The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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AZ ALE LAW Regular course JL 2 years Graduate course (for degree of L) 2 years all term opens Sept 2fi Address Prof WAYLAND New Haven Ct fHngicfll fflmljatiftise PIANOS AND irst class at wholesale lowest prices easy payments JAME8 LEWIS 63 Pynchon st Kf ASON HAMLIN irst 1WL prize everywhere or sale wholesale and re tail by HUTCHINS Exclusive Agent PIANOS Squares 2 Quarterly Tuning 25 per cent off WHITE 417 State st Orders at 375 Main st PIANOS AND ORGANS at Wholesalo A general assortment of all makes and varieties at No 396 Main street Springfield Mass BTIMPSON Piano Leg Westfield Mass PIANOS AND Wholesale and Retail Agency for the sale of Pianos in North ern New England All makes represented A suc cessful record of thirty years in the Piano business STONE SONS Salesroom Greenfield Mass Manufactory Erring Mass Beautiful Square Grand Pianos JL price $1000 only $275 Magnificent Upright Pianos price $1000 only $275 Elegant Upright Pianos price $800 only $176 Pianos 7 octave $125 7 $135 New Styles Organs $35 Organs 9 stops $57 AO Church ORGAN 16 stops price $390 only $115 Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105 Beautiful Parlor Organ price $340 only $95 raud Exposed $500 reward Read for the Un and Newspaper about cost of Pianos and Organs sent REE Please address DANIEL BEATTY Washington ABE PIANOS THE BEST IN THE XV WORLD Read the following extracts selected from many testimonials In their have tried your pianos and find them equal if not superior to any in the THALBERG MI have not seen their CLARA LOUISA KELLOGG I also HAZELTON STEINWAY SONS HENRY MILLER HALLET DAVIS CO UNITED PIANO MAKERS CHICKERING SONS WOODWARD BROWN BACON KARR EMERSON PIANO CO GUILD CHURCH CO PIANOS and SMITH AMERICAN ESTEY MASON HAMLIN ORGANS The above Instruments with many others to suit the purchasers are all furnished at greatly reduced rates Call and get prices before purchasing else where and save money Guarantees direct from the manufacturers given with every Instrument I sell Wholesale warerooms at 896 Main street Spring field STIMPSON a Piano Leg Manufacturer WESTIELD) JIA31 REAVER SHIPMAN OO WEAVER SHIPMAN OO PRINTERS PRINTERS CORNER MAIN AND TAYLOR STREETS SPRINGIELD MASS printing anb J3uok Sinfting A TWOOD NOYES PRINTERS A 293 MAIN ST Springfield Mass A MATEUKPRINTINGPRESSESTypeB A Etc VANDERBURG WELLS CO (Box wood Depot) 18 Dutch st (cor ulton) New York pELDIN WESTWOOD BOOK BINDERS AND BLANK BOOK MANU ACTURERS 271 73 Main street Springfield Mass Jnuricrs ftitljograpljeTfl Cngranero WH WARNER Designer Engraver and Die Sinker Room 14 Madden ablk345 Main st MERRITT Manufacturer of Gold Chains and Jewelry 52 Harrison ave MG MERRITT Designer Engraver and Die Sinker 52 Harrison ave pi Headquarters for oreign and IX American Watches Haynes Hotel blk402 Main st JH KELLY Designer and Engraver onWood Rooms 21 and 22 Goodrich blk near depot TAOOB LUTZ Lithographer 49 Taylor street Springfield Mass AB BURDICK AU kinds of Gold Chain and Jewelry made to order Repairing and Rftflniwhing 5 Hillman street one door from Main GO ELKER Diamond Setter and Jeweler 345 Slain st Room 15 Mad bl'k Repairing done in the neatest manner merchant Sailors NHAS PAINE Merchant TaUor ine cus tom work block 276 Main street TpAMILIES Garments Cleansed Re pressed beautifully Repaired as New Handsomest Brightest Col ors to save a wear and yet And dress as new The SPRING IELD DYE HOUSE with a mous Staten Island Dyer supe rior Tailors and Pressmen and TOURISTS extensive modem facilities does work unequaled to na pleasantly surprises patrons HARMON CO Block 361 Main CT (Brain anb provision JPealett PW TAYLOR Wholesale Grain Dealer Office 264 Main st Springfield Mass SMITH OO Oommiss In all kinds of farm produce 273 Main street Jr worthy CO Wholesale and Con Grain 27 Hampden st NEWTON CO lour Grain and ft 183 Main fust above depot photographers Moore Photographic Gal IW aai StudiP) Xala 8t opp Cvmt square tator quotes from a conversation of Vefik Pasha some years ago then minister at Paris The exactitude of formality which here the Turk are simply the extreme manifestation of the precision and energy which enables the rank nations to achieve a higher civilization What I complain of is the mode of life I am oppressed not by the official they are easy Turkey has few but by the social ones I have had to write fifteen notes this morning all about trifles In Turkey life is san gene if a man calls on you he doesnot leave a card if he sends you a uosegay he does not expect a letter of thanks if he invites