Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? (2024)

Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? (1)

In the quest for greater physical strength and a more toned physique, the role of protein cannot be overstated. Protein, often dubbed the ‘building block of life,’ plays a pivotal role in muscle growth and recovery, making it a crucial component of any fitness enthusiast’s diet.

But when it comes to consuming protein, the options are diverse and confusing. Among the most common forms are protein bars and protein shakes. Both are convenient, portable, and protein-packed, but which is better for muscle growth?

This blog post dives into the world of protein supplements, comparing protein bars and protein shakes and exploring how each can contribute to muscle growth.

With evidence-based information and expert insights, we aim to highlight this intriguing subject to help you maximize your fitness journey.

So, whether you’re a professional bodybuilder, an aspiring athlete, or a fitness enthusiast, read on to discover which protein supplement is your perfect gym companion.

What’s the role of protein in muscle growth

Protein is one of the three macronutrients our bodies need in large amounts, along with carbohydrates and fats.

However, unlike the latter two, protein serves as the primary building block for our muscles. It’s composed of amino acids, often called the ‘building blocks of life,’ which are integral in repairing and building new muscle tissue [1].

When we engage in strength training or resistance exercise, we cause microscopic tears in our muscle fibers. This damage triggers a biological repair process, where the body uses dietary protein to repair these damaged fibers, resulting in muscle growth.

This phenomenon is known as muscle protein synthesis, and it’s crucial for anyone looking to increase muscle mass and strength. However, the body can’t produce all the necessary amino acids independently.

Nine of the 20 amino acids required for protein synthesis are termed ‘essential,’ meaning we must obtain them through our diet.This is where protein supplements such as protein bars and shakes come into play.

Protein bars offer a convenient way to ensure we meet our daily protein requirements, especially post-workout when muscle protein synthesis is at its peak.

Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? (3)

Protein bars and muscle growth

Protein bars, as we’ve discussed, are a handy and popular source of protein, but how exactly do they contribute to muscle growth?

To understand this, we need to revisit the process of muscle protein synthesis, whereby the body repairs damaged muscle fibers and builds new ones using dietary protein [2]. Consuming protein post-workout can maximize this process, leading to muscle growth.

Protein bars, which can be easily consumed post-workout, offer a quick and easy way to kickstart this process. They contain fast-digesting proteins like whey, which the body can easily use.

This makes them an effective tool for stimulating muscle protein synthesis and, ultimately, muscle growth.

But protein bars offer another potential advantage for muscle growth: they often contain a balanced mix of macronutrients. Many bars include protein and a good amount of carbohydrates and fats.

Carbs replenish muscle glycogen for energy and recovery. Fats offer steady energy and aid in nutrient absorption.

Protein bars can be a highly effective tool for muscle growth, providing a convenient, balanced, and quick-absorbing source of protein. However, they should be used as a supplement to a balanced diet, not a replacement for whole foods.

Featured product offer

Naked Nutrition Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies

Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? (4)

  • Contains 10 g of grass-fed whey protein.
  • Only 1 g of sugar and 190 calories per cookie.
  • Made with defatted almond flour instead of traditional wheat.

Protein shakes and muscle growth

Protein shakes have long been associated with muscle growth and recovery, and for good reason. They offer a highly digestible and rapidly absorbed form of protein that can optimize muscle protein synthesis and enhance recovery after a strenuous workout.

When you consume a protein shake, particularly one made from fast-absorbing whey protein, the amino acids are quickly delivered to your muscles.

This fast delivery is crucial during the post-workout window when muscle protein synthesis is at its peak. The readily available amino acids from the protein shake help to repair and rebuild the damaged muscle fibers, leading to muscle growth.

Moreover, protein shakes can be easily customized to meet your nutritional needs. You can add carbohydrates like fruits or oats to replenish glycogen stores, fats from nut butter for sustained energy, or other supplements like creatine or branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to further enhance muscle growth and recovery.

Factors to consider when choosing between protein bars and protein shakes

1. Nutritional comparison

Protein bars and protein shakes can both be high in protein, but their nutritional profiles can differ significantly depending on the brand and product.

Protein bars: While protein bars can contain 10 to 20 grams of protein per serving [3], they can also be high in carbohydrates, fats, and added sugars, especially in cheaper or lower-quality bars. It’s essential to read the nutritional label carefully to make sure you’re not consuming hidden sugars or unhealthy fats.

Protein shakes: Protein shakes typically contain fewer carbohydrates and fats than protein bars, making them a more concentrated source of protein. A serving of protein powder usually provides 20 to 30 grams of protein with minimal carbohydrates and fats.

