How to Find Emotional Healing (2024)

Emotional healing happens when you can acknowledge, accept, and process difficult emotions or experiences. This process looks different for everyone, but it is possible as long as you are open to releasing expectations about what the experience will be like or what it will lead to.

The reality is that you will never be the same person you were before whatever happened that you are healing from. That can feel scary, but that can also feel incredibly freeing as you attempt to find yourself and experience post-traumatic growth.

At a Glance

After you've gone through something painful, difficult, traumatic, or life-changing, it's essential to heal your mind as much as your body. The emotional healing process takes time, and it looks different for each person. Regardless of what you are healing from, taking steps like practicing self-compassion, practicing mindfulness, caring for your body, and trying therapy can help. Let's take a closer look at why emotional healing is so important and the steps you can take to recover emotionally from life's challenges.

What Is Emotional Healing?

Emotional healing is the process of acknowledging, allowing, accepting, integrating, and processing painful life experiences and strong emotions. It may involve empathy, self-regulation, self-compassion, self-acceptance, mindfulness, and integration.

Many people have a tendency to want to control the process of emotional healing by minimizing the pain and controlling their emotions. However, this can actually inhibit the process of emotional healing.

Emotional healing takes the time that it takes—which may be longer or shorter than you expect or plan on—if you allow it to be fully acknowledged, felt, moved through, and processed.

Emotional healing will look different for everybody, but it may include emotional regulation skills, a feeling of lightness, and stronger relationships as you can be more present with yourself and your loved ones.

When Do You Need Emotional Healing?

All people will need emotional healing at some point during their lives—we all experience challenges and difficult emotions that need processing.

Some common life stressors after which people may seek emotional healing include:

  • Loss of a loved one
  • Divorce
  • Breakups
  • Job loss
  • Abuse (including emotional, physical, and sexual)
  • Illness

The 10 Best Online Trauma Therapy Services of 2024

Outside of specific events, it's also possible to experience intensifying, lingering, and seemingly unshakeable anger, sadness, or anxiety that feels like it is taking over your life. These feelings may cause a functional impairment in your day-to-day life. Emotional healing may look different if symptoms are becoming chronic.

No matter what the trigger for your difficult emotions, emotional healing is possible in all of these scenarios.

Signs of an Emotional Breakdown

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Healing

We won't sugarcoat it—emotional healing is not an easy process, but it can be incredibly rewarding for many people and help them find clarity and inspiration in life beyond whatever it is they are healing from. Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself as you embark on your healing journey.

What are you healing from? Maybe you don’t know, but you know you’d like things to be different:

  • How is not healing affecting your life?
  • What do you want your life to look like after you’ve healed?
  • If you woke tomorrow, how would you know you had healed?
  • Are you ready to heal?
  • Are you willing to sit through some discomfort in service of healing?
  • What will help you on your emotional healing journey?
  • How has not yet healing served you?
  • What can you do to make your healing journey gentle for yourself?

Mindful Moment

Need a breather? Take this free 10-minute meditation focused on finding clarity—or choose from our guided meditation library to find another one that will help you feel your best.

Tips for You As You Heal

As you work through the healing process, here are some tips that can help:

Practice Self-Compassion

You’re not broken. It’s pretty hard to heal if you’re beating yourself up all the time. That's why showing yourself kindness and compassion can be key to your emotional healing.

Research has shown that people who practice self-compassion show more significant increases in well-being than those who don't.

Thank Yourself

Thank yourself. Yes, that’s right—thank yourself. Despite the emotional pain you’ve experienced that’s leading you on this emotional healing journey, you have made it this far. Whatever coping mechanisms you used worked for you at the time, even if they don’t work now, or weren’t the "healthiest" in the first place.

While past coping mechanisms might not serve you now, you've made it this far. You've shown you have the strength and resolve to find new strategies that will move your forward toward healing.

Don't Go it Alone

Science shows we heal better together. Your instinct might be to go into hiding until you are "done" healing, but the reality is that your friends and family probably want to help you! Reach out to someone who feels safe.

Don’t Try to "Fix" it All at Once

Emotional healing is not simple, and whatever happened to you likely has deeper roots in you than you realized and may be affecting you in many ways. Back to being realistic: don’t expect to fix all the ways your issue or trauma has affected you all at once.