you he does not require an answer There are no engagements to be remembered and fulfilled a fortnight afterwards When you wish to see a friend you know that he dines at sunset you get into your caique and row down to him through the finest scenery in the world You find him in his garden smokb a chibouque talk or remain silent as you like dine and return If you wish to see a minister you go to his office you are not interfered with or even announced you lift the curtain of his audience room sit by him on his divan smoke your pipe tell your story get his answer and have finished your business in the time which it takes here to make an ap in half the time that you waste here in an ante chamber There is no dressing for dinners or for evening parties evening parties indeed do not exist There are no letters to re ceive or to answer There is no post hour to be remembered and waited for for there is no post Life glides away without trouble Here everything is trouble some All enjoyment is destroyed by the forms and ceremonies and elaborate regulations which are intended I suppose to increase it or to pro tect it My liberal friends here complain of the want of political liberty What I complain of is the want of social liberty it is far the more im portant ew people suffer from the despotism of a government and those suffer only occasion ally But this social despotism this despotism of salons this code of arbitrary little r'eglements observances prohibitions and exigencies af fects everybody and every day and every rom the San rancisco News Letter A politician is a man that acts with policy The best policy is not honesty as some fool ishly suppose but self interest At the earliest period of my career I was determined never to make an enemy to make all the friends I could and never to deny any request or petition I had no very decided opinions on any question but was all things to all men I was willing to adopt any platform swallow any political nostrum how ever unpalatable flatter any foible or weakness that I observed in a citizen who might vote my ticket When a clerk I commenced my career as a ward politician I at once made up my mind to become of the and to be the most popular of that highly respecta ble and influential class of men When off work I did not waste my valua ble time in studying abstract ques tions of government or absurd theories of jurisprudence Though my reading never went beyond a quarter of an hasty glance at the morning newspaper still by my influence I managed to be called to the honorable profession of the bar I must confess my friends that a political lawyer of the period knows precious little law and less equity but he has an exalted sense of justice to himself first last and all the time His tender conscience will not allow him to palliate or de fend any form of delinquency fraud or enor if it is penniless and unsupport ed by the almighty dollar Spending most of my leisure in the ward saloons and corner groceries and taking a hand at all political meetings in my neighborhood I soon attracted notice as a smart whole souled fellow With a smile a kind word and a shake of the hand for all who approached me be he rich or poor I won my way to popularity All my superfluous money went in treating my political supporters and in forming useful friendships Should any one ask of me a loan of $5 1 did not feel but: That damning has damned and blighted the prospects of many a fine promising young politician certainly with all my I used to say am always at the service of my These stray dollars came back to me again in the way of hearty and voluntary support and I was re paid twentyfold for all these petty acts of disin terested kindness Advancing from position to position I lived economically as regards dress and my own creature comforts with the view to scatter lavishly amongst my friends and acquaintances I was at length elected to the state Legislature on the democratic ticket Having a kind word for every one even for my polit ical opponents discussing all questions from my own stand point without scurrility or abuse throwing in a joke here and a little humor there I was at length placed as chairman upon the most important committees I became fa miliar with lobbyists of every grade and color and when a bill had money it I feigned a firm but oolite opposition This pretended opposi tion on my part raised the premium of my support higher and higher until I was satis fied that the go between had gone to the full length of his golden letter Having thus gained what I wanted I took good care that the bill received the approval of the committee as a measure conducive