Dragon Physiology (2024)

Users possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of dragons; a powerful and legendary creature, typically depicted with serpentine or reptilian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures. They achieve this either through full or partial transformation into dragons, choosing to mimic certain aspects of draconic beings, or simply already being a dragon in the first place. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European Dragon, derived from European folk traditions and which is ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese Dragon, with counterparts in Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries.

In some universes, there are a variety of dragons with different abilities; in Dungeons and Dragons, for example, dragons are arranged by type and corresponding element (Red dragons are fire-breathers, bronze dragons use electricity).

American Dragon Universe[]

Within the universe, dragons are shape changers who can easily shift between human and dragon form to move between the mystic & human worlds. They have the traditional set of powers but utilize their chi to make Thinking Duplicates of themselves and as an excess supply for Mysticism and spell casting. More experienced users can utilize their chi for making Life-Force Constructs such as energy claws.

A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones Universe[]

These dragons are inspired by the European version, but more closely resemble the Wyvern, having wings attached to their forelimbs. Most of the members of House Targaryen (and their ancestors, the Valyrians) tamed dragons and frequently used them in warfare. Hatching the eggs is no easy task, requiring a combination of fire and a blood sacrifice. Scale color also varies.

Bleach/Burn the Witch Universe[]

These Dragons are supernatural beings that exist in London. Only visible to residents of Reverse London, they are largely protected and controlled by the Western Branch of the Soul Society, Wing Bind. There are a few individuals in Front London who are capable seeing these Dragons, known as Watchers. Reverse London domesticates many of these Dragons for the production of resources. Ordinary citizens are forbidden from interacting with Dragons, unless they become members of Wing Bind, doing so otherwise induces a substance known as Dragon Toxin to accumulates in their system and turns them into Dragon clad after reaching a certain threshold of concentration.

Berserk Universe[]

A race of astral creatures, Dragons were brought into the physical world in the aftermath of the Great Roar of the Astral World.

  • Canyon Dragons
  • Water Dragons

Breath of Fire Universe[]

Dragons of the Brood Clan can interbreed with other species due to having a human form. Such individuals can turn into a dragon via Ascension and have the power to transform into different forms of dragons.

Demon Accords Universe[]

The dragons are a race of dragons that look similar to the dragons from Harry Potter and the dragons are not native to Fairie.

Dragonaut - The Resonance Universe[]

The dragons are mecha-like beings, that can transform into humans and return to their natural form using a process called Actualizing.

Dragon Crisis Universe[]

Dragons born in human form with scales on their hands. They use a color-classification system similar to that of Dungeons and Dragons.

  • Red: Fire Dragons
  • Black: Darkness Dragons
  • White: Ice Dragons
  • Blue: Water Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons Universe[]

The powers and personality depend on scale colors. There are two main categories of dragon (supplement materials introduce more dragon categories): Chromatic (the Evil-aligned) and Metallic (the Good-aligned). Keep in mind that dragons tend to change in Dungeons & Dragons, as different editions are created and discarded. Here is a sample selection of what you might encounter:

  • Chromatic Dragons
    • Black, Copper and Green dragons breathe acid. Black and Copper dragons breathe a line of acid, whereas Green breathes a cone of acidic gas.
    • Brass, Gold and Red dragons breathe fire. A Red or Gold dragon's breath is a cone, whereas a Brass dragon's breath is a line. NOTE: Brass dragons can also breathe a cone of sleep.
    • Silver and White dragons breathe cold. Both dragons' breath cones. NOTE: Silver dragons can also breathe a cone of paralyzing gas.
    • Bronze and Blue dragons breathe lightning. Both dragons breathe in lines. NOTE: Bronze dragons can also breathe a cone of repulsion.
  • Metallic Dragons: Dragons that also have extra breath weapons with spell-like effects, breathed in cones.
    • Copper dragons breathe slow gas.
    • Brass dragons breathe sleep gas.
    • Silver dragons breathe paralyzing gas.
    • Bronze dragons breathe repulsion energy.
    • Gold dragons breathe weakening gas.
  • Gem Dragons have much more arcane effects to their breath weapons.
    • Amethyst dragons have the ability to generate gravitational force within their bodies and release the resulting force as a blast of energy from their mouth.
    • Emerald dragons can breathe a cone of disorienting magic which can damage the psyche of exposed creatures.
    • Topaz dragons can breathe a cone of destructive, necrotic energy, which can kill creatures very easily.
    • Sapphire dragons can exhale a blast of very loud sound.
    • Crystal dragons can breathe a blast of sparkling energy which can burn, and blind creatures hit with it.

