What is 100 DAYS | 100daysofsketching (2024)

What is 100 DAYS | 100daysofsketching (1)

'100 days of sketching' is a simple yet effective challenge aimed at improving your art and drawing skills.

Its strengthlies in its simplicityand its sustainability.

Get ready to improve your artsyabilities

in 100 days.

but why 6 minutes?

What is 100 DAYS | 100daysofsketching (3)

Getting good at drawing is all about mileage!

The more you draw, the better you are going to get at it.

And to make the habit of drawing consistentlyeasier,

we are going to tackle it in chunks.

Hence, the 6 minutes. When you are starting something new, the resistance of doing that thing is going to be pretty damn high

(Remember the time you madea New Years' Resolution to exercise or get healthy!)

And that very resistance is what that stops us from doing that thing.

But humans are learning and growing machines. When we expose ourselves to

small chunks of those resistance on a consistent basis, we get better at dealing with it.

So that's what we are doing here, we are exposing ourselves to the habit of drawing everyday in bite sized pieces to turn it into a consistenthabit.

And once something is a habit,

it's easy to follow though on thatbehaviour.

why do this challenge

  • To gain the habit of drawingconsistently

  • To add mileage to your skills

  • To improve your skills in a rapid way within a short period of time

  • To create over 100 pieces of work that reflects your position as an artist.

  • Finally, to grow as a creator by starting and finishing somethingmeaningful

What is 100 DAYS | 100daysofsketching (4)

Here are a few reasons why you should try this

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What is 100 DAYS | 100daysofsketching (2024)


What is the 100 day drawing challenge? ›

Sketch / draw everyday for 100 days. Sketch / draw for at least 6 minutes a day during those 100 days. On the days that you feel like it, Draw your hearts out. on the days that you don't, just draw for 6 minutes.

Is 100 days of code worth it? ›

If you're a beginner, I genuinely believe you should buy this course. It takes you from beginner to advanced not only in Python, but in other coding aspects as well. I underwent a tremendous identity shift after taking this course — because it made learning fun. And fun it is.

Is the Angela Python course good? ›

It has over 1.1 million students and 4.7/5 stars from 173,000 reviews. It normally costs $140 USD, but Udemy has almost weekly sales so you can pick it up for $20 USD pretty easily. Dr. Yu is an excellent teacher, and the course goes deep into Python, taking you from “a zero to a hero”.

What is the 100 days challenge? ›

The 100 Days of Running challenge is a virtual event in which participants are required to run or walk a minimum distance of 2 kilometres per day for 100 consecutive days. To be considered an event finisher, participants must complete at least 40 days of the challenge.

What are the rules for the 100 day challenge? ›

The 100 day challenge is pretty simple, draw everyday for 100 days for at least 6 minutes a day. As simple as that!

What is the 100 days of code challenge? ›

(I've written a detailed history of #100DaysOfCode if you're curious.) Here's how the challenge works. There are just 2 simple rules: You commit to coding for at least 1 hour each day – and then posting about it – for 100 consecutive days.

What is 100 days of Python? ›

100 days, 1 hour per day, learn to build 1 project per day, this is how you master Python. At 60+ hours, this Python course is without a doubt the most comprehensive Python course available anywhere online. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to professional.

What is the first thing you should learn to draw? ›

Basic drawing skills include simplifying shapes, drawing contours, and understanding light and shade. Learning to break down complicated shapes into the simplest forms and rebuilding them, will result in accurate proportions and perspective.

What are the rules for the 100 day art challenge? ›

What is the 100 day project? The 100 day project is a creative challenge that anyone and everyone can join. There are no rules or expectations other than to create for 100 days and if you miss a day or even more, that's ok. Choose a project that suits you and getting creating!

What is the 100 Day art project? ›

The main idea is to do something creative every day for 100 days. You can make 100 finished objects or you can work on one larger project made up of 100 smaller pieces. Or you can make 10 things that take 10 days each to complete. Remember, it's your project so it's completely up to you how you want to structure it!

What is the #100daychallenge? ›

#The100DayProject is a free, global art project that takes place online. Every year, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100 days of creating. Anyone can participate (yes, that means you!). Save the date: the next round of the project starts.

What are the rules for the 100 faces challenge? ›

The idea is simple: draw 100 heads, either from reference or from your imagination. The goal is not necessarily to create 100 perfect drawings, but to push yourself to draw consistently and to improve your skills along the way. I myself am currently 1/3 of the way through the #meds100heads challenge.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.