Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (2024)

Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (1)

“Wholeness is not something you get, it’s something you remember.”

If you do a quick Google search, you could learn enough facts and talking points about the concepts of Divine Masculine and Feminine to get you through any dinner party conversation. You’d find information about how the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine have been present in various spiritual traditions and belief systems throughout history. You’d find lists explaining that Divine Masculine usually represents qualities like strength, action, logic, and rationality, while Divine Feminine represents qualities like intuition, nurturing, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

The last time I shared a series, Following the Stars, I shared how the most life-altering piece of information I received during my deep dive into astrology was learning about nodes, which revealed that this first part of my life, I’d been living out of “masculine energy,” and to receive the life that was meant for me, I would need to access my Divine “feminine energy.”

After some reading and discovery, the concept of masculine and feminine energy made so much sense to me and gave words to a truth I’d passively noticed.

See, each of us, no matter how we were made and what parents we were born to, were created because the genetic material– and the energies– of a man and a woman brought together. Regardless of how this union happens, the masculine material, the sperm, penetrates, enters, and gives. The feminine material, the egg, receives and then the woman continues to nurture and birth.

I’m not saying that you need a man and a woman to make a family. And I’m not saying that all men have Core Masculine energy and women have Core Feminine energy.

And every single human embodies both because we were created from both. You will identify as either a Core Feminine or a Core Masculine, no matter what your gender or sexual preference.

This energy framework gives language and understanding to how our heads and hearts, souls and bodies, ego and actualized selves can interact and come into balance. It’s like the legend on a map– it tells you how to read the map and interpret the landscape. When we understand how masculine and feminine energies play out in our lives, we can understand the landscape of our relationships and experiences.

So when I first learned about this way I could understand myself, I realized that although I identified as a Core Feminine, I had been operating for nearly 40 years internally from Masculine energy.

One of the first things that happened on this journey of uncovering my Divine Feminine was that, in October 2021, Brian and I made the impossible decision to legally separate. As much as we loved each other, as much as we wanted the story of what we had been sold– the dad, the mom, the kids, everyone living under the same roof– to be a reality, it became clear that neither Brian nor I could grow and heal while acting as husband and wife. When you’re raised the way we were, to believe that divorce wasn’t ever an option, choosing to separate felt like ultimate failure.

But we realized that we had two choices: we could look like we failed at our marriage to a bunch of people who weren’t actually in our relationship, or we could actually fail by knowingly holding each other back and making each other miserable when we knew we had the power to set each other free and love each other without condition.

At this point, Brian and I had been through the highest of highs and lowest of lows, hundreds of hard conversations, countless hours in therapy, and we still could not understand why two people who had devoted their lives to be together, who had brought three beautiful children into the world, who both were “good” people, with no ill intent, no deceit coming between us, and could honestly still see the best in one another… how could we keep missing it? Missing each other? Unintentionally hurting each other?

Up until this point, I knew there had to be a root issue, but I honestly couldn’t find it. Anywhere. My search for the answer was relentless. I had done everything I could.

Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (2)

And even though we hadn’t found the root issue, we knew the way we were currently operating was only further hurting one another. And we loved each other too much to continue. So even though we didn’t know exactly what the future held, and we didn’t know exactly what our future would look like, we had the most honest conversation, born 100% from a place of love and kindness, and decided to legally separate. And maybe, for the first time, we were able to truly love one another unconditionally.

Logistically, we were still living in Nashville, still under the same roof. We had just moved there and had signed a year-long lease, so we decided to use that time to try to figure things out slowly and purposefully, without the pressure of explaining ourselves to three kids, our family, friends, and the world. We waited months to tell our parents, and even longer before telling our friends. And finally, we told everyone else.

We may have been living under the same roof, but we were legally separated and more importantly, we were energetically separated. We had given one another full permission to do whatever the other person needed to do to try and find the root issue. Because a divorce is never about just one person. And we wanted to understand why we needed to be apart in order to be healthy.

