Your FAQs about Tattoo Healing: Answered - Tattoo Goo (2024)

Because we’re a skincare company for the tattooed, we often get questions about the tattoo healing process. A tattoo is essentially an open wound, and but it’s a little different in the sense that this particular wound was most likely expensive, plus there’s ink in the wound, and we want that ink to stay put, heal beautifully and ensure both our investment and our skin is protected.

Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to healing. And as you’re reading please note that if you have a question or concern about your healing tattoo, listen to your artist, or consult with a medical professional to ensure you’re getting the best advice for your healing ink.

How long does it take a tattoo to heal?

It depends on the person and the location of the tattoo. Sometimes a tattoo can look healed on the surface but the layers under the skin are still being repaired. Two months is on the longer spectrum of healing time by most standards, but it’s a good rule of thumb to make extra sure your skin has fully healed — we say this because products with SPF can irritate healing skin, so the two-month mark is a good rule of thumb to be extra-sure your skin has fully recovered.

My tattoo is peeling and itching. Is that normal?

Yes! It’s perfectly normal for a tattoo to peel like a sunburn — and itch like a sunburn. Make sure you resist the temptation to scratch or peel off the skin as that can pull out your ink. Rather, let the skin flake off on its own. To help with this maddeningly itchy, peeling phase, our Tattoo Goo Lotion has an ingredient called Panthenol that helps relieve the itch. You can learn more about our lotion here.

The skin that is peeling is colored like the tattoo—is my tattoo coming off?

No, this is a natural part of a healing tattoo. The top layer of dead skin has been colored or dyed during the tattooing process. That outer layer will fall off revealing the fresh skin underneath.

My tattoo looks like it’s fading. Is that normal?

A tattoo is VERY bright when it is first completed but during the healing process, it starts to look discolored and dull. Don’t worry, when the tattoo is finished healing, the color will come back.

My tattoo is scabbing. Is that normal?

Yes! Scabbing is typically normal and happens during the healing process of a tattoo. Just like any open wound, your body is creating its natural defense to guard it against infection while the skin underneath repairs itself. If the skin does scab, it’s very important that you don’t pick or pull at the scabs since that can pull out your ink and in some extreme cases, lead to scarring.

What causes scabbing with a tattoo?

Like with any open wound, your body responds by producing plasma

A lack of moisture can also cause scabbing. The philosophy behind all Tattoo Goo products revolves around the importance of replacing the moisture that’s lost in the skin during the tattooing process. By doing this, it can help prevent scabbing as well as speed up healing time.

My tattoo seems to be losing ink. It is runny, wet and it looks like the ink is coming out. What should I do?

It sounds like the tattoo is leaching. When too much aftercare is applied, the body will naturally try to push whatever is on top off so it can breathe. Wash the tattoo off and pat it dry. Do not put anything on it for one day. After that, start using Tattoo Goo® Lotion around three times a day—be sure not to over apply. Continue using the lotion until it heals completely. It may scab a bit, but do not pick the scabs—let them fall off naturally.

Can I wash my tattoo?

Yes, you should wash your tattoo 2-3 times a day with a product such as Tattoo Goo® Deep Cleansing Soap. Do not use a washcloth, use only your hands, gently wash off the tattoo and pat it dry. Let it air dry for 10-15 minutes before applying aftercare. It is important that it is completely dry before applying aftercare. Do not soak the tattoo in water, swim, etc. until the tattoo is completely healed.

Should I re-bandage my tattoo?

No, once you’ve taken off the original bandage, you should not re-bandage your tattoo. The tattooed skin needs to breathe in order to heal faster and more effectively.

Can I use sunscreen on my tattoo while it is healing?

Sunscreen should not be used on a healing tattoo as it has many chemicals that can cause adverse reactions. You should keep the tattoo out of the sun until it is completely healed. Most artists recommend two weeks or more. After it is healed, you should always use sunscreen, such as Tattoo Goo Renew® SPF 50+ if your tattoo is going to be exposed. Tattoo Goo® Salve and Lotion contain no sunscreen.

Hopefully this provides some decent guidelines for those of you with healing tattoos. Of course as with any healing wound, if you have questions or especially concerns with anything during the healing process, it’s very important to seek medical advice from your doctor to ensure your tattoo is healing properly.