to the best interests of the state and of the nation at large I thus gained the confidence and respect of my pmnlovers the lobbyists Time and again I re reiveda nice present for my influence in getting a brother democrat on the police force or insome of the city departments I never refused these douceurs fori found such proteges amongst mysuoDorters Should a dozen applicants ask ffltbuttoone vacant position I prom indiscriminately that I would do my I zL them saving to each that he was well quaiineudn nerhaps appears to the hon but I found it to work a charm Taking notes of each I selected that one for my support wlfich would command the most votes at ec wn icn uia disappointed ones believing aWat Luld be was done by me for Attributed their failure to the superior in UAt one wStoSlMtion the temperance question wasmde canvass I took tne duu uj qtron(riv in a large temperance meeting spoke strongly in faro of Adam's ale and having denounced the evilsof obtained thvote of ttietem perance legion I took as my thesis not that11 was paved with good intentions but beer taml and the day before election I took part in a German picnic drank beer with every man in the crowd and was called a real Gut Deutcher who could take as much lager as any Bavarian from Vaterland By this act I obtained most of the German vote and was finally elected or several years my income was four thousand a year all of which was os tentatiously spent in charity in treats friends and gaining the good will of all the world and his wife My next ambition was a seat in Congress which I succeeded in reaching aid where I adopted the same policy with the same hanpy results as in the state Legislature Having dissipated a little fortune among others and having reached the Ultima Thule of A SPANISH LOVE DITTY Helen Conant in for October Many years have floated by Since we parted she and I Now together here we stand Eye to eye and hand to hand I can hear her trembling sighs See the sweetness in her eyes Silently I hold and press Her soft hand with tenderness Silence who shall fathom thee? Who reveal the mystery Hidden between loving eyes Burning hands and answering sighs? AUTOBIOGRAPHY A CALIORNIA POL ITICIAN THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16 1878 my fondest hopes I began now to lay by for a rainy day' As I had attained my elevated posi tion by means of the popular ladder I now kicked it away from me as a useless instrument I began to live lor myself and myself only and in a few years amassed a nice snug independence of two millions On this I enjoyed myself residing in a fine mansion on Sutter street replete with every luxury keeping my carriage and pair and enjoying the choicest wines and such dainty morsels as could be constructed by a first class rench cook I was mak ing tolerable headway on this turbulent California life when I was persuaded in an unguarded moment by kind disinterested friends to embark my fortune in mines of im mense richness In less than a year I was dead broke and reduced to my bottom dollar Still I despair Having received a nomination for the convention lyet hope if successful even on the small sum of $1000 my convention fees to begin my political life all over again for the second and last time Vote early and often for me as in former happy days which will yet re turn to all unfortunate devils uuder the auspi cious guidance of your old and trusted friend? A TYPICAL LABOR PROTEST A Lancashire paper thus illustrates the Brit ish workman Last week a deputation of three Blackburn men went before a proprietor to pro test against the 10 per cent reduction After the business part of the interview was over the manufacturing gentlemen turned to one of the delegates of the mighty working class and said in the district lingo: want do talk to thee me how much is thee a a bout pound or twen ty five thy wife a mebbe two or three pound Ma three dowters get aitch fourteen thou bring home a know thoust made a boast thou never brings a thy money home for five but nowt to do the 10 per cent A num ha ma And this is no prettily made up little paragraph but an true CRADLINGS sun hiding his face with his pocket is how a little four year old describes the passage of a cloudlet An Ohio minister recently asked a lad: man do you know where those boys go to who play base ball on the Sabbath sir they go down to Squire big you multiply together con crete (The class appear uncertain) will be product of forty ap pies multiplied by six pounds of Small triumphantly Little mother the other evening reading of the heroism of the good women in the fever smitten Southwest was commending female fortitude