The statistics of the most common tattoos throughout New York (2024)

(WSYR-TV)- With the search for “tattoo ideas” increasing by 350 percent within the past year, a study by SINGULART confirms some of the most popular tattoo styles within New York.

The art of tattooing has been around for centuries. However, the concept is becoming increasingly popular amongst millennials currently.

According to SINGULART, butterflies, rose, and dragon tattoos were ranked the most common tattoos nationally.

The statistics of the most common tattoos throughout New York (1)
The statistics of the most common tattoos throughout New York (2)
The statistics of the most common tattoos throughout New York (3)

Looking specifically at New York, butterfly tattoos were revealed to be the most commonly searched tattoo, with an average of 12,100 monthly searches.

Through further analysis, rose tattoos came in second place with 8,100 average monthly searches. Dragon tattoos came in third place with roughly 6,600 monthly searches.

Below is a full breakdown of the top tattoo styles in New York:

Tattoos StyleAverage Monthly Searches
Butterfly Tattoo12,100
Rose Tattoo8,100
Dragon Tattoo6,600
Flower Tattoo5,400
Snake Tattoo5,400
Matching Tattoos4,400
Lion Tattoo4,400
Tribal Tattoo4,400
Traditional Tattoo3,600
Skull Tattoo3,600
Moon Tattoo3,600
Angel Tattoo3,600

SINGULART provided state-by-state analysis through further studies.

According to their findings, California and Illinois have the same top five “tattoo ideas” searches as New York. Georgia and Florida have the same top four searches as New York. However, their fifth most common tattoo is matching tattoos for both.

“Tattoos are one of the core art forms that allow us to express ourselves and our individuality. With them becoming increasingly popular in the modern day, we were interested in looking at what types and styles of tattoos are the most popular in the US and how this can also change across the country. It was interesting to see butterfly tattoos rank as number one in every single state, which could be an impact of it being something many mainstream celebrities have. Matching tattoos and their popularity seem to have a significance of bonding and closeness,” said Creative Director at SINGULART, Marion Sailhen.

For more information on the study, click here.

The statistics of the most common tattoos throughout New York (2024)


What percentage of New Yorkers have tattoos? ›

Nearly a third of New Yorkers have turned their famously thick skins into living canvases, with 31.4 percent of adults now sporting tattoos, according to a city Department of Health survey.

What are the statistics on tattoos? ›

Gender: 38% of women have at least one tattoo, compared with 27% of men. This includes 56% of women ages 18 to 29 and 53% of women ages 30 to 49. Race and ethnicity: 39% of Black Americans have a tattoo, compared with 35% of Hispanic, 32% of White and 14% of Asian Americans.

What is the most common tattoo people get? ›

Butterflies are the most popular tattoos in the USA

Said to represent young love, summer and joy, their versatility is what makes them so popular – they look great big or small, and can be etched in so many places, such as your lower back, collarbone, or chest.

What percentage of people 18-25 have tattoos? ›

Tattooing is increasingly common among adolescents and young adults [1-6]. Although there are few data regarding the prevalence of tattooing in adolescents, small surveys of college students (18 to 25 years of age) in the United States consistently indicate that 20 to 25 percent have tattoos [1,5,7].

What is the rate of tattoo in NYC? ›

How much does a tattoo cost? Pricing for tattoos will vary depending on the design, size, details, style, etc. We have a $100 plus tax/fee minimum charge and an hourly rate of $250 plus tax/fee. We offer flat rate tattoos as well as hourly at the artists discretion for how it is priced.

What state gets the most tattoos? ›

1. Miami Florida Coming in at number one is home to TLC's Miami Ink and the famous South Beach, this party town has a ton of tattoo shops. Averaging 24 shops per 100,000 people, Miami Beach is dense with ink.

What culture gets the most tattoos? ›

Italy, Sweden, and the US are the most tattooed nations on Earth. Now, 56% of women ages 18 to 29 and 53% of women ages 30 to 49 are tattooed in this country. The post-Christian nations went for it at the turn of the 21st century, while pagan nations went the other way.

What does the Bible say about tattoos? ›

Per Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves.” Historically, scholars have often understood this as a warning against pagan practices of mourning.

Is tattoo regret normal? ›

It's not uncommon to feel regret after getting a tattoo, especially if you're used to seeing your body in a certain way and find it now looks completely different. It may take some time for you to adjust to or get used to the tattoo.

What age group has the most tattoos? ›

Adults under 50 are especially likely to have a tattoo. Some 41 percent of those under 30 have at least one, as do 46 percent of those ages 30 to 49. This compares with a quarter of adults ages 50 to 64 and 13 percent of those 65 and older.

Why are tattoos so common now? ›

Tattoos In Popular Culture

In part, this is because they are being worn by public figures such as celebrities, athletes, and people within the fashion industry. But another important aspect to acknowledge is the activism and awareness-building done by the community of tattoo artists.

What percentage of Americans don't have tattoos? ›

According to a survey conducted in 2021, 74 percent of Americans did not have a tattoo. On the other hand, 17 percent of people in the United States had more than one tattoo, while some nine percent of respondents had one.

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