Spyro Universe[]

These dragons are much inspired by the classic European, with powers of flight and a breath weapon, but are limited to the mastery of a single element. In the original series of games, there were six breaths: Fire, Water, Bubble, Electricity, Ice and Wind. Other breaths added later include Fury, Earth, Poison, Shadow and Fear.

  • Purple dragons are a special and rare breed of dragon. They have the ability to harness the power of multiple elements as opposed to a single one.

Skylanders Universe[]

These dragons vary in size and appearance, as well as powers. Younger dragons are highly adaptive to their surroundings, making their environment and childhood a key factor to their adulthood, powers, appearance, and personality. Their powers are mainly linked to the elements of Skylands, these dragons also possess powerful magic which also makes them immune to mind control. There are multiple species of dragons as well, which all possess their own unique abilities.

  • Purple Dragons Much like the purple dragons from the Spyro series, purple dragons in Skylanders can harness the powers of all the elements.

Rave Master Universe[]

In this world, a sentient species known as the Dragon Race reside from a dimension known as the Mystic Realm. These Dragons take on human form for hand-to-hand combat and have their own style of martial arts mixed with magic using Dragon based techniques such as utilizing different Dragon elements from their realm into their attacks. Upon reaching the age of 20, they turn into half Dragonized humanoids, which is then they begin a year of training, they then must undergo the Dragon Trial at a shrine in the Mystic Realm to expel the evil dragon spirit from within, thus the Dragon Race becomes an adult as they return to a human form. Should the trial be held anywhere else, a Dragon Race will run the risk of turning into a complete Dragon, with the recipient's sense of self, memories and emotions are replaced by animalistic savagery, the only cure being a miracle elixir that undoes their ailments. Members of this race are also able to tame and control Dragons.

Fairy Tail Universe[]

In this universe, there are Dragons corresponding to each element, and each dragon race is attuned to their element. These Dragons can consume their element from an external source to replenish their strength and are immune to said element. A Dragon's element is notably stronger than natural ones and users of the same element. Their power can also be taught to humans as Dragon Slaying Magic via Enchantment. Dragons in this world are so resilient that they can only be harmed by other Dragons or Dragon Slayers. Even then, a standard slayer would still face difficulty defeating a Dragon for lacking enough power. This magic also gives them Dragon enhanced senses but makes them sensitive to any type of motion sickness except for flying creatures. These humans also run the risk of turning into Dragons and losing their sanity upon overuse of this magic unless certain measures are taken. Those with enough control can partially Dragonize their body into that of a Dragon. Some Dragons can even use magic to transform into humans. Dragons and Dragon Slayers can reach certain levels of power such as Dragon Kings and Dragon Gods, to which their power increases tremendously, outranking those of the same element. A Dragon's heart can also be harvested and crystallized into a magic gem that grants someone that Dragon's power upon it surgically implanted without needing a Dragon to teach them. Automatons can also be created to possess a Dragon's power. A person can also obtain a Dragons power by consuming them; however, this puts them even more at risk of Dragonification.