Throughout this process, as I learned about Masculine and Feminine energies, I discovered that I’d been betraying my true core energy for decades, and…

It started when I read a book, Understand Women Better by Lorin Krenn. It was a quick read; I read it in one sitting. I felt relief like I can’t explain. I finished the last page and it made so much sense to me. I had found the root issue.

I gave the book to Brian and asked him to read it. I had never done that before so he knew it must have been important. I’ll never forget when he finished it. He walked into the room after the kids had fallen asleep. The book was in his hands. Tears were in his eyes. He looked at me and said, “I am so sorry.”

I said, “Me too.”

We both felt the sorrow that came with realizing that although Brian identifies as a Core Masculine and I identify as a Core Feminine, the environments we were exposed to growing up, the relationships we experienced in childhood, and the events that occurred throughout our lives had wounded Brian’s Masculine energy and wounded my Feminine energy, resulting in my operating primarily from my Masculine and he from his Feminine.

He had spent years feeling depressed, anxious, and immobilized. I had spent years feeling angry, resentful, and abandoned. We weren’t doing it to each other; we had called one another in. We had attracted each other. We had attracted a partner who embodied the things we didn’t receive growing up. We were unconsciously feeding our core wounds over and over again. Our protective, wounded selves had reached out to each other in a crowded room, and we were only realizing almost twenty years later that the more we healed, the less our energies could match up. Without knowing it, we had connected in brokenness, and we’d have to become energetically disconnected to find healing.

This is when we both realized all the therapy in the world will never help. We had, and still have, individual core wounds to heal. Being under the same roof was only going to continue feeding those wounds. I love Brian so much that I wanted to heal him. And as much as I wanted to do that for him, to save him, it was a bitter pill to swallow to realize because of my own unhealed wounds, I was actually the one that was harming him. And him with me.

It was the most difficult yet clear decision that at the end of our one year lease, we would indeed move into separate houses.

He needed to heal without me. I needed to heal without him.

For Mother’s Day that year, Brian asked me what I wanted. I said I wanted to attend a conference that Lorin Krenn was hosting. He was teaching on Embodying Divine Feminine Energy.

At that conference, Lorin helped me remove so much shame from operating nearly forty years in my masculine. He explained how it wasn’t my fault, and that we live in a society that prizes masculine energy, so women often do what I had done. We give and we give and we give.

So I thanked my masculine energy for all it had given me and protected me from, but I decided that I wanted the life God intended for me. I was ready to receive. And that’s when my work truly began– to take down, brick by brick, the protective walls I’d built to survive. I would look at them, examine them, and I would sit in that terrible, uncomfortable place of self-reflection until I recognized my true self, the Divine Feminine that was buried alive deep inside me.

And that’s where this discovery of Divine Femininity began. And that’s why I’ve been a little quiet over here. Over the past 18 months, my eyes have been opened. I am awake and I couldn’t go back to sleep if I wanted to. I have become so aware of humans, of their energy, of how so many of us are living totally out of balance. Instead of living out of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy, we’re living out of Wounded Masculine and Wounded Feminine energy.

And this is showing up in misalignment, sadness, confusion, purposelessness, relational bitterness and resentment. And we get stuck in patterns of trying to treat these things with books like Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and Love and Respect and going to counseling and couple’s therapy, but all of those are just trying to find ways to address the symptoms of a deeper problem. If there’s one thing about me, and you see it in my book, in my Ted Talk, and in my life: I’m going to dig a little deeper and get to the root issue.

Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (3)

And here’s what I believe the root issue is:

First, we were made for a life of ease and abundance. A life of nothing broken, nothing missing. A life of wholehearted companionship amongst ourselves, each other, and God. Is that not exactly what Eden was? And when we feel stuck and frustrated and broken, it’s because we’re living a life that’s the exact opposite of those things. A life of difficulty and limitation. A life of disjunction and want. A life of disunity and misalignment in ourselves, our relationships, and with God who lives inside of us.

