Tattoos and Negative Stigma (2024)

November 9, 2022

Tattoos and Negative Stigma (1)

Tattoos oftenhave a negative stigma in society, particularly from the older generations. From this demographic, tattoos are sometimes viewed as trashy, or as a reason not to take someone seriously. Even as a reason not to give someone a job they are qualified for. So, on my twentieth birthday, when I made the decision to get three tattoos, my family was not happy. It was hard for them, and some of my other loved ones, to understand my perception of tattoos. They could not understand the way that I view them as art. It further upset them when I continued to get tattoos despite their opinions of them. On, Katie McGrath published an article titled, “When Does a Tattoo Become Art?” Within the article, the writer explains how tattooing is an art form to those within the community.

“To really determine whether tattoos are art engages the broader, time-old question, “what is art?” McGrath said. “But the easiest answer, as Panaite says, comes down to questions of intention and perception. If the creator or receiver of the tattoo sees it as art, then that’s what it is. Tattoos have gone through movements and trends, just as any other art form has. They are the product of the skilled application of materials, with consideration given to placement, aesthetics, and style.”

To me, tattoos are an amazing form of self-expression that help me to feel more comfortable in my own skin. When I think of an idea for a new piece, I am so excited to have the opportunity to get it done. To have the chance to carry around an artist’s work on my skin forever. Along with that, there is something so unique about working with an artist to achieve a mental image. To see their creative process. It was never about getting the attention of others, or trying to hide behind the ink, it was just about expressing myself through art in a way that was forever. Tattooing can be a beautiful concept to those that appreciate the artform. Within the article “Tattoos are a unique form of expression and a significant part of many identities,” by Liliana Mota, the writer goes into detail about the significant of self-identity in tattooing.

“People get tattoos formanyreasons, whether it’s to honor a loved one, express themselves in a different way or represent something meaningful, every tattoo has a reason and a purpose,” Mota said. “An old friend who joined the United States Marine Corps after high school got a tattoo as a daily reminder to never stop thriving. Thinking someone’s tattoo is without purpose or ugly is incredibly closed-minded. Though it might seem insignificant, the tattoo might mean the world to the person.”

Some people would argue that a tattoo is okay only when there is a sentimental meaning behind it. I would disagree with this. I think that anyone is entitled to do what they want, so long as it is not harmful or offensive. A few of my tattoos have a deep meaning to me while other were just ideas that hit me at various times in my life. I have never felt the need to justify my purpose behind getting them. It never made sense to me that certain job opportunities could be limited for me because of my tattoos. Personally, I have never experienced it being a major problem to employers, but I have heard stories from others facing it. In the article, “Tattoos Hurt your Chances of Getting a Job”, published on, the statistics behind tattoos and job availability.

The biggest takeaways from our survey include a whopping 76% of respondents feel tattoos and piercings hurt an applicant’s chances of being hired during a job interview. And more than one-third – 39% of those surveyed – believe employees with tattoos and piercings reflect poorly on their employers. Furthermore, 42% feel visible tattoos are always inappropriate at work, with 55% reporting the same thing about body piercings.”

A huge part of me is confused by the possibility that my tattoos could be the reason why I am not selected for a job. To me, there is not a connection between my tattoos and my credibility for a job. It is not a testament to my professionalism or a defining factor of my life. Along with this, I find it extremely strange that another person would be so invested in my tattoos that they would not choose me for a position.

Fortunately, I do think that it is dependent on the industry you enter whether employers are concerned about tattoos. Some employers also only request that you keep them covered while at the workplace, which for most people is not too difficult of a task. Although I think it’s a bit silly, I’m willing to do it if it means being able to work a job that I enjoy.

Tattoos and Negative Stigma (2024)


Tattoos and Negative Stigma? ›

Still, many societies today associate tattoos with deviance and criminality, making it difficult for tattooed people to find employment and acceptance within society. This negative stigma can be traced all the way back to Ancient Greece, when tattoos were used to mark slaves and prisoners of war.

What is the negative perspective on tattoos? ›

Why do some people have negative attitudes towards individuals with tattoos? Some individuals associate tattoos with rebellion or nonconformity. In certain professions, tattoos may be viewed as unprofessional or incompatible with the job's image.