Sit Through It

This may be one of the hardest things to do. You are likely experiencing a range of deep feelings such as sadness, grief or rage. Those aren't fun emotions and it’s tempting to want to ignore them or rush through them. It will be uncomfortable, but acknowledging tough feelings is part of healing. The good news is that feelings do pass even if it doesn’t feel like they will.

Know That Progress Isn’t Linear

You may feel like you are making the best breakthroughs, and then you have a terrible day where you feel like all of your emotional healing has been undone—or that you did something wrong. If you broke a leg, you might have a bad day where you’re in pain again despite a sustained period of healing.

Benefits of Emotional Healing

You may not like the pain that you’re in, but maybe you’re afraid to work on emotional healing because you’re afraid of what you might find in the process. This is a valid concern, but here are some of the health benefits that are associated with the positive emotions associated with healing.

  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Potentially longer lifespan
  • Lower cortisol (stress hormone) output
  • Lower heart rate
  • Less likely to develop upper respiratory infection when exposed to a common cold or flu

How to Find Emotional Healing

If you're trying to heal your emotional pain, here are some ways that you can embark on your journey to emotional healing.


Emotional healing can be incredibly rewarding but it can also be painful in the interim. You might want to consider talking to a mental health professional who is trained in working with people on emotional healing journeys every day.

They can help you heal at a pace that is appropriate for you and provide the insight you might not be able to reach on your own.

Get Help Now

We've tried, tested, and written unbiased reviews of the best online therapy programs including Talkspace, BetterHelp, and ReGain. Find out which option is the best for you.


When we are attempting emotional healing from something, it can be very easy to get pulled back into past events or to catastrophize what the future will be like if you don’t heal. Mindfulness practices can help you be in the present moment and see that, at this moment, you are just fine.

Journaling is often suggested—and for good reason. Research has shown that journaling may be an effective tool for building greater emotional resilience.

Allow yourself to feel the fullness of your grief, anger, pain, or loss without attaching further meaning, stories, or thoughts. This can be deeply healing and helpful in processing emotions.

Research suggests that many emotions tend to be fairly short-lived. Some last longer than others. Challenging emotions like shame, fear, disgust, boredom, and irritability tend to fade the fastest.

This information can help emotions feel less overwhelming. When an emotion overcomes you, you can keep an eye on the clock to note how long it takes before the feeling dissipates—employing mindfulness skills in the meantime.

Notice, allow, and describe the physical sensation of the emotion moving through your body without judging it or attempting to change it. Breathe through the sensations.

You can perform exercises to ground yourself such as putting your feet on the floor, drinking a sip of water, or running cold water over your hands.

Move Your Body

As you're experiencing difficult emotions, try to move your body to help process your feelings. Move your body as it wants to move (i.e., slowly or quickly, shaking or running).

Moving the body to process stress or trauma can be seen in the animal kingdom as well. In his book "Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma," therapist Peter A. Levine notes that in the wild, an impala that escapes its predator will instinctively "shake off" the traumatic event, regaining full movement of its body.

Helpful Therapeutic Techniques

Therapeutic techniques like somatic experiencing (SE) and trauma release exercises (TRE) can help process and move trauma and emotions from within the body. SE involves becoming aware of their internal bodily sensations and bringing awareness to them. TRE consists of a person intentionally moving their body to decrease stress levels.

Get Support

Social support can also play a vital role in emotional healing. Be open to receiving support from your community. Allow yourself to be seen, supported, and cared for by friends and loved ones.

How to Find a Therapist

How Do I Know If I Am Healing?

There is no finish line to cross that signifies you are fully healed! Emotional healing can sometimes be so gradual you may not even realize how much you've healed, and others may notice it before you.

Signs of emotional healing include being able to look back at a situation without being overcome by emotion, getting better at bouncing back in the face of adversity, or simply feeling a greater sense of peace.

There may be deeper and deeper levels of emotional healing to be discovered. Do your best to live in a way that honors and supports your continued journey of emotional healing. This will allow you to experience ever-expanding emotional healing that can improve your physical, emotional, and mental health, well-being, satisfaction in life, and connection to yourself and others.

Press Play for Advice On Healing From Trauma

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast, featuring Holocaust survivor Dr. Edith Eger & daughter Dr. Marianne Engle shares how to heal from trauma and build resilience. Click below to listen now.

Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

How to Find Emotional Healing (2024)


How to Find Emotional Healing? ›

You might want to consider talking to a mental health professional who is trained in working with people on emotional healing journeys every day. They can help you heal at a pace that is appropriate for you and provide the insight you might not be able to reach on your own.