2. Convenience and ease of use

Protein bars: Protein bars are incredibly convenient. They’re pre-packaged, require no preparation, and are easy to carry around, making them a great on-the-go snack.

Protein shakes: While protein shakes require some preparation, they can be made ahead of time and stored in a shaker bottle for later use. They are also easy to consume post-workout and are typically easier to digest than solid food.

3. Taste and variety

Protein bars: Protein bars come in an almost limitless variety of flavors and textures, from chocolate chip to almond to berries, catering to almost any palate.

Protein shakes: Protein powders also come in various flavors, and the taste can be adjusted based on the type of liquid and any additional ingredients you use.

4. Cost-effectiveness

Protein bars: Depending on the brand and quality, protein bars can be relatively expensive, especially if you consume one or more daily.

Protein shakes: Protein powders usually offer a more cost-effective way to increase your protein intake, as you can get many servings from a single tub.

Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? (6)

Which is better for muscle growth: Protein bars or protein shakes?

Deciding whether protein bars or protein shakes are better for muscle growth is not straightforward. Both offer convenient and concentrated sources of protein that can significantly contribute to muscle growth and recovery.

They are highly versatile, allowing you to easily adjust your protein intake based on your training intensity and goals. So, the “better” choice largely depends on individual circ*mstances and preferences.

Protein shakes are typically absorbed faster by the body, providing a quicker delivery of amino acids to the muscles post-workout [4], which may give them a slight edge in maximizing muscle protein synthesis.

They can also be easily customized to fit individual nutritional needs and are generally more cost-effective per serving of protein.

Protein bars, on the other hand, offer the ultimate convenience. They can be easily carried around and consumed anywhere, making them an excellent choice for those with busy schedules.

Moreover, they can provide a more balanced nutrient profile, often containing a blend of carbohydrates and fats and protein, which can help in energy sustenance and overall recovery.

Featured product offer

Future Kind+ Organic Vegan Protein Powder – Vanilla Flavored

Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? (7)

  • Creamy vanilla non-GMO vegan protein powder.
  • Rich in iron and provides 20g of protein per serving.
  • Clean nutritional profile (0g sugar, 0g fat, 1g carbs, 85 calories per serving).

To maximize muscle growth, the most essential consideration is meeting your total daily protein requirement, typically around 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for those engaged in intense strength training.

This can be achieved through a combination of whole foods and protein supplements, whether they’re bars or shakes.

Protein bars and shakes are great for muscle growth when used properly. Find what works for your lifestyle, taste, and nutrition.

Closing thoughts

Remember that while these protein-packed supplements can play a vital role in muscle growth, they are only one piece of the puzzle. A well-rounded approach to fitness involves regular strength training, adequate rest, and a balanced, nutrient-dense diet.

Protein bars and shakes can supplement this approach, but they shouldn’t be relied on as your sole source of nutrition.

Whether you prefer the quick sip of a protein shake after an intense workout or the satisfying bite of a protein bar during a busy day, it’s all about fitting these tools into a healthy, active lifestyle.

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Is it better to eat protein bars or drink protein shakes?

Neither protein bars nor protein shakes are categorically better for muscle growth; the optimal choice depends on individual preferences, lifestyle, and nutritional needs. Both can provide a convenient, high-quality source of protein to supplement a balanced diet and support muscle growth when used correctly.

Can protein bars replace protein shake?

Protein bars can replace protein shakes, but consider absorption rate, nutrients, convenience, and taste. It depends on your needs and lifestyle.

Should I have a protein bar or drink after workout?

Protein bars and shakes both help with muscle recovery and growth post-workout. Choose based on preference: shakes absorb faster, bars are more convenient and solid.

Are protein shakes as good as eating protein?

Protein shakes can provide a high-quality, digestible form of protein that can supplement your dietary protein intake and support muscle growth and recovery. However, they should not entirely replace whole food sources of protein, as these offer a wider variety of nutrients and contribute to a balanced, diverse diet.

Featured product offer

BrainMD Brain Boost Protein Bar – 10 Bars

Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? (8)

  • Contains 12 g of protein, 11 g of prebiotic fibers, and has a pleasantly soft and chewy texture.
  • 68% dark chocolate chunks. 0 sugar and artificial sweeteners.
  • Keto-friendly and plant-based.


Photograph: LightFieldStudios/Envato

The information included in this article is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this webpage is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? (2024)


Protein bars vs. protein shakes: Which is better for muscle growth? ›

However, it's important to choose bars made with whole food ingredients and minimal added sugars. Protein shakes, on the other hand, offer a higher protein content and can be more suitable for individuals with higher protein needs or specific fitness goals, such as muscle gain.