What do dermatologists think about tattoos? ›

Most dermatologists recommend leaving skin with moles or abnormalities clear of ink. Because tattoos involve needles and blood, non-sterile tattoo practices can lead to transmissions of blood diseases like syphilis, hepatitis B, and even HIV.

What is the regret rate for tattoos? ›

Apparently, the smaller your tattoo, the more likely you are to regret it. We found that 63 percent of people with a tattoo smaller than the palm of their hand regret it. However, only 2 percent of people with full-sleeves or longer, regret their tattoo.

Why do tattoos have a negative connotation? ›

In United States, having a tattoo has often been negatively viewed, mostly because people connect tattoos with mischievous conduct. In addition, people often mistake those with tattoos as gang related individuals with no jobs or futures.

Are people with tattoos discriminated against? ›

Currently, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin, but does not yet prohibit discrimination based on tattoos or other forms of body art.

What does psychology say about tattoos? ›

Emotions and thoughts are embodied on the skin and also in the tattoos. In addition, what happens inside is expressed through the exterior. This is why the tattoo expresses the individual world of each person, and it is a way of talking about oneself and sharing it with the rest.

Why should tattoos be avoided? ›

Tattooing also can lead to keloids. Keloids are raised areas caused by an overgrowth of scar tissue. Diseases spread through blood. If equipment used to create a tattoo has infected blood on it, you can get diseases that are spread through blood.

Are tattoos declining in popularity? ›

If anything, young people seem more likely than ever to look for a tattoo that links them to a life event and expresses their individuality. The fact that 40-year-olds are still getting their first tattoos, and tattoo popularity is driven by younger demographics, seems to say that they aren't going anywhere.

Are people with tattoos taken less seriously? ›

Tattoos often have a negative stigma in society, particularly from the older generations. From this demographic, tattoos are sometimes viewed as trashy, or as a reason not to take someone seriously. Even as a reason not to give someone a job they are qualified for.

What is the most regretted tattoo? ›

The types of tattoos people regret most are lettering/script (19%), symbols (16%), names (12%), animal designs (10%) and tribal tattoos (9%).

Why are tattoos so looked down upon? ›

Historically, tattoos have been frowned upon by professions such as healthcare, childcare, business, military, and law as individuals with tattoos were often associated with prisoners and gangs. Almost half of the millennials in the United States have at least one tattoo.

Why do people view tattoos as bad? ›

They've been used to subjugate, to punish, and to stereotype. It is because of this history that there still exists a lingering, unconscious stigma against tattoos, linking them with criminality, depravity, and savageness.

Why are tattoos so controversial? ›

Tattooing, once considered a symbol of rebellion or personal expression, has now become a topic of controversy when it comes to appropriating cultural symbols, designs, or traditions.

What are the negative beliefs about tattoos? ›

In the case of tattoos, stereotypes about tattooed individuals, such as being criminal, dangerous, or drug addicts, legitimize the fact that they are discriminated against because of physical appearance.

Does the CIA care about tattoos? ›

There is a misconception that those who want to join the CIA cannot have tattoos. However, unlike tattoos in the military, tattoos on CIA agents or recruits are not regulated.

What is the negative stigma of tattoos? ›

A tattoo, though, is what is considered a “controllable stigma” because they arise as a matter of choice. These stigmas even if unconscious will often include being associated with risky behavior, criminality, trashiness, and overall negative connotations.

What are the negative effects of tattoos? ›

Superficial and deep local infections, systemic infections, allergic reactions, photodermatitis, granulomatous reactions and lichenoid reactions may occur. Skin diseases localised on the tattooed area, such as eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, and morphea can be occasionally seen.

Why do people see tattoos as a bad thing? ›

To many, a stain on a body is also seen as a stain on one's character. As stated by PBS, Europeans were first exposed to tattoos in the Polynesian islands. European missionaries largely condemned these tattoos and viewed them as signs of primitiveness.

What does a negative tattoo mean? ›

Negative tattoos may represent pain, suffering, or a past struggle that has left a lasting impact. They could also signify a dark or pessimistic outlook on life, embracing the shadow side, or expressing feelings of sadness, anger, or despair.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.