cried anny may have fortitude but men have fifty Transcript does lightning so rarely strike twice in the same Prof Wortman asked the new boy in the class in natural philosophy said the new boy never needs And it is a little singular that nobody had thought of that reason Hawkeye A little seven year old base ball player being told of the recent sad accident and instant death of the catcher who so nobly fulfilled his duty by returning the ball while drawing his last breath remarked I he wanted a little more fun before he Transcript A little five years old boy residing with his parents in the Cheney block was asked by a lady a few days since for a kiss He immediately complied but the lady noticing that the little fellow drew his hands across his lips remarked but you are rubbing it I was the quick rejoinder rubbing it Times Little Allie a four year old takes great interest in the story of Samson Not long since he had his hair cut close in the prevailing style and soon after was seen in the vain attempt to turn a somersault Some one remarked you seem to succeed very well in turning he gravely replied am not as strong as I was I have lost all my Drawer in for October the baby was named Abil himself when pa cum to whare Cain hit his brother killed him as dead as a door nail his little mouth puckered the tears they came a down his face he says says he Abil says pa Cain he was the bad man that killed But it make no difference the little creetur a Tain! Abey gone ter heb ben hab good time Poor Club Morality was of a kind which Jonson and his school could hardly under stand because it belonged to an order not more honest perhaps but infinitely higher and wider than their own If story add his art method do not of themselves impress their mral there are no instructions left Through death and disaster the sun shines and birds sing and his eyes are motionless and silent as the eyes in a mask of marble With a moral de sign as clear as air he never tells you what that design is Like his own Eneas in and secrets of nature Have not mere gift of He that hath ears to hear let him hear as for the others he does not care even to speak to them Just as we see in nature and life itself he uses facts sometimes in a way which seems to contradict the accepted moral ities His noblest creature starts back from the very thought of dissolution with an un disguised shudder while his most godless worldling goes to his death in a pleasant dream in which he green That he looked upon the art of the mere preacher with a wise contempt is capable of abundant proof In Jaques he makes the gift the cynical conceit of a played out rmid while in Polonius he gathers up the wisdom in words that have never been surpassed in order to fit them to the mouth of a meddling and contemptible busybody Not withstanding this well marked peculiarity in Shakespeare there are no writings which more deeply impress the reader with a profound moral intention It would savor of special pleading to attempt to prove such a fact by mere reference to isolated passages) al though there are enough of these to found such a school of moral philoso phy as one would look for in vain from the work of any other man The stronger proof lies in the broad moral tendency of his work as a whole and the moral build of his matchless men and women for whom he asks not our admira tion alone but our respect He knew none better that life was a mingled yarn good and ill together and that and in some shape or other had their roots in human nature By reason of his measureless recep tivity he took the good and evil up under that massive frontal arch of his and held them there without disturbance or displace ment until the hour came for using the material in his art when without any conscious theory about either art or morals he instinctive ly used the darker tints of humanity in such a way as brought its higher and fairer aspects into full relief Everywhere the good ana bad are used as contrasts and in a sense exponents of each other In all we have the good and ill the noble and ignoble together but we are never left one moment in doubt as to which side en cages the moral Magazine ftailroab AILROAD TICKETS to all points West XL GUNN opp Maasasolt House titestern and southern rail ROAD TICKETS MERRILL Ticket Agent 5th store from Depot right hand side New fltiblicationg IJ7HE Boston Transcript says: these days when there is so much that is milk and water in dur periodical literature Sunday Afternoon nets upon the reruler like a tonic The editorial department is especially strong" The Librarian Philadelphia says: illustrations gives the best thoughts of the