Second, I believe that this misalignment and disjointedness is the result of favoring one energy over the other. Regardless of your gender, sexual expression, sexual preference, relationship status, etc. you favor either Masculine energy or Feminine. You’re either trying to recreate Eden through effort, force, logic, capability, or through nurturing, interdependency, people pleasing, or manipulation.

You could have daily hour-long couples’ therapy by the best therapists in the world, but it won’t do you a lick of good unless each person participating is operating from wholeness. This will only lead to further disappointment, feelings of failure, stress, depression, etc. Before we can even begin to repair relationships, we must go deep into the darkness of our own individual shadows in order to heal our God given energy.

Because God is Love. And we were made in God’s image, so we remember. In our bones and in our souls, we remember that energy of love because we’ve experienced it before. In our core, we know it. We know love deep, deep, deep down. When we can do the work to rediscover the energy of love and live rooted in love, we will live Heaven on Earth. We recreate that Eden.

That’s why life can feel so hellish sometimes. Hell is separate from Divine Love. Hell is living a life separate from what your soul knows to be true, what it remembers.

What I’ve learned over the past 18 months is how one perceives God is how they perceive themselves. A lot of people still associate God with shame, fear, and guilt. And this isn’t just true in the super Christian, evangelical, Bible-belty world I grew up in. Many of us get it wrong, and it tears us up.

So if those experiences of longing for a restored world, a life of ease, purpose, and alignment, of trying to fix symptoms of a deeper problem by just trying harder, of feeling stuck in the same situations having the same conflict in yourself and in your relationships, then it’s time to dig a little deeper and to heal into wholeness, remembering what you were made for and who you were meant to be.


It’s time to talk about Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.

And we’re all supposed to live in wholeness with both Masculine and Feminine energies, because we were made in the image of God and God is love and God fully embodies those energies.

Masculine and Feminine, at their best, are Divine, working in tandem, leading to wholeness and love. At worst, we embody the Wounded Masculine and Wounded Feminine, and we create a world where we force separation and opposition onto these two energies that should be working in unity.

When we have one without the other, it means that we have the Masculine creating dream lives without the emotional intelligence to enjoy it through receiving and relaxation. That life looks good, but the person living it lacks the ease to actually experience it and feel it.

At the same time, the Feminine is like a flag waving in the wind, totally detached from a flagpole. The Feminine can embody passion and creativity, but there is no room for the Feminine in the Masculine’s perfect world.

And remember, the Masculine isn’t necessarily a man and the Feminine isn’t always a woman. In my own experience and observations, however, most women are operating out of masculine energy because our world prizes masculinity. We’ve adapted a masculine posture to succeed in a world that wasn’t built for us, wasn’t built for wholeness, and now everyone is paying the price.

The truth is, my natural state is not to be all in my masculine. As much as I thought I wanted to set the vision, to create the plans, to take action, to prove, etc. Deep down, I didn’t want to be living in my masculine. I wanted to care and nurture, to be deeply devoted, to receive love and abundance. But I called in that masculine energy because I feared a lack of love. I felt a lack of tenderness. I felt a lack of kindness. I was driven to live in my Masculine because at some point in my life I created a story that I had to put up a hard shell, I had to wear a suit of armor. No one stood up for me emotionally. No one protected me emotionally. No one validated my emotions. I didn’t feel safe emotionally. A Mature Masculine makes his Feminine feel completely safe. This allows her to be wild and free. If one is surrounded by Wounded Masculines, the Feminine will have to attempt to provide that Masculine energy for herself. The armor was my hard defense. My attempt of never allowing myself to be harmed. My attempt of never allowing myself to be let down again. My Masculine energy completely took over. Because my Masculine energy is simply a defense mechanism that is only there to protect me.

So we go through life looking for experiences and relationships that confirm the identities we’ve built for ourselves, or that we’ve had to build to survive. The Masculine looks for relationships that won’t question or undermine their control and power, then wonder why no one in their lives is standing up for them or protecting them. The Feminine looks for relationships that take care of business and meet their needs so they can continue receiving and being passive.

