% Poison Resistance

+30% Dark Resistance

+15% Physical Resistance

-20% Fire Resistance

-30% Holy Resistance

NothingA human he was, a cursed abomination he now is, like it's bandit siblings, can be different races.

Mobs (13)

Cess Horror110:2
  • Imbued Strike: 0 energy, a dodgeable attack, that inflicts 1 Stack of Weakness
  • Cursed Skewer: 2 energy,a undodgeable attack, that inflicts 2 Stacks of Sundered
  • Darkness Infliction: 2 energy,removes all debuffs from itself and heals based on the amount of removed debuff and inflicts 2 Stacks of Vunerability to all enemies
+10% Physical Resistance

+20% Hex Resistance

+50% Dark Resistance

+50% Poison Resistance

-10% Holy Resistance

-30% Fire Resistance

Rot CoreThe hunters of the swamp! They have no predators because everyone is their prey.

Mobs (14)

Thorian, the Rotten (Boss)1800:8
  • Cursed Wave: Deals AoE damage to three party members, has a chance to apply Curse [2 energy cost]
  • Overflowing Curse: Gives 1 Plague if you fail the minigame. [1 energy requirement, no cost]
  • Cess Breath: AoE damage to the four members at the party, also debuffs you [1 energy cost]
  • Warped Crush - He rushes and deals AoE dmg to three members of the party [1 energy requirement, no cost]
  • Blasphemous Obliteration: [HE ONLY USES THIS UPON REACHING HALF HEALTH] Deals a lot of dmg to the whole party and deal 1x Plague, 3x Curse, 1x Hexed [5 energy cost]
  • Hexing Burst: Deal small AoE damage to the party, it has a chance to give random debuffs, 1 hexed or 3 curse [1 energy cost]
  • Plague Rupture: Gives 1 Weakened, 1 Vulnerable, Curse, or Hex. This ability doesn't do any damage [2 energy cost]
+30% Physical Resistance

+30% Hex Resistance

+30% Dark Resistance

+25% Poison Resistance

+10% Nature Resistance

-10% Fire Resistance

-50% Holy Resistance

  1. The Void Key
  2. Darksigil
  3. Stellion Core
A story similar to that of the Cursed Corpse, a creation of god turned into a monstrosity amongst the world.

Mobs (15)

The Mount Thul Mobs[]

The dangerous volcano, the monsters will try their best to make you never escape.





Mob DropsMob Image
Magma Golem120
  • Fire Crush: 0 energy, a dodgeable attack, inflicts 1 Stack of Burning
  • Lava Armor: 1 energy, reflects most damage from melee attacks for 3 tuns
  • Lava Domain: 2 energy, inflicts 4 Stacks of Vulnerability and 1 Stack of Hexed
  • Magma Breath: 2 energy, a undodgeable attack, has a chance to inflict 1 Stack of Burning per Hit
+40% Fire Resistance

+20% Physical Resistance

+10% Nature Resistance

-20% Magic Resistance

NothingA powerful sand golem, instead of sand, however, lava courses it's every crack.

Mobs (16)

Lava Crab80:2
  • Lava Spit: 0 energy, a dodgeable attack, has a chance to inflict 1 Stack of Burning
  • Lava Bomb: 2 energy, a undodgable attack, that inflicts 2 Stacks of Weakness, has a chance to also inflict 1 Stack of Burning
  • Lava Pool: 3 energy, summons a pool of lava beneath itself for 3 turns, inflicts 4 Stacks of Burning, if attacked with melee
+55% Fire Resistance

+15% Physical Resistance

-20% Dark Resistance

NothingSurprisingly, the only crab-like enemy, quite weak compared to everything else in this world

Mobs (17)

Yar'thul, the Blazing Dragon (Boss)1200(1800 if corrupted)
  • Inferno: This attack is unavoidable. He uses this at the start of the battle, causing all party members to take Inferno damage. The stacks increase every round, increasing the damage of Inferno. You would preferably want to kill him quickly.
  • Fire Claw: Yar Thul’s basic attack. It targets only one person and is undodgeable unless you have enough speed. However it is Blockable by default. Inflicts 3 stacks of Burn when Blocked or being hit.
  • Magma Pillar: Yar’thul slams one of his claws down and creates magma pillar. Anything that physically attacks him takes damage, 2 stacks of Inferno, and 5 stacks of Burn. The magma pillar lasts for 3 rounds.
  • Blaze Core: Yar’thul absorbs half of the parties' Inferno stacks, lowering them. However, he heals between 50-450 HP.
  • Magma Beam: Yar’thul charges up for a round. Next round he will shoot a fire beam at a target. You would preferably want to guard. This does AoE damage around the target that gets hit. Unblockable and undodgeable. Inflicts 4 stacks of Burn to the target that was focused, and Yar'thul can use another attack right after.
  • Blaze Eruption: Yar’thul slams both claws down and geysers of fire will erupt underneath the party members. This attack only targets those that are Burning. However if no one is Burning it will choose a person randomly. Unblockable and undodgeable. Inflicts 3 stacks of Inferno.
  • Hellfire: Yar’Thul raises his head before firing a massive breath of fire across all targets. Hits multiple times and inflicts 9 stacks of Burn. Unblockable and undodgeable. The Burn is inflicted over the course of 3 hits, so 3 stacks of Burn every hit for a total of 9 stacks.
  • Armageddon: When below half HP and he has 6 energy, he will create a massive flaming meteor that hits all targets. There is no windup for this attack. Unblockable, unguardable, and undodgeable. This attack has damage reduction immunity, this means using steel body will not decrease its damage.
+50% Fire Resistance

+20% Physical Resistance

-10% Magic Resistance

  1. Metrom's Amulet
  2. Reality Watch
  3. Narthana's Sigil
The myth, the legend, the one and only... Yar'thul, the Blazing Dragon!

Mobs (18)

See Also
Leveling Up

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Mobs (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Last Updated:

Views: 6173

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.