Is it better to have a protein bar or protein shake? ›

Essentially, both protein bars and protein shakes can be equally good for you, depending on the ingredients, or they can be equally bad. Some may have added sugars, artificial sweeteners, preservatives or other ingredients that can lead to you undoing some of the great work done during your workout.

Are protein bars good for muscle gain? ›

Protein bars can be a great way to supplement your protein intake when trying to gain muscle. Building muscle requires amino acids, and if your training schedule increases that need to repair damaged muscle fibers, your diet may fall short.

Are protein shakes the best way to build muscles? ›

Protein powders are convenient, but unnecessary for most

For those looking to enhance the muscle growth that typically occurs with exercise, evidence supports consuming 20 to 40 grams of protein at a time (roughly the amount found in a can of tuna).

Is it better to get protein from food or protein shakes? ›

Whether the protein comes from food or a supplement, the body breaks it down to amino acids to use for biological work. The main difference—protein foods naturally come with more nutrients than just protein, which is why it's recommended to take a “food first” approach (when possible) to meet daily protein needs.

Can protein bar replace protein powder? ›

Not really but it can vary. Protein powders have plenty of other ingredients in it to support muscle growth and recovery. A protein bar is just a protein bar with carbs most of the time. But check the labels and packaging.

Is it worth buying protein bars? ›

Dietary supplements such as protein bars should be consumed as part of a healthy, balanced diet, and not used as a substitute for whole food. Nutritionist Kerry Torrens explains, 'Protein supplements, such as bars, are highly processed and lack the micronutrients and other beneficial nutrients of whole, natural food.

Is it OK to eat protein bars everyday? ›

A closer look at the ingredients and sugar levels in some of these bars can make you question whether they're a good idea to eat every day. While there's no problem with the occasional sugary snack or 'unhealthy' treat, eating certain types of protein bars every day might be problematic long term.

Is a protein bar enough protein after a workout? ›

If you're fueling up afterwards with post workout protein, you can still eat that protein bar but aim for having 15-20 grams of protein for a more balanced meal. So, maybe add a bit more nut butter on top of the bar or pair the bar with a small shake or string cheese or jerky stick!

Which protein is best for muscle gain? ›

Whey is a top choice for those wishing to gain muscle because it may be absorbed more rapidly than other types of protein, and it contains all nine essential amino acids (we must get these from food, as our bodies cannot make them).

Is 1 protein shake a day enough to Build muscle? ›

If you work out regularly and you're trying to build muscle, two protein shakes per day is plenty. And if you're not that active, you likely don't need more than one protein shake per day.

Is it better to eat a protein bar or drink a protein shake? ›

In summary, there is no clear winner in the protein bar vs. protein shake debate. The best choice depends on individual preferences, dietary needs, and fitness goals. Personally, I choose protein shakes for post-workout nutrition and protein bars for when I'm on the go and want to bring an easy, convenient snack.

Is it bad to drink a protein shake without working out? ›

It's like having a habit that could affect your body over time. Without exercise, the extra protein from the shakes might not be used well by your body. This could lead to issues like gaining too much weight or not having enough muscle strength.

How much protein do I need to build muscle? ›

Based on previous research, authors indicated that eating 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, which equates to 0.7 grams of protein per pound, should be enough to build strength when combined with resistance training.

Are protein bars any healthier? ›

"When you look at how much added sugar and saturated fat is in there," Susie says, "some of them (are) essentially glorified candy bars." While there are times when protein bars may be your best option for a quick, satisfying snack, dietitians tell that they should probably not be your first choice.

Should I have a protein bar or shake before or after workout? ›

The most beneficial time to eat your protein bar is ideally within 30-60 minutes post workout. After your workout, it will help replenish energy stores and boost the muscle recovery and growth process. This is known as the 'anabolic window' and is thought to be the optimum time to get the most from your supplement.

Does it matter when you have a protein bar? ›

While many people eat them throughout the day, there are specific times of the day when they should be eaten. Protein bars are best consumed before workouts, after workouts, and during long runs or hikes. It is recommended that the best time to eat protein bars is pre & post-workout.

Is it better to have a protein shake? ›

If you follow a well-balanced diet full of whole foods, protein shakes are generally not necessary. But for certain people, protein shakes can be an important addition to get more protein and calories. Protein shakes can be particularly beneficial if you: Have difficulty chewing due to problems with your jaw or teeth.

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