  • Fire Dragons: Resembling classic European dragons, having red scales with black markings, horns and utilize the element of fire, capable of consuming and spewing flames and use fire for close combat. Flame produced by this type of Dragon provides much more heat than standard flames. The user’s body temperature is capable of melting iron, burning off poison and stigmatas. The user's flames are directly connected to their feelings, meaning the more emotional they get, the warmer their flame will become; this effect is referred to as “Flames of Emotion”. This breed can also solidify its flames and others around it, giving the fire a "blunt effect, seemingly causing bludgeoning damage alongside burning. Consuming fire also seems to possess a different “taste” according to its “quality”.
    • Hell-Flame Dragons: A variation of the fire dragons whose flames are comparable to hell fire, these dragons are entirely composed of flames and are virtually intangible to any physical and energy-based attacks except from oth7er fire dragons and fire dragon slayers.
    • Purgatory Dragons: Another variation of fire dragons, the differentiating distinction is yet to be defined.
  • Water Dragons: Resembling a large aquatic sea serpent with blue scales and fin-like wings used for swimming and flight. Water dragons can blast a breath of water at high pressure. They are capable of controlling water, being able to split oceans, create barriers, move the sea into the sky, create pillars of water, convert ice to water in an instant and creating a giant deadly whirlpool. Theses dragons can be able to cover their body with water, giving them immunity against fire-based attacks.
    • Sea King Dragons: A variation of water dragons, the differentiating distinction is yet to be defined.
  • Earth Dragons: Resembling Western dragons with scales composed entirely of earth and rocks. This breed is capable of manipulate and consume the element of earth. The earth generated from this Dragon is shown to be nearly indestructible. One of its known capabilities is manifesting a never-ending maze from its corpse post mortum, with rock monsters roaming through it. Earth Dragons can warp the very ground it stands on, creating constructs such as a massive fist and levitate debris of earth to launch them at its targets.
    • Cavern Dragons: A variation of earth dragons, the differentiating distinction is yet to be defined.
  • Wind Dragons: Dragons with the ability to manipulate consume the element of wind.
    • Gale Dragons: A variation that manipulates the wind into gather strong forces of turbulent winds in their hands while preparing an attack, while also, after inhaling the wind surrounding them, are able to release a powerful gust-like storm that can cause massive damage to the area. As well as cast several wind cyclones from every direction by swinging its arms, causing several slashes onto the target.
    • Sky Dragons: Are colored white while covered in tissue similar to bird feathers, rather than scales. Sky Dragons manipulate the element of wind, capable of inhaling the air and blasting a breath attack, the cleaner the air, the stronger they become. Sky Dragons primarily use magic as support, capable of healing most injuries and enhancing either its own or other power with enchantments. This breed can also use its power offensively, creating hurricanes, whirlwinds, tornadoes and even creating sharp slashes of wind.
  • Light Dragons: Dragons with the ability to manipulate consume the element of light.
    • White Dragons: Light-colored dragons with feathery, angel-esque wings, and has two comparably small antlers protruding from the top of his head instead of horns. This breed of dragons utilizes the element of light and other holy attributes, White Dragons can consume light (and anything colored white) and blast beams of light and a Laser beam of light, especially from their mouth.
    • Flash Dragons: Another variation that manipulates light, capable causing flashing bursts of light, being able to negate shadow-based abilities.
  • Darkness Dragon: Dragons with the ability to manipulate consume the element of darkness.
    • Shadow Dragons: Black-colored dragons that utilizes the element of darkness and shadows, capable of changing its entire body into shadows in an intangible state that allows them to move swiftly, dodge efficiently in making surprise attacks on its prey, this intangibility is cancelled out by other Shadow Dragons. While in its shadow form, their senses are heightened to a large degree. Shadow Dragons are capable of consuming shadows and blasting a breath it from their mouths. They can also condense their shadows to form various weapons such as blades.
  • Lightning Dragons: Dragons that are able to control and manipulate element of lighting as well as turning their bodies into lightning as form of intangibility and to move at high speeds. They possess an incredibly high voltage, being particularly destructive, and the electricity of which they’re composed of seems capable of momentarily paralyzing foes or obliterate them. This breed is capable of absorb and consume lighting as well as firing it as a breath attack.
    • Red Lightning Dragons: A variation of Lightning Dragons that possess dark-red lightning, that they can use for attacking. The lightning has been described as a "lightning that goes beyond lightning", and is noticeably more powerful and possesses unique properties, such as affecting those with lightning immunity. It's stated the red color is the result of the user's blood, presumably the Mercury in it.
  • Iron Dragons: Dragons whose bodies are covered in armored metallic scales thus having high durability. Iron Dragons can consume all forms of metallic matter and spewing vortex of metallic shards that tear through anything. Iron Dragons are capable of forming various weapons and tools from their bodies. The iron generated by Iron Dragons are more durable than normal metals. This Dragon can also consume carbon to combine with its element to form steel.
