What Is the Safest Natural Female Hormone Replacement Therapy? (2024)

What Is the Safest Natural Female Hormone Replacement Therapy? (1)

Menopause symptoms can be managed with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also called menopausal hormone therapy, which is a treatment that replaces hormones that are at a lower level. The treatment’s current role is to relieve menopausal symptoms. These symptoms include hot flushes, mood swings, night sweats, reduced sex drive, and vagin*l dryness.

So what’s the safest natural female HRT? The two main types of natural HRT are bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and traditional natural hormone replacement therapy, and those two are the safest ones. The former is derived from plants and is chemically identical to the hormones that our body produces. The latter involves the consumption of supplements or plants that have compounds that could alleviate hormonal symptoms.

What Are the Two Main Types of Natural HRT?

The average menopausal woman could have concerns about conventional HRT and would rather go for natural options. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and traditional natural hormone replacement therapy would be the safest and best options to treat hormonal imbalance.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Bioidentical hormone therapy or bioidentical HRT can treat hormonal imbalances and depletion with a synthetic hormone that originated from plant estrogen. With that, you can say that bioidentical hormones are like hormones that have the same molecular structure as the ones that the human body can produce naturally. Moreover, the majority of BHRTs have plant hormones that mimic estriol, progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and melatonin.

The two types of BHRT are United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved BHRT, which are quite similar in terms of safety as the standard HRT medications, and custom-compounded BHRT medications, wherein a pharmacist would mix according to what the doctor prescribed.

The benefits of bioidentical HRT include the following:

  • People normally use BHRT when they age and their hormone levels drop — specifically for women in menopause or perimenopause. With that, it can increase hormonal levels that have dropped.
  • BHRT can improve moderate to severe menopause symptoms (hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, weight gain, memory loss, pain during sex, and sleep issues).
  • BHRT has proven to be effective in improving the quality of life of cancer patients who have undergone treatments affecting their estrogen levels.
  • One study found that cancer patients who had BHRT found relief from treatment-related symptoms. The recurrence rate of breast cancer was also found to be not higher than the average.
  • BHRT can be customized according to your needs. With a comprehensive health assessment, hormone testing, and your personal preferences, your practitioner can prescribe custom-compounded hormones based on your choice and needs.
  • With BHRT, your practitioner can track your progress and adjust your treatment as necessary as time goes by.

Traditional Natural Hormone Replacement Therapies

Traditional natural hormone replacement therapies essentially mean consuming supplements or plants that contain compounds that could alleviate hormonal symptoms. These supplements and plants include:

  • Folate
  • Phytoestrogens
  • Black cohosh
  • St. John’s wort
  • Valerian root
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Evening primrose oil
  • Licorice root
  • Red clover

When it comes to their benefits, some experts don’t believe that BRHTs are any safer or more effective when compared to the traditional natural HRTs.

Bioidentical HRT vs. Traditional HRT

When it comes to comparing the two natural HRTs, it’s important to note that bioidentical hormones differ from those in traditional HRT in the sense that they’re chemically identical to those that our bodies naturally produce. They’re also made from plant oestrogen.

According to bioidentical HRT supporters, it’s a lot safer because it’s identical to the hormones that the body produces, but experts believe that the risks of HRT and bioidentical HRT are similar. Compounded bioidentical hormones or compounded bioidentical hormone therapy may have more risks, but there has been no reliable evidence proving that BHRT is more effective when compared to HRT.

What Are the Conditions That Natural HRT Treats?

What Is the Safest Natural Female Hormone Replacement Therapy? (2)

The conditions that natural HRT treats are hormonal imbalances, symptoms of perimenopause, and symptoms of menopause.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormones are produced in the endocrine glands and tell your organs and tissues what to do. They help in controlling your body’s major processes such as reproduction and metabolism, but when you have a hormonal imbalance, you have too little or too much of a certain hormone. In general, your normal hormonal cycle could change during stages of puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause.

Hormonal imbalance symptoms that are specific to females include:

  • Hair loss
  • Acne
  • Hirsutism
  • Heavy or irregular periods
  • Skin darkening
  • vagin*l dryness
  • vagin*l atrophy
  • Skin tags
  • Night sweats
  • Headaches
  • Pain during sex

Symptoms of Perimenopause

By definition, perimenopause is “around menopause.” It’s essentially the time wherein your body naturally transitions to menopause and marks the end of your reproductive years. When you’re at your perimenopause stage, you’ll begin to notice signs of progression to menopause such as irregular menstruation.

During perimenopause, the estrogen level in your body rises and falls unevenly and your cycles may shorten or lengthen. The perimenopause stage ends when you’ve gone through 12 whole months without a menstrual period. That’s when you know you’ve already reached menopause.