In my own experience, learning this didn’t feel like condemnation, it felt like freedom. I was operating from my Masculine energy in my marriage. Brian from his Feminine energy. And when we saw lists of the Wounded Masculine v. Wounded Feminine traits, it felt so comforting. We knew that the ways we repeatedly hurt each other, the ways we kept missing each other, the ways we wanted more from each other, weren’t personal attacks, they were individual patterns.

I was constantly looking for Brian to defend and protect me, and I felt so hurt when he couldn’t or wouldn’t. I told myself he didn’t love me enough to protect me. But the truth is, from a very young age, I believed I wasn’t emotionally protected, seen, or understood. So I recreated that truth in all of my relationships. And I wasn’t going to give anyone a chance to risk my protection, to not see me, or to misunderstand me. So I was the protector. I was the achiever. I over-explained myself. There was no room for Brian in my reality because I needed to be enough for myself and for everyone around me. I needed to prove I was worthy. I didn’t want to give anyone a reason to leave or find fault. Because I wanted to ensure my own protection.

I didn’t know it on a conscious level, but something inside me figured if I don’t feel protected by Masculine energy in my life outside of me, I’ll create it inside me. This pulls me further away from my natural state. I used to wear my Masculinity as a badge of honor. But there is nothing honorable about living inauthentically.

I was tired of attracting relationships, romantic, platonic, work partnerships, that were passive. I was frustrated. Passivity does not make me feel safe. I was so tired of leading all the time. In fact, I just got home from a weekend in Dallas with my friends celebrating my birthday. When they asked me what I wanted I said, “to not make one single decision. I can’t remember the last time I traveled and wasn’t responsible for every decision, every dinner reservation, every source of entertainment, every confirmation email. You know what would make me feel the most loved? Having everything taken care of!”

Eighteen months ago, I knew I was tired of being the leader all the time. I was tired of being the one in most of my relationships making the effort– all I wanted was to be taken care of. Or at the very least, reciprocity. At the beginning of my journey these past 18 months, I resented that I had to be my own protector.

This is when Brian and I realized that we needed to separate. In order to find wholeness, we needed to break out of our harmful patterns. We needed to swap the Wounded for the Divine, so we could stop recreating the hurts we’d experienced in this world and start remembering the wholeness of the perfect ease we were created for.

And what we found, when we let go of expectation and embraced each other as we were, was real, true, unconditional love. Both for each other and for ourselves.

This kind of love requires radical honesty, self-awareness.

It means walking away from things that no longer serve us. It means stepping outside our comfort zone. It means unlearning all the things we were taught. It means reparenting ourselves. It means giving the child inside of us a voice and the space to finally be heard. It means realizing that each and every situation you’ve experienced you’ve called in for yourself because you have lessons to learn on your way to wholeness.

When you are asking for the good life, you are ultimately asking to be ripped away of the things that no longer serve you. Most of the time, we will experience the same heartache, the same disappointment over and over again and wonder why? It’s because God is trying to get us to learn the lesson because we’ve asked to learn the lesson. So God brings the lesson to us over and over again in many different ways, forms, through different people.

In order to get back to the love we were made for, we MUST be aligned. Alignment is our highest self, and it requires ripping off the mask we wear. It means no more acting. It means vulnerability. It means healing. It means facing our demons. It means no more avoiding.

My hope is that through this series, you will also be able to pinpoint some of your lessons that you were brought here to uncover, to hear from, so that you too may experience the life God brought you here to live. A life of pleasure and play. A life of ease. A life of love.

You simply surrender the parts of you that keep you from living in your natural being. Who you naturally are. Who you effortlessly are. Your natural essence. Your natural energy.


Our destiny is to live a life of ease through harmony and wholeness. When we arrive in this state, our soul power ignites and begins to effortlessly attract everything we need in our lives to be whole, happy, and complete.