  • Poison Dragons: Purple-scaled dragons that are capable of freely producing and manipulating poison, manifested in the form of a toxic gas, thus granting them immunity to venoms and poisons. Said gas seems to be "tangible" and can thus be used as an effective blunt weapon, inflicting physical damage to foes while at the same time infecting them. This breed is capable of eating any form toxins and spew breath of venomous gas.
  • Jade Dragons: green Jade-scaled Dragons that utilizes, manipulates and consume jade-like aura and entities and spew a jade-colored breath. Among the capabilities of this Magic, the dragon's breath can emit aura that can not only damage but destroy clothing to better devour their prey.
  • Wood Dragons: Dragons whose bodies are entirely made of wood and are the largest known breed of dragons in this world. Wood Dragons are capable manipulating plant-life specifically trees, growing large wooden appendages, fire vast amounts of thorns, release a whirlwind of sharp fire-resistant leaves, spawning wooden figures on its body as guards as well as absorbing life-force energy as nutrients from other living beings.
  • Stone Dragons: Dragons with the ability to manipulate consume the element of stone.
    • Diamond Dragons: Dragons whose near-entire body is covered with large, thick, swirl-patterned scales that are entirely made out of adamantine diamond, making the most durable breed of them all. This breed is capable of consuming all forms of diamond and spewing a breath attack combusted of diamond shards minerals.
  • Sage Dragons: Dragons that utilizes the element of sage essence, they use this ability to amplify Magic or Magic Power to higher-than-normal levels, said to transcend the land, sky, and seas. These dragons are capable of consuming anything in regard to sage essence and spew it out in a fiery form.
  • Law Dragons: Dragons that utilizes the attribute of law, based on knowledge/information and of obtaining all information in the world, as well as access to information not known by the humans of the current era.
  • Blade Dragons: Dragons that utilize magic to form energy blades from any appendage unleash powerful slashes as well as in the form a breath attack. By using hypnotic prowess, these blades can be used to cut down a person's strength as well as their mental state, rendering them in a state of submissive.
  • Armor Dragons: Dragons with the power to generate armor with powerful durability that can withstand to receive any attacks targeted at them while also not feeling any pain, as well as able to materialize armor-like substance such as passageways on water to cross on. The armor it generates can also be used offensively, causing sheer blunt damage.
  • Corpse Dragons: An un-dead breed of dragons that are able to manipulate the element of ash. It has the ability to bind their targets and turn them as well as any other element like water and fire into ashes. Dragons of this element can also dissolve their own bodies into ash to be intangible and even teleport themselves and their targets. This element can also be created various objects out of ash.
  • Spirit Dragons: Dragons with the qualities of ghosts such as being invisible, intangible and possessing others. They attack with ethereal energy, target their victims with the souls of the dead and harvest the souls of others to consuming them. They can only be touched and harmed by other spectral beings and spiritual based attacks. Their ability to possess others is depended on how high their "Synchro Rate" with said host is, the conditions being to have someone with equal or greater magic power than the user, for that someone to have already seen the abyss of death and third is that someone has to be a relative of the user.
  • Clinging Dragons: Dragons that consume and produce a sticky substance to cling to various surfaces, they are also capable of wall crawling. This adhesive can also be used to attack their targets from afar and wrap it around their enemies in a cocoon, incapacitate them. This magic also has an advantage over wind-based attacks making them ineffective against its sticky substance. This breed can consume any sticky substance such as gum and quickly releases a roar made up of a sticky substance onto their target.
  • Moon Dragons: White-scaled Dragons that are covered fur on their neck and wings with dark tips. This breed of Dragons is capable of travelling to different alternate worlds. Moon Dragons consumes celestial objects such as stars and the moon. These Dragons can make their surroundings appear to be nighttime with its own artificial moon and uses it to create an explosion that transports its targets into a different world. They are also capable of manipulating "moonlight" energy for offence and forming butterfly and blade constructs of it.
  • Sword Saint Dragons: A type of Dragon that utilizes sword arts, allowing them to create, manipulate, and presumably consume this particular attribute, which in this case relates to sword arts. They can combine a physical sword with this brand of ability to utilize swordsmanship, ranging from extremely high-speed slashes which can cut intangible targets like flames to projected energy from the user's body and/or sword.
  • Azure Dragons: This type of Dragon can manipulate space, capable of levitating objects and firing spatial blasts that breaks a target into pieces. This Dragon also controls a Blue Dimension where it teleports itself and others in it. Azure Dragons can fully manipulate the space in this world, creating spatial constructs like weapons and tools. A second worth of pain in this world is worth about an hour upon exiting back to the original world.
  • Gold Dragons: Dragons that manipulate the element of gold, conjuring up gold projectiles, transmute anything in its vicinity into gold via touch or emitting it magic aura such it’s breath attack. Gold Dragons are entirely made of gold, thus are highly durable to most attacks except powerful enough heat from fire or lightning.

