The Dispatch from Moline, Illinois (2024)

East Moline and Silvis 15th Avenue, East Moline Phone E.M. 755-3401 Open Until 6:30 P.M. Daily Council in Silvis Tables Request For Funds for Justice of Peace Silvis City Council last night voted to table a letter received from the justice of the peace committee of the Rock Island County Board of Supervisors in which it was pointed out that Justice of the Peace N. L. McGehee of Silvis has been required to pay a $75-a- month secretarial fee out of his own pocket in connection with the handling of Silvis city court cases.

The tone of the letter implied that the city should reimburse McGehee for this expenditure. The Council, without discussion, voted to table the letter. McGehee and Silvis Mayor Peter Dreier engaged in a clash of written statements two weeks ago when Dreier criticized McGehee for assessing what the mayor termed "ridiculously low" fines. The mayor said the modest fines had resulted in decreased revenue for the city. McGehee later criticized Dreier Segura, Cooksey Police Appointments Approved The appointment of Frank gura as Silvis police chief received approval of the City Council last night.

The aldermen also approved the appointment of Leo Cooksey as assistant chief. The names of both men were submitted by Mayor Peter Dreier and approval in both cases was unanimous. Segura, formerly sergeant, has been acting chief since the resignation of LeRoy Swanson in June. Cooksey, also a sergeant, was named to fill the assistant chief post, which has been vacant for some time. Mayor Dreier announced on Aug.

8 that he would submit the appointments of Segura and Cooksey for Council approval. On a motion by Ald. Vance Little, the Council voted to make gura's salary as chief retroactive to June 15, the date that he was named acting chief. His salary as chief will be $425 a month. Postpone Hearing On Annexation A hearing set for 10 this morning on the annexation of land by the City of East Moline, south of its present city limits, was postponed late yesterday afternoon.

The hearing which had been ty Court, was postponed indefischeduled for Rock Island 1 Counnitely by agreement the lawyers involved in the case. The lawyers said the postponeRock Island County Court, is vament was requested because Lawrence Phares, judge of the cationing. No formal motion was presented for the Post postponement. The hearing to probe the objections of a group of property owners in the affected area. Eleven groups of owners of approximately 800 acres of land, which lies on both sides of Coaltown and most of which ad- Obituary THOMAS McGEE Thomas McGee, 61, of 354 Silvis, died at 3 yesterday afternoon in Lutheran Hospital.

The body is at Schroder Mortuary, where calls may be made after 7 tonight. Services will be at 10:30 Friday morning in the Schroder Chapel. The Rev. Louis Schaechter of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church will officiate and burial will be in Riverside Cemetery. Mr.

McGee was born in Manchester, England, and came to East Moline with his parents when he was nine years old. He had spent most of his life in Silvis. Mc. McGee married Christina Lundahl, who preceded him in death. He later married Minnie Ploog.

He had been employed for 29 years as a stockman at East Moline Works, International Harvester Co. He was of Catholic faith. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Raymond Lamansky, Moline, Mrs. Robert Hines, Oneida Heights, Silvis, and Mrs.

Norman Kelly, Milan, and eight grandchildren. Eagles Auxiliary Lists Winners Eagles Auxiliary 2007 held a public card party in the Eagles Bldg. yesterday afternoon. Lunch and dessert were served at 12:30. Winners of prizes were Mrs.

Ralph Dickinson, Mrs. Catherine Hintz, Mrs. Frank Zara, James Hoffstatter, Mrs. Harry McMillan, Mrs. Alois Dussliere, Mrs.

Frank DeGheselle, Mrs. George Coakley and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. Mrs. Betty Wassell won the special prize.

On the serving committee were Mrs. Orville Maher, Mrs. Vna Frey, Mrs. Charles Almendinger and Mrs. Hoffstatter.

Next card party will be held Sept. 2. PICNIC POSTPONED Family picnic planned by the 54 Club of East Moline has been postponed from this coming Saturday to Saturday, Sept. 7. It will be held in Butterworth Park and will begin at 7 p.m.

Moline Dispatch Aug. 21, 1963 15 Neighborhood PTA Announces Programs, Names Chairmen for Year for his attempt to influence the decisions of the court. McGehee said that he (McGehee) was responsible for the administration of justice, not the production of revenue for the city. McGehee has been handling Silvis city court cases since the office of police magistrate was abolished by action of the State Legislature early 1 this summer. Until the new state judicial system goes into effect next Jan.

1, Silvis cases will I continue to be handled by McGehee, who is Hampton Twp. justice of the peace. Asks For Economy Ald. Vance Little, finance committee chairman, appealed to department heads and city officials to cut down on expenses as much as possible. An economy move is necessary, he said, in order that expenses can be met during the remainder of the year.