What are the 5 stages of emotional healing? ›

The grief process after a breakup involves navigating through the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. It is a personal journey that takes time and emotional healing.

How do I start emotional healing? ›

Starting the Journey
  1. Seek Support: Seeking support is a crucial step in the healing journey. ...
  2. Practice Self-Care: Self-care is an essential aspect of emotional healing. ...
  3. Be Patient: Healing from emotional trauma takes time, and it is essential to be patient and compassionate with oneself.
Apr 1, 2023

Why is emotional healing so hard? ›

You may become overwhelmed or feel like a failure if you set unrealistic expectations. And dramatic changes are often unsustainable. Making micro-changes small, manageable, incremental changes create feelings of success, hope, and encouragement that are important to carry you through your healing process.

How do you know if you are healing emotionally? ›

Seven Signs That You Are Healing Emotionally
  • You start forgetting to take your medication. ...
  • You find yourself singing along with the car radio. ...
  • Things that used to scare you don't anymore. ...
  • You are ready to make some big changes to your living situation. ...
  • You are able to take your disappointments in stride.
Nov 21, 2014

How to heal damaged emotions? ›

The emotional healing process takes time, and it looks different for each person. Regardless of what you are healing from, taking steps like practicing self-compassion, practicing mindfulness, caring for your body, and trying therapy can help.

How long can emotional healing take? ›

If you're wondering how long it takes to heal from trauma, the answer is that it varies from person to person. The healing process can take weeks, months, or even years. It's important to remember that healing is not a linear process, and setbacks are normal.

What is the hardest emotion to overcome? ›

Negative emotions — like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self-criticism, fear, or rejection — can be difficult, even painful at times. That's especially true when we feel a negative emotion too often, too strongly, or dwell on it too long. Negative emotions may be difficult, but we can learn to handle them.

What is best for emotional healing? ›

Ways to support your emotional healing
  • Learning more about what you're experiencing.
  • Seeing a mental health professional.
  • Avoiding alcohol and drugs.
  • Meditating or practicing mindfulness.
  • Journaling.
  • Staying in touch with friends and other loved ones.
  • Using deep breathing techniques.
  • Doing yoga.
May 1, 2024

How to do an emotional detox? ›

4 Ways to Emotionally Detox
  1. Set Aside Some Time for Self-Care. Consider getting away, even if for just one night, to spend time alone and away from all the pressures that contribute to your overwhelm. ...
  2. Change Your Home Environment. ...
  3. Pick Up Healthy Hobbies or Pastimes. ...
  4. Work With a Healthcare Practitioner to Manage Anxiety.
May 10, 2020

Where is childhood trauma stored in the body? ›

This can happen anywhere in the body, and for trauma survivors, it is most commonly held in the core of the body, the stomach, abdomen, and low back, as well as the upper torso, chest, shoulders, and spine.

What are physical signs your body is releasing trauma? ›

Physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, or dizziness can often accompany the release of trauma. These symptoms may arise seemingly out of nowhere and can be perplexing to those experiencing them. The nervous system, having been in a prolonged state of alert, begins to normalize, causing various physical reactions.

What are the 7 steps of healing? ›

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to emotional healing, just like there is no “right” way to grieve after loss. But in my experience, emotional healing happens in seven stages: awareness, acceptance, processing, release, growth, integration, and transformation.

What are the five emotional symptoms? ›

Common warning signs of emotional distress include:
  • Eating or sleeping too much or too little.
  • Anger, feeling edgy or lashing out at others.
  • Overwhelming sadness.
  • Pulling away from people and things.
  • Not connecting with others.
  • Lack of energy or always feeling tired.
  • Feeling like you have to keep busy.
Jun 9, 2023

What are the 5 emotional cycles of change? ›

The framework has five stages: Uninformed Optimism, Informed Pessimism, The Valley of Despair, Informed Optimism, and Success & Fulfillment. I've found that awareness of where I fall emotionally while navigating voluntary change helps me see that change through completion.

What are the steps of emotional recovery? ›

Here are 10 tips for emotional healing:
  1. Be yourself. You must be yourself. ...
  2. Invent yourself. You come with attributes, capacities and proclivities and you are molded in a certain environment. ...
  3. Love and be loved. ...
  4. Get a grip on your mind. ...
  5. Forget the past. ...
  6. Flip the anxiety switch off. ...
  7. Make meaning. ...
  8. Let meaning trump mood.
Sep 16, 2013

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