best writers at one dollar less per year than the regular four dollar monthlies and must soon become a household word as Harper's or Scribner's" SUNDAY ATERNOON OR OCTOBER Contents: A STORY1 A true story told by a veritable workingman and reported by his friend Rev Harrison MISS WILL A Story by Mary A Stansbury WILL OR ENVIRONMENT? By Rev Dr Tucker TALLULAH A Poem Paul Hayne AUNT SCHOLARS XIII XIV XV Edward Hale THE ENGLISH REORMATION Rev Lyman Abbott MRS CHURCH Mary A Wager TRAMPS AND AGENTS A Story Elizabeth Winthrop PRAYER A Poem Lucy Larcom ISHERS MEN III James MORDECAI COHEN AND EMANUEL DEUTSCH Clara Martin CHIPS ROM A NORTHWESTERN LOG IV Campbell Wheaton JUDITH AND JUDAH III IV Josephine Baker SAE OLDED A Tocm Caroline Leslie PRAYER OR THE DEAD A Poem Bennett Preaching Honesty Work for the Unemployed Expounding Providences Notes on Current Events LITERATURE $3 a YeXb Postage Paid SUNDAY ATERNOON Stkingfield Mass Inducements to pRICE TEN CENTS NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 116TH EDITION Containing a complete list of all the towns in the United States the Territories and the Dominion of Canada having a population greater than 5000 ac cording to the last census together with the names of the newspapers having the largest local circula tion in each of the places named Also a catalogue of newspapers which are recommended to adver tisers as giving greater value in proportion to prices charged Also the Religious and Agricultural Journals very complete lists and many tables of rates showing the cost of advertising in various newspapers and much other information which a beginner in advertising would do well to possess Address GEO ROWELL CO Newspaper Ad vertising Bureau 10 Spruce st SDncational A LADY of long experience in Teaching would like the entire care of two or more cliil drenlnher own pleasant home healthfully located iu the country giving thorough instruction in the English branches best references given Address Miss Winchendon Mass A PLEASANT AND HEALTHY HOME AND SCHOOL for motherless children under the care of Mrs READ 181 Capitol avenue Hartford Ct ATLANTIC MILITARY INSTITUTE xA near Yale College Hamden Ct Rev and Walton Principals Catalogue on application Boston university law suhuud Boston Mass opens Oct 2 Send for Circular to BENNETT LLD Boston university SCHOOL ORATORY or Public Speakers Readers Professors of Elocu tion Actors and for general culture Next term begins Oct 9 or Circulars address Prof LEWIS MONROE 7 Beacon st Boston Mass Brooklyn heights seminary The all session of the 28th year of this well ap pointed Day and Boarding School for young ladies will commence on the 18th of September or terms courses of study etc circulars will be sent on application to CHARLES WEST LLD Prin cipal Nos 138 and 140 Montague st Brooklyn COLUMBIA VETERINARY COLLEGE The next course of lectures will begin October 2 This college aims to furnish a scientific and pro fessional training to young men contemplating the treatment of the diseases of domestic animals There are comparatively few properly qualified well educated veterinary surgeons iu this country Enterprising young men who intend to become phy sicians have here an opportunity to properly qualify themselves to enter on a lucrative branch of medi cine in an extensive field in which there is little or no competition or catalogue address BATES Dean of the college 217 34th st lorence kindergarten The Training Class for 1878 79 connected with lor ence Kindergarten will begin on Tuesday Oct 8 1878 or particulars apply to Mrs A ALDRICH Principal or HAVEN Secretary lorence Mass GANNETT INSTITUTE OR YOUNG VT LADIES BOSTON The 25th year will begin Wednesday Sept 25 1878 or Catalogues and Circular apply to Rev GEO GANNETT Prin clpal 69 Chester Square Boston Mass OLDEN HILL Seminary for Young La dies Bridgeport Ct Mlw EMILY NELSON QREYLOCK INSTITUTE SOUTH WILLIAMSTOWN Bebkshibe Co Mass Prepares Boys fob Business Scienttfio School ob College Expenses $450 per year Established by its present Principal in 1842 or Cat alogues address BENT MILLS A Principal1 JJOUIS COENEN MUSIC TEACHER Piano lessons $30 a quarter Address 163 MAPLE STREET Springfield Mass UTAPLEWOOD INSTITUTE for Young Ladies Pittsfield Long and most favor ably known Thorough collegiate and college pre paratory courses Superior advantages for music Location unsurpassed for beauty and salubrity Terms reduced Address Rev SPEAR or Bev AVERY the Principals for prospectus MO AMILY SCHOOL OR BOYS West Tisbury Martha Vme yard Mass begins the next term Sep 2 Limited to 20 A few vacancies occur at close of school year The success of this