It was voted to pay the Bank of Silvis interest charges of .89 on a $50,000 note which the city has at the bank. Portions of the note are of long standing and payments on the principal of the note have been slowed down because of the rebate which the city has had to make to the railroad as a result of a court tax decision of last year. In other business, the Council approved a uniform electrical code. It is similar to one adopted by other area cities. It also was voted to purchase an air conditioner for the Council room.

Ald. Little voted "no" on the proposal. In Uniform RONALD BREEDEN BAD TOLZ, Germany Sp.4C. Ronald E. Breeden, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Breeden, 930 14th Silvis, was graduated from the Seventh U. S. Army Non-Commissioned Officer Academy at Bad Tolz, Germany, early in August. Breeden is a tank gunner in Troop 1st Reconnaissance Squadron of the 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment near Bayreuth, Germany.

He entered the Army in February 1961 and arrived overseas in July 1961. The 25-year-old soldier attended Port Byron High School. His wife, Marlene, is with him in Germany. Note Golden Anniversary REV. AND MRS.

The Rev. and Mrs. E. A. St.

Clair, of 1006 S. 14th Silvis, are observing their golden wedding anniversary today. A reception will be given for the Cuba Deploys Troops, Tanks On North Coast joins the Deere Co. property on the west have filed petitions in County Court objecting to the annexation of their property by the City of East Moline. In addition, an objection has been filed by Deere Co.

which has 279 acres of its total 666 acres in the area included in the petition. Objections filed by the group of eleven property owners were based on a statute which allows that tracts in excess of 10 acres may not be annexed by a municipality without consent of the property owners. East Moline, in its petition, is seeking to annex 1,895 acres of land, of which 1,445 acres are in South Moline Twp. and 450 acres are in Hampton Twp. HAVANA -Tanks, antiaircraft guns and troops are deploying along Cuba's sparsely defended north coast to guard against stepped-up hit-and-run attacks by anti-Castro raiders.

Mosque Collapses; 110 Indians Killed BOMBAY, India (AP)-Police reports reaching here today said at least 110 Moslem worshipers were killed and 68 injured in the collapse of a mosque Tuesday in the central Indian town of Yeotmal, 400 miles from Bombay. CARBON CLIFF Committee chairmen have been named by Mrs Frank Longueville, president of the Carbon Cliff-Barstow PTA to serve this school term. Mrs. Miles Walingford will serve as program chairman; Mrs. Charles Reed, hospitality: Mrs.

Mabel Badtke, ways and means; Mrs. Karl Schmidt, legis- To Ask for Another Stay For Miller CHICAGO (AP) Attorney George Leighton said today he will pursue another stay of execution for Lloyd E. Miller, 37, Canton, who is to be electrocuted Friday for murdering an 8-yearold girl in 1955. Leighton declined to elaborate on what grounds he will seek the stay. He said he and his staff "worked all night preparing our request" and added he felt that any "premature publication of our reasons might impede our work." Chruch Women Slate Dinner CLEVELAND Plans to sponsor the annual turkey dinner were made at a meeting of the St.

Teresa Circle of the St. Patrick's Catholic Church in the church hall last night. The dinner will be held Sunday, Oct. 27, in the church hall. Mrs.

James Donahoe is chairman of the dinner. Committee chairmen will be appointed at the next meeting. The next meeting will be Sept. 17 in the home of Mrs. Zulma Diericks.

not too ticklish, make Briskly rub a nugget of Wagtail dry dog food on your cheek. (A hand will do nicely if your cheek is unavailable for experiments.) Let your dog sniff. Watch what happens: you'll have one affectionate dog on your hands (or cheek). It works every time. (In our test- lation; Mrs.

Marion Reynolds, magazine; Mrs. Richard Sheley, summer round-up. Mrs. Frank Longueville, visiting nurse representative; Mrs. Ray Walker, mental health; Mrs.

Joe Guyer, Founders Day; Mrs. Lewis Needham, publicity; Mrs. Rue Weaver, music; Mrs. Robert Lineback, historian; Mrs. Lewis Fellows, chaplain.

Mrs. Ray Slonecker, 1 head room mother; Mrs. John Neubauer, high school service; Mrs. Joe Cantrell, membership. Mrs.

Jesse Crouch and Mrs. Jack Stafford were named council delegates. Programs for the year have been announced by the program chairman, Mrs. Wallingford. Supt.

Karl Keyes, teachers, school staff and board members will be introduced at the first meeting Sept. 10. Dr. Harry B. Johnson, dean of men at Augustana College, will present the program at the Oct.

8 meeting and Dr. Angela Hertada, staff director at the East Moline State Hospital, will speak Nov. 12. A Christmas program will be given at the Dec. 10 meeting.

On Jan. 14, Philip H. Mahoney, director of special services in the Moline school system, will speak. Founders Day will be observed Feb. 11 and the Rev.