Edens Zero Universe[]

These Dragons are creatures who live and roam through space. They resemble large mechanical beings, with gears on their bodies. They fly through space at their own pleasing at incredible speed with wings that resemble solar panels. A heard of these Dragons swarm in a sector known as Dragonfall, the border to the entire Sakura Cosmos, separating it from outer space. These Dragons fire destructive Hyperthermic Laser beams from their mouths which has been visually compared to "breathing fire". Certain class of Dragons are durable enough to withstand missiles and explosions and can only be harmed by Anti-Dragon Ether, but yet still takes a lot to finish one off. Some of them are led by the "Mother of Dragons", a machine woman who has the ability to tame and control the Dragons she created.

High School DxD[]

In this universe, the Dragons are divided into many different classes based on their strength, higher class Dragons each have their own special magic abilities unique only to them. Dragon's souls are also sealed within Sacred Gears that allow Humans to use those Dragons abilities.

  • True Dragon: The highest class in this world that solely belongs to a singular Dragon, who is known as the "Dragon of Dragons (D×D)", far surpassing gods and satans.
  • Dragon God: A class that also belongs to a singular Dragon that is one of the most powerful Dragons in existence, rivaling that of the True Dragon class.
  • Heavenly Dragons: Dragons with powers that can kill both Gods and Satans, and are considered to be one of the highest class of Dragons with only two belonging to this class.
  • Great Dragon Kings: A group of unique Dragons with high destructive powers, rivaling those of Ultimate-Class Devils or even the Satans, with only 6 Dragons belonging to this class.
  • High-level Dragons: A Dragon class that belongs to normal Dragons, the highest class a Dragon can generally achieve.
  • Low-level Dragons: A Dragon class that belongs to normal Dragons, the weakest class and starting point for Dragons.

How To Train Your Dragon Universe[]

In the Book of Dragons (also known as the Dragon Manual), Vikings of the Barbaric Archipelago recorded information about dragons and classified them.

World of Warcraft Universe[]

These dragons are the guardians of Azeroth, they are divided into different Dragonflights which protect a different Aspect of Azeroth.

  • Red: Life
  • Blue: Magic
  • Green: Dream
  • Bronze: Time
  • Black: Earth, after Corruption: Death
  • Infinite: Anti-Time
  • Chromatic: Biological
  • Netherwing: Space
  • Twilight: Twilight

Pokémon Universe[]

Dragon is a type that a few Pokémon possess. They are strong against Grass, Fire, Water and Electric-type Pokémon, but weak against Ice, Dragon and Fairy types. They are quite rare and some of the most powerful Pokémon, including legendaries, are Dragon-types.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Universe[]

Dragon-type monsters are very common in Duel Monsters. They are usually quite powerful and focus on brute strength to bring down their opponents.


Dragon Physiology (1)

Dharak (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers)

Dragon Physiology (2)

Sabrus (Bakugan: Battle Planet)

Dragon Physiology (3)

Dragon Clan (Bakugan G3)

Dragon Physiology (4)

Lars Ul Metallicana (Bastard!) was the warrior prince who saved the Kingdom og Metalicana from the evil wizard Dark Schneider, but the resulting battle left him in the form of a small dragon.

Dragon Physiology (5)

Grunbeld the Great Flame Dragon (Berserk) in his Apostle form, a gigantic Corundum skinned Dragon.

Dragon Physiology (6)

Dracomon (Digimon)

Dragon Physiology (7)

Imperialdramon Dragon Mode (Digimon)

Dragon Physiology (8)

Paledramon (Digimon)

Dragon Physiology (9)

Mafuga (Doraemon) is a wind demon dragon formed from three wind spirits: Fuuko, Gorado, and a the Red Egg.