school for the past year is evidence of decided merit MC MITCHELL A MPrin Ilf ISS PRIVATE SCHOOL AT ill No 3 MAPLE all Term commenced Aug 26 Particular attention given to fitting chil dren for different grades of the Public Schools MISS CATHARINE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL OR GIRLS WILL RE OPEN SEPTEMBER 23 1878 Miss Howard will be assisted by Miss Sophia Howard and Miss Ellen Warner Madame Louise Bonner teacher of rench Herr A Spieser teacher of German Miss Georgina Moore teacher of Draw Ing and Painting TvIISS KINDERGARTEN ATX and Primary School will re open Monday Sept 16 109 High st (Eftncational JHnsical iHerchanirise IITISSS I SCHOOL will qtEINWAY IANOS Two Gold Medals Hept 16 Miss Willard will lo Oand two Diplomas of Honor at Philadelphia assisted by Mies Gertrude Kimball 257 Union st Highest prize over the whole world or eale by Ilf ISS SCHOOL will re open at D1 HUJ'CH INS Exclusive Agent 33 Spring st September 18 Pupils of ullages Z1HICKERING PIANOS The oldest admitted Oral Lessons in natural history and Pianos in America More than 55000 in nse science will term an interesting feature rench Always at the head or sale by HUTCH and German language gratuitously taught Latin INg kxeltudve Agent and Higher English Vocal and Instrumental music 1 by Miss Dorchester Special terms made by calling "QRADBURY PIANOS at No 33 Spring st Jj 1 andteCT toned PtanS and 8 Et53d st New York? re opertoW uuulei over B0W in The celebrated 1878 rench is the language of the school The WILLIAM IVERS PIANO Collegiate course requires four years Every pro vision is afforded for the health and comfort as well respect to the well known Cliickenng as the thorough education of pupils tl Une visit to my Warerqoms will satisfy you that these Pianos will give satisfaction in every respect MODERN LANGUAGES Call and see them ATX Their Grammar Conversation and Literature I would respectfully inform the Musical Public taught by Mrs MARIE PABKE 27 High street that 1 have a practical Tunerand Repairerof Pianos likewise Pipe and Cabinet Organs Satisfaction MRS GRACE SCHOOL given or no charge made OR GIRLS will re open on Tuesday Sept 10 JAMES LEWIS Thorough instruction riven in the Music Wnrerooms 63 Pynchon st English branches also in German rench and Music or admission or any farther Informa tion apply by letter until August 31 after that at SJL tOflXEDS at £atO the house JJJUSIO SCHOOL PITTSIELD Mass and Sanford sts Residence 258 Worthington I all Term opens September 17 in new and ele gant location and with Increased facilities in all BARTHOLOMEW' Attorney departments Instruction given In all branches of No 25 Elm st the Science and Art of Music as also in tie English 1 branches languages and all that pertains to a com BELLAMY Attorney at Law 475 education Prof Vocal Class In Spring Main st opp Exchange Hotel Notary public field will be continued on Monday as heretofore or particulars catalogues etc apply either to KENDRICK at Law 12 Barnes Miss A BBACQN No 28 Spring Springfield Hi Block 394 Main st Pension Claim Agent or at the school to BLODGETT Principal MUSIC LESSONS IT W1 BOSWORTH Attorney at Law 11 ATI Jriano and Singing Mita MARIE SCHOBELN a gt gLWisireet MS AYNARD GILLETT Attorneys at pARK INSTITUTE Rye Westchester Co A' 8 Law 475 Main st opposite Exchange Hotel collegeTemsfor bolra IndSn Xyean Ti WEBSTER Attorney at Law and Catalogues containing full information sent on re 8tfU quest HENRY TATLOCK A Principal SPECIAL Attention givkn toColleottoxs BOSPECT HILL SCHOOL for YOUNG ALEON LADIES Greenfield or circular ad torw con Main airi Court sta Office opraiCtay dress Rev MOORS or Miss SABRA WRIGHT evening Prompt attention given to collections Greenfield GPRINGIELD COLLEGIATE INSTI gklltlStrn TUTE ANNA HILL Teacher of Penman MnitfAU Ttanfitd Harnoa Block ship Business Writing Pen lourishing and Letter MORG AN Dentist Barnes oc ing taught iu a thoroughly systematic manner corner of Mainand Vernon streets Dh PODGE DENTIST Terrp will begin Sept 9 There will be an able 4 2 Madden Block 345 Main et corps of skilled and experienced Teachers The very 'NTTiviicin'Nr nVYTNT keeping etc or Catalogues or further particulars Bti E1U 8 Block near eorner 1Mage address the Principal Rev STEBBINS A pR LESTER NOBLE Dentist Office west SPRINGIELD ENGLISH AND CLASS glde Main 8ti 21 door north of 8tate ICAL INSTITUTE all Quarter opens Wednes txutv ctWAZUlV Dentist 284 Main st day Sept 11 All Academic studies taught Apply at T) WJ SWAZE Dentist 234 Main St 51 Omrt st Springfield CHAS BURNETT second block bolow the depot gives a thorough collegiate education to both sexes Church Office