You are both Masculine and Feminine. You are a soul in a human body. This means you were created to harness both. When you do, you experience wholeness. You experience heaven on earth.

That’s what the last 18 months have brought me. And it’s been worth it. I think you can see that.

But before ending up here, in joy and pleasure and play, I had to walk through a Dark Night of the Soul. And it was brutal, but also essential. I share more about that in the next blog.

Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (6)

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Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (7)

Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (8)

Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (9)

Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (10)

CHECK OUT THE FULL Uncovering Divine Femininity SERIES HERE:


Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Collection | Part 5

If you’ve read other posts in this series, you know that about a year into my 18 month return to the Divine Feminine, I had a breakdown. And I thought, “okay, this is officially rock bottom.” I had called in experiences that left me with only two choices: to break down and heal repeated cycles of hurt, or to just stay broken. I wanted to be broken down so that I could then be restored. And I was.

But first, I spent a couple of days on the floor weeping, and I remember feeling despair like I’d never known. My immediate reaction was the one I’d relied on over and over again throughout my life– even though I had worked hard for a year to uncover my Divine Feminine, but in this moment of despair, I wanted my Wounded Masculine energy back.

I wanted to put up walls and tell myself the other person is the problem.

It’s easier to do that.

Uncovering Divine Femininity: Flourishing in Divine Love | Part 4

My journey to uncovering my Divine Feminine started because of an imbalance in my relationship with Brian. Our wounded energies and unhealthy patterns revealed to both of us ways we needed to heal. In some ways, I wish we hadn’t had to hurt and harm each other to discover this, and in some ways, I’m so grateful that the person who got to see my woundedness the clearest was someone I trust and love as much as Brian.

Uncovering Divine Femininity: Returning to your Divine Self | Part 3

I remember watching Frozen II and crying in the movie theater because of how much I connected with Elsa as she waded through her Dark Night of the Soul. In the opening scene, she’s surrounded by her loved ones by a crackling fire, playing games, and instead of enjoying the intimacy, she’s distracted by a voice that’s calling her into something new. No one else hears the voice, but to her, it’s the realest thing she’s ever heard.

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Jessica Zimmerman

uncovering divine femininity series, masculine wound, feminine wound, divine love, divine feminine, masculine energy, feminine energy, awakening, spiritual growth, spiritual awakening, divine femininity, divine masculinity, twin flame, twin flame journey, Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies, UDF 1


Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies | Part 1 — Jessica Zimmerman (2024)


What is the divine masculine and feminine energy? ›

You'd find lists explaining that Divine Masculine usually represents qualities like strength, action, logic, and rationality, while Divine Feminine represents qualities like intuition, nurturing, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

How do you balance divine masculine and feminine energy? ›

How to Have Harmony
  1. Yoga. One of the primary goals of yoga is to bridge the gap between the masculine and feminine. ...
  2. Meditation.
  3. Laughter.
  4. Let yourself be in a relationship. This is a great way to practice surrender and openness. ...
  5. Always have something to be excited about. ...
  6. Get into nature.
  7. Practice intuitive writing.
May 20, 2020

How do you unlock divine femininity? ›

Make pleasure your priority.

Your body is a temple and should be treated as such. Do things that feel good physically. Pleasures related to feminine energy are massages, yoga, low-impact training, dance and free-movement. Alongside this, allow time for self care and pampering.

What is the concept of the divine feminine? ›

The divine feminine is the feminine aspect of the divine power that connects and binds the Earth. She is the goddess energy that exists within all of us. Many ancient cultures had a divine feminine concept. The Egyptians had Isis; the Greeks had Aphrodite; and the Hindus had Shakti.

Why is divine feminine so powerful? ›

The divine feminine energy allows for personal growth due to its connection between oneself and nature and its ability to access one's innermost self so one may learn more about who they are beyond societal expectations or norms placed upon them by others.