Dragon Physiology (10)

Shenron (Dragon Ball series) is a dragon that appears when all seven Earth Dragon Balls are gathered.

Dragon Physiology (11)

Porunga (Dragon Ball series) the Eternal Dragon of the Namekian Dragon Balls.

Dragon Physiology (12)

Super Shenron (Dragon Ball series) the omnipotent dragon of the divine Super Dragon Balls.

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Toronbo (Dragon Ball series) the Eternal Dragon of the Cerealian Dragon Balls.

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Ultimate Shenron (Dragon Ball series), of the Black Star Dragon Balls.

Dragon Physiology (15)

Drago (Eto Rangers)

Dragon Physiology (16)

Acnologia (Fairy Tail) was once a human but bathed in dragons' blood was able to become a real dragon.

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Yui Hongo (Fushigi Yuugi) with the Beast god Seiryu.

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Sky Drake (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)

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Wyvern (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)

Dragon Physiology (20)

The Vanishing Dragon, Albion (Highschool DxD)

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The Welsh Dragon Ddraig (Highschool DxD)

Dragon Physiology (22)

Gigantis Dragon Fafnir (Highschool DxD)

Dragon Physiology (23)

Prison Dragon Vritra (Highschool DxD)

Dragon Physiology (24)

Mischevious Dragon,Yu-Long (Highschool DxD)

Dragon Physiology (25)

Elma, Tohru, Kanna Kamui and Quetzalcoatl/Lucoa (Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon)

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The Earth Dragon Araba (Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?)

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Dragocastle (Mazica Party)

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Dratree (Mazica Party)

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Drabridge (Mazica Party)

Dragon Physiology (30)

The Uo Uo no Mi Model: Seiryu allows its consumer to become an Azure Dragon at will...

Dragon Physiology (31)

...as demonstrated by Kaidou (One Piece).

Dragon Physiology (32)

Kozuki Momonosuke (One Piece) ate an Artificial Devil Fruit that was meant to mimick the Uo Uo no Mi, Model Seiryu that allows him transform into a pink, serpentine dragon.

Dragonite (Pokémon) is a Dragon-type Pokémon with a near impenetrable hide.

Dragon Physiology (34)

Goomy, Sliggoo, and Goodra (Pokémon) are powerful Dragon-type Pokémon, despite their resemblance to gastropods.

Dragon Physiology (35)

Latias (Pokémon) is a legendary Dragon-type Pokémon of high intelligence and speed.

Dragon Physiology (36)

Salamence (Pokémon) is a Dragon-type Pokémon of immense destructive power and personality.

Dragon Physiology (37)

Jin Toujou (Shinmai Maou no Testament) became able to transform into a western dragon after drinking the blood of Fafnir.

Dragon Physiology (38)

Haku (Spirited Away) a spirit that is capable of transforming into a dragon.

Dragon Physiology (39)

Veldora Tempest (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime), One of the 4 True Dragons.

Dragon Physiology (40)

Tomoe (Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy), an Elder Dragon in human form.

Dragon Physiology (41)

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Dragon Physiology (42)

Osiris the Heaven Dragon/Slifer the Sky Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!) is the heavenly dragon and an Egyptian God.

Dragon Physiology (43)

The Revolver Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!) lives up to its name.

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The Winged Dragon of Ra (Yu-Gi-Oh!) is the dragon of the sun and an Egyptian God, taking the form of a phoenix.

Dragon Physiology (45)

Ban (Witch Watch)


Dragon Physiology (46)

Dragons (American Dragon: Jake Long), in their dragon forms.

Dragon Physiology (47)

Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long) is a mixed-race character, in dragon form shows markings of both traditional Western and Eastern dragons.