hour on Snnday 1 to 2 clock who here pursue the same courses of study and re RTnciKWELR Dentist 360 ceive the same degrees or catalogue gfring full J)B STOCKWELL DenttS JOV particulars as to course of study terms etc address to'Reirulatini? EDWARD MAGILL President Swarthmore P00111 attention given to Regulating leetn College Swarthmore Delaware County Pa 1 stfTlHE Hadley Mass Boarding ffljgCirianB Clift StttgCfllML rpHE MAPLES A Y0UNG offic8 374 Main st A amily School for Young Ladles Richmond Residence 32 Summer st Hill Stamford Ct or Circulars apply to tiffin JS TIB OMEROY 201 SUte trL and ref urnished Rev WILLIAMS A Pres XT opposite city library Office hours 7 to 9 a TV UBAHAM ACADEMY Ito8and7to9p TT WILBRAHAM MASS mt i nr Opened Ang 21 Price of board to suit the hard ytOttBSlOnUl times Is reduced to S3 per week Students will be uaddtq Axm QTWVTrvm? received any time during the term A thoroughly ARRIS 9 LANdD bUKVK xOR classified school for both sexes Instruction given Townsley Block 365 Mam street in the following departments: English Commercial wn nni Qnl Scientific College Preparatory Elocution Art ana IT WARNER Physicianft na Bur Music Each department in charge of a competent XI geon Office and residence WPynchon st teacher Send for catalogue Springfield Mass Office hours from 11am to 12 from 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 ELLOWS A Principal 1 tib Charles sweet of Lebanon ot WILLIAMSTOWN (Mass) English and" X7 will be In Springfield Mass the Wednesday Classical School for Boys A limited number following the second Tuesday in each month at his received in family of the principals Expenses $400 offioe (he Marshall House near the Depot to at to $450 a year Circulars on application to Rev tend to patients who may wish to consult liim EGLESTON 3 10 GILL ART STOKE Previous to REMOVAL to the New Block now being erected for us at the eorner of Main and Bridge streets we are making low prices on all g0ods with a view of reducing as much as possible our(ri J1 stock before said removal Parties wanting anything in the line of BOOKS STATIONERY ANCY GOODS GAMES TOYS BASE BALLS OOT BALLS POCKET BOOKS MATERIALS WAX MATERIALS MIRRORS MIRROR RAMES EASELS BRACKETS PICTURE RAMES PAINTINGS i ENGRAVINGS LITHOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS BRONZES Or other kinds of goods now In our store too nu merous to mention will profit by making immedi ate selections from this only large and now so rear sonably low priced stock Parties wishing for a permanently valuable loca tion for their various kinds of business can exam ine the plan of the New Block and make arrange ment for the required room at my present place of business They can also see the plan at the office of George Potter architect JAMES GILL INE ART STOBE Springfield Mass iltottalf £utl)er QUR INSTALLMENT PLAN The system of furnishing a house partially or complete and re ceiving our pay weekly or monthly was original with us and has now been thor oughly tested by the public with evident satisfaction and great popularity as the liberal maimer In which all classes have embraced it is convincing evidence This method is 'simply a system of guar anteed payment by which we are enabled to accommodate all worthy per sons who are desirons without risk or loss to us and consequently are enabled to sell our goods as cheap as for cash It is the only system by which strangers can be assured of receiving the same accommodation that friends or acquaintances ask We make no In qulries require no guar antee from re sponsible parties there is no public record the knowledge of it rests only with the party and ourselves We are enabled to in crease our sales largely and necessarily puieharing in larger quantities buy cheaper than smaller dealers and can afford to sell cheaper To those who propose com mencing housekeep ing this sea son this system offers tmequaled ad vantages To the merchant professional mechanic or laborer have other present use for their funds the advantage of this system equally applies Into gard to skipped installments we have never oppressed an honest but temporarily unfortunate customer bnt if necessity compels a payment to be passed we are always lenient as thou sands can testify Our assort ment and stock is the largest in West ten Massachusetts and you can here find hundreds of articles not to be found elsewhere Onr facilities for purchasing are une qnaled and our large trade enables us to sell many articles at what it would cost a small dealei METCAL LUTHER.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Views: 5637

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.