Your FAQs about Tattoo Healing: Answered - Tattoo Goo (2024)


Your FAQs about Tattoo Healing: Answered - Tattoo Goo? ›

Do not put anything on it for one day. After that, start using Tattoo Goo

Tattoo Goo
Tattoo Goo® Tattoo Balm

Rich with over 60% olive oil, lavender oil and other all-natural ingredients, this balm is the original go-to for ink at any stage.
® Lotion around three times a day—be sure not to over apply. Continue using the lotion until it heals completely. It may scab a bit, but do not pick the scabs—let them fall off naturally.

Is Tattoo Goo good for healing tattoos? ›

As it is extremely important to take care of your tattoo during the healing process, the Tattoo Goo The Original After Care Salve provides natural healing properties and soothes damaged, chapped or scraped skin.

What happens if you overapply Tattoo Goo? ›

Even if you over-apply Tattoo Goo, it won't damage your tattoo because it does not contain lanolin or petroleum. Tattoo Goo Original (ointment) is a bit thick, which means you don't have to apply too much.

When to stop using Tattoo Goo balm? ›

Once the tattoo starts to scab and itch, use the Tattoo Goo Lotion exclusively 2-3 times per day — it contains panthenol, which helps stop itching. When your ink is completely healed, continue to use the lotion and/or balm 1-2 times per day to keep your skin moisturized and your ink vibrant.

How do you know if your tattoo is healing correctly? ›

All tattoos will be somewhat red for a few days after the procedure, but if the redness doesn't subside, it's a sign that your tattoo isn't healing well. Oozing fluid. If fluid or pus is still coming out from your tattoo after 2 or 3 days, it may be infected. See a doctor.

Is aquaphor or Tattoo Goo better? ›

According to Goold, Aquaphor is a go-to in most tattoo shops, since it's super effective at soothing and moisturizing fresh ink. "It's great for both the initial healing period and afterward," she says.

How long do you have to wait to put on Tattoo Goo? ›

Not only is moisturized skin a must for bright ink, but protection from the sun's rays is also. We recommend starting Tattoo Goo Renew with SPF 30 about eight weeks after getting your tattoo to ensure it's fully healed as the SPF can cause irritation on healing skin.

What to use instead of Tattoo Goo? ›

Common recommendations include:
  • alcohol-free healing ointments, such as Eucerin or Curel.
  • coconut oil.
  • tattoo-specific cream, such as Tattoo Goo.
  • pure cocoa butter or shea butter.

How long after a tattoo can you shower normally? ›

You can shower 3-4 hours after getting a tattoo, if you have a Saniderm bandage on, however, if you have a plastic wrap wait 24 hours to unwrap your tattoo and shower. In either case, shower in cold or lukewarm water and avoid prolonged soaking or submerging your tattoo in water for 3-4 weeks.

Why does my tattoo look smudged while healing? ›

However, bruising from a new tattoo can make it look a little blurred or smudged as it goes through the healing process. As the bruising fades, your tattoo should soon begin to look better and cleaner. If it's a tattoo blowout, on the other hand, it will begin to look worse.

Can you sleep with a new tattoo uncovered? ›

You'll want to keep the tattoo wrapped for at least the first night because it will take a while for it to settle down and stop leaking. You don't want an open wound like that touching your bed sheets, getting blood everywhere, or dirt and dust getting into the wound itself.

What is poor tattoo aftercare? ›

Poor aftercare

Not taking proper aftercare precautions could also contribute to patchiness; picking scabs off your new tattoo, swimming or submerging it in the bath, exposing it to UV rays while it's still in the early stages of healing could all lead to ink loss and patchiness.

How to tell if a tattoo is over moisturized? ›

Signs of an Over-Moisturized Tattoo

If you notice that your skin feels greasy to the touch after several hours, there's a chance you've applied too much lotion, or that you've applied one that's too thick. Your skin looks or feels irritated. Over-moisturizing with oil-based lotions can lead to clogged pores.

What is the best thing to put on your tattoo while it's healing? ›

Apply a layer of moisturizing antibiotic ointment, but don't put on another bandage. Carefully wash your tattoo area three times a day with soap and water, and gently pat it dry. Keep applying a moisturizer or ointment after you clean your tattoo to keep it moist.

Can you use tattoo balm on a healing tattoo? ›

Often, you should wait until your tattoo is healed (usually about three to four weeks) to begin applying tattoo balm.

Can I use goo gone on my tattoo? ›

With a bit of Goo Gone Bandage & Adhesive Remover on a paper towel once again, we applied it to his tattoo much in the same way we applied it – by laying it on the area and waiting a few moments for it to absorb. Almost instantaneously, the adhesive remover went to work.

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