As you transition to menopause, there may be some changes and symptoms such as:

  • Sleep problems
  • Vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, and flushing)
  • Irregular periods
  • Bladder and vagin*l problems
  • Mood changes
  • Decreasing fertility
  • Changes in sexual arousal and desire
  • Changes in cholesterol level
  • Loss of bone

Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause marks the end of your menstrual cycles and is a natural biological process. However, you have to be ready for both physical and emotional symptoms. It’s also important to note that conditions that affect the health of the ovary, such as ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer, can increase the severity of menopause symptoms.

Apart from menstruation changes, the symptoms for perimenopausal, menopausal, and postmenopausal women are generally the same.

Other common symptoms of menopause are:

  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • vagin*l dryness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Memory problems and difficulty concentrating
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Sore or tender breasts
  • Painful or stiff joints
  • Reduced bone mass
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Racing heart
  • Increased hair growth on face, neck, chest, upper back
  • Less full breasts
  • Hair thinning or hair loss

What Could Be the Pros and Cons of BHRT?

Any treatment we go for will always have its pros and cons. It’s important to take note of the pros and cons of BHRT so we know what to expect.

BHRT helps increase the lower levels of hormones. It improves symptoms such as:
Sleep problemsHot flashesWeight gainMood swingsNight sweatsLoss of sexual arousal or desirePain during sex
Even though the FDA has already approved the preparations of progesterone and bioidentical estradiol, it’s yet to approve compounded bioidentical hormones (Natural progesterone is a hormone that naturally occurs in the body, and micronized progesterone is FDA-approved for use with estrogen as an element of HRT. According to NCBI, micronized progesterone and progestogen are recommended as part of combined HRT in women who have an intact uterus).
Hormone replacement reduces the risk of diabetes, tooth loss, and cataracts.Hormone replacement therapy can increase breast cancer risk and the risk of the following:
Blood clotsStrokeHeart diseaseGallbladder disease
Hormone replacement can improve the thickness, hydration, and elasticity of one’s skin.The common side effects of BHRT include:
FatigueMood changesAcneBloatingIncreased facial hairWeight gain

Is Natural Female Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe?

Bioidentical hormones can be given through patches, pills, creams, gels, implanted pellets, and shots. Your doctor is the best person to decide which one is best for you, but you can try more than one way before you find what works best.

If you worry about your safety with the treatment, it’s comforting to know that those on hormone treatment are watched closely by their doctors. They also adjust the doses according to a patient’s needs. Your doctor may also adjust your dose according to your changing hormonal needs. According to the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, bioidentical HRT is a more natural and safer alternative to synthetic progestin.

The FDA-approved bioidentical hormones have been tested for safety, so you’re sure that you’re getting reliable treatment. They have also passed the FDA’s strict standards. However, the compounded hormones haven’t gone through FDA testing yet, and only a little research has been done. They also haven’t been proven safe or unsafe. A recent report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine also says that the use of compounded bioidentical HRTs should be limited to only a small number of patients — specifically patients who aren’t able to benefit from a hormone therapy product that has already been approved by the FDA.

What Could Be Other Natural Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy?

What Is the Safest Natural Female Hormone Replacement Therapy? (3)

Alternative treatment options can help menopausal women manage the physical and psychological symptoms related to hormonal imbalance and depletion, such as:

Complementary Treatments

  • St. John’s wort — St. John’s wort is an herb that has chemical properties similar to those of some antidepressants. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before taking this and don’t take it if you’re already taking an antidepressant.
  • Folate supplements — The authors of a 2017 meta-analysis have noted that taking folate supplements appears to increase the effect of some psychiatric medications and antidepressants, especially for the folate supplement L-methylfolate.

Changes in Lifestyle

  • Regular exercise — This can help boost your mood as it stimulates the brain chemical norepinephrine and increases endorphins.
  • Yoga and meditation — These practices can help you relax and ease stress.
  • Healthy diet — A diet that has a variety of whole and minimally processed foods can help ease depression, which can be a psychological symptom of menopause.
  • Good sleep pattern — A regular sleep pattern can help treat sleep problems related to hormonal imbalance.
  • Management of underlying health conditions — As much as possible, manage health conditions that can increase the severity of your menopausal symptoms. These conditions include high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, and increased glucose levels.
  • Exercises that can strengthen your bones — These can help reduce the rate of bone loss due to menopause.
  • Avoiding alcohol and illegal/recreational drugs — These substances can increase depression and anxiety.

Other Alternative Treatments

  • Black cohosh — Herbalists have proclaimed black cohosh root as an effective remedy for several menopause-related problems. Germany's Ministry of Health has also approved this herb for treating hot flashes. However, a clinical trial conducted by the National Institutes of Health has found that there’s no difference in terms of hot flashes between women who took black cohosh and women who took a placebo pill. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine says there still isn’t enough scientific evidence to make any conclusions about the effectiveness of black cohosh in the relief of menopausal symptoms.
  • Soybeans — According to experts, those who eat large amounts of soy suffer fewer hot flashes than those who don’t. If you want to try this alternative, check the grocery store for foods such as tempeh, miso, tofu, soy milk, and roasted soy nuts. Experts don’t recommend taking soy powder until further research has been completed.
  • Herbal co*cktails — While there’s little data on their safety and effectiveness, some claim that herbal co*cktails relieve a wide range of menopausal symptoms. These co*cktails may contain licorice, ginseng, fenugreek, sarsaparilla, red clover, flaxseed, or chaste-tree berry.