Arthur Bray, chaplain at the East Moline State Hospital will present the program. A foreign student will speak at the April 14 meeting. Newly-elected officers will be installed at the May 12 meeting and perfect attendance awards presented. A family potluck supper will be held before the meeting. The theme for the year is, "Tomorrow Begins Today." this simple, Wagtail 'EM MAKES SECONDS Receives Grant Terence Mills, RR 1, Box 156, Coal Valley, has been awarded a national Science Foundation grant to study physics in an 8- week course at Georgetown University, Washington, D.

C. Mills, head of the physics department at Calvin Coolidge Junior High School, Moline, was one of six teachers in the United States to receive the grant under the National Defense Education Act. He received his master's degree from Western Illinois University, Macomb, prior to joining the faculty at Calvin Coolidge. Pack Committee Plans Activities Patients at Fair Patients at East Moline State Hospital were guests of the Rock Island County Fair and Rodeo during East Moline Day yesterday. The patients enjoyed the midway and the afternoon show in the grandstand.

The ferris wheel was a popular ride. Member Joins Barstow Fire Auxiliary Unit BARSTOW Mrs. Jerry Frenell joined the Barstow fire department Ladies Auxiliary at its meeting last night in the fire station. Plans were made to sponsor a backyard rummage sale October. Fire district residents have been asked to begin saving items they wish to donate for the sale.

A date will be set and plans completed at the next meeting. Proceeds frof the sale will go toward the purchase of fire equipment and equipment for the fire station. In other business, tentative plans were made to hold a community potluck dinner at 1 Sunday afternoon, Sept. 15, honoring Mr. and Mrs.

Rex Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Neils Hansen, who are moving from the community. The next meeting will be Sept. 17 in the fire station.

Man Shot After Argument at Iowa State Fair DES MCINES (AP) An argument that started at the Iowa State Fair has landed one man in jail and another in a hospital, gunshot wound in his abdomen. Donald Lee Parks, 25, of Des Moines, was reported in fair condition yesterday. He had been shot with a .22 caliber rifle. Carleton Kaye Kittleson, 26, of Decorah was being held in jail. The two were arrested after Larry R.

Wimber complained to police that the two men had broken down the door to his apartment and threatened to strike his wife, Bonnie. Wimber said he shot Parks. Wimber said he and his wife were with Parks, Kittleson, another man and three women at the fairgrounds early yesterday. He said he and Parks got into a an argument which led to several blows being struck. Parks and Kittleson, he said, showed up at the Wimber apartment about two hours later.

Family Reunions FRAZIER HAMPTON Forty members attended the second annual Frazier reunion Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKay in Hampton. Members were present from Des Moines, Camanache, Princeton, and Cedar Falls, and Kewanee. ALUMNI PICNIC SET COAL VALLEY Coal Valley Hight School alumni will hold its annual picnic at 4 Sunday afternoon in the Long View Park, Rock Island.

Former students in the Coal Valley High School and their families have been invited to attend. Each family is asked to bring a covered dish, beverage and its own table service. Coming Events Coal Valley Coal Valley First Presbyterian Church junior high youth fellowship group will meet at 7 Sunday evening in the church. If you're HAMPTON Members of the Hampton Cub Scout Pack 326 committee outlined the year's tivities for the pack at a meeting last night in the Hampton Methodist Church. Members were told the two dens in the pack have scheduled meetings after school Wednesday afternoon, Sept.

11. The committee set the next pack meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 8 at the church. Plans for the pack meeting will be made at the next committee meeting Tuesday evening, Sept. 24, in the church.

The Hampton Methodist Church sponsors the pack. dramatic test. E. A. ST.

CLAIR couple from 2 until 5 Sunday afternoon in the Moline Turners Hall. All relatives and friends are invited to call between those hours. The former Mattie Macklin and Mr. St. Clair were married Aug.

21, 1913, in Lewistown. They moved to this area 47 years ago. Mr. St. Clair is pastor of the Glorious Church of Jesus Christ in Silvis.

The couple has two sons, Roy Hopkins, and Ray Rock Island; and four daughters, Mrs. Louise Gates and Mrs. Ted Brown, both of Rock Island, Mrs. Arnold Liedtke, Moline, and Mrs. Jerry Mulry, Port Byron.

There are 18 grandchildren and one great grandson. VANDALISM REPORT Silvis police received a report last evening of damage, apparently done by vandals, to the men's rest room at Silvis Park. It was reported that a hole had been (knocked in a wall. ing laboratories we've had some mighty obnoxious characters licked by dogs.) Dogs go wild over Wagtail and the people they connect with it. We even had one co*cker spaniel who fell madly in love with a cat who had been rubbed with Wagtail..

The Dispatch from Moline, Illinois (2024)
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