Dragon Physiology (48)

Kelpie (American Dragon: Jake Long) shapeshifting into Lao Shi's Dragon form

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Firedrake (Dragon Rider)

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Various dragon races (HTTYD)

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Dragon Man (Marvel Comics)

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Lockheed (Marvel Comics)

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Makluans (Marvel Comics)

Dragon Physiology (54)

Fin Fang Foom (Marvel Comics)

Dragon Physiology (55)

Fafnir (Marvel Comics)

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Shou-Lao (Marvel Comics)

Dragon Physiology (57)

Spike (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Dragon Physiology (58)

Princess Ember (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Dragon Physiology (59)

Garble (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Dragon Physiology (60)

Dragon Lord Torch (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)

Dragon Physiology (61)

Dragons (Sofia the First)

Dragon Physiology (62)

Juto-Shisho (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)

Dragon Physiology (63)

Chikara-Shisho (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)

Dragon Physiology (64)

Hisomi-Shisho (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)

Dragon Physiology (65)

Kon-Shisho (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003 TV series)

Dragon Physiology (66)

Oroku Saki/Tengu Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)

Dragon Physiology (67)

Ice dragons (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)

Dragon Physiology (68)

The Sapphire Dragon (Xiaolin Showdown) turns its victims into sapphire statues.

Glasburgh Dragon (What's New Scooby-Doo!)

Dragon Physiology (69)

Dojo (Xiaolin Showdown/Chronicles) is over 1000 year old dragon that has the ability to change his size and his genetic make-up at will.

Dragon Physiology (70)

Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown/Chronicles) has the ability to transform into a dragon, (he also has dragon characteristics in human form)

Dragon Physiology (71)

When Jagged Stone was akumatized by Hawk Moth, his pet crocodile Fang (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir) was akumatized with him, turning him into a dragon.

Dragon Physiology (72)

Penelope (Barbie as Rapunzel)

Dragon Physiology (73)

Hugo (Barbie as Rapunzel)

Dragon Physiology (74)

When transformed into her pure elemental form, Flame Princess (Adventure Time) was turned into a fiery dragon.

Dragon Physiology (75)

Experiment 228 "Melty" (Lilo & Stitch)

Dragon Physiology (76)

Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)

Dragon Physiology (77)

Dragon (Shrek)

Dragon Physiology (78)

Master Chem (Tara Duncan)

Dragon Physiology (79)

Princess Kyra (Reversal of the Heart)

Dragon Physiology (80)

Belloc Rosenblatt (Firebreather) is the King of the Dragons/Kaiju.

Dragon Physiology (81)

Savage Dragon (Image Comics)

Dragon Physiology (82)

Shendu (Jackie Chan Adventures)

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Drago (Jackie Chan Adventures) son of Shendu.

Dragon Physiology (84)

Dragons (Dragon Tales)

Dragon Physiology (85)

Malchior (Teen Titans)

Dragon Physiology (86)

Devon and Cornwall (Quest for Camelot)

Dragon Physiology (87)

Blazey (Onward)

Dragon Physiology (88)

The Curse Dragon (Onward)

Dragon Physiology (89)

Dulcy the Dragon (Sonic SatAM/Archie Sonic the Hedgehog), a Mobian dragon.

Dragon Physiology (90)

Glasburgh Dragon (What's New Scooby-Doo!)

Dragon Physiology (91)

Chinese Dragon (What's New Scooby Doo!)

Dragon Physiology (92)

A Red Dragon (Blood of Zeus)

Dragon Physiology (93)

Mistral/Dragon (The Tiger's Apprentice 2024)


Dragon Physiology (94)

Patrick Donovan (The Young Guardians) can generate the very flames that dragons breathe, which can take the form of an immense dragon of fire.

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Saphira (Inheritance Cycle) is a dragon bonded to Eragon.

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Thorn (Inheritance Cycle) is a dragon bonded to Murtagh.

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Glaedr (Inheritance Cycle) is a dragon bonded to Oromis.

Dragon Physiology (98)

Fírnen (Inheritance Cycle) is a dragon bonded to the Elf Queen, Arya.

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Shruikan (Inheritance Cycle) is a dragon who was bonded to King Galbatorix against his will.

Dragon Physiology (100)

Falkor (The Neverending Story)

Live Television/Movies[]

Dragon Physiology (101)

Marianne Rivera as Bagwis (Ang Panday) in her human form. She can transform into a fire breathing and flying dragon.

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Emperor Han (The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor) in his three headed dragon form.