Before trying alternative remedies, talk to your doctor first because some supplements may interact with prescription medications or harm people with certain medical conditions.

Get Hormone Replacement Therapy You Can Trust With Revitalize You MD

Treatments such as conjugated equine estrogen (commonly sold under the brand name Premarin) and estrogen therapy are used to treat menopausal symptoms, but the best one you can go for is bioidentical HRT. And there’s no better place to perform bioidentical HRT than Revitalize You MD. Here at Revitalize You MD, our medical staff will first assess your needs before treating you with bioidentical HRT products. We value our patients’ safety, so we also treat them depending on their specific imbalance.

Our team consists of certified and licensed staff who have a wealth of medical knowledge and experience to serve you. Call us now at (678) 304 – 1850 or send us an email at info@revitalizeyoumd.com to schedule your appointment.

What Is the Safest Natural Female Hormone Replacement Therapy? (2024)


What is the safest hormone replacement therapy? ›

So what's the safest natural female HRT? The two main types of natural HRT are bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and traditional natural hormone replacement therapy, and those two are the safest ones. The former is derived from plants and is chemically identical to the hormones that our body produces.

Is there a safe natural alternative to HRT? ›

One alternative that is now generating substantial interest is phytoestrogens and in particular a group called isoflavones. These are compounds found in foods that can behave in a similar way to oestrogen in the body.

What is the best lowest risk HRT? ›

Oestrogen-only HRT has the lowest risk, but can only be taken by women who have had a hysterectomy.

Is there a natural supplement to replace estrogen? ›

Traditional natural hormone replacement therapy includes using supplements and alternative medicines, such as St. John's wort, red clover, and evening primrose oil to treat the symptoms associated with menopause.

Which form of estrogen is safest? ›

Estrogen creams, sprays, and gels are safer than the pill form of estrogen, but there isn't enough study to back up the claims. They also carry the same risk of cancer and stroke. Along with that gels, creams and sprays can be rubbed and washed off easily before it has had enough time to get absorbed.

Is there a natural hormone replacement therapy? ›

Natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT) uses hormones derived from plants to treat hormonal conditions. There are two main types of natural HRT: Bioidentical HRT, and traditional natural HRT.

What can I take instead of estrogen? ›

Plant-derived estrogens (phytoestrogens) — Plant-derived estrogens have been marketed as a "natural" or "safer" alternative to hormones for relieving menopausal symptoms. Phytoestrogens are found in many foods, including soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, flaxseed, lentils, grains, fruits, vegetables, and red clover.

What is the number one herb for menopause? ›

1. Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) Native to North America, black cohosh is often hailed as the go-to herb for menopause relief.

Why is HRT no longer recommended? ›

Long-running studies

Over the last 15 years, these studies, and others, have found little or no evidence that HRT reduces the risk of heart disease. In fact, they have found evidence for an increased risk of blood clots and stroke. They also found an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer in women using HRT.

What HRT has no side effects? ›

So in summary, the safest types of HRT are the oestrogen applied through the skin as a patch, gel or spray with body identical micronised progesterone. Many women also benefit from testosterone, which may help if you're forgetful or having trouble concentrating at work.

Why is HRT not recommended after 60? ›

By the age of 60, arteries are generally stiffer and women at this age are more at risk of cardiovascular disease, hence commencing hormone therapy may increase their risk of cardiovascular disease or events. High blood pressure would increase this risk as well.

What vitamin is closest to estrogen? ›

Vitamin B, which helps your body create and use estrogen. Vitamin D, which functions as a hormone in the body and helps with estrogen production.

What is the strongest natural estrogen? ›

Phytoestrogens, found in plants and plant-based foods, have a similar structure to estradiol, which is the strongest of the estrogen hormones. Upon entering the body, phytoestrogens are recognized by estrogen receptors and mimic the effects of estrogen in the body.

Why are some doctors against bioidentical hormones? ›

Compounded bioidentical hormones are not FDA-approved. They are not tested for safety or effectiveness. Many major medical groups do not support using them because not enough is known about their safety and long-term side effects.

Are bioidentical hormones safer than HRT? ›

No, they aren't. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and several medical specialty groups, the hormones marketed as "bioidentical" and "natural" aren't safer than hormones used in traditional hormone therapy. There's also no evidence that they're any more effective.

Who Cannot take hormone replacement therapy? ›

Although hormone replacement may improve many menopausal symptoms, it is not safe for every woman. Hormone replacement therapy is usually not prescribed to women in the following categories: diagnosed with breast, or other hormone-sensitive cancers. history of blood clots or clotting disorder.

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