Health Images: Diagnostic Imaging – Advanced Medical Imaging (2024)

Can You Get an MRI With a Tattoo?

Health Images: Diagnostic Imaging – Advanced Medical Imaging (1)Thanks to modern technology and knowledge, most patients have a simple and painless MRI procedure. However, in rare cases, a patient with tattoos may experience discomfort. If you have tattoos and need an MRI, you can still get the scan in most situations. We recommend talking to your doctor about your options before you go through the procedure. Learn more about MRIs and tattoos in this guide.

Do Tattoos Cause Irritation During an MRI?

In rare situations, tattoos may make an MRI less comfortable. TheFood and Drug Administration (FDA)warns thattattoos can cause irritation and burning during an MRI. A scientific review also reported a tattooed athleteexperiencing a burn-like injuryduring an MRI. However, both sources mention that these issues happen temporarilyand infrequently.

New Research on Tattoos and MRIs

A January 2019 study shows thatthese side effects happen very rarely. Its authors worked with hundreds of volunteers to discover the reactions of tattoos in MRI machines.

The researchers studied 330 volunteers who had at least one tattoo by scanning them with an MRI machine. Each volunteer had no more than five percent of their body tattooed. In addition, their tattoos had a lengthof 20 centimeters (about eight inches) or shorter. Out of their collective 936 tattoos, 717 tattooshad black ink.

Out of the 330 study participants, only one experienced an adverse effect. This person had several tattoos and had a warm and tight feeling around a wrist tattoo during an MRI. The technologist immediately stopped the MRI when the participant reported this effect. It took less than 24 hours for the feeling to go away and did not require medical help. Another participant felt mild tingling that did not count as an adverse effect. The research team calculated theoverall risk of adverse effects as 0.17 to 0.30 percent.

How Do I Ensure a Safe MRI Scan With Tattoos?

If you have tattoos and need an MRI, you can take a few precautions to reduce your risk of side effects. The majority of patients with tattoos should not have any adverse effects, but these steps can help you ensure a successful MRI.

1. Ask Your Tattoo Artist About Their Ink

Adverse tattoo reactions in MRIs seem to have a connection to the metal content in the tattoo’s ink. Tattoo ink can include metals like cobalt and titanium dioxide that add pigment. Some of these metals contain ferrous materials, or materials related to iron, that may react to the magnets in an MRI. Talk to your tattoo artist about the inks they use and their ingredients.
Health Images: Diagnostic Imaging – Advanced Medical Imaging (2)

2. Talk to Your Technologist

You can also let your technologist know about your tattoos before you receive your MRI. They can monitor you for any side effects before, during and after the procedure. When you get your MRI, you can also talk to the technologist at any time to let them know if you feel side effects.

Schedule an MRI Appointment at Health Images

At Health Images, we understand how to work with Colorado patients with special considerations like tattoos. We ensure all of our patients feel safe and comfortable when they receive an MRI scan. Schedule your MRI today byfinding a location near you.

Call To Schedule Your Appointment

Health Images: Diagnostic Imaging – Advanced Medical Imaging (2024)


How do I prepare for diagnostic imaging? ›

No coffee (decaf or regular), caffeine, tea, or chocolate for 24 hours prior to the examination. Nothing to eat or drink for 6 hours prior to the examination. You may have water only. You must arrive in Radiology and be registered 1 hour prior to the examination so that oral contrast can be administered.

What are the advanced diagnostic imaging procedures? ›

MIPPA defines advanced diagnostic imaging procedures as including diagnostic MRI, CT, and nuclear medicine imaging such as positron emission tomography (PET).

What does imaging mean in medical terms? ›

(IH-muh-jing) In medicine, a process that makes pictures of areas inside the body. Imaging uses methods such as x-rays (high-energy radiation), ultrasound (high-energy sound waves), and radio waves.

What is radiology in medical? ›

Radiology is a branch of medicine that uses imaging technology to diagnose and treat disease. Radiology may be divided into two different areas, diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology. Doctors who specialize in radiology are called radiologists.

Is diagnostic radiology hard? ›

Yes, the radiologists follow a challenging career path. They need highly specialized training, which takes about 13 years. Radiologists must earn a doctoral degree and complete a four-year residency. They typically also complete a one- to two-year fellowship in a specific area, such as pediatric radiology.

Is diagnostic radiology hard to match into? ›

Competitiveness. Compared to other residencies, radiology is slightly higher than averagely competitive. If we use fill rates to measure how competitive residencies are, radiology has a 100% fill rate. Radiology is considered especially competitive for first-choice applicants.

What are the 4 main types of diagnostic imaging techniques? ›

The four main types of medical imaging are X-ray imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ultrasound imaging, and Computed Tomography (CT) scan. X-ray imaging is commonly used to visualize bones, while MRI is useful for imaging soft tissues.

Is a mammogram considered advanced imaging? ›

Advanced imaging techniques play an important role in providing women with high-quality health services, namely 3D mammograms and DEXA bone density scans. These are two of the most commonly used imaging techniques that doctors implement in women's healthcare.

What is the most common diagnostic imaging? ›

X-rays (radiographs) are the most common and widely available diagnostic imaging technique.

What medical imaging job pays the most? ›

Top Radiology and Medical Imaging Salaries
  1. Nuclear Medicine Technologist | $54,000 - $124,000. ...
  2. Interventional Radiological Technologist | $54,000 - $119,000. ...
  3. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (aka Ultrasound Technologist) | $52,000 - $104,000. ...
  4. Cardiovascular Technologist | $46,000 - $103,000.

Is an MRI considered a diagnostic test? ›

MRI. A highly advanced diagnostic imaging procedure that creates images of the inner structures of the body without the use of radiation is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MRI uses a powerful magnet and radio waves to produce highly detailed images of what's inside the body.

What is another name for an MRI scan? ›

Synonyms. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), magnetic resonance tomography (MRT)

What does radiology do to your body? ›

Radiology, also known as diagnostic imaging, is a series of tests that take pictures or images of parts of the body. The field encompasses two areas — diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology — that both use radiant energy to diagnose and treat diseases.

What is the highest salary of a radiologist? ›

Radiologist salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.0 Lakhs to ₹ 50.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 24.8 Lakhs.

Why is radiology so well paid? ›

Radiologists are among the highest-paid medical professionals due to the complexity of their work and the critical role they play in patient care. The earning potential of radiologists varies depending on several factors, including experience, location, and subspecialty.

Can I eat before diagnostic imaging? ›

Eating before your appointment

If you are getting intravenous contrast material, which helps your body part show up better in the MRI pictures, or sedative medicine during the examination, you may be asked to not eat solid food for four to eight hours before the examination.

How do I prepare for a diagnostic test? ›

Sometimes special preparation is required to improve the accuracy of a test. This may involve:
  1. Fasting (not eating any or certain foods) for several hours or even overnight.
  2. Drinking more or less water than usual.
  3. Avoiding certain medications or vitamin and herbal supplements prior to testing.

How long does a diagnostic scan take? ›

A standard diagnostic test can take about an hour to an hour and a half. Of course, more complicated issues that require further diagnosis and where components must be removed for access or testing can take 2-3 hours; depending on the severity of the issue or multiple underlying issues.

What are two things you should ask a patient before a radiological procedure? ›

Some MRI examinations may require the patient to receive an injection of contrast material into the bloodstream. The radiologist or technologist may ask if you have allergies of any kind, such as allergy to iodine or x-ray contrast material, drugs, food, the environment, or asthma.

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