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Dragons (Game of Thrones)

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Dragon and rider (Inheritance Cycle)

Dragon Physiology (105)

Dragonstorm (Transformers: The Last Knight)

Dragon Physiology (106)

Queen Narissa (Enchanted)

Dragon Physiology (107)

Long (Juken Sentai Gekiranger) as the Mugenryu/Dai Shi (Power Rangers Jungle Fury) in his true form

Dragon Physiology (108)

Guardian Beast Dragon Caesar (Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger)/Dragonzord (Power Rangers)

Dragon Physiology (109)

Khaevis (Damsel)

Dragon Physiology (110)

The Jabberwocky (Alice in Wonderland 2010)

Dragon Physiology (111)

Maleficent (Descendants)

Dragon Physiology (112)

Mal (Descendants)

Dragon Physiology (113)

Ladon (Shazam! Fury Of The Gods)


Dragon Physiology (114)

Vritra (Hinduism)

Dragon Physiology (115)

Tiamat (Mesopotamian Mythology)

Dragon Physiology (116)

Fafnir (Norse Mythology)

Dragon Physiology (117)

Níðhöggr (Norse Mythology) gnaws at a root of the world tree Yggdrasil.

Dragon Physiology (118)

Yamata no Orochi (Shintoism)


Dragon Physiology (119)

Ugin (Magic: the Gathering), Spirit Dragon and progenitor of all dragons on Tarkir.

Video Games[]

Dragon Physiology (120)

Makuta Miserix (Bionicle) is described to enjoy shapeshifting into draconian forms

Dragon Physiology (121)

Smokey the Dragon (Diddy Kong Racing)

Dragon Physiology (122)

Malleus Draconia (Disney: Twisted-Wonderland) is a dragon fairy with very prominent dragon horns.

Dragon Physiology (123)

Dogadon (Donkey Kong 64)

Dragon Physiology (124)

A Dragon (Feral)

Dragon Physiology (125)

Tiamat (Final Fantasy 1)

Dragon Physiology (126)

Bahamut Fury (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion)

Dragon Physiology (127)

Corrin/Kamui (Fire Emblem Fates) can transform or partially transform into a dragon.

Dragon Physiology (128)

Lilith (Fire Emblem Fates)

Dragon Physiology (129)

Sash Lilac (Freedom Planet), a water dragon from the planet Avalice.

Dragon Physiology (130)

Sol Badguy's (Guilty Gear) true form is that of a humanoid dragon.

Dragon Physiology (131)

Benares (Honkai Impact 3rd)

Dragon Physiology (132)

Volga (Hyrule Warriors), the Dragon Knight.

Dragon Physiology (133)

Fangora (Kirby's Epic Yarn)

Dragon Physiology (134)

Volvagia (The Legend of Zelda)

Dragon Physiology (135)

Magma Dragoon (Mega Man X4)

Dragon Physiology (136)

Ridley (Metroid)

Dragon Physiology (137)

Burnie (Moshi Monsters)

Dragon Physiology (138)

Dragon-type Pokémon (Pokémon)

Dragon Physiology (139)

Spyro and Cynder (Spyro)

Dragon Physiology (140)

Dragon Rune (Suikoden)

Dragon Physiology (141)

Lord of Lightning/Ruined Dragon (Super Mario Odyssey)

Dragon Physiology (142)

Tiamat (TYPE-MOON)

Dragon Physiology (143)

Azure Dragon (Valkyrie Crusade) is one of the four guardian beasts, and also, one of the five dragon deities.

Dragon Physiology (144)

Huang Long (Valkyrie Crusade) is the mighty ruler of the four guardian beasts, and also, one of the five dragon deities.

Dragon Physiology (145)

White Dragon (Valkyrie Crusade) is the dragon deity of light and one of the five dragon deities.

Dragon Physiology (146)

Black Dragon (Valkyrie Crusade) is the dragon deity of darkness and one of the five dragon deities.

Dragon Physiology (147)

Dragon Wario (Wario)

Dragon Physiology (148)

Asha (BEAST: Bio Exo Arena Suit Team)

Dragon Physiology (149)

Nihilister (Goddess of Victory: Nikke)

Web Animation/Comics[]

Dragon Physiology (150)

Mother Dragon (The Order of the Stick)

Dragon Physiology (151)

Blaze (Ava G animations)

Dragon Physiology (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.