What chakra is divine feminine? ›

The sacral chakra, located around the pelvis and hips

This chakra is commonly married to creation and play. A connection in this area supports the Divine Feminine's desire to be in a constant state of fluid creation.

What happens when you awaken your divine feminine? ›

The result of awakening and energizing our sacred feminine energy is apparently a heightened feeling of presence and of being empathically connected to others, regardless of our gender. Sally says it's a life-changing and dynamic process.

How do I activate divine masculine energy? ›

When you think about applying masculine energy to your daily routine, think about pleasure, adventure, and risk-taking. Set boundaries with friends, book that solo vacation or ask the person you've been crushing on out on a date.

How do I reclaim divine feminine energy? ›

How Can You Activate the Driving Feminine Energy Within?
  1. Move your body… ...
  2. Spend more time in nature, observing the beauty of mother nature, the truest Divine Feminine.
  3. Get comfortable RECEIVING, get into a receptive energy.
  4. Soften, flow… ...
  5. Do what makes you feel good.
  6. Dress in a way that makes you feel strong and confident.
Feb 9, 2023

How do you know if you are divine feminine? ›

But, to anyone looking closely enough, it is very easy to distinguish between a Divine Feminine who has traversed the deepest parts of herself and has reached the other side able to emanate healing light and offer alchemizing wisdom for all in proximity to her, and a Feminine who preaches “101 ways to stay positive.” ( ...

How do you know if your feminine energy is blocked? ›

One of the critical signs of blocked feminine energy is a noticeable lack of flow and flexibility in life. Instead of moving with the natural rhythms of life, there's a sense of being stuck, of struggling against the current.

What is dark femininity? ›

If you feel guilty for expressing your desires openly, then entering your dark feminine era means being assertive. In general, dark feminine traits are not far from being dominant, fearless, mysterious, and, most of all, seductive.

How to invoke feminine energy? ›

7 Ways to embrace your femininity and unleash your inner goddess
  1. Get your body moving. ...
  2. Allow time for grounding, healing, and balancing your energy. ...
  3. Spend time with other women. ...
  4. Treat yourself to some retail therapy. ...
  5. Make your own self-care a priority. ...
  6. Book a day for pampering. ...
  7. Do things that spark your creativity.
Jan 29, 2024

How to unblock feminine energy? ›

To unblock your feminine energy, start practicing gratitude and acknowledge the abundance that already exists in your life. You could also engage in acts of self-care, such as taking a relaxing bath or treating yourself to a massage, to help you connect with your feminine energy and allow yourself to receive.

What is the number for the divine feminine? ›

Then there is 13 – a divinely feminine number. Why? Well, in part because it is the number of moon cycles each year and our cycles as women flow with those 13 moon cycles. The moon itself represents feminine energy and is connected to, and can have a pull on the emotions and sensitivities of humanity.

Can you be a female and a divine masculine? ›

Since neither the Divine Feminine nor the Divine Masculine are gender-specific, that means that all genders have full rights and access to both femininity and masculinity. A man can be feminine and a woman can be masculine. Any gender may express both Energies according to the nature of their essences.

What are the characteristics of masculine and feminine energy? ›

Masculine energy is characterized by DOING and achieving and is molded by logic and reason. The feminine is more intuitive, oriented towards receiving and allowing, and characterized by BEING. When these energies are balanced, we experience a greater sense of harmony and fulfillment.

What is it called when you have masculine and feminine energy? ›

We call it “Greater Yin.” Yin refers to the feminine energies in life, and yang refers to the masculine energies in life. Giving is an action of our divine masculine, and receiving is an action of our divine feminine, and a balance of both energies is when we feel harmonious within.

What symbolizes divine feminine energy? ›

It's the ease that balances out the control, the moon that pulls the tides while the sun warms the earth. “The Divine Feminine is a non-denominational concept and self-exploration that restores a balance to our worship and spiritual practices.” Maybe she embodies a woman, a moon, a chalice, or a lush garden.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.